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沙特UTMN-619钻修井技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文详细介绍了UTMN-619井钻修的每一个重点施工的技术措施,定向井段、水平井段的钻井参数和钻具组合。在沙特的钻修井中该井具有代表性的意义,对今后的钻修井施工具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

本文分析了塔河油田直井钻井中井身井斜质量监测现状,介绍了无线随钻测斜仪的基本原理,并结合在DG2井的现场应用效果分析,得出无线随钻测斜仪是一种操作简便、测量准确、适应较广的井斜测量工具,使用它进行井斜质量监测完全满足塔河工区超深井、高温井的要求,而且可以有效节约钻井成本。  相似文献   

套管在高度含水后期开采过程中的受损情况发生了新的变化,套损程度不仅加剧了,还延伸到了更深的深度。以往的修复方式工期长且修复率低,无法满足需求。针对套损井的裸眼修复,使用侧钻修井方式能够起到良好的修缮作用。这种方法能够延长套损井的使用年限,为油田的可持续发展提供技术保障。传统的修复方式往往需要长时间的修复工期,且修复后的成功率较低。而采用侧钻修井方式可以通过侧钻钻进套管内部,运用钻井工具处理套损问题。这种方式不仅操作简便,且修复效果显著,能够有效修复套损,延长套损井的使用寿命。基于此,本文对油田套损裸眼侧钻修井技术相关内容进行了详细概述。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了石油钻修井作业中常用的打捞工具和辅助工具,对石油钻修井作业中常用的打捞工艺进行了简单总结,并结合目前打捞工艺的现状,提出了石油钻井作业打捞技术的改进措施,希望能够对相关的工作和管理人员提供一定的参考,促进打捞技术的进步.  相似文献   

随着我国石油开采面积不断增大,越来越多的新技术、新设备开始应用到石油钻修井作业过程中,并起着越来越重要的作用。但是在石油钻修井过程中经常会遇到各种危害,从而对作业工人的生命安全、健全以及周围环境产生影响。因此,对石油钻修井过程主要危害进行分析,并提出针对性预防措施则是当前石油钻修井作业重点内容。本文在研究时首先对石油钻修井过程特点进行分析,然后提出在石油钻修井作业过程中的主要危害,最后针对这些危害提出具体的预防措施。  相似文献   

文章通过对井下修井作业特点进行分析,探讨了提高井下作业施工质量的方法。从施工设计、现场标准化、全面质量管理、工序过程控制、激励政策、新工艺、质量管理体系、资质认证等多方面进行研究,并采取相应的措施,以达到提高井下作业施工质量的目的。  相似文献   

井下作业是油气田开发和采油过程中不可缺少的工艺过程,修井作业则是在这个过程中对发生的问题和井下事故恢复生产所采取的手段[1]。本文从石油井下修井作业的特点入手,对修井作业中常见的问题和因素作出阐述分析,提出了井下修井作业正确的管理方法。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程以及市场经济不断的发展,人们对于石油的数量和质量的要求也越来越高,而作为石油企业,一定要顺应时代的发展,不断的完善质量管理,提高企业的信誉以及企业竞争力,为企业节约成本,增加经济效益,本文首先对石油企业当前存在的现状进行了详细的分析,其次对提高工程质量的必要性作了说明,最后作者由此提出了应该怎样提高修井作业工程质量的方法。  相似文献   

油田修井作业具有工程难度大、技术要求高的特点,必须用大型的修井设备,并配备大修钻杆、大修转盘等专用设备工具才能开展工作。其主要内容有复杂打捞,也就是在油气井中,由于各类因素而引起井下落物情况的繁琐性;修复油井套管,套管对油气井正常生产起到了重要保障作用,而油井由于诸多因素常引起套管损坏现象,所以,修复油井套管在大修作业队占有核心位置;套管内侧钻,指的是通过小钻杆带钻头,从老井套管内下入,在预定位置钻开一个窗口,小钻头从"窗口"往外钻进,打一个小井眼,然后下小套管、固井。  相似文献   

现阶段,随着我国社会和经济的快速发展,逐渐提高了对天然气勘探开发的力度。在天然气井实际开采过程中,受到多种因素的影响,而井下修井作业就十分重要,可以大大提升采收率,进而提升企业效益。  相似文献   

I. Dincera 《Desalination》2004,169(3):245-255
We present an analysis of energy and exergy utilization in the utility sector of Saudi Arabia by considering the sectoral energy and exergy flows for the years 1990-2001. Energy and exergy analyses were conducted for its two subsectors, namely power-only plants and power/distillation plants, and hence the energy and exergy efficiencies were obtained for comparison. The power/distillation plant subsector appeared to be more energy/exergy efficient compared to the conventional power-only plant subsector for the particular reference conditions assumed in the analysis. A comparison of the overall energy and exergy efficiencies of Saudi Arabian utility sector with the Turkish utility sector is also presented for the year 1993. Although the sectoral coverage is different for each country, it is useful to illustrate the situation of how energy and exergy efficiencies vary. The turkish utility sector appeared to be more efficient for that particular year. Power/distillation makes a significant contribution to Saudi Arabia's overall power generation in the utility sector.  相似文献   

The competitiveness of nuclear desalination in the western region of Saudi Arabia was studied. A forecast of water demand between the years 2000 and 2025 was established as part of the input data required for the DEEP computer code. Several options of energy sources such as PWR (600 MWe), SPWR (160 MWth), PHWR (450 MWe), HR (200 MWth) and GT (125 MWe and 175 MWe) were investigated in conjunction with different desalination technologies such as RO, MSF, MED and the hybrid MED-RO. The total plant output, specific electricity investment cost, specific water investment cost, levelized power cost, average daily production, net saleable power and levelized water cost are presented for all cases. Two scenarios were investigated; the first assumed no interest and discount rates and the second assumed interest and discount rates equal to 4%, 8% and 12%. The first scenario assumed that the water utility continues under the control of the government while the second assumed that the water utility will be privatized.  相似文献   

