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A system for calculating orthographic views of three-dimensional objects from a confocal microscope has been implemented in a high-level language. It is used on a regular basis in a number of projects and on different computers. The system enables the user to filter the original data and make a selection of which points and parts of the objects to show in a projective view. The information to be shown is coded in a compact format that is well suited for projection calculations. Several display principles were implemented that enhance different aspects of the objects.  相似文献   

The performance of a new directional solidification device dedicated to the characterization of solid–liquid interface morphology by means of optical methods is presented in this paper. In contradiction to usual solidification studies on transparent materials carried out on thin films, which eliminates the complex coupling between solidification and convection, this device enables in situ and real time studies on bulk transparent materials. The alloy is contained in a cylindrical crucible and observation is performed in two perpendicular directions: the growth one and the transverse one. In addition to direct observation by light transmission in those directions, an interferometer is also set up in the growth direction to provide information on the shape and the motion of the interface through an analysis of the interferometer fringes. The combined determination of solidification front characteristics by these three observation modes has already given critical information on interface dynamics: front recoil measurements during initial transient, formation of microstructure patterns, and influence of convection on the triggering of instabilities.  相似文献   

We describe measurements of the point spread function (PSF) for a confocal microscope and compare them with the PSF for a conventional (wide-field) fluorescence microscope. In situ hybridization with probes to telomere and ribosomal rDNA sequences, combined with three-dimensional (3-D) microscopy, has been used to study interphase nuclei in root tissue of Pisum sativum and Vicia faba. Nearly all the telomeres in both species are located at the nuclear envelope, and are highly clustered in the Vicia tissues, suggesting specific binding interactions. rDNA labelling in P. sativum shows four brightly staining knobs, corresponding to condensed regions of the rDNA genes from the two pairs of nucleolar organizer genes in this species, arranged approximately tetrahedrally around each nucleolus. Deconvolution using the measured PSFs can be used to improve these images, revealing a fibrous substructure in the perinucleolar knobs, and a large amount of interconnecting internal structure, which we suggest represents rDNA both in the fibrillar centres and also more diffuse, widely dispersed rDNA. Finally we show that accurate conventional data coupled with deconvolution can produce 3-D reconstructions comparable to those obtainable with confocal microscopy, but that the clearest images are obtained by applying deconvolution to the confocal data.  相似文献   

王岩国 《分析仪器》2012,5(5):23-27
利用原位电子显微方法研究了金属-ZnSe半导体纳米线界面合金化过程,结果表明:在脉冲电流的作用下,ZnSe纳米线可以产生明显的焦耳热效应,导致金属-ZnSe纳米线界面发生合金化反应.通过调整纳米线与金属电极的接触面积,可将焦耳热效应准确控制在界面内,进而实现纳米尺度的合金化反应.  相似文献   

We report on the result of an in situ method for observing microstructural changes during hot deformation. The observation of microstructural changes of steel at 1,473 K under tensile strain is demonstrated using the reported method. The development of deformed structures and the formation of a new grain boundary, which subsequently moved with increased strain, were clearly observed. The effectiveness of this method was confirmed by the results of several examples. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

本文介绍一种通过编程实现位图读取,并作为数据源,转换为G加工代码的自动编程方法。该方法用于激光快速雕刻实际中。可以大大提高用户在小批量、多品种的产品生产过程中的数控编程效率和生产自动化程度。  相似文献   

棒材自动计数问题一直是困扰我国棒材生产企业的一个难题,目前我国棒材生产企业普遍采用人工计数方法.针对这种情况,通过采用现代化手段和技术创新,开发出适合我国钢铁企业的棒材自动计数系统,可以有效提高劳动生产率,把工人从繁重的体力劳动和恶劣环境中解放出来,力求为企业提供高科技设备,填补我国在该项技术上的空白.  相似文献   

A recently established facility for interactive image processing is described, primarily from the point of view of the system's hardware organization and the special purpose software provided to support it. The performance of more general software (the ‘Semper’ system) in the new environment has been measured carefully, and found to be about 10 times its performance on our previous PDP 8/E computer; particular attention is given to the data management techniques crucial to the system's efficiency. Some current applications are illustrated, including high resolution image interpretation and image averaging of biological crystals.  相似文献   

为了控制PCB成品质量,设计和实现了对SMT生产缺陷的自动检测。采用定位、摄像和图像处理等技术,精确检测和标识PCB产品的缺陷。系统运行可靠,降低了SMT生产成本。  相似文献   

A digital image processing method for noise removal and image enhancement in nonperiodic structural images is described. The method for noise removal uses a reversible transform between an image and image autocorrelation function. The Laplacian filter is then employed for image enhancement. Furthermore, an on-line image processing system for highresolution TEM is presented.  相似文献   

Segmentation of large areas of light microscopic slides into N by N fields, and each of these fields into M digital image tiles, allows the scanning, storage and digital processing of large images. Any of the original N2 fields or composites of M adjacent tiles can be recalled to the video display for analysis. Developed procedures for use on a microscope equipped with a precision scanning stage allow registration of the image coordinates (X-Y) for any original or composite field and the alignment of one of these fields along the depth (Z) axis by means of external, machined fiducial marks in serial sections. To facilitate work whenever unavoidable, we have incorporated methods for digital image panning and zooming (changes of magnification) and discuss their use and implications.  相似文献   

