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With China’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Chinese construction market will be increasingly open and finally become part of the international market. Because of different social and economic systems, as well as different historical and cultural backgrounds, contractors are likely to encounter different risks in different markets. Based on questionnaires and case studies, this paper adopts an importance evaluation index and makes an importance evaluation of various risks encountered by Chinese contractors when contracting for projects in Chinese markets. This paper also makes comparisons between and analyses of the research findings and related available investigation results. The Cox–Stuart trend increase test method is applied in the current research, the results indicating that the variance corresponding to the importance index value tends to increase as the risk event importance decreases. This tendency shows that those investigated tend towards unanimity in terms of higher importance risk events. This paper also examines the reliability of the questionnaires by means of Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient. The research shows that the main risk currently encountered by Chinese contractors in domestic markets includes owner’s irregular behavior and government departments’ interference in construction markets. China’s accession to the WTO has provided greater opportunities for international contractors to enter the Chinese construction market. Therefore the research results described in this paper can provide valuable data enabling international contractors to gain a better understanding of the potential risks in the environment of the Chinese construction market.  相似文献   

Competitive bidding is the major mechanism of competition. Bidding is risky because the actual cost of the job is unknown. Thus, the bid should be high enough to make a profit but low enough to win the bidding. The result of competition depends on the competitor’s risk-taking behaviors, which are affected by the organization’s risk attitudes. A contractor’s risk-taking is an essential element of the construction business. The current study explores the domain of competition at the aggregate market level. An evolutionary simulation model was developed to investigate the effects of risk attitude on a contractor’s success and on the market structure. The analysis accounts for different risk-taking behaviors in competition, different performances by contractors, corresponding organizational changes, and aggregate patterns in the form of the market structure. The study finds that risk attitude is a competitive characteristic of contractors. The results provide new insight on competition in the market place, and explanations are given for a contractor’s competitive success.  相似文献   

The objective of the study presented in this paper is to provide owners with a decision-making mechanism that will free them from automatically taking the typical “transfer the risk to a surety” option and will allow them to make intelligent and economical decisions that include retaining or avoiding the risk of contractor default. The methodology involves using artificial neural network (ANN) and a genetic algorithm (GA) training strategies to predict the risk of contractor default. Prediction rates of 75 and 88% were obtained with the ANN and GA training strategies, respectively. The model is of relevance to owners because once the likelihood of contractor default is predicted and the owner’s risk behavior is established, the owner can make a decision to retain, transfer, or avoid the risk of contractor default. It is of relevance to surety companies too as it may speed up the process of bonding and of reaching more reliable and objective bond/not bond decisions. The comparative use of the ANN and GA training strategies is of particular relevance to researchers.  相似文献   

Formal and analytical risk models prescribe how risk should be incorporated into construction bids. However, the actual process of how contractors and their clients negotiate and agree to price is complex and not clearly articulated in the literature. With participant observation, the entire tender process was shadowed in two leading U.K. construction firms. This was compared with propositions in analytical models, and significant differences were found. A total of 670?h of work observed in both firms revealed three stages of the bidding process. Bidding activities were categorized and their extent estimated as deskwork (32%), calculations (19%), meetings (14%), documents (13%), off-days (11%), conversations (7%), correspondence (3%), and travel (1%). Risk allowances of 1–2% were priced in some bids, and three tiers of risk apportionment in bids were identified. However, priced risks may be excluded from the final bid to enhance competitiveness. Although risk apportionment affects a contractor’s pricing strategy, other complex microeconomic factors also affect price. Instead of including pricing contingencies, risk was priced primarily through contractual rather than price mechanisms to reflect commercial imperatives. These findings explain why some assumptions underpinning analytical models may not be sustainable in practice and why what actually happens in practice is important for those who seek to model the pricing of construction bids.  相似文献   

