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In the present study, laboratory-scale experiments and thermodynamic calculation between the mould slags and the steel were performed to investigate reaction performances of mould slags during continuous casting (CC) of 321 stainless steel. The results show that in the final Slag1 (traditional mould slag), SiO2 decreased by 3.86?wt-% and TiO2 increased by 4.85?wt-%, whereas the melting temperature, viscosity and crystallization rate increased noticeably. Perovskite (CaTiO3) and TiN were precipitated during the steel-slag reaction. Compared to Slag1, both properties and constituents of Slag2 (newly developed) with low SiO2 changed moderately, despite TiO2 in the final Slag2 increased by 3.96?wt-%. The precipitation of TiN and the reactivity between steel and slag were evaluated by the thermodynamic method. A comprehensive enthalpy change of steel-slag reaction was estimated to elucidate the formation of frozen steel or clogging based on the experimental results and the thermodynamic calculation.  相似文献   

 在理论分析的基础上,对国内某钢厂不锈钢尾渣进行高温碳热还原试验研究,研究了碳当量、碱度、反应温度和保温时间对铁、铬还原率的影响。结果表明,增加碳当量、降低碱度和提高反应温度均能提高铁、铬的还原率,铁的还原率最高可以达到93.29%,铬的还原率最高为76.49%。其中碳当量较低时,铁、铬的还原率均较低,随着碳当量的增加,在铁的还原率趋于稳定后,铬的还原率会大幅上升;碱度为1.4~1.2时,铁和铬的还原趋于平缓;当保温时间超过60 min后,延长时间并不能显著地提高铁、铬的还原率。  相似文献   

准确测定钢渣中的磁性铁含量有利于提高钢渣磁选效率和评价磁选工艺的磁性铁回收效率。实验采用多级磁选分离的方法,通过测定钢渣磁选物以及尾渣的密度,并假设钢渣磁选物中非磁性相的密度与尾矿渣的密度相同,从而达到测定钢渣中的磁性铁含量的目的。实验选取了转炉渣、脱硫渣作为研究对象,分别测得两种钢渣的磁性铁含量为3.81%和3.72%(质量分数),平均误差为3.93%,并使用了行业标准(YB/T 140和YB/T 4188-2009)验证了测定结果的可靠性。XRD测定结果表明,磁选物的物相中含有较多磁性物,且钢渣的物相与尾渣一致,证明了测定方法假设是可行的。  相似文献   

用火花源发射光谱仪分析钢中高含量酸溶铝   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
经过调查并统计发现,钢中酸不溶铝的质量分数在0.001%~0.010%之间。对于高含量酸溶铝(质量分数在0.20%~0.50%范围内)的碳素钢,确定用全铝值减去0.005%作为酸溶铝的含量来指导炼钢生产,应用效果良好。  相似文献   

赵立杰  张芳  彭军  常宏涛  明守禄  朱瑞宗 《钢铁》2022,57(1):133-142
 为了充分发挥氧化铁皮含铁品位高、杂质元素含量低、产生量大的优势和特点,并开发高附加值的金属制品,采用真空还原烧结的方法制备了316多孔不锈钢,并确定了适宜的制备工艺以及孔隙率的影响因素。研究过程中采用高温真空管式炉对试样进行还原烧结制备;采用直读光谱、氧氢氮联合检测仪、X射线衍射分析仪、扫描电镜等设备对试样的化学成分、物相组成和微观形貌进行了分析。研究结果表明,以轧钢铁皮为主要原料,配入还原剂及其他合金粉末,通过高温真空还原可以得到成分合格的316多孔不锈钢,确定最佳制备工艺为10-3Pa真空度、1 200 ℃下保温3 h;还原烧结过程中,锰合金的收得率仅为61%。制备出的试样为单一的奥氏体组织,同时有Cr7C3在晶内析出,晶界附近存在σ相析出。保温0~3 h内,试样的孔隙率由37.26%增加至40.27%,延长保温时间至4 h,金属颗粒之间的烧结更加完全,孔隙率降低至35.16%;将制坯压力由76.43增加至152.87 MPa,多孔不锈钢的孔隙率由42.07%降低至34.44%,呈现逐渐降低趋势。当制样压力大于152.87 MPa时,发生了造孔剂偏聚的现象,导致孔隙率略微增加至35.76%。造孔剂碳酸氢铵每多增加10%,多孔不锈钢的孔隙率增加9.3%。通过对正交试验分析发现造孔剂加入量对多孔不锈钢孔隙率的影响最为显著,制样压力次之,保温时间对孔隙率的影响最小。  相似文献   

通过利用不锈钢尾渣及矿渣制砖的试验,确定了不锈钢尾渣及矿渣制砖的合理配比。在此基础上,开发了激发不锈钢尾渣及矿渣活性的技术。结果表明:配加质量分数分别占0.4%、0.6%的Na2SO4和NaCl作为激发剂,可激发不锈钢尾渣及矿渣的活性,使砖的抗压强度最大提高了42.6%。  相似文献   

