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A class of polygons termedunimodal is introduced. LetP = P1,p 2,...,p n be a simplen-vertex polygon. Given a fixed vertex or edge, several definitions of the distance between the fixed vertex or edge and any other vertex or edge are considered. For a fixed vertex (edge), a distance measure defines a distance function as the remaining vertices (edges) are traversed in order. If for every vertex (edge) ofP a specified distance function is unimodal thenP is a unimodal polygon in the corresponding sense. Relationships between unimodal polygons, in several senses, andconvex polygons are established. Several properties are derived for unimodal polygons when the distance measure is the euclidean distance between vertices of the polygons. These properties lead to very simple 0(n) algorithms for solving a variety of problems that occur in computational geometry and pattern recognition. Furthermore, these algorithms establish that convexity is not the key factor in obtaining linear-time-complexity for solving these problems. The paper closes with several open questions in this area.  相似文献   

Steve Bellovin looks at the complex code behind Microsoft Vista and its DRM mechanisms. Increased amounts of code add to insecurity, but the real danger with DRM is with increased interaction among different pieces of code. A lot of new mechanisms have been introduced; more seriously, a lot of new communications paths and dependencies have been introduced. Worst of all, these paths and mechanisms are solving a new problem, one with which the profession has very little experience. Did Microsoft get it right?  相似文献   

International Journal of Computer Vision - Intermediate-level vision is central to form perception, and we outline an approach to intermediate-level segmentation based on complexity analysis. In...  相似文献   

Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems have the same scientific status as Einstein's principle of relativity, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, and Watson and Crick's double helix model of DNA. Our aim is to discuss some new faces of the incompleteness phenomenon unveiled by an information-theoretic approach to randomness and recent developments in quantum computing.  相似文献   

The study of the relationship between information, architecture and complexity can be accomplished through the study of patterns of relationships, opening up the field for the understanding of architecture as organization.  相似文献   

军事行动、反恐突击等强对抗场景中,实时信息的碎片化、不确定性对制定具有博弈优势的弹性行动方案提出了更高的要求,研究具有自学习能力的智能行动策略规划方法已成为编队级强对抗任务的核心问题.针对复杂场景下行动策略规划状态表征困难、数据效率低下等问题,提出了基于预测编码的样本自适应行动策略规划方法.利用自编码模型压缩表示任务的...  相似文献   

Complexity, class dynamics, and distance learning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Classroom participants learn early on that each classroom has its own dynamic comprised of personalities, motivation levels, skills, and other variables. This paper explores features of complexity theory—nonlinearity and emergent self-organization—relevant to dynamics in physical or virtual classrooms. These central notions of complexity theory and their importance in composition classrooms help explain why students in virtual classrooms are often less successful than their physical classroom counterparts in negotiating the eddies of virtual interactions. The paper closes with a brief consideration of how teachers can interrogate all the elements of teaching and classroom context (whether physical or virtual) to influence the emergent dynamic of our classrooms.  相似文献   

We consider hypotheses about nondeterministic computation that have been studied in different contexts and shown to have interesting consequences:
•  The measure hypothesis: NP does not have p-measure 0.
•  The pseudo-NP hypothesis: there is an NP language that can be distinguished from any DTIME language by an NP refuter.
•  The NP-machine hypothesis: there is an NP machine accepting 0* for which no -time machine can find infinitely many accepting computations.
We show that the NP-machine hypothesis is implied by each of the first two. Previously, no relationships were known among these three hypotheses. Moreover, we unify previous work by showing that several derandomizations and circuit-size lower bounds that are known to follow from the first two hypotheses also follow from the NP-machine hypothesis. In particular, the NP-machine hypothesis becomes the weakest known uniform hardness hypothesis that derandomizes AM. We also consider UP versions of the above hypotheses as well as related immunity and scaled dimension hypotheses.   相似文献   

During the Cold War, international relations studies were dominated by elaborate models based on early concepts of cybernetics and systems thinking. Applications of the concept of “stability” serve as the best example of those efforts. However, rigorous mathematical models have not proved very useful in international relations studies and in associated domains. Rather systems analogies and metaphors can influence theory and practice of international relations. The paper attempts to show the meaning of the term stability in international relations theory and practice, as well as limits of its applications. In addition, it is shown that terminology associated with chaos—nonequilibrium systems, self-organization, and autopoiesis—replaces traditional interpretations of stability with evolutionary concepts corresponding to the idea of liberal-democratic organization of social life.  相似文献   

