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MUC1 mucin expressed in epithelial cancer, such as prostate and breast, is aberrantly glycosylated providing unique targets for imaging and therapy. In order to create a broadly applicable construct to target these unique epitopes on metastatic cancer, we selected an antibody fragment (scFv) that binds both synthetic MUC1 core peptide and epithelial cancer cell-expressed MUC1, and developed a recombinant bivalent molecule (di-scFv). Genetically engineered modifications of the di-scFv were constructed to create five molecular versions, each having a free cysteine (di-scFv-c) at different locations for site-specific conjugation. The effects of the engineered cysteine in the varied sites were studied relative to tumor binding and polyethylene glycol-maleimide (PEG-Mal) conjugation (PEGylation). Escherichia coli production as well as binding to MUC1 core peptide, human tumor cell lines and human tumor biopsies, were comparable. However, the location of the engineered cysteine in these di-scFv-c did influence PEGylation efficiency of this free thiol; higher PEGylation efficiency occurred with this cysteine in the inter-scFv linkage. Di-scFv-c PEG, with the cysteine engineered after the fifth amino acid in the linker, was used as an example to demonstrate comparable antigen-binding to non-PEGylated di-scFv-c. In summary, novel anti-MUC1 di-scFv-c molecules can be efficiently produced, purified and conjugated by site-specific PEGylation without loss of immunoreactivity, thus providing flexible multidentate constructs for cancer-targeted imaging and therapy.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of a four residue insertion intothe FR3 loop of the heavy chain variable region from the anti-NPantibody Bl-8. The insertion mutant is obtained as secretedantibody without major defects in biosynthesis, indicating thatantibody variable domains can accommodate length variation notonly in complementarity determining regions (CDRs), but alsoin framework region (FR) loops. The Bl-8 antigen binding siteis not affected by the change in a neighbouring loop. FR3 insertionsrepresent a new method of antibody engineering with a potentialto obtain strong antigen binding by designing additional antigencontacting residues.  相似文献   

The extracellular lipase from Penicillium camembertii has uniquesubstrate specificity restricted to mono- and diglycerides.The enzyme is a member of a homologous family of lipases fromfilamentous fungi. Four of these proteins, from the fungi Rhizomucormiehei, Humicola lanuginosa, Rhizopus delemar and P.camembertii,have had their structures elucidated by X-ray crystallography.In spite of pronounced sequence similarities the enzymes exhibitsignificant differences. For example, the thermo-stability ofthe P.camembertii lipase is considerably lower than that ofthe H.lanuginosa enzyme. Since only the P.camembertii enzymelacks the characteristic long disulfide bridge, correspondingto Cys22–Cys268 in the H.lanuginosa lipase, we have engineeredthis disulfide into the former enzyme in the hope of obtaininga significantly more stable fold. The properties of the doublemutant (Y22C and G269C) were assessed by a variety of biophysicaltechniques. The extra disulfide link was found to increase themelting temperature of the protein from 51 to 63°C. However,no difference is observed under reducing conditions, indicatingan intrinsic instability of the new disulfide. The optimal temperaturefor catalytic activity decreased by 10°C and the optimumpH was shifted by 0.7 units to more acidic.  相似文献   

Many proteins have been predicted to contain domains with immunoglobulin-Iikefolds and hence to be members of the immunoglobulin superfamily(IgSF). However, several members lack the Cys residues capableof forming the disulphide bond that forms a characteristic bridgebetween the ß sheets in the Ig fold, e.g. domain 1of the lymphocyte antigen CD2. The assignment of ßstrands in CD2 by sequence analysis was tested by attemptingto introduce a disulphide bridge between the ß sheetsby mutating two residues in the relevant positions to Cys. Mutant,soluble forms of CD2 were expressed in Chinese hamster ovarycell lines and amino add sequencing showed that a disulphidebond was formed as predicted, but not in the control where oneCys residue was misplaced by four residues. Evidence that bothmutated molecules folded correctly is given by the indistinguishablebinding of three monoclonal antibodies recognising differentepftopes on CD2. The 3-D structure of rat CD2 domain 1 has beendetermined by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography, confirmingthe predictions from the sequence. Applications of this methodof insertion of disulphide residues for probing protein structuresare discussed, together with other structures of IgSF domainslacking the typical inter-sheet disulphide bond.  相似文献   

