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A 2400 lines/mm variable-spaced grating spectrometer has been used to measure soft x-ray emission (8-22 A?) from laser-produced plasma experiments at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Compact Multipulse Terrawatt (COMET) Laser Facility. The spectrometer was coupled to a Kentech x-ray streak camera to study the temporal evolution of soft x rays emitted from the back of the Mylar and the copper foils irradiated at 10(15)?W/cm(2). The instrument demonstrated a resolving power of ~120 at 19 A? with a time resolution of 31 ps. The time-resolved copper emission spectrum was consistent with a photodiode monitoring the laser temporal pulse shape and indicated that the soft x-ray emission follows the laser heating of the target. The time and spectral resolutions of this diagnostic make it useful for studies of high temperature plasmas.  相似文献   

We describe the design, construction, and performance of a 4-circle in-vacuum diffractometer for resonant elastic soft x-ray scattering. The diffractometer, installed on the resonant elastic and inelastic x-ray scattering beamline at the Canadian Light Source, includes 9 in-vacuum motions driven by in-vacuum stepper motors and operates in ultra-high vacuum at base pressure of 2 × 10(-10) Torr. Cooling to a base temperature of 18 K is provided with a closed-cycle cryostat. The diffractometer includes a choice of 3 photon detectors: a photodiode, a channeltron, and a 2D sensitive channelplate detector. Along with variable slit and filter options, these detectors are suitable for studying a wide range of phenomena having both weak and strong diffraction signals. Example measurements of diffraction and reflectivity in Nd-doped (La,Sr)(2)CuO(4) and thin film (Ga,Mn)As are shown.  相似文献   

We have developed a setup for measuring holographically formed interference patterns using an integrated sample-mask design. The direct space image of the sample is obtained via a two-dimensional Fourier transform of the X-ray diffraction pattern. We present the details of our setup, commenting on the influence of geometrical parameters on the imaging capabilities. As an example, we present and discuss the results of test experiments on a patterned Co film.  相似文献   

Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) is a powerful technique for studying electronic excitations in correlated electron systems. Current RIXS spectrometers measure the changes in energy and momentum of the photons scattered by the sample. A powerful extension of the RIXS technique is the measurement of the polarization state of the scattered photons which contains information about the symmetry of the excitations. This long-desired addition has been elusive because of significant technical challenges. This paper reports the development of a new diffraction-based polarization analyzer which discriminates between linear polarization components of the scattered photons. The double concave surface of the polarization analyzer was designed as a good compromise between energy resolution and throughput. Such a device was fabricated using highly oriented pyrolytic graphite for measurements at the Cu K-edge incident energy. Preliminary measurements on a CuGeO(3) sample are presented.  相似文献   

A compact tomography camera system consisting of a photomultiplier tube, a multislit optical system, and a band-pass interference filter has been developed. The viewing area and spatial resolution can be configured by the arrangement of the slit system. The camera system has been specially designed for self-organized compact torus experiments having strong magnetohydrodynamics events with a submicrosecond time-scale. The developed system has been tested on a field-reversed configuration formed by the field-reversed theta-pinch. Performance evaluation of the system has been performed by comparison to the former optical system.  相似文献   

A method is described for the generation of software tunable patterns of nanosecond electrical pulses. The bipolar, high repetition rate (up to 250 MHz), fast rise time (<30 ps), square pulses are suitable for applications such as the excitation sequence in dynamic pump-probe experiments. Synchronization with the time structure of a synchrotron facility is possible as well as fine control of the relative delay in steps of 10 ps. The pulse generator described here is used to excite magnetic nanostructures with current pulses. Having an excitation system which can match the high repetition rate of a synchrotron allows for utilization of the full x-ray flux and is needed in experiments which require a large photon flux. The fast rise times allow for picosecond time resolution in pump-probe experiments. All pulse pattern parameters are configurable by software.  相似文献   

CCD cameras coupled optically to gated image intensifiers have been used for fast time‐resolved measurements for some years. Image intensifiers have disadvantages, however, and for some applications it would be better if the image sensor could be gated directly at high speed. Control of the ‘charge drain’ function on an interline‐transfer CCD allows the sensor to be switched rapidly from an insensitive state. The temporal and spatial properties of the charge drain are explored in the present paper and it is shown that nanosecond time resolution with acceptable spatial uniformity can be achieved for a small commercial sensor. A fluorescence lifetime imaging system is demonstrated, based on a repetitively pulsed laser excitation source synchronized to the CCD control circuitry via a programmable delay unit.  相似文献   

