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The chemical structure of heavy oil fractions obtained by liquid-solid adsorption chromatography was character-ized by 1 H nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray diffraction.The molecular weight and molecular formula of asphaltene molecules were estimated by combining 1 H nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray diffraction analyses,and were also ob-tained from vapor pressure osmometry and elemental analysis.Heteroatoms,such as S,N,and O atoms,were considered in the construction of average molecular structure of heavy oils.Two important structural parameters were proposed,including the number of alkyl chain substituents to aromatic rings and the number of total rings with heteroatoms.Ultimately,the av-erage molecular structures of polycyclic aromatics,heavy resins and asphaltene molecules were constructed.The number of α-,β-,γ-,and aromatic hydrogen atoms of the constructed average molecular structures fits well with the number of hydro-gen atoms derived from the experimental spectral data.  相似文献   

以含氢硅油、含氟丙烯酸酯和烯丙基聚醚为原料,在卡斯特催化剂的作用下,合成了一种有机硅表面活性剂——含氟丙烯酸酯、聚醚共改性聚硅氧烷,并用红外光谱对其进行了表征。通过单因素实验确定较佳反应条件为:n(Si—H)∶n(CC)=1∶1.15,催化剂用量10μg/g,反应温度90℃,反应时间5h,在此条件下转化率可达88.5%。含氟丙烯酸酯和聚醚摩尔比为1∶5,共改性硅油水溶液质量浓度为0.6g/L时,表面张力为23.7mN/m。  相似文献   

A silicone oil emulsion with 60% of solid content was prepared with methyl silicone oil used as the main material by means of the emulsifier-in-oil method.The influence of emulsification conditions on the droplet diameter of silicone oil emulsion was discussed.The experimental results showed that the emulsification method,including the quantity of the emulsifier,the time and temperature of emulsification,the emulsifying water dosage,and the stirring speed,had significant impact on the droplet size.The optimal conditions were identified to achieve a smallest droplet diameter of the emulsion at an emulsifier dosage of 6%,an emulsification temperature of 70 ℃,an emulsification time of 30 min,and a stirring speed of 1100 r/min,with water added in two portions at a ratio of 1:1.The high-solid content silicone oil emulsion with a mean droplet diameter of 2.731 μm was prepared under these conditions that could ensure absence of stratification and floating oil under centrifuging at a speed of 3000 r/min for 30 min.  相似文献   

氟硅油的特点及性能是由其分子结构中氟原子的屏蔽效应和负电保护效应确定的。概述了氟硅油的摩擦性能和高温性能。  相似文献   

以四甲基环四硅氧烷、三氟丙基甲基环三硅氧烷、六甲基二硅氧烷为原料,以不同酸为催化剂,合成不同结构的含氢氟硅油。初步探讨了不同含氢氟硅油对注射成型氟硅橡胶的性能影响。结果表明,Si-H∶Si-Vi=3.5左右时,注射成型氟硅橡胶的机械性能较好;可选择不同的含氢氟硅油来控制氟硅橡胶的硬度;根据含氢氟硅油端基上的活性作用对氟硅橡胶起到很好的提高拉伸强度、扯断伸长率的同时还能提高撕裂强度。  相似文献   

以甲基苯基硅氧烷环聚体、甲基三氟丙基环三硅氧烷(D3F)、八甲基环四硅氧烷(D4)、六甲基二硅氧烷(MM)为原料,共聚合成了含苯基、γ-三氟丙基氟硅油。测定了其基本理化性质,研究了其润滑性能及氧化安定性。合成的含苯基氟硅油闪点均大于320℃,-40℃黏度低于3000 mm2/s,100℃黏度在10~13 mm2/s之间,具有高闪点、良好的高低温性能。加入0.5%的二烷基二硫代磷酸锌(ZDDP)后,磨痕直径由2.2 mm降低至0.83 mm,氧化起始点温度提高了30℃,具有良好的摩擦性能和耐高温氧化稳定性。  相似文献   

