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This paper presents a survey of some of the tools, techniques, and constructs for the development of portable, multitasked Fortran programs. The study mainly focuses on existing software tools that implement different approaches to achieving portability of multitasked Fortran programs for local and shared memory multiprocessor computers. However, some proposed approaches are also included. It appears that while each approach enjoys some advantages and suffers some disadvantages, at present, the development and use of portable multitasking tools is in its infancy, and thus no one system is clearly superior. Indeed, we expect that, for the foreseeable future, these and perhaps other techniques will all be actively pursued.  相似文献   

TOPO III is a FORTRAN program that operates with rectangular arrays of equally spaced elevations, producing lists of terrain parameters (coordinates, elevation, average and maximum relief, average and maximum slope, azimuth of maximum slope, and topographic shape: slope, ridge, valley, knob, sink, saddle), point-frequency distributions of maximum and average slope, symbolic slope maps, frequency distributions of areas comprising contiguous points with the same topographic shape, and topographic shape maps with point-frequency distributions of shape types. The program compares a central elevation with interpolated elevations around the perimeter of a circular “window”, and the radius of the window may be increased in successive passes through the array. The results have been used for slope studies, for analysis of terrain factors in environmental studies, and for terrain classification.  相似文献   

A FORTRAN V computer program, IMAGE, has been developed which recognizes individual particle boundaries from a digitized image. The data for IMAGE are obtained from a transparency using an X – Y recording microdensitometer. For each particle the program also computes the size, long dimension and width at right angles to it, aspect ratio, center of gravity, length of the perimeter, and orientation of the long dimension.The form of a particle is analyzed by deriving a regular geometric shape, such as a rectangle or an ellipse. Three regular shapes are computed for comparison, enveloping rectangle, area ellipse, and best-fit ellipse.  相似文献   

The principal objective of this work is to develop portable and extensible programming tools for the development of object-oriented parallel finite element codes for structural engineering applications. An object-oriented parallel portability interface for message-passing operations has been designed and implemented. An existing object-oriented matrix library is currently being extended to support the management of distributed matrix data and parallel solution of linear systems of algebraic equations. By taking advantage of C++ object-oriented programming, both the class libraries provide clean and consistent user interfaces, which not only help to improve the clarity and expressiveness of the client parallel codes, but also hide implementation details and complexity from the user to ease parallel programming tasks. In this paper, the object-oriented design and implementation of the class libraries are discussed. The libraries were first developed and tested using a network of Sun SPARC 10 workstations. Application examples were then studied on two commercial parallel computers: the IBM SP1 and the Intel Paragon XP/S 10, for evaluation of the portability and efficiency of the present class libraries.  相似文献   

The FORTRAN 77 computer program CLAYFORM apportions the constituents of a conventional chemical analysis of a silicate mineral into a user-selected structure formula. If requested, such as for a clay mineral or other phyllosilicate, the program distributes the structural formula components into appropriate default or user-specified structural sites (tetrahedral, octahedral, interlayer, hydroxyl, and molecular water sites), and for phyllosilicates calculates the layer (tetrahedral, octahedral, and interlayer) charge distribution. The program also creates data files of entered analyses for subsequent reuse.  相似文献   

In this paper a FORTRAN program is presented for multivariate survival or life table regression analysis in a competing risks' situation. The relevant failure rate (for example, a particular disease or mortality rate) is modelled as a log-linear function of a vector of (possibly time-dependent) explanatory variables. The explanatory variables may also include the variable time itself, which is useful for parameterizing piecewise exponential time-to-failure distributions in a Gompertz-like or Weibull-like way as a more efficient alternative to Cox's proportional hazards model. Maximum likelihood estimates of the coefficients of the log-linear relationship are obtained from the iterative Newton-Raphson method. The program runs on a personal computer under DOS; running time is quite acceptable, even for large samples.  相似文献   

Clinical scientists are becoming increasingly aware of the need to monitor clinical trials in progress, and to validate their procedure by the use of a formal sequential design. An interactive program, written in FORTRAN 77 and called "PEST: Planning and Evaluation of Sequential Tests," is introduced. The program can be used to design trials based on the sequential probability ratio test, the triangular test, and the restricted procedure, among others. Furthermore, from the observed terminal values of the test statistics, the program will provide an analysis which includes the significance level and point and interval estimates of the parameter of interest. The computations are based on large-sample theory which encompasses many types of patient response, including binary and ordinal outcomes as well as survival times.  相似文献   

A computer program, PRP, has been designed to plot any arithmetic combination selected from a set of major and trace element data on a y-x graph. y and x are defined and entered as a program string (y, x) which is interpreted sequentially. Operators (+, -, 1, /, (unary), square root, log10, Inc, antilog10, exponential, integer, absolute value, (,),,) and integer or real numbers may be included. Axis lengths and scales are determined by the user. Five different plotting symbols are available.  相似文献   