针对遥感卫星上存在多种CCD相机组合,相机模拟源在地面电测系统及星上遥测数据链存在3种不同模拟任务的需求,利用大规模可编程器件、高速阵列存取技术、锁相环(PLL)频率调整技术和软硬件可编程图像处理技术,研制了一种适用于不同CCD相机模拟任务的模拟源系统。该系统支持多台设备级联,单台设备能够模拟输出4通道的并行16bit LVDS信号、4路串行LVDS信号和4路串行NECL信号,其单通道并行LVDS数据像素频率为0.3~200 MHz,以0.1MHz步进可调,且单次循环输出容量最大可达8TB。通过简单配置,可产生符合CCSDS协议的遥感相机回放数据,并可对实时输出信号的行频和数据时钟相位进行调整。本系统已成功运用于多个型号空间相机的研制测试中,提高了空间相机的研制效率和设备利用率,改善了研制遥感卫星及CCD相机系统的测试验证手段。  相似文献   

A gas detector with a 2D pixel readout is proposed for a future soft x-ray (SXR) tomography with discrimination in energy bands separately per pixel. The detector has three gas electron multiplier foils for the electron amplification and it offers the advantage, compared with the single stage, to be less sensitive to neutrons and gammas. The energy resolution and the detection efficiency of the detector have been accurately studied in the laboratory with continuous SXR spectra produced by an electronic tube and line emissions produced by fluorescence (K, Fe, and Mo) in the range of 3-17 keV. The front-end electronics, working in photon counting mode with a selectable threshold for pulse discrimination, is optimized for high rates. The distribution of the pulse amplitude has been indirectly derived by means of scans of the threshold. Scans in detector gain have also been performed to assess the capability of selecting different energy ranges.  相似文献   

We have developed a soft x-ray time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy system using synchrotron radiation (SR) at SPring-8 BL07LSU and an ultrashort pulse laser system. Two-dimensional angle-resolved measurements were performed with a time-of-flight-type analyzer. The photoemission spectroscopy system is synchronized to light pulses of SR and laser using a time control unit. The performance of the instrument is demonstrated by mapping the band structure of a Si(111) crystal over the surface Brillouin zones and observing relaxation of the surface photo-voltage effect using the pump (laser) and probe (SR) method.  相似文献   

A new plasma ion source for in situ keV He ion bombardment of solid state samples or thin films was designed and built for ion fluences between 1 × 10(12) and 1 × 10(17) ions/cm(2). The system was designed to be mounted to different diffraction chambers for soft x-ray resonant magnetic scattering. Without breaking the vacuum due to He-ion bombardment, structural and magnetic modifications of the samples can be studied in situ and element specifically.  相似文献   

Nanosecond pulses of quasimonochromatic x-rays emitted from the K shell of ions within a laser-produced plasma are of sufficient spectral brightness to allow single-shot recording of powder diffraction patterns from thin foils of order millimeter diameter. Strong diffraction signals have been observed in a cylindrical pinhole camera arrangement from both polycrystalline and amorphous foils, and the experimental arrangement and foil dimensions are such that they allow for laser shocking or quasi-isentropic loading of the foil during the diffraction process.  相似文献   

空间相机大功率CCD器件的热设计与热试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对空间相机大功率CCD器件进行了热设计以解决其散热问题,为了验证热设计的合理性进行了CCD焦面组件的热试验.首先,介绍了以传导为主要散热措施的CCD器件热设计方案,CCD器件的热量主要通过热管传递到冷源;然后,针对整个焦面组件进行了试验规划,特别对模拟冷板进行了专门设计;最后,在真空环境下进行了综合试验.试验结果显示,...  相似文献   

In this paper, auto focus actuator, which is used to move a lens module in the mobile phone having a camera module, is developed. Camera module containing auto focus actuator requires to minimize total size because of characteristics of the application area such as mobile phone, digital camera, and personal digital assistant. There are stepping motor, voice coil motor, and piezoelectric motor as auto focus actuator. In this paper, voice coil motor having new electromagnetic configuration is proposed. And actuator using proposed voice coil motor is developed by optimal design method using magnetic circuit analysis. The sectional area of the developed actuator is reduced to 32.4% compared with actuator using general electromagnetic configuration. From the performance test, the developed actuator has moving stroke of 0.64 mm for 2.1 volt, hysteresis of 40 μm, full stroke current of 54 mA, and unit step motion of 3 μm.  相似文献   

