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We develop a theory of communication within branching programs that provides exponential lower bounds on the size of branching programs that are bounded alternating. Our theory is based on the algebraic concept of -branching programs, : , a semiring homomorphism, that generalizes ordinary branching programs, -branching programs [M2] andMOD p-branching programs [DKMW].Due to certain exponential lower and polynomial upper bounds on the size of bounded alternating -branching programs we are able to separate the corresponding complexity classesN ba ,co-N ba ba , andMOD p - ba ,p prime, from each other, and from that classes corresponding to oblivious linear length-bounded branching programs investigated in the past.  相似文献   

Given a finite setE R n, the problem is to find clusters (or subsets of similar points inE) and at the same time to find the most typical elements of this set. An original mathematical formulation is given to the problem. The proposed algorithm operates on groups of points, called samplings (samplings may be called multiple centers or cores); these samplings adapt and evolve into interesting clusters. Compared with other clustering algorithms, this algorithm requires less machine time and storage. We provide some propositions about nonprobabilistic convergence and a sufficient condition which ensures the decrease of the criterion. Some computational experiments are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the numerical solution of a model equation u xx = exp(– ) (and several slightly more general problems) when 1 using the standard central difference scheme on nonuniform grids. In particular, we are interested in the error behaviour in two limiting cases: (i) the total mesh point number N is fixed when the regularization parameter 0, and (ii) is fixed when N. Using a formal analysis, we show that a generalized version of a special piecewise uniform mesh 12 and an adaptive grid based on the equidistribution principle share some common features. And the optimal meshes give rates of convergence bounded by |log()| as 0 and N is given, which are shown to be sharp by numerical tests.  相似文献   

A text is a triple=(, 1, 2) such that is a labeling function, and 1 and 2 are linear orders on the domain of ; hence may be seen as a word (, 1) together with an additional linear order 2 on the domain of . The order 2 is used to give to the word (, 1) itsindividual hierarchical representation (syntactic structure) which may be a tree but it may be also more general than a tree. In this paper we introducecontext-free grammars for texts and investigate their basic properties. Since each text has its own individual structure, the role of such a grammar should be that of a definition of a pattern common to all individual texts. This leads to the notion of ashapely context-free text grammar also investigated in this paper.  相似文献   

We present an O(n3) time type inference algorithm for a type system with a largest type, a smallest type , and the usual ordering between function types. The algorithm infers type annotations of least shape, and it works equally well for recursive types. For the problem of typability, our algorithm is simpler than the one of Kozen, Palsberg, and Schwartzbach for type inferencewithout . This may be surprising, especially because the system with is strictly more powerful.  相似文献   

We introduce a methodology whereby an arbitrary logic system L can be enriched with temporal features to create a new system T(L). The new system is constructed by combining L with a pure propositional temporal logic T (such as linear temporal logic with Since and Until) in a special way. We refer to this method as adding a temporal dimension to L or just temporalising L. We show that the logic system T(L) preserves several properties of the original temporal logic like soundness, completeness, decidability, conservativeness and separation over linear flows of time. We then focus on the temporalisation of first-order logic, and a comparison is make with other first-order approaches to the handling of time.  相似文献   

Consider a binary string x 0 of Kolmogorov complexity K(x 0) n. The question is whether there exist two strings x 1 and x 2 such that the approximate equalities K(x i x j ) n and K(x i x j , x k ) n hold for all 0 i, j, k 2, i j k, i k. We prove that the answer is positive if we require the equalities to hold up to an additive term O(log K(x 0)). It becomes negative in the case of better accuracy, namely, O(log n).  相似文献   

Our starting point is a definition of conditional event EH which differs from many seemingly similar ones adopted in the relevant literature since 1935, starting with de Finetti. In fact, if we do not assign the same third value u (undetermined) to all conditional events, but make it depend on EH, it turns out that this function t(EH) can be taken as a general conditional uncertainty measure, and we get (through a suitable – in a sense, compulsory – choice of the relevant operations among conditional events) the natural axioms for many different (besides probability) conditional measures.  相似文献   

For the equation x(t) = x(t) (1-(1/) t-- t- x(u)du), > 0, > 0, > 0, conditions for the stability of a nonzero stationary solution under small perturbations are determined.  相似文献   

