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本文简述了实验型UHT生产线的基本特性及其在新品研发中独特的优势,从而为企业选择合适的设备开发新产品提供依据.  相似文献   

长久以来,通过加热来延长乳制品的货架期已是广为人知的方法。各种不同的巴氏消毒方法被用来杀灭致病微生物,但这种方法仍然需要对产品进行低温贮藏和运输,这是因为产酸细菌并没有被抑制。所以尽管巴氏消毒已经存在许多世纪了,对乳制品进行消毒杀菌依旧是生产长货架期产品的常用方法。产品被灌装入通常为瓶或罐的容器中,然后在110~120℃下灭菌20~40min,这种方法的不利之处在于使产品从白色变为或多或少的褐变颜色,以及由于美拉得反应引起的一种典型的蒸煮气味。在高于100℃的温度下,缩短乳制品货架期的微生物细菌被…  相似文献   

在饮料、奶制品这巨大的市场中群雄逐鹿,企业只有根据市场需要开发出自己的拳头产品,才能在这硝烟四起的竞争中占得先机。要做好新品开发和销售工作,诚然一个好的方案很重要,但有无一套合适的设备势必关系到新产品推广的成败。当今社会日新月异,只有根据市场的需要迅速推出符合消费潮流的产品,才能做到人无我有,人有我优,进而事半功倍。  相似文献   

在饮料、奶制品这巨大的市场中群雄逐鹿,企业只有根据市场需要开发出自己的拳头产品,才能在这硝烟四起的竞争中占得先机。要做好新品开发和销售工作,诚然一个好的方案很重要,但有无一套合适的设备势必关系到新产品推广的成败。当今社会日新月异,只有根据市场的需要迅速推出符合消费潮流的产品,才能做到人无我有,人有我优,进而事半功倍。   相似文献   

本文介绍了UHT朱古力牛乳的制作方法及其合理、可行的超高温杀菌生产工艺 ,其主要由牛乳、朱古力、白砂糖、稳定剂等调制而成 ,经长时间观察和尝试发现该产品具有稳定性好、口感佳等特点。  相似文献   

UHT(超高温灭菌)朱古力牛乳的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了UHT朱古力牛乳的制作方法及其合理、可行的超高温杀菌生产工艺,其主要由牛乳、朱古力、白砂糖、稳定剂等调制而成,经长时间观察和尝试发现该产品具有稳定性好、口感佳等特点。  相似文献   

介绍了超高温(UHT)灭菌营养奶配方设计原理.阐述了儿童、中老年、孕产妇等特殊人群超高温(UHT)灭菌营养奶的配方设计以及生产工艺和操作要点.同时对我国营养奶的发展进行预测及展望.  相似文献   

UHT纯牛奶是将鲜牛乳在连续流动的情况下加热至135℃~150℃,并且连续保持2s~5s。用这种方法生产的牛奶在有效杀灭微生物的前提下,最大限度地保留了牛奶中的营养成分,可在常温条件下长期保存。主要研究了UHT奶的生产工艺,论述了其工艺流程和操作要点,对40t/dUHT纯牛奶生产线进行了物料衡算和能量衡算;并对所用设备进行了选择计算。  相似文献   

重点介绍了超高温奶生产过程中的质量保证系统以及它与质量控制系统间的关系和区别。  相似文献   

简述了UHT牛奶生产的基本要求、各类乳制品的识别、人们的购买和饮用习惯,从而为企业开发产品、制定销售策略提供依据。  相似文献   


为探究初始蛋白质与脂肪含量、贮藏温度对UHT纯牛奶包装货架期的影响,以三种UHT纯牛奶为研究对象,试验测定23、30和37 ℃贮藏过程中样品褐变指数、蛋白水解度指标。将数据集整合,根据其在预测集上的表现确定具体的输入参数,开展基于BP神经网络的UHT纯牛奶包装货架期预测。结果表明,BP神经网络模型对UHT牛奶褐变指数、蛋白水解度指标的拟合度为0.9412、0.9527,相较于传统多元线性回归模型的0.8799和0.9211,经优化隐含层神经元数的BP神经网络模型对UHT纯牛奶贮藏期间的特征指标变化预测精度更高,为不同配方UHT纯牛奶货架期的快速准确预测提供技术支持。


