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Systems science is about synthesis and integration for holism. The living systems (LST) and the dialectical systems theories (DST) are equally old. If both a quite holistic insight and creativity are needed, a combination of the LST and the DST is a better choice than using each of them separately. LST can make many details visible, while DST can make them an information basis for an innovative action. LST alone can hardly provide an action, especially one of a creative orientation. DTS alone can hardly provide all the necessary insight, but it can provide a bridge between different aspects of the process at stake and help them produce creative synergies of different professions' insights. A case of combining both LST and DST in studying public health care proves fruitful. DTS can influence people to use LST and its insight in a creative way.  相似文献   

The authors see interesting parallels between the development phases of physics (as a basic natural science), management/organization (as a science on orchestrating organizational parts for goal-focused leading and working in line with the law of requisite holism and resulting success), and systems theory (as a science on holism as a world view and methods to attain it) from determinism and division to realistic indeterminism by integration using information. Similar phases can be seen in Adam Smith's theory of economics. The authors suggest the introduction of the “Universal Dialectical Systems Theory” (UDST) as a common denominator of the values and methods of the requisitely holistic observation, perception, thinking, emotional and spiritual life, decision-making, and action by interdisciplinary creative co-operation and information, as a means to link natural and social sciences.  相似文献   


The Internet of Things Systems, or IoT Systems, can have the potential to add substantial value to institutions, such as university campuses, cities, and corporate campuses. However, if these systems are not thoughtfully selected, implemented, subsequently managed, they can instead bring substantial risk to the same. This erosion of value manifests itself in negative ROI on the systems as well degraded cyber risk/cybersecurity posture for the institution, city, or corporate campus. Amongst all of the excitement of what added value IoT Systems can potentially bring – all of the ‘bling’, it is easy to miss the nuanced, but substantial systemic costs that acquisition, implementation and operation/management of these systems bring. The aggregation of this systemic loss can bring the whole value proposition to its knees, both in terms of lost financial and resource investment as well as appreciably degraded cybersecurity posture. IoT Systems are sociotechnical systems that encounter systems loss, as do all systems. As such, they need to be reviewed in that context to serve the needs of the institution, city, or corporation. This article will review differences between IoT Systems and traditional IT systems, what IoT Systems implementation success looks like, systems of systems, boundaries and seams between systems, the importance of manageability of IoT Systems, IoT vendor relationships and vendor management, planning considerations, and strategy.  相似文献   


A paradigm is an accepted world view. If we do not continually question our paradigm then wider trends and movements will overtake the discipline leaving it ill adapted to future challenges. This Special Issue is an opportunity to keep systems thinking at the forefront of ergonomics theory and practice. Systems thinking prompts us to ask whether ergonomics, as a discipline, has been too timid? Too preoccupied with the resolution of immediate problems with industrial-age methods when, approaching fast, are developments which could render these operating assumptions an irrelevance. Practical case studies are presented to show how abstract systems problems can be tackled head-on to deliver highly innovative and cost-effective insights. The strategic direction of the discipline foregrounds high-quality systems problems. These are something the discipline is well able to respond to provided that the appropriate operating paradigms are selected.

Practitioner Summary: High-quality systems problems are the future of the discipline. How do we convert obtuse sounding systems concepts into practical interventions? In this paper, the essence of systems thinking is distilled and practical case studies used to demonstrate the benefits of this new paradigm.  相似文献   

Employee diversity management (EDM) belongs to the crucial task of human resources management. EDM is rarely linked with systems theory, although it needs requisite holism. We report on research that considers the application of Dialectical Systems Theory (DST) to EDM. We first briefly describe DST and then turn our attention to employee diversity (ED). We include its elements, such as various types of personality, values, and attitudes of employees; family issues; and demografic trends, which managers should know in order to successfully manage ED in their organizations. We find that successful ED management depends on holism, which in turn depends on systems thinking. The DST approach is what we find most suitable among various approaches: It supports well the interdisciplinary cooperation that is needed in EDM.  相似文献   


The relation between Software Engineering and General Systems Theory is explored. They are found to be dual meta-disciplines which need each other. It is discovered that there is a simple connection between the background variables of Klir's GSPS and Software Design Methodological Viewpoints. This connection motivates a look al the ontological assumptions underlying the two meta-disciplines which underlies the epistemological framework of GSPS. That framework is used to attempt to understand the nature of the different manifestations of software. This leads to an in depth look at the essence of software which in turn leads to the extension of the epistemological lattice of GSPS. The article shows the complex ways in which Software Engineering Methods and General Systems Theory intertwine al the ontological and epistemological levels which causes us to understand both differently than we would have understood them separately. The point of the article is to show how these two meta-disciplines need and intimately involve each other at a fundamental level and in fact co-arise from each other in spite of the fact that one is extremely general and the other extremely concrete. The object is to establish a basis for software engineers and general systems theoriests to learn from each other based on a common framework for understanding Software Systems  相似文献   