Stratification of study subjects by one or more covariates is a commonly accepted method for dealing with confounding and effect modification in epidemiologic case-control studies. A flexible FORTRAN program is described which facilitates simultaneous stratification by several covariates and which produces summary odds ratio estimates and chi-square statistics by the Mantel-Haenszel method. It also facilitates detection of effect modification by each covariate considered individually. Straightforward means are provided for the user to modify input data before analysis or to exclude certain subjects from analysis, simulating such capabilities in larger statistical packages.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于概念模型的AOP框架,它能从语义上解决AOP系统中的结构冲突问题.为了实现该框架,设计了概念模型配置工具、基础程序标注生成工具、概念层信息更新工具和基础程序转换工具.概念模型配置工具便于程序员设计概念模型中物理信息、逻辑信息及其映射关系,基础程序标注生成工具能根据概念层信息自动为基础程序增加或更新标注,概念层信息更新工具能把修改后的基础程序信息自动更新到概念层,基础程序转换工具能把标注后的基础程序自动生成用逻辑信息表示的概念层程序.这些支撑工具的研究与设计,使基于概念模型的AOP框架更具实用性,便于该框架的应用.  相似文献   

This paper describes an approach to teaching problem solving in an introductory programming course using the FORTRAN language. The course is oriented around a set of problems which are used to illustrate a problem solving methodology. Three pedagogic aids (data table, flow diagram, and program system chart) and two control structure extensions to the FORTRAN language are used in order to provide a more convenient framework in which students can practice good problem solving and programming techniques. The control structure extensions facilitate structured programming in FORTRAN. The use of the control structures and the pedagogic aids is illustrated in the solution of a simple statistics problem: the benefits derived from using these aids are also discussed.  相似文献   

Population initialisation in genetic programming is both easy, because random combinations of syntax can be generated straightforwardly, and hard, because these random combinations of syntax do not always produce random and diverse program behaviours. In this paper we perform analyses of behavioural diversity, the size and shape of starting populations, the effects of purely semantic program initialisation and the importance of tree shape in the context of program initialisation. To achieve this, we create four different algorithms, in addition to using the traditional ramped half and half technique, applied to seven genetic programming problems. We present results to show that varying the choice and design of program initialisation can dramatically influence the performance of genetic programming. In particular, program behaviour and evolvable tree shape can have dramatic effects on the performance of genetic programming. The four algorithms we present have different rates of success on different problems.
Colin G. JohnsonEmail:

Recently, a computer algorithm was presented for joint estimation of random functions; this cokriging technique demonstrated the utility and increased accuracy obtained through best linear unbiased estimation based on auto- and cross-correlation. A worthwhile extension of cokriging is coconditional simulation, a technique whereby several nonconditionally simulated random functions are conditioned using cokriging. Although coconditional simulation can be performed, one random function at a time, using kriging, this can result in an incorrect portrayal of the cross-correlation between the simulated random functions. This is particularly true if one, or several variables is sampled sparsely. Coconditional simulation based on cokriging correctly reproduces variable cross-correlation independent of variable sampling density.  相似文献   

PITMAN: a FORTRAN program for exact randomization tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PITMAN performs exact randomization tests. It also performs Wilcoxon signed-rank tests and Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U tests in the presence of an arbitrary number of ties in the data. PITMAN requires an IBM PC with 256K of memory. The source code is available for those who wish to compile smaller or larger versions or wish to move PITMAN to another computer.  相似文献   

A computer program is documented, implementing a linear Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) method for a limited-area finite difference integration of the shallow-water equations on a β plane. Arbitrarily large time-steps can be used with this method, which is stable unconditionally for the linearized equations. The method also is efficient computationally, as the difference equations are factored into one-dimensional operators which approximately reproduce the original set of equations, and this obviates the necessity for solving a matrix of large bandwidth. A line-printer plot contouring the height field is generated as part of the output. Program options include the determination at each time step of two of the integral invariants of the shallow-water equation. For long-term runs either a dissipative term is provided, or a nonlinear lateral eddy viscosity coefficient of a friction force.  相似文献   

A FORTRAN program is presented for calculating the improved version of the mesonorm from whole-rock chemical analyses. Two triangular plots for the system QZ:AB:OR:AN are generated for petrogenetic information from granites, granodiorites, tonalites, and trondhjemites for which the norm is suitable.  相似文献   

Dynamic optimization problems occur often in all fields of engineering and management science. Such problems are often formulated as optimal control problems which is a generalization of the classical calculus of variation. As most of these problems cannot be solved analytically, efficient numerical methods are often found wanting. These are however difficult to devise, especially when hard constraints are involved. This paper presents a general purpose software which utilizes a unified computational approach to solve a wide range of optimal control problems subject to general constraints.  相似文献   

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