Sulfolobus solfataricus protein disulphide oxidoreductase (SsPDO)contains three disulphide bridges linking residues C41XXC44,C155XXC158, C173XXXXC178. To get information on the role playedby these cross-links in determining the structural and functionalproperties of the protein, we performed site-directed mutagenesison Cys residues and investigated the changes in folding, stabilityand functional features of the mutants and analysed the resultswith computational analysis. The reductase activity of SsPDOand its mutants was evaluated by insulin and thioredoxin reductaseassays also coupled with peroxiredoxin Bcp1 of S. solfataricus.The three-dimensional model of SsPDO was constructed and correlatedwith circular dichroism data and functional results. Biochemicalanalysis indicated a key function for the redox site constitutedby Cys155 and Cys158. To discriminate between the role of thetwo cysteine residues, each cysteine was mutagenised and thebehaviour of the single mutants was investigated elucidatingthe basis of the electron-shuffling mechanism for SsPDO. Finally,cysteine pK values were calculated and the accessible surfacefor the cysteine side chains in the reduced form was measured,showing higher reactivity and solvent exposure for Cys155.  相似文献   

Introduction of the extension region of beta-conglycinin alpha' subunit at the C-terminus of proglycinin A1aB1b results in the improvement of its emulsifying properties. To understand the basic for such improvement, we introduced the alpha' and alpha extension regions to the A2B1a C-terminus, and the alpha extension and A5A4B3 hypervariable regions, and an oligopeptide composed of 20 negatively or positively charged residues to the A1aB1b C-terminus, creating A2B1aalpha', A2B1aalpha, and A1aB1balpha, A1aB1bA4IV, A1aB1bNeg and A1aB1bPos, respectively. All the modified versions were produced in Escherichia coli. Their molecular size, thermal stability, surface hydrophobicity, solubility and emulsifying ability were studied. Analyses of molecular size and thermal stability suggested that all the modified versions formed the proper conformation similar to that of the wild type (WT). Solubility was intrinsic to each mutant. At ionic strength 0.5, the emulsifying abilities of all mutants were better than that of the WT except A1aB1bPos and A1aB1bNeg, and at ionic strength 0.08, all mutants especially A1aB1bPos exhibited better emulsifying ability than did the WT. The order of stability of the emulsion at both ionic strengths (0.08 and 0.5) was A1aB1balpha >or= A2B1aalpha > A1aB1balpha' >or= A2B1aalpha' > A1aB1bPos > A1aB1bA4IV >or= A1aB1bNeg > A1aB1b, A2B1a. These results indicate that the emulsion stability of proglycinin mutants depends on length and hydropathy profile of the polypeptides added to the C-terminus of proglycinin.  相似文献   

Californium-252 plasma desorption mass spectrometry (PDMS) hasbeen employed for the characterization of a series of humaninsulin derivatives in order to evaluate the performance ofthis technique as an analytical tool in protein engineering.Several of the characterized modifications result in a 1 a.m.u.mass change. The precision in mass determination obtainableby PDMS analysis is not sufficient for unambiguous verificationof such modifications based on the molecular weight alone. Itis, however, possible to carry out in situ enzymatic digestionof the sample. Subsequent PDMS analysis will in most cases revealif the modification has been introduced as intended.  相似文献   

The Fab region of an IgG2b antibody (AM7B2.1) reactive to theherbicide atrazine was cloned into a plasmid vector using thepolymerase chain reaction and two sets of degenerate oligonucleotideprimers designed to mimic the amino acid variation at the N-terminiof L-chains and TH-chains. These primers also provide a secretionsignal fused precisely to the antibody gene sequence for secretionof the mature antibody. A further set of universal oligonucleotideprimers was developed for the direct sequencing of the VH andCm regions of B-chains and the VL and CL regions of L-chainswithout subcloning and were used to determine the sequence ofthis antibody. The L-chain was found to not possess a conservedCys residue at position 23 and the implications of this observationare discussed. The cloned genes were expressed in Escherichiacoli using a commercially available T7 RNA polymerase-basedplasmid. The clones were also expressed in a 17 RNA polymerasebasedsystem containing an attenuated version of the T7 RNA polymerasepromoter, plus a lac promoter placed in an antisense orientation,to enhance plasmid stability. The expressed products were confirmedas atrazine reactive by binding to an atrazine derivative conjugatedwith alkaline phosphatase.  相似文献   