Technical enforcemment of intellectual property (IP) rights often conflicts with the ability to use the IP. This is especially true when the IP is data, which may eaisly be copied while it is being accessed. As electronic commerce of data becomes more widespread, traditional approaches will prove increasingly problematic. In this paper, we show that the mobile agent architecture is an ideal solution to this dilemma: by providing full access to the data but charging for the transmission of results back to the user-reslts-based billing-we resulve the access versus protection conflict. We define new requirements for agent frameworks to implement results-based billing: data-aware accounting and data-tight sandboxing, which, along with the common requirements such as authentication, authorisation, agen self-monitoring, and efficiency, provide the mechanisms by which database owners can effectively grant users access to their intellectual property.  相似文献   

A theory is developed for the construction of carry-save networks with minimal delay, using a given collection of carry-save adders each of which may receive inputs and produce outputs using several different representation standards.The construction of some new carry-save adders is described. Using these carry-save adders optimally, as prescribed by the above theory, we get {, , }-circuits of depth 3.48 log2 n and {, , }-circuits of depth 4.95 log2 n for the carry-save addition ofn numbers of arbitrary length. As a consequence we get multiplication circuits of the same depth. These circuits put out two numbers whose sum is the result of the multiplication. If a single output number is required then the depth of the multiplication circuits increases respectively to 4.48 log2 n and 5.95 log2 n.We also get {, , }-formulae of sizeO (n 3.13) and {, }-formulae of sizeO (n 4.57) for all the output bits of a carry-save addition ofn numbers. As a consequence we get formulae of the same size for the majority function and many other symmetric Boolean functions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a probabilistic analysis of plausible reasoning about defaults and about likelihood. Likely and by default are in fact treated as duals in the same sense as possibility and necessity. To model these four forms probabilistically, a logicQDP and its quantitative counterpartDP are derived that allow qualitative and corresponding quantitative reasoning. Consistency and consequence results for subsets of the logics are given that require at most a quadratic number of satisfiability tests in the underlying prepositional logic. The quantitative logic shows how to track the propagation error inherent in these reasoning forms. The methodology and sound framework of the system highlights their approximate nature, the dualities, and the need for complementary reasoning about relevance.Much of this research was done while at the University of Technology, Sydney, Broadway, NSW, Australia, and some at the Turing Institute, 36 Nth. Hanover Str., Glasgow, Scotland.  相似文献   

We present a deep X-ray mask with integrated bent-beam electrothermal actuator for the fabrication of 3D microstructures with curved surface. The mask absorber is electroplated on the shuttle mass, which is supported by a pair of 20-m-thick single crystal silicon bent-beam electrothermal actuators and oscillated in a rectilinear direction due to the thermal expansion of the bent-beams. The width of each bent-beam is 10 m or 20 m and the length and bending angle are 1 mm and 0.1 rad, respectively, and the shuttle mass size is 1 mm × 1 mm. For 10-m-wide bent-beams, the shuttle mass displacement is around 15 m at 180 mW (3.6 V) dc input power. For 20-m-wide bent-beams, the shuttle mass displacement is around 19 m at 336 mW (4.2 V) dc input power. Sinusoidal cross-sectional PMMA microstructures with a pitch of 40 m and a height of 20 m are fabricated by 0.5 Hz, 20-m-amplitude sinusoidal shuttle mass oscillation.This research, under the contract project code MS-02-338-01, has been supported by the Intelligent Microsystem Center, which carries out one of the 21st centurys Frontier R & D Projects sponsored by the Korea Ministry of Science & Technology. Experiments at PLS were supported in part by MOST and POSCO.  相似文献   

In the framework of stochastic mechanics, the following problem is considered: in a set of admissible feedback controls v, with range inE n , find one minimizing the expectationE sx { s T L(t, (t), (t, (t)))dt + W T ((T))} for all (s, x) [0,T) E n , whereL(t, x, ) = (/12)m 2 – U(t, x) is the classical action integrand and is an-dimensional diffusion process in the weak sense, (see Bensoussan, 1982) with drift and diffusion coefficientD constant > 0.W T andU are given real functions. Sufficiency conditions for the existence of such an optimal feedback control are given. Dedicated to George Leitmann Recommended by G.J. Olsder Presented at the Third Workshop on Control Mechanics in honor of George Leitmann, January 22–24, 1990, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California (USA).  相似文献   

