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Although game-tree search works well in perfect-information games, it is less suitable for imperfect-information games such as contract bridge. The lack of knowledge about the opponents' possible moves gives the game tree a very large branching factor, making it impossible to search a significant portion of this tree in a reasonable amount of time.
This paper describes our approach for overcoming this problem. We represent information about bridge in a task network extended to represent multi-agency and uncertainty. Our game-playing procedure uses this task network to generate game trees in which the set of alternative choices is determined not by the set of possible actions, but by the set of available tactical and strategic schemes.
We have tested this approach on declarer play in the game of bridge, in an implementation called Tignum 2. On 5000 randomly generated notrump deals, Tignum 2 beat the strongest commercially available program by 1394 to 1302, with 2304 ties. These results are statistically significant at the α= 0.05 level. Tignum 2 searched an average of only 8745.6 moves per deal in an average time of only 27.5 seconds per deal on a Sun SPARCstation 10. Further enhancements to Tignum 2 are currently underway.  相似文献   

At Oregon State University (OSU), the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and the OSU Libraries are working together on a project to improve the effectiveness and accessibility of digital information created and collected by academic libraries. This project focuses on making digital resources more accessible through an innovative search interface that incorporates collaborative filtering. New approaches to search interfaces will help make the growing wealth of online content more accessible and useful. This paper discusses the problem, explains how collaborative filtering works, describes the System for Electronic Recommendation Filtering (SERF), and then presents initial results from an installation in the OSU Libraries. The productive collaboration at OSU between the Libraries and EECS portends the future of development of search systems; by working together, we can harness the expertise of librarians, computer scientists, and information users to develop more useful search interfaces and increase access to the libraries’ resources and services.  相似文献   

规划和响应是所有动态系统关心的主要问题。本文以高炉实时专家系统BFESDA为背景,探讨了在不确定的动态环境下生成规划和修复失败规划的方法。  相似文献   

非完整链式系统的路径规划--多项式拟合法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对非完整链式系统,给出了一种路径规划新算法.该算法将较为困难的非完整系统路径规划问题转化为满足给定端点条件的多项式拟合问题,不仅使路径规划问题得到简化,而且可以很容易地应用于复杂环境下的路径规划问题.仿真结果证实了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

分布式通用测试结构的形式化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着分布式系统的不断发展更新,CTMF(ISO/IEC9464)所给出的测试方法不能满足的需要。提出了用于分布式系统的一致性没试互操作测试和性能测试的通用测试结构 ,并建立了用测试结构和形式化模人出了各部件的操作语义,为设计开发具有灵活动态的通信结构的分布测试系统提供了理论基础和依据,分布式系统通用测试结构扩展,当前基于被测系统类型的测试方法,它可以对实际的分布式系统进行整体测试。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new algorithm for dealing with inexact reasoning problems, where the certainty factors of the rules and the truth values of the conditions appearing in the rules are represented by linguistic terms. The algorithm performs inexact reasoning via repeatedly transforming an augmented linguistic truth state vector T by an augmented linguistic rule matrix F. Given the linguistic truth values of some conditions, the algorithm can perform inexact reasoning to evaluate the linguistic truth values of other conditions automatically.  相似文献   

The emphasis in this work is on the practical application of ideas set forth in Part I. Two studies involving spatial distribution are discussed: the distribution of human population in the Indianapolis, Indiana Region, and the world distribution of mammals. In the first, populations over the period 1890–1980 of Ihe 393 townships making up the study area are used to produce classifications involving various numbers of classes of township types. A test of the theoretical structure posed in Part I is then detailed. On the theory that the underlying relations involved cannot sustain a real world structure involving more than five functional classes, it is hypothesized that classifications involving more than five classes will be associated with township distribution patterns that conflict with Central Place Theory. This is shown to be clearly so. In the second study, the derivation of a five region partitioning of world mammalian distribution patterns is described. Discussion includes the introduction of a wholly new rationale for taxonomic revision based on biogeographic criteria (and ultimately the principles described in Part I). The study closes with a short argument regarding why the model described in Part I should not be labelled as either social physics or anti-humanistic.  相似文献   

The use of the system approach in relation to an evaluation of man and society which will contribute to the emerging world civilization (a new worldview) is explored, with particular emphasis on the question of long range goals for mankind. Gerald Feinberg's The Prometheus Project is reviewed, together with the new trends which Willis Harman calls The New Copernican Revolution. Man is emerging as the creator of his own destiny, consciously or unconsciously, and man's image of the future is a key to that future coming into being.  相似文献   

一种动态环境下移动机器人的路径规划方法   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
朴松昊  洪炳熔 《机器人》2003,25(1):18-21
本文提出了在动态环境中,移动机器人的一种路径规划方法,适用于环境中存 在已知和未知、静止和运动障碍物的复杂情况.采用链接图法建立了机器人工作空间模型, 整个系统由全局路径规划器和局部路径规划器两部分组成.在全局路径规划器中,应用遗传 算法规划出初步全局优化路径.在局部路径规划器中,设计了三种基本行为:跟踪全局路径 的行为、避碰的行为和目标制导的行为,采用基于行为的方法进一步优化路径.其中,避碰 的行为是通过强化学习得到的.仿真和实验结果表明所提方法简便可行,能够满足移动 机器人导航的高实时性要求.  相似文献   

This paper explores the problems that are associated with building a model (representation) of two systems which are central to the field of policy analysis. The systems are the Lockean and Dialectical Inquiring Systems (ISs). Given two or more belief systems, a Lockean IS will attempt to secure maximum agreement between them, whereas a Dialectical IS will attempt to secure maximum disagreement as the basis for forming a policy.  相似文献   