A number of mutations have been shown previously to stabilizeT4 lysozyme. By combining up to seven such mutations in thesame protein, the melting temperature was incrementally increasedby up to 83°C at pH 5.4 (G = 3.6 kcal/mol). This shows thatit is possible to engineer a protein of enhanced thermostabilityby combining a series of rationally designed point mutations.It is also shown that this stabilization is achieved with onlyminor, localized changes in the structure of the protein. Thisis consistent with the observation that the change in stabilityof each of the multiple mutants is, in each case, additive,i.e. equal to the sum of the stability changes associated withthe constituent single mutants. One of the seven substitutions,Asn116 Asp, changes a residue that participates in substratebinding; not surprisingly, it causes a significant loss in activity.Ignoring this mutation, there is a gradual reduction in activityas successively more mutations are combined.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulins bind antigens and express individual antigenicspecificities mainly through residues located in hypervariableloops of their N-terminal domains. Hyper-variable loops arekept in place by a molecular scaffold organized in a sandwich-likestructure with two ß-sheets stabilized by a disulfidebridge (the immunoglobulin fold). This structural feature, togetherwith the possibility of obtaining high level expression, extracellularsecretion, easy purification and stability of the protein product,render immunoglobulin an ideal ‘molecular vehicle’for the expression of exogenous peptides. Here we report onthe engineering of an immunoglobulin expressing an exogenousepitope, the repetitive tetrapeptide Asn-Ala-Asn-Pro (NANP)3.By recombinant DNA techniques, we inserted three copies of thetetrapeptide (NANP)3 in the third hypervariable loop (D region)of an immunoglobulin heavy chain variable domain. We show thatthe engineered antibody was properly assembled and secreted.A panel of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, including anti-syntheticpeptides and anti-(NANP)n antibodies, were used to study themolecular configuration of the engineered domain's surface.The results indicate that (i) the exogenous sequence did notappreciably alter the overall fold of the variable domain; and(ii) the inserted epitope folded with a configuration immuno-logicallysimilar to the one assumed in the native protein, suggestingthat short- and medium- rather than long-range interactionsstabilized the structure of the (NANP)3 peptide in the foldedprotein. We propose this system for the expression of peptidicsequences, and their structural and functional analysis.  相似文献   

In order to achieve a stable and functional immobilization ofantibodies, we investigated the possibility of adding hydrophobicmembrane anchors to antibody fragments expressed in Escherichiacoli. The DNA sequence encoding the signal peptide and the nineN-terminal amino add residues of the major lipoprotein of E.coliwas fused to the sequence of an anti-2-phenyloxazolone single-chainFv antibody fragment [Takkinen et al. (1991) Protein Engng,4, 837–841]. The expression of the fusion construct inE.coli resulted in specific accumulation of an immunoreactive28 kDa polypeptide. Unlike the unmodified single-chain Fv fragment,the fusion protein was cell-associated, labelled by [3H]palmitatewhich is indicative of the presence of N-terminal lipid modification,partitioned into the detergent phase upon Triton X-114 phaseseparation and was localized predominantly in the bacterialouter membrane. The fusion antibody displayed specific 2-phenyloxazolone-bindingactivity in the membranebound form and after solubilizationwith non-ionic detergents. Furthermore, upon removal of detergentthe fusion antibody was incorporated into proteoliposomes whichdisplayed specific hapten-binding activity. Our results showthat antibodies can be converted to membrane-bound proteinswith retention of antigen-binding properties by introductionof lipid anchors during biosynthesis. This approach may proveuseful in the design of immunoliposomes and immunosensors.  相似文献   

Based on protein sequence databank (PIR), the ‘variablefragment’ bank, comprising pairs of closely-related proteins,containing one or more strongly differing sites of primary structures,was formed. The bank includes 465 ‘variable fragments’in 383 protein pairs. The amino acid composition of ‘variablefragments’ was examined and indices of potential aminoacid residue variability were formed. An analysis of the interchangeabilityof amino acid fragments depending on the substitution site (N-or C-terminal, or middle part of a chain), the fragment lengthdifferences and physico-chemical properties of residues, suchas volume, hydrophobicity, polarity and isoelectric point, wascarried out. Based on this analysis some general empirical rulesof peptide insertions in carrier proteins were created. Therules are directed at performing modifications leaving the generalstructure and function of the carrier protein molecule unchanged.The selection scheme for the regions suitable for modificationand the criteria for determination of the range of acceptablevariations in these regions were suggested. The use of the potentialvariability profile for detecting regions suitable for peptideinsertion was considered using surface protein of hepatitisB virus as an example.  相似文献   

