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This research details the effects of ozone pretreatment on flux of a reverse osmosis membrane. Initial tests were conducted to determine the effects of ozonation on solids removal, turbidity, and chemical oxygen demand concentrations using various doses on a simulated surface water. These initial tests showed that the best reduction of solids in the 2–5 microns range was at 0.30 mg/L of ozone. Next, a series of bench scale tests was run for 62.5 hours using a standard reverse osmosis system under constant pressure with three pre-ozonation doses and a no ozone baseline dose. Temporal models were developed using the flux data from these tests to determine the effects of operating hours and ozone dosage on flux. It was found that the laboratory data were not linear and followed power law models. Statistical analysis was used to determine the significance of each ozone dose on the four developed models. The change in flux over the 62.5 operating hours with an ozone dosage of 0.30 mg/L showed the lowest flux change. Last, the models were tested using Hermia's filtration models and resistance versus time data to determine the type of membrane fouling that existed. It was concluded that the major fouling was pore blockage. This work demonstrated that ozone pretreatment is effective prior to use with reverse osmosis since it shows a better solid and organic removal rate as well as decreased flux and resistance changes over time.  相似文献   

After reviewing the uses of ozone in the preparation of drinking water, high purity water for Pharmaceuticals industries, and swimming pools throughout Belgium, a discussion of technological developments made at the Tailfer plant (serving Brussels) concerning the uses of ozone is presented. These subjects include analytical and monitoring techniques developed for ozone, procedures for ozone contacting employed at this plant, treatment of ozone contactor off–gases, and the use of oxygen–enriched process gas to produce supplemental amounts of ozone required periodically. Capital and operating cost data are presented.  相似文献   

The effects of ozone treatment on fresh strawberry and shredded lettuce food quality were tested by varying applied ozone concentration, contact time, pH and temperature to assess ozone a potential food sanitizer. The produce quality was assessed by comparing the changes in texture firmness, browning and decolorization, oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide respiration after the post-treatment storage from 0 to 21 days. The effectiveness of ozonation on natural microfloras including mesophiles, psychotrophes, yeasts and molds, was also evaluated for the improvement in produce shelf-life. As compared to chlorine treatments, ozone treatments slightly increased the lettuce browning but substantially retarded its respiration rates and firmness deterioration even after 21 days of storage. For strawberry, no significant difference in food quality was observed between ozone and chlorine treatments. Finally, ozone treatments at the doses below 10 mg/L were found not effective in killing natural microfloras grown on the produce surfaces.  相似文献   

Ozone is an effective sanitizing agent against a broad spectrum of pathogenic and spoilage organisms. Optimization of treatment applications of ozonated water is needed for increased use in the food industry. An experimental apparatus and process has been developed to digitally measure ozone concentrations in processing water at the point of product application. Two application methods were evaluated. Effects of locally available water quality and water temperature on the ozone concentrations produced were determined. Rapid measurement of ozone concentration at the product application will facilitate the investigation of improved product quality in shrimp.  相似文献   

The purpose of the ozone process at the Sebago Lake Water Treatment Facility (SLWTF) is to meet the disinfection requirements of the Surface Water Treatment Rule with ozone and without filtration. The start-up experience is presented including initial operating strategies to meet disinfection requirements. An ozone system performance test conducted during the first month of plant operation is described and the results are reviewed. The initial and proposed activities of an ozone optimization project are discussed.  相似文献   

Ozone has proven effective in improving water treatment plant performance, increasing customer satisfaction, and meeting increasingly stringent regulatory requirements. The benefits include disinfection; reducing chlorine disinfection by-products; micro-coagulation; enhanced filter performance; biological filtration; oxidation of iron, manganese, sulfide, taste- and odor-causing compounds, pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), and endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs). Despite the effectiveness of ozone in water treatment, a perception remains that ozone may be too expensive for consideration at many water treatment facilities. This paper presents an evaluation by the Municipal Committee of the International Ozone Association (IOA-MC) that aims to provide a realistic assessment of the current capital and operating costs of ozone in the North American water treatment practice. A general strategy is proposed for developing preliminary estimates of ozone capital and operating costs that could be used by engineers and/or owners for planning purposes. The information presented may benefit utilities, managers, and engineers engaged in the evaluation of treatment options.  相似文献   

Some North American manufacturers are selling devices which produce ozone from UV radiation, which is pumped or sucked into spas, presumably to disinfect the water, without having to use chlorine. To test this claim, a private spa used by two people at least once a day was equipped with a UV radiation unit and an ozone (generating by UV) unit. Bacterial analyses were conducted during experiments carried out using chlorine alone, ozone generated by UV radiation, unit and an ozone (generating by UV) unit. Bacterial analyses were conducted during experiments carried out using chlorine alone, ozone generaed by UV radiation, and ozoen in combination with UV radiation.