This paper presents a risk assessment model for tendering of Chinese building projects on the basis of identification and evaluation of the major risk events in the Chinese construction market, investigations and interviews from which the factors inducing the risk events were determined, questionnaires on building projects within China’s borders, and the logistic regression method. The findings show that, to a certain extent, the risk of tendering for projects and the risk of a contracted project can be assessed through analysis of factors such as owner type, source of project financing, existence or lack of past cooperation between contractors and owners, the intensity of competition for tendering, the reasonableness of the bid price, and the degree of support from the contracting company to its projects. The model can serve as a supplementary tool for Chinese contractors in making decisions for project tendering within Chinese borders. At the same time, it is of reference significance for international contractors, enabling them to further understand the risks in the contract market for Chinese building projects.  相似文献   

This paper tests the assertion that experienced contractors are more competitive than inexperienced contractors by measuring the effect of experience on bidding competitiveness for building contracts procured by a regular client. Contractors are grouped into experienced and inexperienced contractors, and two levels of contractors’ experience are identified: (1) bidding experience only and (2) bidding plus construction experience. Results of two-sample t tests show that experienced contractors are more competitive than inexperienced contractors. Contractors’ competitiveness in respect of school contracts and other contracts are further compared in evaluating the relationship between the project type and experience effect. Experienced contractors are, on average, more competitive in competing for school contracts. It emerges that the factor of project type familiarity amplifies the experience effect. A comparison of experienced contractors’ competitiveness in bidding for (1) new building works and (2) alteration and extension works shows that the effect of experience would be more significant when contract works packages are highly standardized.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a growing trend of Chinese companies making significant inroads into the international construction market. However, comparing to their fast development, only few studies have been reported to introduce the Chinese international construction companies (CICCs) as an emerging competing force. This research, by conducting a strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat analysis, aims to help understand CICCs which have been stereotypically viewed as a somewhat heterogeneous group. Data supporting the analysis were derived from multiple sources including statistical reports, literature review, interviews, and in particular first-hand experience from those who are competing on the forefront. The research opens a window through which all players in the global construction market can perceive internal and external conditions of their Chinese counterpart.  相似文献   

Downtime resulting from machine breakdown invariably has a considerable impact on the performance of construction projects and companies as a whole, especially to contractors with heavy investment in equipment. Attempts to investigate the causes and consequences of downtime are rarely found. The aim of this paper is to characterize and quantify factors that influence downtime consequences (consequential problems resulting from downtime) of highway construction equipment based on the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data on equipment management practices and downtime consequences among highway contractors in Thailand. The SEM model proposed is of value for both researchers and practitioners to facilitate a better understanding of the relationships among acquisition condition, operational practice, maintenance quality, disposal practice, and downtime consequence of heavy equipment. The model also helps contractors to manage equipment more efficiently by concentrating on several practices that can convey the greatest benefit in minimizing downtime consequences at each particular stage of a machine’s life cycle, rather than considering all practices simultaneously where the benefits gained are perhaps not proportional to the effort.  相似文献   

Managing knowledge effectively is critical to the survival and advance of a company, especially in project-based industries such as construction. However, capturing knowledge in construction projects is a tedious task, as knowledge is usually experience based, tacit, and hard to pass on to others. In this study, a survey was carried out among eight leading Turkish construction contractors that are operating within the international construction market. The specific objectives of this survey are to find out how the tacit and explicit knowledge are captured, stored, shared, and used in forthcoming projects, as well as major drivers and barriers for knowledge management. Based on the survey, it was determined that most of these firms do not have a knowledge management strategy and a systematic way of capturing and storing tacit knowledge. A conceptual framework is proposed to formalize the knowledge-capturing process within construction companies. To demonstrate how the conceptual framework can be implemented in practice, a Web-based system, namely, Knowledge Platform for Contractors (KPfC) is presented. It is hypothesized that KPfC can be used to manage both tacit and explicit knowledge effectively in construction projects.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of a questionnaire survey that was conducted among a selected sample of large-size contractors operating in Egypt, as well as a comparison of the safety approaches in both the United States and Egypt. The results revealed that safety programs applied by large-size contractors in Egypt were less formal than those applied by their American counterparts. Only a few companies out of the surveyed sample had accident records broken down by projects and provided workers with formal safety orientation. Finally, the study recommended that reforms in the way of the employer’s contribution to social insurance were necessary; thereby linking accident insurance costs to the contractor’s safety performance. This is meant to serve as a strong incentive for safety management.  相似文献   