以6种费-托合成润滑油基础油和14种加氢异构润滑油基础油为研究对象,采用核磁共振技术对其分子结构及组成进行分析,并计算其分子结构参数,将20种基础油的黏度指数与识别出的8种分子结构进行关联,考察组成对黏度指数的影响。研究结果表明,润滑油基础油分子中2位、3位、4位甲基取代结构的存在会降低其黏度指数,而正构烷烃和6位或7位取代结构分子则有利于提高其黏度指数。对于费-托合成润滑油基础油,当分子平均碳数相近时,支化度和支化点数越大,润滑油基础油结构的分支程度越高;当分子平均碳数不同时,相对支化点数越大,润滑油基础油结构的分支程度越高;黏度指数随着相对支化点数的增加呈线性增长,相关系数为0.95。  相似文献   

以过硫酸钾为引发剂,分别合成O/W型和W/O型两种稳定的聚苯乙烯微乳液,其平均颗粒直径约50—70nm。用DSC、IR、GPC、SEM等方法对微乳液聚合物结构进行表征,观察到了不同于正常乳液聚合物的一些特殊的结构。  相似文献   

采用直接酯化法,以对苯二甲酸(PTA)、己二酸(AA)、乙二醇(EG)和1,4-丁二醇(BG)为原料合成了聚(对苯二甲酸丁二醇-co-己二酸丁二醇-co-对苯二甲酸乙二醇-co-己二酸乙二醇)可生物降解四元共聚酯(PBATE)。利用核磁共振(1HNMR)和广角X射线衍射(WAXD)研究了共聚酯PBATE的序列结构及结晶性能。研究结果表明,共聚酯PBATE为无规共聚酯,其组成与单体的投料比几乎相同;共聚酯PBATE的晶体结构为三斜晶系,其结晶熔点符合无规共聚物的Flory方程。  相似文献   

综述了支链聚乙烯分子中长支链和短支链的表征方法,评价了已报道的各种表征方法的优缺点,指出了 目前在表征方法上的新要求。  相似文献   

与矿物油相比,植物油具有良好的生物降解性,粘温性和润滑性。介绍了15种植物油的粘温性和润滑性。  相似文献   

考察了鼠李糖脂对全损耗系统用油生物降解性能及润滑性能的影响.鼠李糖脂可促进全损耗系统用油生物降解,且具有一定的抗磨减摩性能.  相似文献   

运用GC-FID/MS和NMR从分子水平表征FCC油浆加氢精制前后焦化蜡油产物的详细组成和结构。对其中121种芳烃单体化合物进行分子识别,基本实现该焦化蜡油中多环芳烃、氢化多环芳烃、噻吩和咔唑以及这些化合物的烷基取代物的定量,并考察了油浆精制前后焦化蜡油的结构及其变化。结果表明,尽管FCC油浆加氢精制前后焦化蜡油产物的烃族组成相近,但化合物组成和结构有较大变化。FCC油浆精制后再焦化,蜡油产物中无取代母核多环芳烃加氢转化及缩合减少,烷基桥链的多芳核结构裂化减少,硫、氮杂原子芳香化合物被较多地脱除,C1和C2取代芳烃、单环芳烃以及环烷芳烃含量增加,说明加氢精制对FCC油浆延迟焦化过程有利,其焦化蜡油产物的组成和结构得到改善。  相似文献   

硅油作为润滑油添加剂的摩擦和磨损性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用 SRV 摩擦磨损试验机研究了3种含氟硅油在聚 α 烯烃(PAO)中的摩擦和磨损性能,采用光学显微镜测量了钢球和钢盘的磨斑尺寸,用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)分析了磨斑表面形貌和形成摩擦化学反应膜化合物的化学状态,探讨了含氟硅油的摩擦化学机理。结果表明,不同链长和不同官能团的含氟硅油具有不同的减摩和抗磨性能,其中含氟硅油 F-Si-G 有最小的摩擦系数,仅为0.097,而含氟硅油 F-Si-H 有最小的磨斑宽度,为0.444 mm。这是由于含氟硅油在摩擦副运动过程中发生化学分解,生成的含氟摩擦化学产物是改善摩擦副摩擦和磨损性能的主要原因。  相似文献   