Heterotrophic plate counts, and counts of Staphyiococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were lowest when using chlorine, next lowest when using ozone #x002B; UV radiation, and highest when using UV-generated ozone. It is concluded that insufficient dissolved ozone is present for a sufficient reaction time to effect disinfection of these organisms by ozone generated by UV radiation. The fact that the odor of ozone was present above the spa water indicates that contacting also was inefficient.  相似文献   

A pilot treatment plant for potable water, consisting of an ozonating unit followed by slow sand filters, was built in order to determine the relationship between filter biomass and performance following ozonation of colored feed water of upland origin. The color is due largely to the presence of humic substances, being most prevalent after heavy rainfall in the catchment. Ozone improves color by breaking down large humic molecules to smaller organic species, thus providing more bioavailable material in the water. Slow sand filtration, applied after ozonation, removes some of this material at the expense of more rapid clogging of the filters. This study on the schmutzdecke showed that the overall biomass of ozonated filters after clogging was significantly greater compared to non‐ozonated filters. Results revealed an increase in the heterotrophic biomass, but no significant change in the autotrophic community biomass, in slow sand filters receiving pre‐ozonated water.  相似文献   

Ozone treatment for preventing the biofouling in cooling water systems is investigated.

In the fresh water system, the separating effect of the ozonated water on the microorganisms such as the sphaerotilus and the zoogloea which adhere to the piping and form the slime is recognized. When the ozonated water is supplied intermittently to the piping without stopping the flow of the cooling water, a constant volume of cooling water can be maintained. At the velocity of 1 m/sec, the amount of metal corrosion produced by the ozonated water is reduced on the mild steel, increased on the copper and does not change on the cast iron, when compared with that produced by the water containing no ozone.

In the seawater system, since many substances are oxidized by the ozone, the same treatment as that in the fresh water system cannot be applied. However, if the seawater in the cooling system can be replaced with ozone-containing air intermittently once a week, the adhesion of organisms such as barnacles and mussels to the piping can be prevented without having a bad influence on the other living oceanic organisms.  相似文献   

In Japan, ozone is used for potable water treatment, night soil and industrial wastewater treatment, and for offensive gas treatment at sewage and night soil treatment plants. This paper describes its implementation, and presents experimental findings of the combined ozone and ultraviolet radiation as a new ozone utilization technology.  相似文献   

Ozone has been used for a number of years in water treatment for viricidal and bactericidal action, as well as for its oxidizing properties. Energy consumption during its use depends on the performance of the ozone generators, but also on the ozone transfer efficiency from the gas phase to the liquid phase. Therefore, it is important to use a contactor with a high transfer efficiency.A new ozonation reactor has been developed: the Deep U-Tube (DUT). This reactor works under pressure, which increases the saturation concentration of ozone at equilibrium (C ). and creates a great turbulence, which breaks the gas bubbles and increases the interfacial area of exchange. Further, this new contactor has a piston hydraulic behavior in the liquid phase, which leads to a very great efficiency and to a better reduction for all reaction kinetics.  相似文献   

The use of ozone in the treatment of drinking water in the form of a highly concentrated aqueous solution yields technological advantages compared with the traditional use of ozone in its gaseous state. However, for a comparative calculation of profitability, it is essential to know the ozone decomposition rate in the water solution in question. The present paper reports for the first time investigations with respect to this question under semi-commercial conditions and compares the results with laboratory tests made at another place.  相似文献   

The disadvantage that chlorine as processing agent in the treatment of surface waters can lead to undesirable production of chlorinated hydrocarbon products, provided the impulse to involvement in alternate means of oxidation. This inevitably led the way to the means of oxidation used the most intensively in water treatment - ozone.

Extensive development work has been performed to optimize the dosage of ozone for water treatment. Potential users are kept informed on this technology through published data. Theory, however, is only one side of the problem, practical application quite another. Here technicians and engineers have been required to integrate oxidation and disinfection with ozone, into the technology for water treatment and to make this economic.