Construction safety and health management has improved significantly following the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. In response to this legislation, contractors began implementing safety programs to reduce occupational safety and health hazards on construction sites. Researchers recently found that the current process of selecting specific elements for a safety program is informal. This paper describes the results of a recent study designed to determine the relative effectiveness of safety program elements by quantifying their individual ability to mitigate construction safety and health risks. In order to determine the effectiveness of individual safety program elements, the following research activities were performed: (1) an appropriate safety risk classification system was created using an aggregation of relevant literature; (2) highly effective safety program elements were identified in literature; and (3) the ability of each safety program element to mitigate a portion of each of the safety risk classes was quantified using the Delphi method. The results of the research indicate that the most effective safety program elements are upper management support and commitment and strategic subcontractor selection and management and the least effective elements are recordkeeping and accident analyses and emergency response planning. It is expected that the data presented in this paper can be used to strategically select elements for a safety program, target specific safety and health risks, and influence resource allocation when funds are limited.  相似文献   

Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is recognized as one of the most beneficial techniques in reliability programs. FMEA is a structured technique that can help in identifying all failure modes within a system, assessing their impact, and planning for corrective actions. Although this technique has been widely used in many industries, it has some limitations. The purpose of this paper is to extend the application of FMEA to risk management in the construction industry. Fuzzy logic and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (AHP) are used to address the limitations of traditional FMEA. In essence, this method explores the concept of fuzzy expert systems to map the relationship between impact (I), probability of occurrence (P), and detection/control (D) and the level of criticality of risk events. A case study is presented to validate the concept. The results obtained confirm the capability of fuzzy FMEA and fuzzy AHP to address several drawbacks of the traditional FMEA application. The use of this approach can support the project management team to establish corrective actions in a timely manner.  相似文献   

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) was originated in the manufacturing industry. It provides a general working environment for an enterprise to integrate its major business management functions with one single common database so that information can be shared and efficient communications can be achieved between management functions. This paper first briefs the ERP technology, its origin, and its current development in general. Based on the needs of running a construction enterprise, ERP shows its potential for the construction industry. However, the unique nature of the industry prevents a direct implementation of existing ERP systems, which are primarily developed for the manufacturing industry. This paper underlines the importance of the establishment of the basic theory for developing construction enterprise resource planning systems (CERP). A CERP must address the nature of the general industry practice. Fundamental features are identified and discussed in the paper. A three-tiered client/server architecture is proposed, with discussions on the functions and major components of each tier. Needed research issues are discussed, including CERP architectures, project management functions, advanced planning techniques, standardization of management functions, and modeling human intelligence. Construction management examples are incorporated into the discussions.  相似文献   

In this research study, selected indicators are set up to analyze the strategic performance of large international engineering and construction (E&C) firms from North America, Europe, and East Asia. The primary objective is to examine critical areas of corporate strategy that would affect the long-term prospects of E&C firms and provide guidance for their growth and survival. This paper focuses on the relationships between selected aspects of business strategies (internationalization and product/service diversification) and financial strategies (asset liquidity and capital structure). By analyzing data derived from financial reports and other public sources, it is deduced that internationalization is positively associated with current ratio but negatively correlated with book leverage. An opposite trend is found for the aspect of diversification. These results signal different risk management strategies for the respective modes of business strategies. It is thus suggested that if liquidity cannot be increased in the near term to support internationalization, firms should then concentrate on product/service diversification. Overall, the study confirms the importance of examining interactions between business and financial strategies.  相似文献   