Aspergillus glucoamylase catalyzes hydrolysis of D-glucose fromnon-reducing ends of starch with an {small tilde}300-fold {k^JKm) preference for the a-1,4- over the a-l,6-glucosidic linkagedetermined using the substrates maltose and iso-maltose. Itis postulated that as most amylolytic enzymes act on eitherthe a-1,4- or a-l,6-linkages, sequence comparison between active-siteregions should enable the correlation of the substrate bondspecificity with particular residues at key positions. Therefore,the already high bond-type selectivity in Aspergillus glucoamylasecould theoretically be augmented further by three single mutations,Serll9 Tyr, Glyl83 Lys and Serl84 His, in two separate active-siteregions. These mutants all had slight increases in activityas compared with the wild-type enzyme towards the a-l,4-linkedmaltose; this was due to lower Km values as well as small decreasesin activity towards isomaltose. This latter decrease in activitywas a result of higher Km values and a decrease in fc^, forthe Serl84 His mutant As a consequence, the selectivity of thethree glucoamylase mutants for a-1,4- over a-l,6-linked disaccharidesis enhanced 2.3- to 3.5-fold. In addition, the introductionof a cationic side chain in Glyl83 Lys and Serl84 His glucoamylase,broadens the optimal pH range for activity towards acidic aswell as alkaline conditions.  相似文献   

In an attempt to design immunogens that elicit broadly HIV-neutralizing antibodies, we recently engineered monomeric HIV-1 gp120 to bind preferentially b12, a broadly neutralizing antibody to the CD4-binding site (CD4bs) on gp120, by mutating four central residues in the CD4bs to alanine and introducing extra N-glycosylation sites potentially to mask unwanted B-cell epitopes. Despite the favorable antigenicity of this mutant, it harbors two potential caveats that may limit its effectiveness to elicit b12-like antibodies: (i) b12-binding affinity is reduced relative to wild-type gp120 and (ii) binding of some non-neutralizing antibodies to the N-terminal C1 region of gp120 is still observed. Here, we sought to correct these potential limitations. By reverting one of the added N-glycosylation sites on the gp120 core, b12 binding was improved without affecting the epitope-masking properties of the original mutant. Furthermore, truncation of the gp120 N-terminus eliminated binding of the anti-C1 antibodies. Finally, based on the binding profiles of additional non-neutralizing antibodies tested here, further N-glycosylation sites were incorporated to mask their corresponding epitopes. The resulting hyperglycosylated gp120 variants bind b12 and another broadly neutralizing antibody, 2G12, with apparent affinities approaching that of wild-type gp120, but do not bind 21 non- or weakly neutralizing antibodies to seven different epitopes on gp120. These hyperglycosylated variants expand our panel of glycoengineered gp120s that are currently being evaluated for their ability to elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

Chemical conjugation of small recombinant proteins with polyethylene glycol (PEG) is an established strategy to extend their typically short circulation times to a therapeutically useful range. We have investigated the production of a genetic fusion with a glycine-rich homo-amino-acid polymer (HAP) as an alternative way to attach a solvated random chain with large hydrodynamic volume. The anti-HER2 Fab fragment 4D5 was used as a model system and fused with either 100 or 200 residue polymers of the repetitive sequence (Gly(4)Ser)(n) to its light chain. Both fusion proteins were successfully produced in the periplasm of Escherichia coli and obtained as homogeneous preparations after two-step affinity chromatography via the His(6) tag fused to the heavy chain and the Strep-tag II fused to the extended light chain. Both modified Fab fragments showed binding activity towards the HER2 antigen indistinguishable from the conventional recombinant Fab fragment. When compared with the unfused Fab fragment, a significantly increased hydrodynamic volume, by ca. 120%, was observed during gel filtration for the 200 residue HAP fusion protein and, to a lesser extent, in the case of the 100 residue HAP. Difference CD measurements revealed a characteristic random coil spectrum for the 100 and 200 residue HAP fusion moieties. Finally, pharmacokinetic experiments were carried out in mice after radioiodination of the recombinant Fab fragments. Although the 100 residue HAP fusion showed a behavior very similar to the unfused Fab fragment, with a terminal plasma half-life of ca. 2 h, the 200 residue HAPylated Fab fragment gave rise to a significantly prolonged half-life of ca. 6 h. While this moderate effect may so far be most beneficial for specialized medical applications, such as in vivo imaging, the genetic engineering of optimized HAP sequences should yield pharmacokinetic properties similar to PEGylation, yet without necessitating in vitro modification steps.  相似文献   