In Switzerland since the 1950s, more than 40 waterworks have been converted to ozone. The development and the experience that has been collected since the introduction of this technique is the subject of this paper, primarily in regard to cost development and cost economy through innovative engineering services for development, engineering and project execution.  相似文献   

This paper is focused on the use of ozone for the elimination of manmade organic micropollutants from drinking waters and waste effluents requiring advanced treatment. A mathematical model was developed to simulate the physical transport and chemical oxidation phenomena prevailing during the process of ozonation. A packed column reactor was constructed in order to test the aptness of the process model. After determining the fluid-dynamic and mass transfer properties of the reactor, stock water solutions spiked with toluene were brought into contact with gaseous O2-O3 mixtures. Toluene removal efficiencies observed under different experimental conditions then were compared with the model predictions.  相似文献   

The two corona discharge ozone swimming pool water treatment systems installed in the Peck Aquatic Center in Milwaukee, WI now have been in continuous operation since September, 1987. The two pools are part of the Karl Jewish Campus Facility of the Harold and Judy Sampson Campus of the Milwaukee Jewish Community Center.

The operation of these water treatment systems has shown that safe and high quality pool water is obtained reliably and economically. One pool (Main Pool) is of Olympic size, the other (Learner pool) is designed especially for use by children. Both pools utilize a full corona discharge ozone water treatment system. They were the first ozone systems in the U.S. to be built for public pools using the process of ozonation, flocculation, filtration, ozone removal and residual chlorination.

An extensive testing program was initiated in cooperation with the Wisconsin Department of Health. The bacteriological water quality from these swimming pools was in compliance with Wisconsin State Health Regulations and the German DIN Standard 19,643.

The first year of operation of the Peck Aquatic Center has shown that the corona discharge ozone pool water treatment process can:

1) Operate reliably in a public swimming pool environment without the need for highly or special operator qualifications.

2) Produce continuously bacteria- and virus-free pool water without the harmful and unpleasant effects of chlorine.

3) Creates a user constituency group praising and promoting the use of “minimal chlorine swimming” in the community.  相似文献   

Two different generators for ozone were tested, a traditional electrical discharge generator and a generator based upon UV–irradiation of air at 150–180 nm. It was demonstrated that the traditional generator gave slightly higher reductions in levels of color for equivalent ozone dosages. Both gases affected the molecular weight distribution in the way that the bigger molecules were broken down to smaller ones. No significant difference between the molecular weight reduction efficiency of the gases was found.  相似文献   

The effect of ozone on the reduction of chlorpyrifos residue in lychee cv. Chakapat (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) was studied. Lychee fruits were dipped in the solution of chlorpyrifos at a concentration of 10 mg L?1 for 10 min. Then, they were exposed to ozone gas (O3) at concentrations of 80, 160, 200, 240 mg L?1 and dipped in ozone-containing water, at concentrations of 2.2, 2.4, 3.4 and 3.2 mg. L?1 for 10, 20, 30 and 60 min, respectively. Both ozone gas and ozone-containing water reduced pesticide residue in lychee, but exposure to ozone gas for 60 min was most effective. When lychee fruits were stored at 25 °C for 6 days, both processes did not show significant differences in weight loss, total soluble solids (TSS) and titratable acidity (TA). However, ozone-containing water decreased the eating quality of lychees after storage, compared with the ozone-fumigated groups.  相似文献   

The ozonation of the quinolone antibiotic ofloxacin in water has been investigated with focus on kinetic parameters determination. The apparent stoichiometric factor and the second-order rate constants of the reactions of ozone and hydroxyl radical with ofloxacin were determined at 20 °C in the pH range of 4–9. The apparent stoichiometric factor was found to be about 2.5 mol O3/mol ofloxacin regardless of the pH. The rate constant of the reaction between ozone and ofloxacin was determined by a competitive method (pH = 6–9) and a direct ozonation method (pH = 4). It was found that this rate constant increases with pH due to the dissociation of ofloxacin in water. The direct rate constants of ofloxacin species were determined to be 1.0?×?102, 4.3?×?104 and 3.7?×?107 for cationic, neutral-zwitterion and anionic species, respectively. Accordingly, the attack of ozone to ofloxacin mainly takes place at the tertiary amine group of the piperazine ring, though some reactivity is also due to the quinolone structure and oxazine substituent. The rate constant of the reaction between ofloxacin and hydroxyl radical was obtained from UV/H2O2 photodegradation experiments. It was found that this rate constant varies with pH from 3.2?×?109 at pH 4 to 5.1?×?109 at pH 9.  相似文献   

Stricter regulation by OFWAT has encouraged water companies to optimize all stages of the water treatment process. This work reviews the ozonation process, in order to evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of continuous versus intermittent ozone operation. Two Advanced Water Treatment Works (AWTW) were surveyed, Farmoor AWTW, Which involves traditional (chemical) treatment processes, and Kempton Park AWTW, which incorporates slow sand filter sandwich? beds. Both reviews indicated that continuous ozone operation would result in an optimized solution based on dependability of ozone plant, reliability of water quality and cost efficiency.  相似文献   

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