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基于电弧喷涂的快速钢基模具制造   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
研究了利用电弧喷涂方法制造钢基模具的具体方法.详细分析了制模工艺所涉及的诸多技术问题,如材料的选择、RP纸型设计、硅橡胶模的制作工艺、陶瓷型的翻制工艺及电弧喷涂工艺参数选择等问题.通过冷冻实验,分析了硅溶胶对陶瓷型表面质量的影响,解决了陶瓷型表面缺陷的问题;通过烧结实验,验证了硅溶胶在陶瓷型中的粘结作用;通过喷涂实验,证明了应用电弧喷涂方法制造钢基模具的合理性.从而证明该工艺方法能实现钢基模具的快捷、低成本制造.  相似文献   

汽车是更新换代最快的产品之一,在新车型研发过程中,对其制约最大的因素之一就是覆盖件模具。一般来说,每生产一种新车型需要更新覆盖件模具1000多套,内饰件模具200多套,价值约2-3亿元。而且,模具的研发速度也决定了新车型的上市周期,欧美推出一种新车型需要48个月,日本需要30个月,其中模具设计与制造大约占2/3的时间。近年来,  相似文献   

针对复制中间模——陶瓷母模的制作过程,研究了电弧喷涂制作汽车覆盖件模具的工艺流程、方法及关键技术.通过对不同粒度的Al2O3粉末进行对比实验,分析了Al2O3颗粒度对陶瓷表面质量及体积收缩的影响,确定了制模所需要的粉末尺度.采用烧结脱模实验,验证了预涂SiO2涂层对脱模性能的改善作用,并分析了SiO2粉末形态的影响.最终的喷涂制模实验证明了陶瓷母模设计制造的合理性及采用电弧喷涂制造汽车覆盖件模具的可行性,为模具开发新工艺提供了技术保证.  相似文献   

电弧喷涂铝涂层的抗氧化应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
铝涂层可以显著地降低钢铁工件高温环境下的氧化趋势.电弧喷涂工艺是获得铝涂层的有效方法之一.电弧喷涂铝涂层在不经预先扩散热处理的条件下,可以在喷涂状态下直接用于高温.研究了某些因素,例如,铝涂层厚度、加热温度、加热保护涂料以及铝涂层的热稳定性等对渗铝层形成的影响.  相似文献   

采用高速电弧喷涂技术,制备了铝基非晶纳米晶复合涂层材料.经XRD、TEM分析发现,铝基非晶纳米晶复合涂层是由非晶相、纳米晶相和晶化相共同组成的;涂层呈明显层状结构,层与层之间结合良好;涂层结构致密,无明显裂纹和孔隙,孔隙率约为1.8%;涂层的平均显微硬度值约为311 HV100,已达到传统制备工艺获得的铝基非晶合金的显微硬度值.  相似文献   

电弧喷涂工艺参数对涂层结合强度的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用正交设计试验方案,在钢基材上采用电弧喷涂制备铝涂层,进行涂层结合强度试验,获得了最佳喷涂工艺参数组合 ,并探讨了涂层度与结合强度间的关系。  相似文献   

电弧喷涂马氏体不锈钢涂层耐磨性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了系统地研究电弧喷涂马氏体不锈钢涂层的耐磨粒磨损性能,选用几种不同含碳量的马氏体不锈钢作为喷涂材料,制备了不同喷涂工艺参数的试件;采用喷砂吹蚀和湿砂橡胶轮磨损试验研究了涂层试件的耐磨粒磨损性能.试验结果表明,随着喷涂材料w(C)的增加,获得的涂层硬度增加,涂层耐磨粒磨损性能也随之增强.涂层制备的工艺参数对涂层的耐磨性影响很大,增加喷涂电流,涂层耐磨粒磨损性能提高;增加喷涂电压或加大喷涂距离,涂层耐磨粒磨损性能下降.  相似文献   

电弧喷涂铝、锌涂层防腐研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对金属热喷涂层(Al和Zn)的防腐性能进了行研究,重点讨论了电弧喷涂层(Al和Zn)的防腐性能。研究认为:电弧喷涂铝涂层与基体结合,强度明显优于气喷铝涂层,且涂层经封闭处理后,其防腐效果亦明显优于气喷涂层。  相似文献   

本文论述了电弧喷涂的Cr13钢、铝青铜及二者的伪合金在较高的温度环境下不受损坏的原理。当工件是平板状而且温度过高时(例如900℃),存在涂层边缘挠起的危险。喷涂于外圆的铝青铜涂层可以承受5次900℃的热冲击而无损坏迹象。Cr13钢涂层不能承受这种热冲击。 加热使涂层中的铝与铬向基体中扩散。它会增强涂层与基体的结合。这种扩散区是孤立的。因而结合强度的提高也是有限的。  相似文献   

为选取具有优异性能的高熔点高硬度的钢丝制备钢基模具,以3Cr13、65Mn、70号钢和82B等作为实验材料,采用电弧喷涂方法按照所测试性能的实验要求制成不同的模具块,并进行金相、硬度和耐磨性能方面的试验.试验结果表明,喷涂后的这4种涂层均获得了预期的马氏体组织,涂层具有较高的硬度值和良好的耐磨性能,基本上满足了钢基模具的制备要求.其中3Cr13钢涂层的耐磨性是最好的,但与模具钢Cr12的耐磨性相比仍存在一定差距,说明电弧喷涂制模工艺还无法大量取代传统的模具加工方法.  相似文献   

