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近代西方传教士在重庆城内修建了大小10多座教堂,其中大多数建在极具特色的山地之上。通过对其中三座教堂地理环境、形态特征的考察,从宗教,社会,人文等方面探讨西式教堂在选址方面的特点,分析了这些教堂在山地环境中所独有的形态特征。  相似文献   

重庆城内自清中期至民国时期由外国传教士修建了大小十多座教堂,其中大多数建在极具特色的山地之上。通过对其中三座教堂地理环境、形态特征的考察,从宗教、社会、人文等方面探讨西式教堂在选址方面的特点,分析了这些教堂在山地环境中所独有的形态特征和视觉效果。  相似文献   

文章基于百度POI,对福州市的佛教建筑寺庙和基督教建筑教堂从最邻近指数、基尼系数和核密度三个方面进行了空间分布特征研究。研究结果表明:福州市的寺庙与教堂共计902座,其中寺庙650座,教堂252座。从最邻近指数来看,寺庙的最邻近系数R=0.568,教堂的最邻近系数R=0.431。两者最邻近系数都小于1,表明福州市的寺庙和教堂在空间分布上为聚集分布;从基尼系数来看,寺庙的基尼系数G=0.315,说明福州市各个区县的寺庙数量相对合理。教堂的基尼系数G=0.409,表明福州市各个区县的教堂数量差距较大;在核密度强度方面,福州市寺庙核密度呈现中心强,四周弱的分布格局,整体呈现出"众星拱月"的分布形态,教堂空间分布呈现东部强,西部弱的分布格局。  相似文献   

依山而筑的园林景观--重庆近代花园式石屋   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
欧阳桦 《中国园林》2004,20(9):66-69
晚清以来的一百多年间,因夏季避暑的需要,重庆城内一些私家园林中相继修建了一批具有山地特征的花园式石屋.这些石屋又多少带有外来园林建筑文化影响的痕迹.通过对其中3处石屋的考察,从地理环境、形态特征、雕饰风格等方面进行分析研究.  相似文献   

杭州作为近代时期的边缘城市,在城市发展和建筑历程都与作为主流城市的上海有一定差异。以近代建筑中最为突出典型的教堂建筑作为切入点,旨在通过杭州与上海两座城市在教堂建筑方面异同比对,探讨这其中边缘与主流,地域特色,当时的文化经济起到的影响,使研究分析两地教堂建筑背景的同时,更深刻理解两座城市在近代发生的变迁。  相似文献   

桑振群 《山西建筑》2007,33(30):51-52
结合重庆地区的山地地形特征,详细地阐述了重庆地区传统建筑的接地形态,以促进重庆地区山地建筑接地形态的研究,达到在顺应山地环境方面体现出设计灵活性的目的,以更好地将人居和环境结合起来。  相似文献   

随着基督教的发展,基督教教堂建筑历经1000多年的时间,建筑形式有了很大的变化。但是,建筑形式的变化并没有使它们脱离功能使用的要求。介绍了合肥市政务文化新区的一座小教堂,这座小教堂在建筑形式上体现了现代建筑的造型特征和时代精神,同时又满足了基督教教堂宗教活动和宗教精神的要求。  相似文献   

古月炜 《建筑师》2007,(6):69-72
本文着眼于体验视角,分析光的教堂与朗香教堂中各存在主体的构成及其相互关系、各存在主体分别对应的空间形态及其相互关系,以及这两组关系之间的关联:进而通过对朗香教堂空间形态结构的图式分析,透过形态表象的差异,揭示光的教堂在空间形态结构方面与朗香教堂的关联性;从一侧面展示当代教堂建筑形态生成的某些一般性规律。  相似文献   

正宗教建筑发展到今天,已经有了越来越多现代化的尝试。在西班牙北部,布尔戈斯市(Burgo)有一座现代简洁优雅的教堂。这是该市新建起的郊区教堂和社区文化中心,尽管教堂的钟楼高高竖起,但建筑整体风格令其在当代城市中并不显得突兀。设计这座教堂的是来自西班牙巴拉多利德的建筑事务所VZ Arquitectos。  相似文献   

Architype在英国设菲尔德设计了一座超低能耗(Passivhaus)的教堂,并提交了规划申请。这将是英国第一座超低能耗教堂,取代了一座1960年代建造的教堂。去年7月,设菲尔德中央基督堂(Christ ChurchCentral)聘请Architype事务所来设计一座新的教堂,  相似文献   

杜诚 《建筑与环境》2010,(1):170-174
随着国内中西建筑文化交流研究的拓展与深化,近代西方基督教会在华营建活动及其建筑渐为学术界所关注。通过对近代中国以及西方教会宗主国—英国(为例)同期教堂建筑样式进行对比,阐释近代中西建筑文化交融中错综复杂的建筑现象,揭示近代教堂建筑发展的特征、规律。  相似文献   

张康  虞彬 《南方建筑》2018,(2):67-71
在跨文化融合和地域环境的互相影响下,苏州现存的近代天主教教堂,既传承了西方古典主义的建筑特征,又吸取了本土地域建构文化,并展现出独特的中西文化融合的教堂建筑。苏州杨家桥天主堂建于1892年,坐落在苏州古城城外,其建筑特征是中西建筑文化融合下的代表之一。文章从建筑学的角度出发,通过对教堂的历史资料和实地测绘定性研究,从教堂平面、立面、剖面、细部、景观及文化等六个方面,来探究杨家桥天主堂跨文化的建筑语言和嬗变进程,并将其保留下去。  相似文献   

