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从城市道路园林景观的特点入手,分析北方中小城市道路园林景观设计应采用的方法,研究园林景观设计在北方中小城市道路中的体系,总结出北方中小城市道路园林景观的设计趋势.  相似文献   

通过对莱芜市钢城边缘区永兴路的空间解读,提出了构建整体性城市设计的目标,重点通过对带形区域的功能定位、城市空间形态重新进行评估和认识,对土地资源进行整合,研究确定城市边缘区城市设计的策略。  相似文献   

以晋中市秋村的改造规划为例,分析了北方地区城市边缘区村落的现状与存在的问题,及其对城市化改造的现实意义,针对边缘区村落城市化的特征和实现的有效途径,对村落的整体改造规划做了一定的探索。  相似文献   

城市边缘区分区规划的实践与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱忠翠 《山西建筑》2006,32(2):27-28
分析了分区规划在我国的发展进程,介绍了柳州市三分区规划的实例,探讨了城市边缘分区规划的特殊性以及规划变施,以实现城市边缘区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Planning for dynamic cities is a perennial problem that continues to grow in importance in a rapidly changing world. This paper presents a conceptual framework to understand urban change through a complex adaptive systems approach. This framework includes a process of (1) describing the system through setting boundaries and identifying the properties of the system, (2) identifying the patterns of change across scales and (3) mapping the change over time. The framework firstly, offers a tool to urban planners to approach some of the complexities of urban change and secondly, a foundation to engage with the challenge of developing alternative sustainable development models that are able to deal with the reality of complex, dynamic and interconnected urban systems and to cope with change and uncertainty in ways that build positive resilience and support regenerative design and development.  相似文献   

席宇 《住宅产业》2020,(3):39-41
日益加快的城市化进程下,相应地提高了人们生活品质,而我国消费结构及商业产业结构也面临转型升级。推进现代城市公共空间设计,不但能使空间与大众间的交流增强,同时也能实现环境风貌的优化、空间活力的激发,有助于城市文化形象的提升。城市将自身地域特色对外展示时,几乎都是将商业综合体公共空间作为主要载体,本文围绕中小城市商业综合体公共空间设计展开研究,期望能为和谐美丽的城市建设提供帮助。  相似文献   

马杰 《山西建筑》2010,36(29):24-26
根据目前哈尔滨城市边缘区规划现状,较为系统的阐述了松北新区开发的重要性和必然性,分析了松北新区规划布局的影响因素,探讨了城市发展对策,有助于城市边缘区健康、有序的发展。  相似文献   

刘晓文 《山西建筑》2011,37(25):10-11
简要介绍了景观生态学的相关理论要点以及建设生态型城市的思路,通过对烟台市莱山区城市生态性的分析,探讨了如何自觉运用景观生态学构建生态型城市,以使城市规划符合生态学意义。  相似文献   

结合当前城边村的发展现状和新农村建设的宏观背景,分析探讨了城边村建设的一些可行建设措施,以规范新农村建设,并在确保村民利益的基础上,推动城边村城市进程的顺利进行。  相似文献   

齐宝崇 《山西建筑》2005,31(3):21-22
介绍了我国城市居住地建设的客观状况.就居住区向城市边缘拓展的原因进行了分析,结合阳泉市居住用地及住宅建设现状,提出了城市边缘住区规划设计的思路,以利于城市居住地健康发展。  相似文献   

庞丽 《山西建筑》2014,(12):18-19
从城市设计导则的概念入手,通过对旧城区城市规划导则的作用和实施方式进行分析,同时对旧城保护区包含的主要内容和控制要素进行了探讨,以期对旧城保护区城市设计导则的编制和实施有所启示。  相似文献   

以古城西安为例,从空间分析的角度总结了城市边缘区的空间、自然、历史环境特征,针对其住宅建设现状,提出具有地域特色的边缘区住宅开发模式,对科学利用边缘地区空间以及西部城市的可持续发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(2):192-212
Preservation policies, generally based on the intervention of the state, protective regulations, and the freezing of permissible building alterations, often stand in contradiction to the incremental process that generates cities and buildings. Considering the urban dynamics that characterise Muslim cities, including population growth, rural migration, urban poverty, and the informal economy, such preservation policies are becoming increasingly obsolete. This article aims at presenting a compromise approach to urban preservation that is based on a balance between the two opposite, yet complementary terms: permanence and changeability. A classification of urban components into permanent and changeable would enable policymakers to establish action plans for urban preservation according to priorities and the availability of funds, thus helping to ensure urban sustainability.  相似文献   