A novel light chopper system for fast timing experiments in the vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) and x-ray spectral region has been developed. It can be phase-locked and synchronized with a synchrotron radiation storage ring, accommodating repetition rates in the range of ~8 to ~120 kHz by choosing different sets of apertures and subharmonics of the ring frequency (MHz range). Also the opening time of the system can be varied from some nanoseconds to several microseconds to meet the needs of a broad range of applications. Adjusting these parameters, the device can be used either for the generation of single light pulses or pulse packages from a microwave driven, continuous He gas discharge lamp or from storage rings which are otherwise often considered as quasi-continuous light sources. This chopper can be utilized for many different kinds of experiments enabling, for example, unambiguous time-of-flight (TOF) multi-electron coincidence studies of atoms and molecules excited by a single light pulse as well as time-resolved visible laser pump x-ray probe electron spectroscopy of condensed matter in the valence and core level region.  相似文献   

An inner-shell photoionized x-ray laser pumped by the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) free electron laser has been proposed recently. The measurement of the on-axis 849 eV Ne?Kα laser and protection of the x-ray spectrometer from damage require attenuation of the 1 keV LCLS beam. An Al/Cu foil combination is well suited, serving as a low energy bandpass filter below the Cu L-edge at 933 eV. A high resolution grating spectrometer is used to measure the transmission of a candidate filter with an intense laser-produced x-ray backlighter developed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Jupiter Laser Facility Janus. The methodology and discussion of the observed fine structure above the Cu L-edge will be presented.  相似文献   

空间相机CCD电箱必须经受严酷的应用环境考验,综合考虑了空间热环境、电磁兼容性及结构轻量化的要求,对某大口径空间相机CCD电箱进行了结构设计与分析。运用计算机辅助工程分析(CAE)技术,对CCD电箱进行了线性静力分析、均匀温升分析和模态分析。分析结果表明:过载及10℃均匀温升工况下CCD电箱最大应力为77.8,远远小于材料屈服应力。结构一阶固有频率149,改进后一阶固有频率提高到281,说明电箱组件具有足够高的静动态结构刚度和热尺寸稳定性,能够满足空间应用要求。  相似文献   

We report on a new setup developed for neutron scattering experiments in periodically alternating magnetic fields at the sample position. The assembly consisting of rf generator, amplifier, wide band transformer, and resonance circuit. It allows to generate homogeneous ac magnetic fields over a volume of a few cm(3) and variable within a wide range of amplitudes and frequencies. The applicability of the device is exemplified by ac polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR): a new method established to probe remagnetization kinetics in soft ferromagnetic films. Test experiments with iron films demonstrate that the ac field within the accessible range of frequencies and amplitudes produces a dramatic effect on the PNR signal. This shows that the relevant ac field parameters generated by the device match well with the scales involved in the remagnetization processes. Other possible applications of the rf unit are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

在光谱仪硬件性能基础上,波长定标是进一步引入误差的关键环节。若在定标方程系数固化过程中引入误差水平等同于像素采样误差,则在实际应用中波长测量误差就是在像素采样和波长定标方程计算环节上叠加引入2次误差,将造成测量误差的成倍扩大。以自主研制的小型光谱仪为基础,旨在通过数据分析研究波长定标环节中的影响因素,进而给出避免扩大误差的有效方法。所用的光谱仪在100μm狭缝下半峰全宽(FHWM)约为5 nm,像素波长间隔约为0. 45 nm,硬件系统的波长误差理论上为半像素波长间隔0. 225 nm。重点分析了测量噪声和峰位判定算法对定标精度的影响,并提出采用多次测量均值降噪结合高斯拟合峰位判定法来提高定标精度。与传统的直接极值法相比(定标方程均采用5次多项式),定标方程拟合残差的2倍标准差约为0. 1 nm,传统直接极值峰位判定法下,定标方程拟合残差的2倍标准差为0. 37 nm。通过研究,波长定标过程中的3个误差控制关键环节分别是测量噪声控制、峰位判定算法及最小二乘平差。通过选择适当的算法参数值,将波长定标拟合残差的标准差控制在约1/10 pixel波长间隔水平,充分体现了高斯拟合峰位判定算法的多像素统计优势。  相似文献   

The calibration of the soft x-ray spectral response of a large radius of curvature, high resolution grating spectrometer (HRGS) with a back-illuminated charge-coupled device detector is reported. The instrument is cross-calibrated for the 10-50 A? waveband at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory electron beam ion trap (EBIT) x-ray source with the EBIT calorimeter spectrometer. The HRGS instrument is designed for laser-produced plasma experiments and is important for making high dynamic range measurements of line intensities, line shapes, and x-ray sources.  相似文献   

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