While many theories have guided research Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D), we are yet to construct a clear and coherent narrative that would help us answer the question of how ICT fosters development in underdeveloped communities. In this paper, we argue that one of the main reasons for this is that our holistic understanding of ICT4D is seldom grounded in theories to understand the core areas that define the field, namely, ICT, Development, and, ‘4’ which are the transformative processes that link the two. Through a brief literature review, we list theories that have informed ICT4D research in each of these areas. We present examples of theories, namely, Capability Approach, Affordances, and Actor-Network Theory together with Social Capital and illustrate how we have used them in our research. Building on this holistic perspective on theoretical foundation, we propose five agendas for ICT4D research.  相似文献   


Some of the problems in developing a holistic systems approach to the question of planning in organizations and the part that the in-house analyst should play in the planning process are discussed in this article. The question of how to match the organizational system to the particular human characteristics of those who will operate it is asked. It is illustrated that the analyst, in order to be successful, needs to take an overall holistic view of the problem of his or her organization. The author then presents a discussion of a research project currently being initiated at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the implementation of and theories supporting a computerized version of CASTE (Course Assembly System and Tutorial Environment). CASTE is a systems approach to course assembly and learning and is an embodiment of a theory of learning and innovation called Conversation Theory. Conversation Theory is in agreement with the most advanced scientific theories of physical reality and offers to education a holistic, systems approach to teaching, learning and encouraging innovation.  相似文献   

. There seem to be two driving forces in systems development. Systems can be developed based on either tradition or on innovation. Whereas tradition often has much to offer in planning information systems of an operational character, strategic information systems clearly necessitate new ways of thinking, i.e. innovation. You can't get any advantage with information systems without being original. Therefore, rigid methods initially designed for the development of operative information systems and based on following up old established conventions are not suitable for the development of strategic systems. Such methods, based on a technical view of information systems, also ignore the social dimensions of computing, whereas innovative uses of computers create new and socially acceptable ways to use computers. In order to clarify the ideas we shall first discuss the difference between operational and strategic information systems. Discussion on the 'traditional methods' for building operational systems is conducted and their characteristics that inhibit innovation and creativity are reviewed. Based on this discussion, it is claimed that strategic information systems exhibiting innovative solutions should not and cannot be built based on methods derived from the building of operational information systems. We will also take up the factors allowing and at the same time demanding innovation. Several Finnish examples of innovation in information systems are presented.  相似文献   

This is an exposition of the post-graduate program evolving at the Fielding Institute to train professionals in social praxis—ting system theory and methods into programs that effect social change. We illustrate herein how the practice of intervention in social systems calls upon systems praxis, and we argue that the practitioners must have, in addition to a background in the social sciences, a pragmatic access to theories of personal, social and institutional change. The foundation of an education for systems praxis requires intermingling theoretical ideas with skills that can affect the social system. We propose three essential elements for the education of system practitioners: (1) the process of decision-making. (2) processes of inquiry suitable to living systems at personal and at societal levels, and (3) system thinking. Finally, we describe how the whole process requires self-reflection and personal maturity to maintain authentic human engagement  相似文献   

This paper discusses the principles, practice, and philosophy governing the systems education programs of the Department of Management Systems and Sciences at the University of Hull, UK. These programs promote a pluralist vision of the future development of systems thinking, operationalized through a “>system of systems methodologies,” and guided by the philosophy of critical systems thinking.  相似文献   

In this paper a topological approach to the analysis or properties or systems is outlined and accounted for, which is called a Global Analysis of Systems (GAS). Let a topological space t of system; and a property P of systems from Σ be given. Define Σ p = {σ∈Σ; σ has the properly P}. Then the main question of the Global Analysis of Systems is: how can Σ p , be characterized in topological terms? We claim that three types of properties are worthy of being distinguished from this topological point of view. They are called structural, generic and residual properties, if I, appears to be an open, open and dense, and residual subset of I respectively. A motivation for the Global Analysis of Systems flowing from differential geometry, theory of dynamical systems, catastrophe theory and the theory of control systems is presented. In conclusion a significance of the Global Analysis of Systems, both far systems theory and for a better understanding of the fundamental relation Model—Reality, is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the problems that are associated with building a model (representation) of two systems which are central to the field of policy analysis. The systems are the Lockean and Dialectical Inquiring Systems (ISs). Given two or more belief systems, a Lockean IS will attempt to secure maximum agreement between them, whereas a Dialectical IS will attempt to secure maximum disagreement as the basis for forming a policy.  相似文献   