We propose a novel approach to the selection of Escherichia coli bacterial strains improved for the production of recombinant functional proteins. This approach is based on aggregation-induced toxicity of recombinant proteins. We show that selection of clones displaying a reduced toxicity is an efficient means of isolating bacteria producing recombinant protein with reduced aggregation in favour of correct folding. For an efficient selection, we found that time of toxicity induction must be precisely determined and recombinant protein must be expressed as a fusion with a protein whose activity is easily detectable on plates, thus allowing elimination of non-productive mutants. Choosing the expression to the periplasmic space of an scFv fragment fused to the N-terminus of alkaline phosphatase as a model, we selected chromosomal mutations that reduce aggregation-induced toxicity and showed that they concomitantly improve production of a functional recombinant hybrid. The effects of the mutations isolated could then be cumulated with those of other strategies used for recombinant scFv production. Thus, we could ensure a 6- to 16-fold increase in production of a functional scFv-PhoA hybrid. This is the first report demonstrating the possibility of directly selecting on agar plates E.coli strains improved for functional recombinant protein production from a large bacterial mutant library.  相似文献   

The facile detection and purification of a recombinant proteinwithout detailed knowledge about its individual biochemicalproperties constitutes a problem of general interest in proteinengineering. The use of a novel kind of random peptide libraryfor the stepwise engineering of a C-terminal fusion peptidewhich confers binding activity towards streptavidin is describedin this study. Because of its widespread use as part of a varietyof conjugates and other affinity reagents, streptavidin constitutesthe binding partner of choice both for detection and purificationpurposes. The streptavidin-affinity tag was engineered at theC-terminus of the VH domain as part of the D1.3 Fv fragmentwhich was functionally expressed in Escherichia coli. Irrespectiveof whether it was displayed by the VH or the VL domain, theoptimized version of the affinity peptide termed ‘Strep-tag’allowed the detection of the Fv fragment both on Western blotsand in ELISAs by a streptavidin–alkaline phosphatase conjugate.In addition, the one-step purification of the intact Fv fragmentcarrying a single Strep-tag at the C-terminus of only one ofits domains was achieved by affinity chromatography with streptavidin-agaroseusing very mild elution conditions.  相似文献   

Using the well-characterized antibody McPC603 as a model, wehad found that the Fv fragment can be isolated from Escherichiacoli as a functional protein in good yields, whereas the amountof the correctly folded Fab fragment of the same antibody producedunder identical conditions is significantly lower. In this paper,we analyse the reasons for this difference. We found that avariety of signal sequences function in the secretion of theisolated chains of the Fab fragment or in the co-secretion ofboth chains in E.coli. The low yield of functional Fab fragmentis not caused by inefficient expression or secretion in E.coli,but by inefficient folding and/or assembly in the periplasm.We compared the folding yields for the Fv and the Fab fragmentin the periplasm under various conditions. Several diagnosticframework variants were constructed and their folding yieldsmeasured. The results show that substitutions affecting cis-prolineresidues and those affecting various disulphide bonds in theprotein are by themselves insufficient to dramatically changethe partitioning of the folding pathway to the native structure,and the cause must lie in a facile aggregation of folding intermediatescommon to all structural variants. However, all structural variantscould be obtained in native form, demonstrating the generalutility of the secretory expression strategy.  相似文献   

A new phosphoglycerate kinase over-expression vector, pYE-PGK,has been constructed which greatly facilitates the insertionand removal of mutant enzyme genes by cleavage at newly introducedBamtHI sites. This vector has been used to prepare mutant proteinin appreciable (100 mg) quantities for use in kinetic, crystaUographicand NMR experiments. Aspartate 372 is an invariant amino acidresidue in genes known to code for a functionally active PGK.The function of this acidic residue appears to be to help desolvatethe magnesium ion compfexed with either ADP or ATP when thissubstrate binds to the enzyme. Both crystallographk and nuclearmagnetic resonance experiments show that the replacement ofthe residue with asparagine has only minimal effects on theoverall structure. The substitution of the charged carboxylgroup with that of the neutral amide affects the binding ofthe nucleotide substrate as predicted but not, as might havebeen expected, the binding of 3-phospho-glycerate. The overallvelocity of the enzymic reaction (Vmax) is reduced 10-fold bythe substitution of aspartic acid 372 by an asparagine residue(D372N). This reduction in Vmax is considerably less than onewould expect from its known position within the structure ofthe enzyme. This result therefore poses questions about ourunderstanding of charged groups at the active centres of enzymesand of the reason for their apparent conservation.  相似文献   

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