Multiagent systems constitute an independent topic at the intersection between distributed computing and artificial intelligence. As the algorithmic techniques and the applications for multiagent systems have been continuously developing over the last two decades reaching significantly mature stages, many methodological problems have been addressed. In this paper, we aim to contribute to this methodological assessment of multiagent systems by considering the problem of choosing, or recruiting, a subset of agents from a set of available agents to satisfy a given request. This problem, which we call problem of recruitment, is encountered, for example, in matchmaking and in task allocation. We present and study a novel formal approach to the problem of recruitment, based on the algebraic formalism of lattices. The resulting formal framework can support the development of algorithms for automatic recruitment.  相似文献   

A formal approach is presented for proving temporal properties of dynamic systems. Its main advantage is that it can be used to prove properties of hybrid systems, i.e. those whose state contains both discrete and continuous parameters. In contrast, most current temporal reasoning techniques are restricted either to purely discrete systems or to purely continuous systems. Our approach is based upon a new modeling technique called DMOD. A DMOD model of a system defines the causality relation between events in the system, using definite clauses, i.e. logic programs. Thereby, the problem of reasoning about hybrid systems is reduced to one of reasoning about the behavior of definite clauses. As these possess a simple proof theory, reasoning is substantially simplified.  相似文献   

Research investigating neural identification of dynamic systems has concentrated on off-line techniques. To be suitable for adaptive process control, on-line algorithms must be developed. This study investigates a modified back-propagation technique to achieve practical on-line capability. A technique denoted history-stack enhancement greatly improves the identification performance of the neural network. As a demonstration, a composite system of formidable but realistic nonlinear components was constructed and used to compare identification techniques including a recursive linear estimator and die new neural method. The results show that on-line neural identification is feasible for a wide range of formidable nonlinear characteristics individually found in industrial processes. Although performance is slower than with linear identification, the asymptotic accuracy of the neural technique is better for the nonlinear system being identified.  相似文献   

An optimal control problem for hybrid systems is formulated based on hybrid machine models. A practical approach to solving the problem, suitable for a class of hybrid systems, is presented. This approach consists of transforming the hybrid machine model into a dynamic programming model. Transition costs, in this latter model, are computed using mixed integer programs formulated based on the structure of the original hybrid machine. It is shown that the optimal solution for this dynamic program corresponds to the optimal control decision sequence in the hybrid system. Practical examples, inspired from process-oriented industry applications, are provided to illustrate the solution approach.  相似文献   

基于拓扑的路径规划问题的图形解法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
艾海舟  张钹 《机器人》1990,12(5):20-24
本文提出一个解决基于拓扑的路径规划问题的新途径:图形法.介绍一个用图形法建立起来的适合于矩形形状的移动机器人在以线段和圆弧为边界的障碍物环境下运动的路径规划算法.该算法考虑了环境发生局部变化时在不改变或者仅仅对拓扑网络进行局部修改后进行路径规划的问题.图形法比较普遍地解决了二维拓扑路径规划算法的实现问题.  相似文献   

提出一种自动图像分割模型——人工协作细胞(ACoCells)。在ACoCells中,细胞生存于图像映射成的环境中,按照一系列体现生命特征的协作、繁殖、遗传、死亡等规则进化。图像分割的结果不需要预先得到任何图片信息,而通过细胞进化自动涌现出来。实验表明ACoCells在图像分割上具有很好的性能和应用潜力。  相似文献   

梁斌  许晓东 《机器人》1994,16(6):366-371
并行方法强调人们的协同工作,并行地进行产品及其有关过程的设计,注重信息与知识财富的开发与共享。本文提出一种并行方法下的机器人化装配工艺规划方法。该方法注重信息的共享,突出多任务的并行交叉实施及各项任务间信息的通讯与协调,在专家系统支持下,完成了中小型机是习口的机器人化装配工艺分析及规划。  相似文献   

本文对多杆柔性关节机械手的轨迹规划问题进行了研究.首先利用逆系统解耦方法把这一有约束非线性规划问题转化为多个子系统的线性规划问题,然后通过子系统线性规划问题的解析最优解构造了多杆柔性关节机械手轨迹规划的次优化解  相似文献   

In this, the First part of a two part work, a general model of spatial organization is introduced. Following a brief synopsis of some of Spinoza's and Leibniz's views regarding natural structure, an extension of the Spinozian model is presented in which the attribute spatial extension is portrayed as a relational system that implicitly underlies the differentiation of sensible space into “modifications” (“natural systems”) and the latter's subdifferentiation into “modes” On the basis of this model, all instances of modal differentiation are understood to take place in a manner explained by this relational structure, the existence (but not the specific characteristics) of which is initially assumed. The nature of the structure is then deduced according to a “most-probable-state” kind of logic; next, it is demonstrated via simulation that the resulting aspatial model of internal relations has a corresponding spatial interpretation (and therefore, in theory, that sensible space structures can be supported by the particular rational ordering posed). The matter of how to apply the model to the study of real world systems is taken up last; discussion focuses on related aspects of the treatment of equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems and the recognition and measurement of modal structures.  相似文献   

工作流管理系统WFlow中协同建模工具的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李峰 《计算机应用》2001,21(9):12-13,17
在传统的工作流管理系统中建模工具一般只支持单用户工作,工作流模型由专业建模人员来建立。随着工作流管理系统应用领域和应用规模的不断扩大,其所管理的企业业务流程已不可能只局限在企业中的一个小部门内部,而是一些跨部门跨企业的业务流程,这些流程只靠单个专业 建模人员已经很难完成其工作流模型的建立,它需要不同人员的分工合作,充分利用各自的专业知识共同来完成其工作流模型的建立。为此,开发了工作流管理系统--Wflow,就其协同建模工具进行了研讨。  相似文献   

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