In this work a General Systems view of Applied Mechanics is presented. First, the main concepts and principles related to systems outlook are reviewed. Then, in the framework of systems thinking, the classical and current developments in thermodynamics are discussed. A section is also devoted to the study of mathematical isomorphisms among various mechanical systems/phenomena. A subsequent part of the work deals with the systems approach to mechanics including comparative study of elementalistic-holistic principles and methodologies together with a system approach to the Hamiltonian mechanics. A later section of the work is devoted to the application of systemic concepts in structural engineering. In this section, a systemic as well as reductionistic interpretation of structural analysis and design aspects is presented. The last section of this work deals with a discussion of instability phenomena in solids and fluids from a systemic viewpoint.  相似文献   


The progression from neutral systems to directed systems is natural given the identification of generating variables in the mask analysis process of the General Systems Problem Solver. Any overall system of n variables may be represented by n-1 lattices of structures, each lattice containing 1 ≤ α < n input variables and β = n - α generated variables. The structures comprising each lattice are composed of a combination of environmental input generating-input, generating-output, neutral, and generated variables. Structures which contain one or more neutral variables ate called semi-directed or s-structures, and structures which do not contain neutral variables are called fully-directed or d-structures. Any s-structure can be evaluated into two or more d-structures. Catalogues of s-structure lattices for n = 3 and 4 variables are given  相似文献   

The inability to engage with systems risk during the development of integrated socio-technical systems presents a real threat to global and local socio-economic stability. Current theories on system risk engagement are driven by a functionalist orthodoxy. Accordingly, risk management is either non-existent, done in parallel to other development activity, or used by organisations as an instrument of control. Systems risk management needs to be addressed at the source of the problem: the systems engineering process. This paper addresses the predominant failure to appropriately engage with systems risk during development. It provides, with respect to the theoretical dimensions, a diversity of risk perspectives, complexity and socio-technical systems theory. A broad literature review on different risk concepts, risk management perspectives and organisational paradigms (functionalist, interpretive, radical humanist and radical structuralist) is also presented. In order to overcome a lack of a holistic and reflective risk management approach to systems development, this paper sketches an integrated soft systems methodology approach which can be used for engaging with systems risk during systems development.  相似文献   

The security field suffers from an endemic problem: despite our best efforts, the current infrastructure is continually full of security vulnerabilities. The systems that comprise this infrastructure also are full of boundaries and interfaces where humans and systems must interact: most secure systems exist to serve human users and carry out human-oriented processes, and are designed and built by humans. From the perspective of the human-computer interaction (HCO community), many of these interfaces do not reflect good thinking on how to make them easy to use in a manner that results in security. From the perspective of the security community, many widespread security problems arguably might stem from bad interaction between humans and systems. I recently attended a workshop (ACM/CHI 2003 Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Security Systems) that tried to bring together these communities to trigger further inquiry into this area. In this article, I want to discuss the workshop and how the thinking there applies to the secure systems topic this department addresses.  相似文献   

The paper critically examines some foundational aspects of Fuzzy Sets and Systems. The systemic character of Zadeh's approach is stressed, as is the neccessity of understanding the interplay of holism and atomism for the proper evaluation of the formalized epistemology of fuzzy sets. This link between holism and atomism is provided by the systemic epistemology of T. G. Masaryk, adumbrated in Sec. 2. The linguistic theories of the Prague School, which are based on the epistemology utilizing the notions purpose, function, communication, meaning, normative structure etc. are also discussed, and their relevance to the methodology of Fuzzy Sets and Systems is stressed. Section 5 is devoted to formal analysis of possibilistic constructions and structures. It is demonstrated that the so called “Theory of possibility” is just one special instance of the general possibilistic construction.

The paper of Zelený, appearing elsewhere in this issue, is critically evaluated, as is the Graham-Johnstone controversy. The latter contained heated discussions about pros and cons of research concerning fuzzy sets. The phenomenon of the epistemological and methodological split within the field of fuzzy systems (which I refer to as “The schism of the third decade”) is observed and its causes briefly analyzed.  相似文献   

Systems and cybernetic methodology have traditionally drawn upon the concepts of analogy and metaphor. These are, however, contentious on both philosophical and practical grounds. The work we present in this paper mostly aims to overcome the philosophical difficulties by uncovering the basic principles of analogic modeling and by showing how these can complement inductive and deductive reasoning. Analogy and metaphor are then shown to be complementary and can be considered to be on one spectrum, from creative metaphor to the more formal approach of analogy. Contention on practical grounds is allayed as the role of analogy and metaphor in systems and cybernetic methodology is outlined.  相似文献   

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