以70 t EAF-GOR-LF-CC工艺生产304不锈钢为背景,分别对GOR冶炼过程初始钢液、终点钢液以及还原渣取样分析,重点考察了还原渣碱度、渣中残余Cr2O3质量分数(w((Cr2O3)))以及钢液初始硫质量分数(w([Ss]))对钢液深脱硫效果的影响规律,得出了以下结论:还原渣碱度对脱硫有较大影响,高炉渣碱度有利于钢液脱硫,但当炉渣碱度达到1.75以上时,炉渣碱度对终点硫质量分数(w([Sf]))的影响逐步变小。还原渣中残余Cr2O3对脱硫有阻碍作用,尽可能降低渣中w((Cr2O3))有利于提高GOR脱硫效果,当w((Cr2O3))降低到0.3%以下时,表观渣-钢间硫分配比(LS°=w((S))/w([S]))明显升高。GOR初始钢液硫质量分数越低,越容易获得最终低硫钢液,当w([Ss])<0.07%时,钢液中最低w([Sf])更容易降低到0.004%以下。根据GOR工业试验结果得出了冶炼终点时优化的表观渣-钢间硫分配比( LS°)随还原渣碱度、w((Cr2O3))和w([Ss])的变化关系。  相似文献   

Stainless steel melting shops of Outokumpu Group are located in Finland,Sweden and England(UK). In all of the countries the European Union legislation is the same,but in practice the plants face different technical,economical and administrative challenges in developing sustainable treatments and use of by-products. Due to availability of good natural construction materials,the use of slag and other industrial by-products has been quite small in Northern Europe.Blast furnace slag has been completely utilized,while slag from stainless steel processes has earlier been regarded as waste.Steering of the metallurgical melt phase,slag cooling,treatment and metal recovery processes are the main technical challenges for increasing the sustainable use of stainless steel slag. Moreover,product properties have to fulfill standards and customer requirements.Dry or water-cooled EAF slag aggregates are typically used in road construction.Outokumpu has developed light mineral slag aggregates which are cooled in rapid water process.During this process,a specific structure and mineralogy is formed in the slag and leaching from the material decreases.In many regulatory discussions,it seems that there is not enough relevant scientific data from harmful compounds.Limit values are based only on laboratory tests and model estimations,not on the material use itself or real nature.A risk-based approach is needed when environmental acceptance is not clear.Limit values based on content are not applicable because environmental or health risks depend on the release or leaching of substances from the material.This is the case especially with metals.  相似文献   

络合吸附示波极谱法测定钢中微量铝   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在溴连苯三酚红—三乙醇胺介质中 ,Al 产生一个良好的极谱波 ,其导数峰电位为 -0.77V(vs .SCE) ,Al 浓度在6× 10 - 8~ 1.2× 10 - 6 mol/L范围内 ,二阶导数峰高与浓度呈线性关系。该法已用于测定钢中微量铝 ,获得满意的结果。  相似文献   

X. Yin  Y. Yang  D. Li  X. Deng  M. Barati 《钢铁冶炼》2017,44(2):140-151
The characteristics of non-metallic inclusions in 347 stainless steel samples taken during a net-shape casting process after different holding times and melting temperatures were investigated using electrolytic extraction and polished cross-sections. The inclusions can be classified into three groups: oxides, composite inclusions and sulphides. Within the first two groups the inclusions were subdivided based on their morphology into the following categories: spherical, irregular and clusters. As the temperature decreased, sulphide and NbC precipitated within the steel melt as well as on the surface of existing oxides. The number density and area fraction of inclusions as well as the total oxygen contents increased with higher melt temperatures and longer holding times. The results obtained from thermodynamic calculations carried out using the FactSage? commercial software agreed well with the experimental observations. In addition, it has been concluded that turbulent collisions are the dominant mode for the growth of inclusion clusters.  相似文献   

采用微波消解技术进行样品的前处理 ,以电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪进行钢中总铝的测定 ,建立了一种简单而快速、实用的钢中总铝的分析方法。方法检出限 0.0 0 0 8% ,测定下限为 0.0 0 3 %。  相似文献   

钢中酸溶名和全铝的光谱测定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用原子发射光谱法定量测定中低合金钢中的酸溶铝和全铝。对测定铝的分析条件、样品制备、校准曲线的拟合等问题进行了讨论。本方法全铝的分析范围为0.001%-1.00%。  相似文献   