考察了加氢异构化基础油对抗氧剂、抗磨剂、防锈剂和金属钝化剂等添加剂的感受性并采用加氢异构化基础油研制出高压抗磨液压油 ,其各项性能达到了抗磨液压油GB11118.1-94(优等品 )及DenisionHF -0规格要求  相似文献   

研究了用凝胶渗透色谱法(GPC)快速确定涡轮润滑油中的沉积物。该方法可测定在不同氧化时间下油样中抗氧剂的含量和相对分子质量分布的变化情况。对涡轮润滑油氧化安定性实验结果与GPC谱图中相对分子质量分布的分析对比发现,油品的氧化降解越严重,其中的抗氧剂聚合物相对分子质量就越大,相对分子质量分布也越宽。将△S/S(△S为相对分子质量高于800的增加峰值区域面积,S为新鲜油的峰值区域面积)值作为评价油品沉积物抑制能力的指标。该数值与油样氧化过程中生成的沉积物数量有很好的一致性。  相似文献   

Global economic and pollution concerns are having a major impact on how modern engine oils are being formulated. Modern engine oil specifications mandate reduced levels of phosphorus and sulfur to protect the efficacy of pollution control devices. In addition, modern engine oil must also be more fuel efficient than earlier generations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the impact of high priced gasoline and diesel fuel to the consumer. At the same time, oxidation, wear, and corrosion performance of the oil must not be compromised. Multifunctional additives are useful formulation tools that help formulators meet these tough new challenges. One such additive is the organo-borate ester/amide. Originally conceived as an organic friction modifier, this patented technology is really a multifunctional additive that addresses the global economic and pollution concerns. With the addition of boron, this unique commercial organic friction modifier also imparts antioxidancy, antiwear and anticorrosion properties to engine oil. In addition, the organo-borate ester/amide is compatible with pollution control devices because it does not contain sulfur or phosphorus. Work is on going to uncover additional beneficial properties of this chemistry.  相似文献   

The desalting and dewatering of six crude oils with deferent properties have been studied. The contents of asphaltene and resin of #1, #2, and #4 crude oil are high; the demulsifiers with higher lipophilic values than others in the same series such as DA2, DB2, and DC2 can be easily absorbed on the interface of a water-oil emulsion and reveal better dewatering and desalting efficiency. The carbon atom number of alkyl on phenol core in nonyl-alkylphenol formaldehyde resin, which is the initiator of the DC series, is more than that of the DB series. DC was easier to diffuse into the interface of water in oil, and the dewatering efficiency increased. Because more multipoint adsorbed, their dewatering rate was slower, and the salts can dissolve in washing water and be removed with water. The density and viscosity of #3 crude oil are lower, and wax content is high. The hydrophilic group and lipophilic group in the molecular of DA4, DB4, and DC4 demulsifier can well be absorbed on the interface of water-oil emulsion of #3 crude oil, which have better efficiencies of desalting and dewatering than other demulsifiers of their same series. The density, viscosity, and wax content of #5 and #6 crude oils are lower; however, sulfur content is high. The self-made demulsifiers have excellent dewatering efficiency for #5 and #6 crude oil, but the desalting efficiency is unsatisfied, because the content of salts sulfate and sulfide in #5 and #6 crude oil is high as shown in the analysis of anion content before and after desalting. It can be improved by adding acid assistant TJ1, TJ2, and TJ3, thus indiffluent salts sulfate and sulfide transform into diffluent salts that can be removed, so the desalting efficiency obviously increases.  相似文献   

为了促进国内齿轮油添加剂研发工作的发展,在文献调研的基础上,结合国内润滑油市场的具体情况,对工业齿轮油的性能特点、发展趋势及其对添加剂的要求进行了分析,重点总结了抗氧剂、极压抗磨剂和分散剂的应用现状与趋势。同时根据国内润滑油添加剂的发展现状,对未来齿轮油添加剂如磷氮剂、含硼添加剂和纳米添加剂等的研发工作提出了一些建议和展望。  相似文献   

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