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在分析讨论现有的几种国有股归属设想的基础上.借鉴西方国家的做法.提出一种将国有股托交信托公司管理的设想.井进行了初步可行性分析.为使国有股能更灵活地发挥其巨大能量,提供了有益的尝试.  相似文献   

How did one of the most historically automobile-dependent US cities end up with the first large-scale modern US bike-sharing system? The story reveals that it is less about transportation demand planning and engineering and more about the principles of what has been termed tactical urbanism. The tactical urbanism movement revolves around the idea that temporary interventions can help one understand what interventions might work in a particular context and lay the foundation for more permanent ones. That the first large-scale bike-sharing system in the US began as such an intervention is quite remarkable and illustrative of the potential of this strategy to build public aspiration and political will via temporary, short-term empirical success. Beginning with preparations for the 2008 Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Denver, Colorado, this paper details what went into creating the temporary Freewheel!n bike-share system and how that was able to be leveraged into a permanent bike-sharing system, Denver B-Cycle, two years later. Consistent with the characteristics of tactical urbanism, the partnerships formed with the temporary DNC implementation served as a catalyst. The paper then identifies lessons that other cities can learn and apply in similar large-scale tactical urbanism interventions.  相似文献   

As retail electric and gas markets deregulate, market share measurement becomes critical for marketers, regulators, and incumbent utilities. Yet traditional market share measures miss important features of these network industries. In this paper we model provider choice in network industries and develop two alternate market share measures—The Active Market Share (AMS) and the New Mover Market Share (NMMS), that are based on ‘active demand’. These measures are shown to provide more accurate real-time measures of market activity. The NMMS is a special case of the AMS which is easy to measure empirically. Numerical simulations are used to provide comparisons between each measure over time. Both the AMS and NMMS will be important tools for anyone interested in measuring the competitiveness of deregulating markets.  相似文献   

“文化共富”成为中国城市发展的下一个目标。民众消费需求转变是“文化共富”的客观生成机制,文化平权思潮的萌动则是其观念形成背景。在实现“文化共富”的路径上,需要提升民众的文化素养,培育民众的文化消费习惯,提供高品质的公共空间生活,创建“文化创意社区”,大力发展文化产业和文化事业。“文化共富”对和谐社会的构建意义重大。从“经济共富”走向“文化共富”是发达城市方略调整的必由之路。  相似文献   

WUDAPT项目:城市形式与功能信息的众包解决方案及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对全球城市气候研究中的数据鸿沟,一个城市气候领域的先锋研究小组提出了WUDAPT项目以克服获取城市数据的障碍。文章基于“众包”理念,从城市形式与功能信息收集的视角,介绍了WUDAPT项目的概念和数据分级,分析了城市尺度(0级)、街区与建筑尺度(1、2级)的数据收集与应用的研究进展。文章指出WUDAPT将促进基于城市气候视角的城市形态研究方法的重大转变,并探讨了其在气候敏感型城市设计与规划中的应用潜力。  相似文献   

加强对股份经济宏观调控,是国民经济顺利发展和克服股份制本身弊端的需要.笔者就社会主义市场经济发展的要求和股份经济的特点对确定股份经济宏观调控的原则进行探讨.  相似文献   

齿间载荷分布系数的确定一直是齿轮强度计算中一个复杂的问题,实际工程计算采用经验数据常常不尽人意,本文在利用接触强度有限元的基础上,采用双齿模型,主动轮绕其轴心转动,固定被动齿轮,将主动轴上的扭矩处理成圆弧边界上的分布载荷,将制造安装误差考虑成初始间隙而得到符合轮齿啮合齿间载荷分布的有限元模型,通过计算并与传统公式比较得到符合实际的齿间载荷分配系数,从而解决了设计中的实际问题,为齿间载荷分配系数的确定开拓了新的思路。  相似文献   

近年来建筑市场竞争日益激烈。为研究建筑市场竞争程度,根据2012年重庆市工程建设招标投标交易中心的基本数据,通过计算不同资质等级、不同属地施工总承包企业市场份额的泰尔指数分析了企业中标总额的分布,得出了重庆市建筑市场竞争程度。分析结果表明,不同资质等级、不同属地的企业所处的市场竞争程度均不相同,且企业的属地相比于资质等级对市场竞争的影响更大。并对处于重庆市建筑市场中的施工总承包企业的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

本论文结合工程实例 ,采用有限元程序分析了开挖过程中 ,灌注桩—搅拌桩复合式围护结构中搅拌桩的土压力分担情况。并通过土参数的改变 ,讨论了影响搅拌桩土压力分担的因素。对灌注桩—搅拌桩这种复合式围护结构的机理进行了进一步研究。  相似文献   

作为省交换平台基础地理信息资源的电子地图数据库,数据质量和可视化效果直接影响共享和服务质量。本文介绍了电子地图数据库的组织和建设流程,并对数据库建设中重点方面进行了阐述。为了和国家测绘地理信息局"天地图"无缝拼接,保持一致,在建设过程中,充分利用ArcGIS平台,对电子地图数据库数据进行可视化等一系列处理,并对电子地图...  相似文献   

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