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传统交互设备的信息展示维度存在一定局限性,增强现实技术能够扩展交互空间和信息维度,但在信息的全局交互和决策中则略显不足.该文将传统移动交互设备iPad与增强现实设备HoloLens进行结合,在iPad上展示整体的特征信息的同时,在HoloLens中进行细节的探索.基于这一设计思想创设了一种全新的交互环境,实现多层次多人...  相似文献   

为探究解决增强现实浏览器人因问题的方法,通过对移动增强现实环境中的人因问题进行分析,提出一个新型设计流程,并在实际设计中论证其有效性.首先对移动增强现实浏览器进行用户需求分析,并将需求转化为任务;然后将抽象信息可视化为数据视图,并采用概览与细节方法对构成视图的视觉元素进行布局;再使用渐进式交互法组织离散数据视图,生成交互界面;最终通过对浏览器原型的迭代设计解决评测过程中发现的人为设计错误.可用性测试结果表明,采用该方法设计的增强现实交互系统增进了用户对目标的认知,改善了用户体验.  相似文献   

康波 《计算机测量与控制》2006,14(11):1431-1434,1455
增强现实是一种正在发展的新技术,它将由计算机产生的虚拟场景或信息准确叠加到真实环境中,可以增强用户对真实世界的感知与交互能力;对用户视场及视点的跟踪是增强现实中实现虚、实场景配准的关键技术之一;通过对增强现实中跟踪技术性能要求的讨论,介绍了基于磁场、声学、惯性、光学传感等多种跟踪技术,分析了各种方法的跟踪性能与局限性,认为以基于视觉跟踪为主的混合跟踪技术将是增强现实系统的主流跟踪技术,重点论述了基于视觉的跟踪与基于视觉一惯性的混合跟踪技术及其有待解决的问题,并针对户外增强现实中的跟踪技术做了专门讨论。  相似文献   

Augmented reality involves the use of models and their associated renderings to supplement information in a real scene. In order for this information to be relevant or meaningful, the models must be positioned and displayed in such a way that they align with their corresponding real objects. For practical reasons this alignment cannot be known a priori, and cannot be hard-wired into a system. Instead a simple, reliable alignment or calibration process is performed so that computer models can be accurately registered with their real-life counterparts. We describe the design and implementation of such a process and we show how it can be used to create convincing interactions between real and virtual objects.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的发展,增强现实技术逐渐成为下一代人机接口技术发展的主要方向之一。增强现实技术使用户可以容易地进入人们本来不能进入的微观世界,以及人们不能直接进入的特殊环境,并为人们的研究工作构造理想的交互环境,比如观察分子立体结构、探索基因芯片本质的增强现实系统等。增强现实技术与计算机图形学、人机交互技术、网络多媒体技术相结合,广泛应用于医学、军事、工业、娱乐等方面。  相似文献   

浅谈增强现实技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,增强现实因其具有虚实结合的特点,逐渐成为研究的热点。通过增强现实电视节目中的应用引出对增强现实概念、特点和关键技术的介绍,简述了国内外增强现实的发展现状,并对其应用作了简要说明,最后展望增强现实未来对人类生活的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a vision-based approach for transmitting virtual models for Augmented Reality, which we name In-Place Augmented Reality (IPAR). A two-dimensional representation of the virtual models is embedded in a printed image. We apply computer vision techniques to interpret the printed image and extract the virtual models, which are then overlaid on the printed image. The main advantages of our approach are: (1) the image of the embedded virtual models and their behaviors are understandable to a human without using an AR system and (2) no database or network communication is required to retrieve the models. To demonstrate the technology and test its usability, we implemented several applications and performed a user evaluation. We discuss how the proposed technique can be used for the development of applications in different domains such as education, advertisement, and gaming.  相似文献   

一种基于视沉的增强现实三维注册算法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
为了提高增强现实系统三维注册的精度和效率,提出了一种基于计算机视觉的增强现实三维注射算法,并已将其用于采用透射式头盔显示器的增强现实系统中,该算法有如下特点:(1)构架简单,实用性强,一般情况下只需4个平面标志物就可实现三维注册;(2)工作范围大,甚至可以应用到室外的增强现实系统中;(30数值求解过程最线性过程,误差小,可以满足增强现实系统高精度三维注册的要求,另外,应用这种算法所需要作的图象处理计算量很小,其典型系统包括一个彩色CCD和几个不同颜色的标志点,由于很容易获得标志点的对应像面位置,而且不需要计算图象对,因此实时性好,是一般图形工作站和PC机上的增强现实系统进行实时注册的算法基础。  相似文献   

Kinect(+openCV); Dynamic portrait segmentation; Skeletal tracking; Edge transparent processing; Video interactive  相似文献   

增强现实技术综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
增强现实技术是将计算机渲染生成的虚拟场景与真实世界中的场景无缝融合起来的一种技术,它通过视频显示设备将虚实融合的场景呈现给用户,使人们与计算机之间的交互更加的自然,同时具有广泛的应用前景,因此成为近年来的一个研究热点。随着跟踪注册技术的进步、计算机性能的飞速发展、深度摄像机的普及,以及Light Field投影技术在增强现实中的应用,增强现实技术逐渐成为下一代人机交互的发展方向。该文章首先概述了增强现实的主要研究内容和发展情况,并详细介绍了增强现实的关键技术、开发工具,然后分类概述了增强现实应用案例。  相似文献   