A neural network for recognition of handwritten musical notes, based on the well-known Neocognitron model, is described. The Neocognitron has been used for the what pathway (symbol recognition), while contextual knowledge has been applied for the where (symbol placement). This way, we benefit from dividing the process for dealing with this complicated recognition task. Also, different degrees of intrusiveness in learning have been incorporated in the same network: More intrusive supervised learning has been implemented in the lower neuron layers and less intrusive in the upper one. This way, the network adapts itself to the handwriting of the user. The network consists of a 13×49 input layer and three pairs of simple and complex neuron layers. It has been trained to recognize 20 symbols of unconnected notes on a musical staff and was tested with a set of unlearned input notes. Its recognition rate for the individual unseen notes was up to 93%, averaging 80% for all categories. These preliminary results indicate that a modified Neocognitron could be a good candidate for identification of handwritten musical notes.  相似文献   

Reasoning about programs in continuation-passing style   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Plotkin's v -calculus for call-by-value programs is weaker than the -calculus for the same programs in continuation-passing style (CPS). To identify the call-by-value axioms that correspond to on CPS terms, we define a new CPS transformation and an inverse mapping, both of which are interesting in their own right. Using the new CPS transformation, we determine the precise language of CPS terms closed under -transformations, as well as the call-by-value axioms that correspond to the so-called administrative -reductions on CPS terms. Using the inverse mapping, we map the remaining and equalities on CPS terms to axioms on call-by-value terms. On the pure (constant free) set of -terms, the resulting set of axioms is equivalent to Moggi's computational -calculus. If the call-by-value language includes the control operatorsabort andcall-with-current-continuation, the axioms are equivalent to an extension of Felleisenet al.'s v -C-calculus and to the equational subtheory of Talcott's logic IOCC.This article is a revised and extended version of the conference paper with the same title [42]. The technical report of the same title contains additional material.The authors were supported in part by NSF grant CCR 89-17022 and by Texas ATP grant 91-003604014.  相似文献   

Since Aristotle it is recognised that a valid syllogism cannot have two particular premises. However, that is not how a lay person sees it; at least as long as the premises read many, most etc, instead of a plain some. The lay people are right if one considers that these syllogisms do not have strict but approximate (Zadeh) validity. Typically there are only particular premises available in everyday life and one is dependent on such syllogisms. – Some rules on the usage of particular premises are given below.  相似文献   

We consider the half-space range-reporting problem: Given a setS ofn points in d, preprocess it into a data structure, so that, given a query half-space , allk points ofS can be reported efficiently. We extend previously known static solutions to dynamic ones, supporting insertions and deletions of points ofS. For a given parameterm,n m n d/2 and an arbitrarily small positive constant , we achieveO(m 1+) space and preprocessing time, O((n/m d/2 logn+k) query time, and O(m1+n) amortized update time (d 3). We present, among others, the following applications: an O(n1+)-time algorithm for computing convex layers in 3, and an output sensitive algorithm for computing a level in an arrangements of planes in 3, whose time complexity is O((b+n) n, whereb is the size of the level.Work by the first author has been supported by National Science Foundation Grant CCR-91-06514. A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Agarwalet al. [2], which also contains the results of [20] on dynamic bichromatic closest pair and minimum spanning trees.  相似文献   

Summary Geffert has shown that earch recursively enumerable languageL over can be expressed in the formL{h(x) –1 g(x)x in +} * where is an alphabet andg, h is a pair of morphisms. Our purpose is to give a simple proof for Geffert's result and then sharpen it into the form where both of the morphisms are nonerasing. In our method we modify constructions used in a representation of recursively enumerable languages in terms of equality sets and in a characterization of simple transducers in terms of morphisms. As direct consequences, we get the undecidability of the Post correspondence problem and various representations ofL. For instance,L =(L 0) * whereL 0 is a minimal linear language and is the Dyck reductiona, A.  相似文献   

A loss queueing system GI/G/m/0 is considered. Let a(x) be a p.d.f. of interarrival intervals. Assume that this function behaves like cx-1 for small x. Further let B(x) be a d.f. of service time; (1/) be the mean service time. Conditions are derived for the light-traffic insensitivity of the loss probability to the form of B(x) as (/ ) 0. In particular, the condition = 1 is necessary. Estimates for the loss probability are obtained.  相似文献   

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