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This paper briefly considers tome relationships of general systems theory to algorithm theory. A general systems theory type of approach provides a framework for algorithm design. We explicate this framework, and then we demonstrate new insights into algorithm design which follow from the framework. Of particular importance in algorithm theory is the proper introduction of the concept of design principle and its relation to algorithm model.  相似文献   

Attraction (or asymptoticily) is defined for a general space-time system consisting of a set endowed with a preorder (the “flow”), a family of monotone mappings (the “time scale”) and two collections of subsets, or quasifilters (a kind of generalized neighborhood systems).

Thus, the notion of attraction is presented under the weakest possible conditions which allow us its adaptation to a wide variety of special situations. Within this framework we state necessary and sufficient conditions for asymptoticity in terms of Liapunov-type functions.  相似文献   

The syntactic and semantic aspects of the formal language of general system logical theory (GSLT) are presented. Following an introduction to the language of GSLT, we show the power of GSLT in a number of different areas. One possible model for GSLT is category theory. The categorical structures we formally expressed by a network of elementary logical system (ELS), basic components of GSLT. GSLT uses the input-output paradigm to transform the static classical form of categorical structures to dynamic transformations of objects and morphisms. Connection with general system theory and Klir's general system problem solver (GSPS) is given.  相似文献   

电网智能综合补偿系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电网智能综合补偿系统可根据电网的动态变化情况,对电网的电压、功能率因数、谐波及三相不平均等因素实现综合补偿,文中详细介绍了这一基于80C196的智能控制系统的基本结构和软硬件设计思想,实验结果表明了该系统的可行性和智能控制方法的有效性。  相似文献   


The relation between Software Engineering and General Systems Theory is explored. They are found to be dual meta-disciplines which need each other. It is discovered that there is a simple connection between the background variables of Klir's GSPS and Software Design Methodological Viewpoints. This connection motivates a look al the ontological assumptions underlying the two meta-disciplines which underlies the epistemological framework of GSPS. That framework is used to attempt to understand the nature of the different manifestations of software. This leads to an in depth look at the essence of software which in turn leads to the extension of the epistemological lattice of GSPS. The article shows the complex ways in which Software Engineering Methods and General Systems Theory intertwine al the ontological and epistemological levels which causes us to understand both differently than we would have understood them separately. The point of the article is to show how these two meta-disciplines need and intimately involve each other at a fundamental level and in fact co-arise from each other in spite of the fact that one is extremely general and the other extremely concrete. The object is to establish a basis for software engineers and general systems theoriests to learn from each other based on a common framework for understanding Software Systems  相似文献   

In this paper, some of the open problems in the set-theoretic general systems theory are listed. One of the common features of the problems listed is that studies of the problems will lead to some new understandings in several different research areas and the introduction of new concepts.  相似文献   

This work contains some applications of the GSLT developed by the author concerning chemical and biochemical feedback networks. The formalism developed by Feinberg, Horn, and Jackson is enlarged. Two cases are emphasized: (a)adding a substance to a chemical system in the stationary state, followed by a drop in the amount of the added substance, and (2) conditions for the occurrence of oscillations (where the Lotka-Volterra system, the Michaelis-Menten reaction, the glycose-chaining, the Bmsselator model, the Hypercycle, and other examples are presented)  相似文献   

Human behavior is often governed by sets of rules. The purpose of a theory of rule-bound systems is to predict the properties of the system thus governed, by study of the properties of the rules. This paper outlines the subject.  相似文献   

智能控制与智能控制系统   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
本文首先介绍智能控制的发展和智能控制系统的结构与特点.然后,综述几种主要的智能控制系统,尤其是分级递阶智能控制系统和专家控制系统,并着重讨论它们的结构.  相似文献   

In this paper, the concepts of the stability and uniform stability of input-output systems introduced in Ref. 1 are generalized to the model of general systems. Several equivalent conditions are given. The relation between the concepts and that of continuity of mappings from a topological space into a general topological space is studied. In the last section, some mapping properties of stable systems and uniformly stable systems are studied. Some open questions are posed.  相似文献   