Fe-Al intermetallics with remarkable high-temperature intensity and excellent erosion, high-temperature oxidation and sulfuration resistance are potential low cost high-temperature structural materials. But the room temperature brittleness induces shape difficult and limits its industrial application. The Fe-Al intermetallic coatings were prepared by high velocity arc spraying technology with cored wire on 20G steel, which will not only obviate the problems faced in fabrication of these alloys into useful shapes, but also allow the effective use of their outstanding high-temperature performance. The Fe-Al/WC intermetallic composite coatings were prepared by high velocity arc spraying technology on 20G steel and the oxidation performance of Fe-Al/WC composite coatings was studied by means of thermogrativmetic analyzer at 450, 650 and 800°C. The results demonstrate that the kinetics curve of oxidation at three temperatures approximately follows the logarithmic law. The composition of the oxidized coating is mainly composed of Al2O3, Fe2O3, Fe3O4 and FeO. These phases distribute unevenly. The protective Al2O3 film firstly forms and preserves the coatings from further oxidation. Foundation item: Project(50235030) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project(98BK014) supported by the Foundation of State Economy Trade Committee of China  相似文献   

Fe-Al intermetallics with remarkable high-temperature intensity and excellent erosion, high-temperature oxidation and sulfuration resistance are potential low cost high-temperature structural materials. But the room tem perature brittleness induces shape difficult and limits its industrial application. The Fe-Al intermetallic coatings were prepared by high velocity arc spraying technology with cored wire on 20G steel, which will not only obviate the problems faced in fabrication of these alloys into useful shapes, but also allow the effective use of their outstanding high-temperature performance. The Fe-Al/WC intermetallic composite coatings were prepared by high velocity arc spraying technology on 20G steel and the oxidation performance of Fe-Al/WC composite coatings was studied by means of thermogrativmetic analyzer at 450, 650 and 800 ℃. The results demonstrate that the kinetics curve of oxidation at three temperatures approximately follows the logarithmic law. The composition of the oxidized coating is mainly composed of Al2 O3, Fe2 O3, Fe3 O4 and FeO. These phases distribute unevenly. The protective Al2 O3 film firstly forms and preserves the coatings from further oxidation.  相似文献   

电弧喷涂是重要的热喷涂技术之一,在表面修复和强化方面得到广泛应用.文中采用超音速电弧喷涂技术进行铝青铜涂层制备试验研究.通过涂层性能试验得出结论,超音速电弧喷涂所得涂层较常规电弧喷涂的涂层结合强度高、孔隙率低,能满足大轴承套圈耐磨涂层的使用要求.  相似文献   

电弧喷涂是重要的热喷涂技术之一,在表面修复和强化方面得到广泛的应用.采用超音速电弧喷涂先进铝青铜涂层制备进行试验.通过超音速电弧喷涂的正交试验,优化喷涂工艺参数.最佳工艺参数:喷涂电压为36 V,压缩空气压力为0.8 MPa,喷涂距离为100 mm,喷涂电流为210 A.影响涂层结合强度最大的因素是喷涂电压,此外,压缩...  相似文献   

The fatigue behaviors of 48MnV steel, both uncoated and coated with different thicknesses of 3Cr13 deposits using twin arc spraying, were investigated. The fatigue properties of the 48MnV steel, determined under axial loading conditions, can be substantially decreased by coating 3Cr13 films, deposited by twin arc spraying. And the fatigue behavior of the thinner coatings is better than that of the thicker ones, of which the fatigue limits decrease by 9%- 14%. The decrease in fatigue life attributes to the less mechanical properties of the coatings in comparison with those of the substrate, their relative bad bonding strength and trapped oxide or Al2O3 particles retain in the matrix after blasting responsible for the initiation of fatigue cracks.  相似文献   

The fatigue behaviors of 48MnV steel, both uncoated and coated with different thicknesses of 3Cr13 deposits using twin arc spraying, were investigated. The fatigue properties of the 48MnV steel, determined under axial loading conditions, can be substantially decreased by coating 3Cr13 films, deposited by twin arc spraying. And the fatigue behavior of the thinner coatings is better than that of the thicker ones, of which the fatigue limits decrease by 9%–14%. The decrease in fatigue life attributes to the less mechanical properties of the coatings in comparison with those of the substrate, their relative bad bonding strength and trapped oxide or Al2O3 particles retain in the matrix after blasting responsible for the initiation of fatigue cracks. Foundation item: Project (50235030) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

As a new spraying technology used in the remanufacturing engineering, electro-thermal explosion spraying holds a lot of advantages. Electro-thermal explosion spraying coating aliquation phenomena are reduced and non-crystal, micro-crystal and millimicron-crystal and other microstructure are formed. The corrosion-resistance ability of electro-thermal explosion spraying coating in high temperature environment was surveyed respectively. SEM equipped with EDS was employe to analyzed the microstructure of spraying coating before and after corrosion. The corrosion-resistance mechanism of the spraying coating was discussed. Foundation item: Project(2003AA331130) supported by the Hi-tech Research and Development Program of China  相似文献   

As a new spraying technology used in the remanufacturing engineering, electro-thermal explosion spraying holds a lot of advantages. Electro-thermal explosion spraying coating aliquation phenomena are reduced and non-crystal, micro-crystal and millimicron-crystal and other microstructure are formed. The corrosion-resistance a bility of electro-thermal explosion spraying coating in high temperature environment was surveyed respectively. SEM equipped with EDS was employed to analyze the microstructure of spraying coating before and after corrosion. The corrosion-resistance mechanism of the spraying coating was discussed.  相似文献   

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