Distributed Augmented Reality for Collaborative Design Applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a system for constructing collaborative design applications based on distributed augmented reality. Augmented reality interfaces are a natural method for presenting computer-based design by merging graphics with a view of the real world. Distribution enables users at remote sites to collaborate on design tasks. The users interactively control their local view, try out design options, and communicate design proposals. They share virtual graphical objects that substitute for real objects which are not yet physically created or are not yet placed into the real design environment. We describe the underlying augmented reality system and in particular how it has been extended in order to support multi-user collaboration. The construction of distributed augmented reality applications is made easier by a separation of interface, interaction and distribution issues. An interior design application is used as an example to demonstrate the advantages of our approach.  相似文献   

适用于户外增强现实系统的混合跟踪定位算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单一传感器无法解决户外增强现实系统中的跟踪定位问题.为了提高视觉跟踪定位算法的精度和鲁棒性,提出一种基于惯性跟踪器与视觉测量相结合的混合跟踪定位算法.该算法在扩展卡尔曼滤波框架下,通过融合来自视觉与惯性传感器的信息进行摄像机运动轨迹估计,并利用视觉测量信息对惯性传感器的零点偏差进行实时校正;同时采用SCAAT方法解决惯性传感器与视觉测量间的时间采样不同步问题.实验结果表明,该算法能够有效地提高运动估计的精度和稳定性.  相似文献   

Opportunistic Controls are a class of user interaction techniques that we have developed for augmented reality (AR) applications to support gesturing on, and receiving feedback from, otherwise unused affordances already present in the domain environment. By leveraging characteristics of these affordances to provide passive haptics that ease gesture input, Opportunistic Controls simplify gesture recognition, and provide tangible feedback to the user. In this approach, 3D widgets are tightly coupled with affordances to provide visual feedback and hints about the functionality of the control. For example, a set of buttons can be mapped to existing tactile features on domain objects. We describe examples of Opportunistic Controls that we have designed and implemented using optical marker tracking, combined with appearance-based gesture recognition. We present the results of two user studies. In the first, participants performed a simulated maintenance inspection of an aircraft engine using a set of virtual buttons implemented both as Opportunistic Controls and using simpler passive haptics. Opportunistic Controls allowed participants to complete their tasks significantly faster and were preferred over the baseline technique. In the second, participants proposed and demonstrated user interfaces incorporating Opportunistic Controls for two domains, allowing us to gain additional insights into how user interfaces featuring Opportunistic Controls might be designed.  相似文献   

增强现实系统显示技术探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
增强现实系统的显示技术,是增强现实技术研究的重要部分。在增强现实系统中,使用透视式头盔显示器来实现对现实的增强。该文介绍了增强现实显示常用的两种透视式头盔显示器,在技术、心理因素方面对它们进行了比较,并且给出了一些新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

The use of 3D imaging techniques has been early adopted in the footwear industry. In particular, 3D imaging could be used to aid commerce and improve the quality and sales of shoes. Footwear customization is an added value aimed not only to improve product quality, but also consumer comfort. Moreover, customisation implies a new business model that avoids the competition of mass production coming from new manufacturers settled mainly in Asian countries.  相似文献   

增强现实中的视频对象跟踪算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据增强现实在视频对象跟踪中的应用需求,提出一种综合利用尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)算子、K聚类算法和轮廓检测的视频对象跟踪算法。该算法利用简易SIFT获得输入图像的特征点,通过K聚类算法获得可能的对象聚类,并采用改进的轮廓处理方法得到对象边界,移除孤立点,确定对象特征点,在对象特征点中获取增强现实应用中需要的注册点。在关键帧匹配中,只要使用对象特征点进行对象匹配。实验结果表明,该算法具有运行速度快、匹配正确率高的特点,能满足增强现实视频应用的注册需求。  相似文献   

Handheld Augmented Reality for underground infrastructure visualization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we present an Augmented Reality (AR) system for aiding field workers of utility companies in outdoor tasks such as maintenance, planning or surveying of underground infrastructure. Our work addresses these issues using spatial interaction and visualization techniques for mobile AR applications and as well as for a new mobile device design. We also present results from evaluations of the prototype application for underground infrastructure spanning various user groups. Our application has been driven by feedback from industrial collaborators in the utility sector, and includes a translation tool for automatically importing data from utility company databases of underground assets.
Dieter SchmalstiegEmail:

Augmented Reality (AR) provides new ways for situated visualization and human-computer interaction in physical environments. Current evaluation procedures for AR applications rely primarily on questionnaires and interviews, providing qualitative means to assess usability and task solution strategies. Eye tracking extends these existing evaluation methodologies by providing indicators for visual attention to virtual and real elements in the environment. However, the analysis of viewing behavior, especially the comparison of multiple participants, is difficult to achieve in AR. Specifically, the definition of areas of interest (AOIs), which is often a prerequisite for such analysis, is cumbersome and tedious with existing approaches. To address this issue, we present a new visualization approach to define AOIs, label fixations, and investigate the resulting annotated scanpaths. Our approach utilizes automatic annotation of gaze on virtual objects and an image-based approach that also considers spatial context for the manual annotation of objects in the real world. Our results show, that with our approach, eye tracking data from AR scenes can be annotated and analyzed flexibly with respect to data aspects and annotation strategies.  相似文献   

When projectors are used to display images on complex, non‐planar surface geometry, indirect illumination between the surfaces will disrupt the final appearance of this imagery, generally increasing brightness, decreasing contrast, and washing out colors. In this paper we predict through global illumination simulation this unintentional indirect component and solve for the optimal compensated projection imagery that will minimize the difference between the desired imagery and the actual total illumination in the resulting physical scene. Our method makes use of quadratic programming to minimize this error within the constraints of the physical system, namely, that negative light is physically impossible. We demonstrate our compensation optimization in both computer simulation and physical validation within a table‐top spatially augmented reality system. We present an application of these results for visualization of interior architectural illumination. To facilitate interactive modifications to the scene geometry and desired appearance, our system is accelerated with a CUDA implementation of the QP optimization method.  相似文献   

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