Discarded plastic food packaging articles taken from the Thomamah desert area near Riyadh in Saudi Arabia were characterized rheologically and thermally. These articles are made of polystyrene (PS), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and polyethyleneterephthalate (PET). The aim was to assess the degradation of these plastic articles caused by prolonged exposure to a harsh desert environment such as sunlight radiation. The reduction in molecular weight of the degraded plastics relative to that of the virgin plastics was estimated from the zero-shear viscosity-molecular weight relationship η0 = k (Mw)a. The degradation was more pronounced with PS (THO6C) and PET2 (THO1BS) where the reduction in their molecular weight was estimated to be ~ 23%. There was a lack of sharp transition from glassy to rubbery state at the Tg of the degraded PS (THO6C) in comparison with the behavior of virgin PS. In addition, the degree of crystallinity of degraded PET1 (THO1BW) and degraded HDPE (THO2BW) was less than that of the virgin PET1 and virgin HDPE.  相似文献   

对沙特Al Jalamid磷矿石进行了不同加药点添加浓硫酸和捕收剂CCS 502的试验研究,结果表明:在同一加药点同时添加浓硫酸和捕收剂CCS 502,浮选指标较差,精矿回收率和产率偏低;而在第1个搅拌桶内加抑制剂,第2个搅拌桶内加捕收剂,第3个搅拌桶内加硫酸,则可明显改善浮选效果.  相似文献   

阐述了喷射泵在自升式钻井船中的应用及实践,对水力喷射泵的特点、效率以及气蚀等应用过程中出现的问题进行了较为详细的探讨。  相似文献   

华北油田的大部分油藏已进入开发中后期,但剩余储量规模仍然相当可观,实施欠平衡钻井技术是提高勘探综合效益的一条行之有效的途径。近两年,华北油田的欠平衡钻井技术发展迅速,欠平衡钻井液的合理设计是欠平衡钻井成功的关键之一,而钻井液的开发和应用必须和现场紧密结合,因此,如何开发适宜的适应本地区地质特征的欠平衡钻井液是今后发展的重点,本文阐明了华北油田地区对欠平衡钻井液的要求,介绍了欠平衡钻井液尤其是无荧光水包白油的现场应用,以及今后面临的挑战。  相似文献   

杨红光 《当代化工》2012,41(7):714-716
2011年9月19日,美国石油公司普尔718队在ANDR-30作业期间,发生了严重的H2S泄露和井喷失控着火.事故发生后,沙特阿美公司选出中国SINO-15、意大利SP-201、埃及DPS-46三支最好的队伍,从三个不同的方向同时实施救援作业,其中SP-201、DPS-46分别从东和北实施常规救援钻探作业,从9-5/8"套管逐渐贴近,然后开窗压井.SINO- 15实施钻修救援井作业,ANDR-554井是阿美公司针对事故井布置的一口水平侧钻救援井,为事故井水平侧钻切入7寸套管,实施压井作业,平衡地层压力控制井口,达到快速、安全灭火和控制硫化氢泄漏.通过实施ANDR-554救援井,直接从下部地层选取最优位置、最短距离开窗侧钻救援,速度快,时间短,靶心半径小,定向施工精度高,在全球开创了开窗侧钻点对点目标救援的先例,经过36天,成功完成救援任务.  相似文献   

海外总承包工程中,高低压配电系统与目前国内的通行做法有些区别。全面介绍了中国中材国际工程股份有限公司总承包的沙特RCC工程的配电系统;同时根据当地条件以及海外项目的特殊要求,就该项目电力电缆的选择和敷设的原则及方法作了一一分析和介绍。  相似文献   

Nitrogen losses due to leaching, volatilization and denitrification result in low fertilizer efficiency. Slow-release N fertilizers are proposed to minimize these losses, and sulfur-coated urea (SCU) has been examined. A greenhouse study was conducted using two coarse textured: loamy sand and sandy loam soils from Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia to compare sulfur-coated urea (SCU) with urea, ammonium nitrate (AN) and ammonium sulfate (AS) and to determine the effectiveness of single appliction of SCU over split application of soluble N sources. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) were grown as indicator crops. Dry matter yields showed a significant increase with SCU fertilizers over other sources applied single or split, particularly in loamy sand soil. SCU-22 resulted in a consistent increase of dry matter yield and N-uptake compared to SCU-30 and SCU-40. The potential benefit of using SCU in coarse textured soils appers to be promising for increasing N fertilizer efficiency. Producing these slow release N fertilizers seems feasible if a coating step is added to the manufacturing process of urea produced from some fertilizer plants in Saudi Arabia.Contribution from the Regional Agriculture and Water Research Center (RAWRC), Ministry of Agriculture and Water, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Presented in Div. S-8, Am. Soc. Agron. Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 1981.  相似文献   

废弃钻井液中含有大量的油类、盐、重金属以及聚合物,如果直接排放会严重的污染周围环境,因此对其进行无害化处理是解决钻井污染的重点之一。本文通过室内实验筛选出了一种高效的固化剂配方,并现场运用于川西北地区。现场施工证明固化剂配方及施工工艺能有效的解决废弃钻井液对环境的危害,还可实现覆土还耕,具有一定的经济及社会价值。  相似文献   

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