Cell suspensions of Salmonella typhimurium DT 104 in ultra-high temperature (UHT) whole milk were exposed to high hydrostatic pressure at 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, and 600 MPa at ambient temperature (ca. 21 degrees C). Tailing was observed in all survival curves, and sigmoidal survival curves were observed at relatively high pressure (500-600 MPa). Four modeling methods (linear and nonlinear including Weibull, modified Gompertz, and log-logistic models) were fitted to these data at 500, 550, and 600 MPa. Performances of the modeling methods were compared using mean square error (MSE). The linear regression model at these three pressure levels had a mean square error (MSE) of 1.260-2.263. Nonlinear regressions using Weibull, modified Gompertz, and log-logistic models had MSE values in the range of 0.334-0.764, 0.601-1.479, and 0.359-0.523, respectively. Modeling results indicated that first-order kinetics could not accurately describe pressure inactivation of S. typhimurium DT 104 in UHT milk; the log-logistic model produced the best fit to data.  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》2001,72(1):51-58
Six batches of commercial UHT milk, submitted to direct treatment, three whole and the other three skimmed milk, were stored at 25±2°C for 4 months. Non-casein nitrogen (NCN) and sensorial analysis were carried out on packs opened every month. Volatile composition was analysed every 15 days, using a purge-and-trap concentrator coupled on-line to a GC–MS instrument. NCN increased during storage; the increase was greater in skimmed milk samples. Sensory characteristics were slightly better in the whole samples, although the scores decreased for both groups in the third month. Quantification of about 40 volatile components in whole milks showed no changes until 90 days (the legal shelf-life in Spain); the main change was the increase of methyl ketones. New components appeared in skimmed samples after 65 days storage; they could be related to both proteolysis and Maillard reaction. This is consistent with the poorer sensory quality found in skimmed milk samples.  相似文献   

1 牛奶牛奶含有多种人体所需的营养成分和维生素 ,如维生素A和D等 ,是我们膳食的重要组成部分。研究发现 ,牛奶的营养组成比例是最接近人奶的天然食品。随着生活水平的不断提高和商品供给的日益丰富 ,消费者的需求也不仅仅局限于普通白奶了。多种风味奶、脱脂奶、强化奶及低乳糖牛奶应运而生。通常 ,我们讲到的“奶”是指牛奶 ,但在世界各地 ,由于地理条件 ,气候环境不同 ,也有很多其他品种供应 ,例如水牛奶、骆驼奶、山羊奶、豆奶、大麦奶等等。不同类型的奶往往要求不同的加工工艺和手段 ,以尽可能地保持原料奶中的营养成分和特有风味…  相似文献   

超高温灭菌乳加工系统及其灭菌原理   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
本文简要介绍了超高温灭菌乳的灭菌原理及其加工系统在生产实践中的一些注意事项。  相似文献   

The paper describes the various factors contributing to quality control and stresses the importance of the selection and location of plant. The need for careful selection and training of a team for plant operation is emphasized. The essential control of raw materials, plant cleaning and sterilizing are examined also the organoleptic methods of testing. Tables are given illustrating grades in flavour and cream texture, also a system of monitoring cream quality. ( Editor's summary )  相似文献   

The flavour and nutritional quality of UHT processed milk is discussed and suggestions are made for ways of minimizing undesirable changes during heat treatment. UHT treatment of milk using an infusion heater is described, and it is concluded that whole milk processed in this way is a typical directly heated UHT milk.  相似文献   

乳品超高温杀菌工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了目前的超高温杀菌技术的现状,介绍了目前常用超高温杀菌技术的特点及在乳品加工中的应用,比较了几种间接式杀菌方式和直接式杀菌方式对牛奶营养成分造成的破坏率,以促使人们在研究正确的杀菌工艺时能对杀菌方式的选择加以重视。  相似文献   

超高温杀菌技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
UHT设备的分类,然后详细的分析了三种流行的国外UHT设备,以便有利于国产化。  相似文献   

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