Spinel phase is considered to be the optimal phase for stabilization of chromium in stainless steel slag.In order to restrain chromium leaching from slag for the effective environmental protection,Al2O3 was utilized for the modification treatment,and the effects on the enrichment and stabilization of chromium were investigated.The mineral phases and the existence state of chromium in slag with various Al2O3 contents at different basicities (wCaO/w SiO2) were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).The results showed that chromium mainly existed in the glass and spinel phases at basicity of 1.0 and 1.5.As the slag basicity increased to 2.0,chromium was also found in periclase phase.Al2O3 in the stainless steel slag reacted with MgO and Cr2O3,which could generate the Al-rich Mg(CrxAl1-x)2O4 solid solution.Moreover,the addition of Al2O3 was favorable to reduce the solubility of chromium oxide in liquid phase and suppress the precipitation of periclase phase.The experimental results demonstrated that Al2O3 modification has a positive influence on the enrichment and the stabilization of chromium in the stainless steel slag.  相似文献   

仪桂兰  史永林 《炼钢》2012,28(4):66-68,77
针对AOD不锈钢渣冷却过程中产生严重粉化扬尘问题,通过研究不锈钢渣冷却过程中的粉化机理,采用配加硼质改性剂抑制粉化扬尘技术,即在出渣过程中加入0.6%~1.0%质量分数的硼质改性剂,降低不锈钢钢渣的黏度和熔化温度,促使渣中游离氧化钙(f-CaO)熔解,与SiO2形成不易粉化的β-硅酸二钙(β-C2S),防止了渣中α′-C2S向γ-C2S的转变,有效抑制了AOD不锈钢渣冷却过程中的粉化扬尘,改善了周边环境。  相似文献   

通过正交试验考察不锈钢渣铁浴熔融还原中反应温度、炉渣碱度、渣中Al2O3含量及铁水初始铬含量对铬在铁浴和碱性炉渣间分配行为的影响。试验在石墨坩埚内进行,还原剂为碳饱和铁水中的碳。试验结果表明,对影响渣中铬还原因素的显著性顺序依次为:炉渣碱度>渣中Al2O3含量>铁水初始铬含量>反应温度。此外采用模式识别方法对试验样本进行聚类分析和优化,以获得对渣中氧化铬还原的最佳参数。  相似文献   

铍与HR—1不锈钢感应钎焊界面特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用X射线能谱仪、俄歇电子能谱仪、金相显微镜、扫描电镜及显微硬度计对铍与HR-1不锈钢(Be/SS)感应钎焊样品的微区成分,组织和性能进行了研究。所用铝硅钎料组织由初生α铝与AlSi共晶体构成,与SS及铍表面浸润良好,在靠近铍侧有明显的扩散过渡层,过渡层中存在金属间化合物,使用铝硅钎料进行感应钎焊实现Be/SS连接是可行的。  相似文献   

以待分析的铁素体不锈钢和碳棒分别作为阳极和阴极 ,用由阴离子交换膜隔开的三室电解池作为采样器 ,对该钢样进行逐层溶解 ,并用氧化还原滴定法测定每一层中铬的含量。经测定 ,厚度约为 0.0 3mm的表层中铬的平均含量为 7.82 % ,基体中铬的含量为 17.2 0 % ,另该表层中硅的含量为 1 6 9% ,基体中硅的含量为 0.0 774% ,即该不锈钢表层为贫铬富硅层。  相似文献   

Simultaneous reduction of chromium, iron and vanadium oxides by carbon has been studied by conducting experiments on typical stainless steelmaking slags in the temperature range of 1823 to 1923 K. In‐situ gas generated due to the reduction led to several phenomena such as foam/emulsion formation, change in foam height, size of gas bubbles and rate of gas generation. The kinetics of vanadium oxide reduction by carbon are studied under the influence of the above mentioned phenomena and the presence of chromium and iron oxides.  相似文献   


This paper aims to study the sintering of 316L stainless steel and alumina composites. Compositions range from 0 to 100 vol.-% steel, and the experimental procedures involve density and microstructure analysis of the samples, as well as dilatometric measurements. In this study, it is shown that reducing atmosphere debinding can lead to carbon residues. These have a negative effect on alumina densification by delaying the sintering onset. For metal–ceramic composites, densification is modified by a complex interaction involving carbon (which lowers alumina density), chromium oxide (which is documented in literature to diminish alumina densification) and stainless steel phase. Chromium carbide formation is possible for some experimental conditions (1–30% stainless steel and hydrogenated argon debinding); this mechanism, locking both carbon and chromium outside alumina phase, leads to higher sintered densities.  相似文献   

不锈钢行业每年会产生大量含铬固废。未来中国对铬资源有着极大的需求,需要大量进口铬资源。回收不锈钢废料中的铬资源不仅能缓解中国对铬资源的需求,对环境保护也有积极的意义。目前对含铬不锈钢废料的解毒处理方法以还原有毒Cr6+为主,主要包括干法还原法、湿法还原法和固化法。微晶玻璃是含铬不锈钢废料综合利用的方法之一,具有解毒彻底、处理量大等特点,是未来的重点发展方向,有着良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

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