1840 年鸦片战争后,伴随着一系列不平等条约的签订,近代基督教第四次传入我国,并在全国城乡建造了大量的教堂,其影响力深度与广度远超前三次。一般认为,风格迥异的基督教堂与本土建筑之间似乎没有联系。本文则从传播学视角出发,通过对比分析中西教堂的营造本体和过程,发现中国近代基督教堂营造与西方基督教堂有着较大的差异性,但与本土建筑营造之间有一定的同一性——即地方性,并以武汉为例作论证。从传播学上看,殖民传播属于一种非对等跨文化传播方式,作为传播媒介(传教士)的角色先天缺陷,导致原本属于弱者的受者(本土工匠)却获得了一定的主动性,表现出地方性特征,而这种特征自始就客观存在,显示出中国传统建筑文化的适应性和包容性。  相似文献   

Computer simulations to predict acoustical parameters have been attracting renewed interest in recent years. This paper reports the results of computer simulations of the acoustics of box-shaped churches. Twenty-five buildings have been considered by varying the dimensional ratios between length, width and height. The study focuses on the values assumed by three acoustical parameters, the clarity, the early lateral energy fraction and the centre time, in each of the simulated buildings. The parameters of analysis allowed to evaluate the dependence between the shape of the building and its acoustics. Moreover, in each church, simulations were realized by moving the sound source in five different positions in order to investigate how the acoustics changes. Considering the trade-off among dimensional ratios of the room, volume and source position, formulae which predict acoustical parameters in box-shaped churches are presented. A first validation of these formulae has been made using measured acoustical parameters in five Italian churches.  相似文献   

王瑛  马骥 《华中建筑》2008,26(7):185-187
1840~1924年是山西教堂建筑发展的高峰期。这一时期的教堂大多采用欧洲传统教堂建筑形式。然而不同于近代开埠城市,内陆地区的外来建筑更多的受到当地建筑材料和建造技术的制约,并经由本地工匠的理解,实现其移植和落户的过程。该文以山西省朔县新安庄天主教堂为例,分析外来的教堂建筑如何在传统观念的诠释下,运用本地的建造技术,实现西式的建筑造型。通过分析,可以发现植根于本土的基本观念和基本特色,以期为当代建筑追求本土化的创作提供参考。  相似文献   

In recent years, a growing number of churches no longer used by religious groups have been converted to loft housing. Church lofts offer consumers heritage architecture and unique aesthetics, elements that distinguish these spaces in the housing market. In order to sell converted churches as viable homes, however, developers and their marketing teams deploy a variety of marketing strategies. Through an analysis of advertising media in Toronto, Ontario, in this paper, I show how former churches are repackaged and promoted with a heritage identity that fits a normative ideal of upscale loft living. In particular, I analyse three central marketing themes: the reinvention of a church to a house and home, the production of identity through place names and the representation of church lofts in the urban landscape. Woven together, these themes rewrite a building’s religious past and legitimize an emerging housing market that makes use of built religious heritage.  相似文献   

《Material Religion》2013,9(3):336-356
Pentecostalism and its recent progenies, the Charismatic movements, have within the last three decades moved from the periphery to the center of Christian life in Africa (Asamoah-Gyadu 2005; Gifford 1998). An unprecedented use of the mass media by these relatively new religious collectivities has contributed significantly to the visibilities they enjoy. This paper looks at the relevance of visual media in contemporary African Pentecostal/Charismatic Christianity. I will first place the movements in question in their proper religious context and then examine how they have colonized public space through an extensive appropriation of modern media technologies, and what this teaches us about this type of African Christianity. The sub-Saharan African country, Ghana, is the immediate geographical context for the study. In this paper, “Pentecostalism” refers to the spirituality of Christian churches and movements, which in continuity with occurrences in the Acts of the Apostles, value, affirm, and consciously encourage the experiential presence of the Holy Spirit as part of normal Christian life and worship. The coterminous expression “Charismatic” usually refers to historically younger streams of Pentecostal groups that function within existing historic mission denominations as “renewal movements.” Drawing their members mainly from among disenchanted youths of historic mission churches, several of these charismatic renewal groups have since the late 1970s been incorporated as autochthonous churches operating in urban settings in Africa. In Ghana, the new churches are popular referred to as, Charismatic ministries (CMs).  相似文献   

郭方芳 《华中建筑》2009,27(3):247-251
该文介绍了武汉近代基督教教堂建筑的历史沿革,和现存教堂建筑的概况。从基督教教堂建筑的平面布局、立面风格、细部装饰以及建筑技术等几个方面入手,总结归纳武汉地区此类建筑的特征,并依照古典教堂的风格类型将其划分为罗马风式、哥特式、文艺复兴式、巴洛克式、斯拉夫式及中西合璧式六大类。  相似文献   

《Material Religion》2013,9(1):70-87

The Cherubim and Seraphim Church, an African independent church founded in 1925 in Lagos, Nigeria, is best-known for its members' white garments, fashioned to resemble the angelic beings, the cherubim and seraphim, of the Bible. With the movement of church members to different parts of the globe, these garments have become increasingly important to some as spiritual ties with the Nigerian homeland. Similarly, these homeland connections may be established and maintained by the founding of churches in the United States and Canada, which serve as satellite churches for established C&S churches in Nigeria, sharing identical names, related personnel, and similar altar decoration. This paper considers that ways that C&S Church art and dress overcome distance through the connections made by holy bodies, and consecrated garments and spaces.  相似文献   

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