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Recurrent neural models such as fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM) are well established in decision modeling through progressive variations of systems’ concepts. However, existing activation functions have shortcomings, such as a lack of sensitivity to weights of initial concepts, which is due to exaggerated focus on the training of networks’ causal links. Therefore, in most cases, decision outputs converge toward lower and higher extremes and do not represent gray scales. Another disadvantage is that current models require sufficient time delay for convergence toward results. This makes FCM unable to handle transient changes in input. A new technique has been examined in this article using a real-life example to improve FCM activation in terms of fast response to dynamic stimuli. A simple expert model of hexapod locomotion is developed without focus on weight training. The system's response to stimuli is evaluated through a complete six-phase stride to validate the effectiveness of the developed activation function.  相似文献   

一种混合动力学系统多目标优化控制问题的求解方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于进化计算的具有通用性的方法,用于求解混合动力学系统多目标优化控制问题.以一个多罐配料系统为仿真实例的研究表明,该算法能够有效地解决这一类经典最优控制理论难以解决的复杂系统控制问题.  相似文献   

Most of theoretical models encountered in radiobiology and radiotherapy use the absorbed energy dose (d) as the reference variable. By taking account of the nature of the elementary transformations which occur at molecular level in irradiated systems, it is shown that D is generally not a suitable variable, and that it is preferable to use a formalism in which the variables of radiation spectrum and intensity, and the time variable, are explicity separate. In parallel with the selection of suitable variables, a topological representation in the form of transformation graphs provides a clear schematization of the various processes and their respective roles. This representation, which includes physical, chemical and biological phenomena, clearly shows both the level of observations and the level of hypotheses. When searching for particular models one must first take into account the phenomenological requirements resulting from the observations which can be made, before introducing any complementary hypothesis. The basic models of target and hit theory generally do not satisfy these requirements.

At it is easy to see, the formalism used is sufficiently general and can be utilized in fields different from the one described here.1.  相似文献   

本文简述了一般正向推理方法和图推理方法的推理过程,分析了图推理方法在推理效率、实现非确定性推理和非单调推理等方面的优越性,并在此基础上讨论了用改进的图推理方法——动态图推理方法解决有模式变量的推理问题,最后,本文简单介绍了所提出的动态图推理方法在某推理机中的实现.  相似文献   

面向卫星导航系统应用,设计一种性能优越且编码复杂度低的多进制低密度奇偶校验(LDPC)码。结合渐进边增长(PEG)算法与准循环扩展的半随机构造法,并优化非零元素的选择,构造与新一代卫星导航系统IS-GPS-800接口标准中参数一致的多进制LDPC码。进一步,通过将校验矩阵转换为重复累加码(RA)码的校验矩阵结构,实现低复杂度编码。仿真结果表明,与卫星导航系统IS-GPS-800接口标准中码长码率相同的二进制LDPC码相比,多进制LDPC码有明显的编码增益,且其编码复杂度较低。  相似文献   

面向用户构造企业信息系统   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文在对当前企业中信息系统面临的问题进行分析的基础上,提出了面向用户构造企业信息系统的方法,即全面考察实际系统中对象的整个生命周期过程和对象间的内在联系,使设计出的应用系统可由最终用户自行调整,以适应实际系统的信息需求的变化。论文提出了面向用户的企业信息系统的软件结构,最后简要介绍了采用面向用户方法进行开发的实例。  相似文献   

针对电网企业的信息化建设,提出基于信息资源规划的企业级共享数据模型的构建方法,从数据元素级和业务活动级的细颗粒度入手,进行关系分析、数据分布研究、最终抽取出全企业共享的模型,为数据中心在信息管理领域奠定坚实的基础.  相似文献   

测试非确定性系统的一种结构化方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶新铭 《计算机学报》1994,17(3):198-203
本文对非确定性的分布式系统的相容性测试提出一种新的方法,这种方法是经典的状态识别方法的一种扩展。我们提出了集合识别的概念,重新定义了区别序列和UIO序列,最后我们给出了层次测试的方法。  相似文献   

Flash作为一种高密度新型的存储介质,具有读写速度快、抗震能力强、体积小、重量轻等很多优点,使用Flash芯片的SSD硬盘将代替传统磁盘,更广泛地应用在个人电脑以及服务器设备上。由此,在Flash平台上部署和运行数据库系统就成为我们必须思考和研究的问题。由于Flash与传统磁盘特性不同,不能简单地将基于传统磁盘的数据库系统应用在Flash平台上。提出一种动态日志的方法,更好地利用Flash介质本身的特性,提高基于Flash平台的DBMS性能。  相似文献   

In this paper an on-line multilevel suboptimal control procedure is developed for large-scale, time-invariant, and discrete linear systems with quadratic performance criterion, and measurement disturbances having arbitrary statistical distributions. The on-line coordination procedure as reported here employs an upper-level intervention through interaction estimates and goal modifications in order to modify lower-level subsystem optimization problems. Their individual controls are applied to the system and the resulting output is estimated by Kalman Type filter and performance information is fedback to the upper level unit. A reference control approach is used to up-date intervention variables over a sequence of time instants to improve on the control being applied to the process. In the computer simulation of the process, it was found that the actual overall cost for systems using this on-line multilevel control procedure is within ±10% of the cost resulting from a conventional overall optimal control policy.  相似文献   