We restrict our attention to decidable quantifier-free theories, such as the quantifier-free theory of integers under addition, the quantifier-free theory of arrays under storing and selecting, or the quantifier-free theory of list structure under cons, car and cdr. We consider combinations of such theories: theories whose sets of symbols are the union of the sets of the symbols of the individual theories and whose set of axioms is the union of the sets of axioms of the individual theories. We give a general technique for determining the complexity of decidable combinations of theories, and show, for example, that the satisfiability problem for the quantifier-free theory of integers, arrays, list structure and uninterpreted function symbols under +, ≤, store, select, cons, car and cdr is NP-complete. We next consider the complexity of the satisfiability problem for formulas already in disjunctive normal form: why some combinations of theories admit deterministic polynomial time decision procedures while for others the problem is NP-hard. Our analysis hinges on the question of whether the theories being combined are convex; that is, whether any conjunction of literals in the theory can entail a proper disjunction of equalities between variables. This leads to a discussion of the role that case analysis plays in deciding combinations of theories.  相似文献   

Computational Economics - Effective environmental policies have to be based on robust information taking into consideration the existing trends. The objective of this paper is to facilitate...  相似文献   

We consider several questions inspired by the direct-sum problem in (two-party) communication complexity. In all questions, there are k fixed Boolean functions f 1,…,f k and each of Alice and Bob has k inputs, x 1,…,x k and y 1,…,y k , respectively. In the eliminate problem, Alice and Bob should output a vector σ1,…,σ k such that f i (x i , y i ) ≠ σ i for at least one i (i.e., their goal is to eliminate one of the 2 k output vectors); in the choose problem, Alice and Bob should return (i, f i (x i , y i )), for some i (i.e., they choose one instance to solve), and in the agree problem they should return f i (x i , y i ), for some i (i.e., if all the k Boolean values agree then this must be the output). The question, in each of the three cases, is whether one can do better than solving one (say, the first) instance. We study these three problems and prove various positive and negative results. In particular, we prove that the randomized communication complexity of eliminate, of k instances of the same function f, is characterized by the randomized communication complexity of solving one instance of f.  相似文献   

We survey recent joint work with Christos Papadimitriou and Paul Goldberg on the computational complexity of Nash equilibria. We show that finding a Nash equilibrium in normal form games is computationally intractable, but in an unusual way. It does belong to the class NP; but Nash’s theorem, showing that a Nash equilibrium always exists, makes the possibility that it is also NP-complete rather unlikely. We show instead that the problem is as hard computationally as finding Brouwer fixed points, in a precise technical sense, giving rise to a new complexity class called PPAD. The existence of the Nash equilibrium was established via Brouwer’s fixed-point theorem; hence, we provide a computational converse to Nash’s theorem.To alleviate the negative implications of this result for the predictive power of the Nash equilibrium, it seems natural to study the complexity of approximate equilibria: an efficient approximation scheme would imply that players could in principle come arbitrarily close to a Nash equilibrium given enough time. We review recent work on computing approximate equilibria and conclude by studying how symmetries may affect the structure and approximation of Nash equilibria. Nash showed that every symmetric game has a symmetric equilibrium. We complement this theorem with a rich set of structural results for a broader, and more interesting class of games with symmetries, called anonymous games.  相似文献   

Kolmogorov Complexity: Sources, Theory and Applications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The aim of this paper is to use formal power series techniques to study the structure of small arithmetic complexity classes such as GapNC 1 and GapL. More precisely, we apply the formal power series operations of inversion and root extraction to these complexity classes. We define a counting version of Kleene closure and show that it is intimately related to inversion and root extraction within GapNC 1 and GapL. We prove that Kleene closure, inversion, and root extraction are all hard operations in the following sense: there is a language in AC 0 for which inversion and root extraction are GapL-complete and Kleene closure is NLOG-complete, and there is a finite set for which inversion and root extraction are GapNC 1 -complete and Kleene closure is NC 1 -complete, with respect to appropriate reducibilities. The latter result raises the question of classifying finite languages so that their inverses fall within interesting subclasses of GapNC 1 , such as GapAC 0 . We initiate work in this direction by classifying the complexity of the Kleene closure of finite languages. We formulate the problem in terms of finite monoids and relate its complexity to the internal structure of the monoid. Some results in this paper show properties of complexity classes that are interesting independent of formal power series considerations, including some useful closure properties and complete problems for GapL.  相似文献   

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