The paper presents a hypothesis concerning a differential formula for the production function. The problem of specifying the production function is attempted to be solved using a systems approach. The differential formula of the production function represents the structure of connection between flow and potential. They are the signal variables of the production process. These variables are represented in the differential production function by the new economic categories: “on production force” and “production front”. The production function as a differential equation of the production process is constituted by the new signal variables. The problem of finding relationships between the differential formula and traditional formulae of the production function is slated.  相似文献   

For those, like me, who are not mathematicians, the computer can be a powerful friend to the imagination. Like mathematics, [the computer] doesn't only stretch the imagination. It also disciplines and controls it.  相似文献   

In this paper we show a categorical treatment of general time systems using the categorization method presented in our previous paper. Various concepts about general time systems are categorized in the unified framework. Some category theoretical tools for the investigation of such time systems are presented. Using those tools some basic properties of time systems are explored in our framework. In particular, a conceptual equivalence between the causality and the state space representability is proved in the categorical terms. These results show that our method can be a universal tool for a categorization and a categorical treatment of mathematically defined general systems.  相似文献   

基于表示本体论的智能系统开发   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
知识建模,知识共享和综合集成是近年来研究的开发智能系统的新技术,但三者各自仅是一个层次的技术,不能形成经有力的方法论。本文提出基于表示本体论的智能系统开发方法OMSI,其以知识表示的本体论为贯穿线索和共同基础,把这三个层次的技术紧密综合在一起,支持  相似文献   

The paper contains the following elements: (1) a discussion of the role of logical formalisms in scientific theory as a way of establishing legitimacy for general organization theory, (2) a discursive account of the relation between information and entropy in endosomatic and exosomatic evolution, and the deficiencies in such an approach, (3) a formal derivation of the relation between organization, information, and entropy utilizing the work of Brillouin and Watanabe and notions from statistical mechanics, and (4) an application of the theory of organization to the evolution of the scientific process, as well as some suggestions for applications elsewhere.  相似文献   

叶风  权光日  王熙照 《计算机学报》1999,22(12):1233-1238
提出一种基于归结的并有关于背景适应吸示例的一致特化理论,该理论给出了最大一般特化假设的归结构造方法,可将其作为一种蕴涵意义下的一般理论特化框架。基于该理论,进一步提出k一般特化概念以解决特化的可计算性问题,并相应地给出特化算法。有关实验表明,该理论与算法能够正确并有效地进行一阶理论特化。  相似文献   

The paper contains the following elements: (1) a discussion of the role of logical formalisms in scientific theory as a way of establishing legitimacy for general organization theory, (2) a discursive account of the relation between information and entropy in endosomatic and exosomatic evolution, and the deficiencies in such an approach, (3) a formal derivation of the relation between organization, information, and entropy utilizing the work of Brillouin and Watanabe and notions from statistical mechanics, and (4) an application of the theory of organization to the evolution of the scientific process, as well as some suggestions for applications elsewhere.  相似文献   

广义因果理论的基于模型的诊断   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
最近,许多学者意识到了将因果关系这一概念应用于基于模型的诊断领域的重要性。然而,他们的研究只局限于简单因果理论。文中提出的广义因果理论包容了更多的信息。文中指出:广义因果理论的诊断空间小于等于相应简单因果的诊断空间。并给出了当待诊断系统的模型为广义因果理论时的基于模型的诊断、基于模型的实质诊断等概念,论证了基于模型的实质诊断与本原蕴含/蕴含式的直接关系,从而将文中的理论结果与实现联系起来。文中进一  相似文献   

通用智能决策支持系统生成器设计方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

多媒体智能数据库系统是一个对象数据库管理系统。体系结构的选择对它的性能和功能有非常重要的影响。在体系结构的选择过程中我们始终遵循这样的一条准则:性能更为重要,因为功能可以在ODBMS的上层的应用程序中增加,而性能上的缺陷是不可能在应用程序层次上得以弥补的。本文讨论和比较了ODBMS的若干体系结构及其实现方案,最后给出了一个有较高性能MIDS体系结构方案。  相似文献   

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