本文给出一种在时间域里实现带稳定性约束的线性定常系统的优化方法,它不同于最优控制理论所采用的解析方法,而是建立在用计算机解非线性规划问题的基础上的。优化的目标函数采用二次型积分泛函,利用模态矩阵导出了它的一个规范化的算法,然后用增广的拉格朗日乘子法来求解。这一方法适合于那些不能满足最优控制论要求的许多实际系统。对于可稳定的系统,无论原始设计参数是否满足稳定性条件,经优化后总能获得稳定的最优解。  相似文献   

基于事务语义的多数据库系统并发存取控制方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
庆成三 《计算机学报》1996,19(5):369-373
本文提出了一种多数据库系统(MDBS)的基于事务语义的并发存取控制方法。文中首先按对数据库一致性的影响将事务分类;接着提出了新的MDBS的并发调度的非可串行正确性准则;然后;叙述了称为“事务语义协议”的并发存取控制原理和方法,给出了全局调度和交付的算法和方法正确性证明。  相似文献   

The last few years have seen the development of Discrete Event-Dynamic Net Systems1,2 as instruments for modeling complex systems. They are able to achieve the following objectives:

—formality of the modeling methodology

—ability to model static and dynamic aspects

—ability to pass between levels of differently rich structures by morphisms

—uniform representation of the communication process as

—an information process

—a decision process and

—a control process

—homogeneity of the representation and modeling methods

—ability to derive qualitative and quantitative statements.

The foundation is provided by a Discrete Event-Dynamic Net System which includes the axiomatic declaration of general Petri nets. In order to calculate the structural and dynamic aspects, so-called Petri net machines are developed. It is shown that this approach can even be used to treat the following aspects:

—use of time during the process

—increase of costs during the generation and transportation of information

—augmentation, evaluation and transformation of information objects.

Recursive formulas are derived and some examples calculated.  相似文献   

The general use of subjective probabilities to model beliefs has been justified using many axiomatic schemes. This paper presents a rationale for probability models based on intuitive properties of belief orderings and the effect of evidence on beliefs. Qualitative probability, which imposes stringent constraints on belief representation schemes, is derived from four simple assumptions about beliefs and evidence. Properties shown to be sufficient for the adoption of probability proper by Cox (1978) are derived here from qualitative probability and a principle of plausible reasoning advanced by Polya (1954). Models based on complete orderings of beliefs extend easily to motivate set-valued representations of partial orderings as well.  相似文献   

The problem of detecting nontransient faults in sequential logic circuits by random testing was analyzed by Das et al. utilizing the well-known continuous parameter Markov model. Given a sequential circuit with certain stuck faults specified, the original state table and its error version can be readily derived from analysis of the circuit under fault-free and faulty conditions, respectively. By simulating these two tables next on a computer, we can obtain the parameters of the desired Markov model. For a specified confidence degree, it is easy to derive the parameters of the model and to calculate the required lengths of the random test patterns, or the maximum testing time. This paper presents further analysis of the model and reports simulation results on VAX 11/750 system which provides some useful insights into the nature of faults in relation to random testing and the associated confidence degree.  相似文献   

动态系统的演化建模   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
针对采用传统方法解决动态系统的微分方程建模问题所遇到的困难和存在的不足,语文中设计了将遗传程序设计与遗传算法和相嵌套的混合演化建模算法,以遗传程序设计优化模型结构,以遗传算法优化模型参数,成功地实现了动态系统的常微分方程组建模过程自动化。  相似文献   

分布式通用测试结构的形式化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着分布式系统的不断发展更新,CTMF(ISO/IEC9464)所给出的测试方法不能满足的需要。提出了用于分布式系统的一致性没试互操作测试和性能测试的通用测试结构 ,并建立了用测试结构和形式化模人出了各部件的操作语义,为设计开发具有灵活动态的通信结构的分布测试系统提供了理论基础和依据,分布式系统通用测试结构扩展,当前基于被测系统类型的测试方法,它可以对实际的分布式系统进行整体测试。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new algorithm for dealing with inexact reasoning problems, where the certainty factors of the rules and the truth values of the conditions appearing in the rules are represented by linguistic terms. The algorithm performs inexact reasoning via repeatedly transforming an augmented linguistic truth state vector T by an augmented linguistic rule matrix F. Given the linguistic truth values of some conditions, the algorithm can perform inexact reasoning to evaluate the linguistic truth values of other conditions automatically.  相似文献   

面向Agent的开放巨型智能系统的处理机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开放巨型智能系统是一类特殊的复杂系统,我们相信基于Agent的计算是目前最适合处理这类系统复杂性的途径.然而,主流的面向Agent的抽象机制不足以处理这类系统的社会性.为此,本文提出基于Agent的开放巨型智能系统的社会性抽象机制,并经验性地讨论了四个方面的工作:社会抽象的理论基础与设计方法,社会性交互机制,MAS组织框架与Agent构件模式,多Agent社会.  相似文献   

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