This article explores the new planning regimes and planning processes in post-socialist countries and their ability to influence the spatial transformation of cities. It views planning institutions as culturally embedded in the overall process of economic, social, and political transition, while recognizing the power of specific local imperatives and market pressures to shape their response. The research draws on empirical evidence in four countries and their capital cities to highlight the links between the transition to democracy, markets, and decentralized governance on the spatial transformation in post-socialist cities. The main argument is that the new planning institutions have different ability to direct these processes of change, depending on the legal framework, the availability of plans, and the institutionalization of the plan-implementation process. Despite the diverse mosaic of urban experiences in Prague, Riga, Belgrade, and Tirana, planning institutions are viewed as path dependent, influenced by a common socialist legacy. Further, changes in the exogenous environment – economic, social, and institutional – are perceived to be important sources of convergence, but tend to shape different planning responses and policy choices. The research explores these differences as well as the new patterns of spatial transformation in three principal domains: (1) spaces of production/consumption reflecting the economic transition; (2) differentiation in residential spaces associated with the social transition; and (3) new approaches to planning and service delivery resulting from the transition in governance. Central to the arguments in the article is that transition of this magnitude has created a complex urban world in which the patterns of divergence are going to become more explicit in the future, producing spatial and temporal differentiation among post-socialist cities.  相似文献   

程俊虎  齐君 《山西建筑》2008,34(15):39-40
依据小城镇规划编制特征,从城镇整体物质形象、人文形象、结构关系的建构等方面来探讨小城镇建设规划中的城市设计内容,进一步深化小城镇建设规划内涵,从而使小城镇建设规划更具有科学性和合理性。  相似文献   

This paper presents results of an international comparative research project ‘Smart governance of shrinking cities in a European context’. In recent years, many European cities have experienced urban shrinkage (population decline). Whereas there has been a wealth of research into the governance of growing cities, little consideration has been given to the governance of and policy responses to shrinking cities, particularly in relation to the declining cities of post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe. The aim of this paper is to compare the governance responses to shrinkage in different national contexts and assess the policy responses applied. This is done through the comparison of case studies examining the governance of shrinkage in Leipzig (Germany), Bytom (Poland), Ostrava (Czechia) and Timisoara (Romania). Two different strategies have been identified. First, Leipzig – due to its inclusion in the (former Western) German welfare state – followed a reasonably holistic strategy implemented by strong public actors focused not only on economic growth, but also on tackling issues of falling housing demand and the need to strengthen the attractivity of city centre. Second, in Ostrava, Bytom and Timisoara strategies have been inspired by neoliberal thinking, denying the important role of public sector city planning and ignoring the fact of shrinkage. In these cities, the main reply to shrinkage has been to seek economic development through the attraction of private investment (especially FDI) into the cities and using pragmatically any EU structural funding.  相似文献   

In the urban sphere, discourse is fundamental to the social and political construction of urban reality. The urban landscape is, in part, a result of those discourses. It is, as Richard Schein suggests, a discourse materialized. The production of these discourses throughout urban history both represented and constructed urban reality at any given time. For much of history, the written word was central to such discursive representations, literary formulations and even biological metaphors that sought to interpret the city both for local inhabitants and outsiders. Today, the photographic image has usurped the former dominance of the word. This article uses archival research to trace historical representations of Valencia, Spain, a European Mediterranean city with a strong medieval tradition. Beginning with a focus on the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century, when Valencia was economic ‘head’ of the Kingdom of Aragon, this paper will follow how the city developed in concert with evolving intellectual and political representations of it. In doing so, I highlight the important and enduring role of the organic metaphor as a device which framed intellectual and political discourse, and ultimately planning and governing strategies, into urbanism of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (as reflected in the writings of Patrick Geddes). Throughout Valencia’s history, urban discourse has availed itself of biological and medical metaphors, even metaphors drawn from the field of physics, in order to construct a generally agreed-upon image of the urban society at particular historical moment. Analysing the role of such metaphors in urban discourse is fundamental to any full understanding of development in the Mediterranean city, historical or contemporary.  相似文献   

韩彦 《山西建筑》2009,35(19):23-24
结合目前朔州市发展现状,在明确城市规划原则和规划理念的基础上,从道路交通规划和“双城三带”的发展模式两方面阐述了朔州市的城市建设规划方案,从而开创城市建设新局面,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

李伟  杨萃娜 《山西建筑》2011,37(1):132-133
针对我国旧城道路景观现状进行了分析,以杭州小河直街旧城改造道路设计为例,对城市道路景观设计提出了新的思路,强调城市道路景观设计应尊重历史,延续地方文脉,以人为本,进一步完善服务设施,以期为我国今后城市旧城道路改造设计总结一些启示。  相似文献   

Despite the fact that the strategic dismissal of a number of military bases has been affecting contemporary urban and rural areas and becoming a new challenge for city planning and policy-making, little attention has been paid to this complex topic at an international level. Several authors have suggested that collaborative planning processes are crucial for the success of military real estate conversion. This article analyzes the Italian policy for the alienation and leasing of public real estate between 1997 and 2012 through the analysis of two projects whose focus was on military real estate in central Italy. This analysis shows why collaboration was not able to solve the significant urban challenges related to the conversion of these areas. The authors suggest taking national policy and local variables and solutions into further consideration (e.g. the quality and design of the physical environment, the policy tools available in the potentially conflictual institutional setting of military base conversion) rather than considering the collaboration with the local community alone.  相似文献   

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