Float ownership is one of the controversial issues in the litigation of delay claims. As float time does not always affect the overall project completion time, many believe that this time can be used by any of the project parties and that it does not belong to a particular party. This study introduces the “total risk approach” for float allocation, a new approach that integrates several current approaches to allocate float among project parties. The approach is based on the basic concept that the party who has the greatest risk in a project should be entitled to float ownership and deserves compensation from other project parties who increase the risk associated with the project by consuming the float. This new approach takes into consideration the changes in float that may occur as a result of actions that delay or accelerate the project’s schedule.  相似文献   

Gaining or maintaining a “contractor’s” competitive advantage is not easy as it is determined by a large number of factors. Identification of critical success factors (CSFs) allows one to reduce the vast number of factors to some manageable few but vital ones. Based on the CSFs, contractors’ limited resources such as money and manpower can be allocated and aligned appropriately for yielding a maximum outcome of overall competitiveness. This paper describes the CSFs identified from a survey study carried out in Mainland China. The ranking analysis of the survey results shows that 35 factors are rated as critical for determining the competitiveness of a contractor. Factor analysis reveals that the 35 CSFs identified can be grouped into eight clusters, namely, project management skills, organization structure, resources, competitive strategy, relationships, bidding, marketing, and technology. The CSFs in this study provide a vehicle for guiding a contractor in managing its resources in order to improve competitive advantage. The study also provides insights into the management of competitiveness for contractors that are operating in the particular context of the Chinese construction industry.  相似文献   

Effective coordination has been regarded in both theory and practice as a critical factor of success in construction projects. Previous coordination studies have focused on the time spent on coordination, its frequency, and its relationship with performance. However, coordination goals have received less attention, and their relationships with coordination methods and performance are not known. This paper studies coordination methods and goals for construction projects to identify what coordination goals are adopted and to what extent goals are achieved. In the research process, eight coordination methods and six goals were derived. A questionnaire was designed accordingly and sent to seven contractors for survey. Follow-up interviews were conducted with three or four managers and engineers from each contractor. The analysis results indicate that most coordination methods have multiple goals; written coordination methods such as plans, schedules, reports, and contract documents tend to have appropriate goals; and projects performed well by using coordination methods effectively to achieve the coordination goals.  相似文献   

The past decade has witnessed the steady growth of Chinese international contractors (CICs), who have become important and influential players in the international market. The enormous development demands worldwide, especially in developing countries, attract CICs to engage in the market. Similarly, the strong support from the Chinese government plays an important role for the expansion of Chinese contractors globally. Some leading CICs perform very well in certain fields and countries. This brings the competitiveness of CICs to the attention of the international community. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) approach was adopted in order to analyze CICs’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in international construction markets. Literature from various sources was reviewed in the first instance, which is followed by an interview survey with 42 CICs employees. A SWOT strategy matrix is used to establish a framework that can help CICs to select suitable business development strategies in overseas markets. The applicability of the strategy framework was tested through the case study of two CICs. The strategies to reinforce their positions in the international market were studied based on the SWOT analysis. The results indicate that CICs are on their way to becoming major competitors to other overseas contractors. In essence, the research results offer a valuable reference of practices that construction firms need to master in order to survive and grow in the international market.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a study conducted by researchers at Illinois Institute of Technology under the direction and supervision of the ASCE Committee on Management Practices in Construction to investigate the expectations of the parties involved in the construction process, including designers, owners, general contractors, subcontractors, construction managers, and educators, relative to construction managers’ duties. The findings suggest that while there is some consensus among parties to a construction project relative to CM duties particularly in the construction phase, there is also some disagreement, most of which appear to be between contractors and designers. Most disagreements are related to CM duties performed in the bidding and postconstruction phases of projects.  相似文献   

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