Effective study of in situ stained sections often requires illumination that is difficult to achieve with commonly used research microscopes. One must be able to switch quickly and conveniently from the very lowest to moderate magnifications. At all magnifications contrast due to light scatter must be minimized, so that the weak staining that signifies low gene expression can be observed reliably. For the lowest power objectives (e.g., 1.25× or 2×) many microscopes require that the condenser be removed to illuminate the full field of view. This is not only very inconvenient when switching magnifications, but without a condenser the low numerical aperture of the illuminating light beam results in unwanted contrast due to light scatter. We have devised a simple system that diffusely illuminates the full field of view of the lowest power objective (1.25×) and has high enough numerical aperture for use with the 25× and 40× objectives. A key feature is the use of a large diameter ring light (internal diameter 5.8 cm), placed on the microscope base, to illuminate a large diameter diffuser placed just below the slide.  相似文献   

Most micro/nanoelectromechanical system (MEMS/NEMS) devices and components such as microgears and micromotors operate at very high sliding velocities (of the order of tens of mm/s to few m/s). Nanoscale tribology and mechanics of these devices is crucial for evaluating reliability and failure issues, including those stemming from high wear. We have developed a novel AFM based approach for studying nanoscale wear at sliding velocities up to 10 mm/s. The technique is demonstrated by mapping wear of silicon resulting from two- and three-body abrasions, and that of diamondlike carbon (DLC) resulting from phase transformation of DLC to a graphite-like phase. The novel AFM based approach for nanowear mapping provides a reliable as well as a fast means for investigating wear on the nanoscale as a function of normal load and sliding velocity.  相似文献   

In situ electron backscatter diffraction microstructural analysis of recrystallizing interstitial free steels deformed to strains of 0.75 and 1.6 has been carried out in a FEG‐SEM. The experimental procedures are discussed, and it is shown that there is no degradation of the electron backscatter diffraction patterns at temperatures up to 800°C. Analysis of the surface and interior microstructures of annealed samples shows only minor difference, which suggests that in situ annealing experiments are of value. In addition, it is shown that in situ measurements allow a detailed comparison between the same areas before and after annealing, thereby providing information about the recrystallization mechanisms. Sequential recrystallization phenomena, such as initiation and growth of new grains, are observed at temperatures over 740°C, and depending on the deformation histories, different recrystallization behaviour is observed. It is found that {111}〈123〉 recrystallized grains are preferentially formed in the highly deformed material, whereas no strong recrystallization texture is formed in the lower strained material.  相似文献   

裘建新  钟平 《光学精密工程》2007,15(9):1322-1327
运用"可检测性"概念和Design For Test(DFT)方法,提出了一种基于图像处理技术的光纤准直器封装方法。在装配前利用机器视觉和数字图像处理技术保证插针到达正确相位,然后保持插针相位姿态不变插入不锈钢套筒,同时光纤插针做进给运动,以调节插针和自聚焦透镜在不锈钢金属套筒中的间隙,使插针快速地到达最佳装配位置,保证输出光功率最大。该系统主要由CCD摄像机、图像采集卡、系统控制和图象处理软件构成,由计算机控制其装配全过程。实验证明了该系统的有效性和实用性,其相位误差可控制在公差±3°内,满足光纤准直器装配精度要求。该封装方法已应用于生产,较大地提高了生产效率和产品合格率。  相似文献   

The understanding of tumour angiogenesis is of great importance in cancer research, as is the tumour response to vascular‐targeted drugs. This paper presents software aimed at aiding these investigations and other situations where linear or dendritic structures are to be delineated from three‐dimensional (3D) data sets. This software application was written to analyse the data from 3D data sets by allowing the manual and semi‐automated tracking and delineation of the vascular tree, including the measurement of vessel diameter. A new algorithm, CHARM, based on a compact Hough transform and the formation of a radial map, has been used to locate vessel centres and measure diameters automatically. The robustness of this algorithm to image smoothing and noise has been investigated.  相似文献   

This article presents a method to view a dynamic ice interface along the axis of ice growth using a laser‐scanning microscope. A deep liquid volume is chilled from below so that ice growth is directed upward toward the microscope objective. The interface is made visible by rejection of fluorescent dye from the solid phase into the liquid. Images of the interface morphology in water with solutes of interest to cryobiology illustrate the imaging capability. These images are processed to quantify the lamellar structure of the ice interface. The optical‐axis cryostage provides advantages over horizontal arrangements because (1) immersion objectives enhance, rather than disturb, the desired thermal gradient, and (2) features in the ice interface are not confined within a narrow capillary tube or microscope slide. This arrangement loses some of the thermal control found in planar freezing stages, and the dynamic, refractive interface presents challenges to confocal microscopy.  相似文献   

Sintering of green samples of alumina produced by ice‐templating was followed in situ in an environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) up to temperatures as high as 1375°C. These alumina samples with well‐defined architectures are of great interest in the field of materials science due to their high specific strength (especially in compression), low density and adaptable porosity. For the present study, they also have the advantage to exhibit an important topography, inducing interesting contrast when imaged in an ESEM. Improvements of the imaging conditions in the ESEM were essential to really follow the sintering process involving formation of necks between grains or shift of the centre of grains. This paper describes the improvements made and the results observed on the sintering process of alumina green samples processed by ice‐templating.  相似文献   

为了提高钛合金的高温抗氧化性能,推动钛合金在高温和复杂工况环境下的进一步工程应用,利用高能激光束作用下Ti、Al、Nb三种元素混合粉末之间的原位反应在BT3-1钛合金表面制备了高温抗氧化的高铌Ti-Al金属间化合物复合涂层。针对原位反应所制备涂层存在的缺陷,通过自行设计的热处理工艺优化了涂层和界面微观组织。借助光学显微镜(OM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)分析了热处理前后复合涂层的物相结构及显微形貌。结果表明:热处理前的涂层主要由单质Nb、金属间化合物γ-TiAl、α_2-Ti_3Al、Ti_3Al_2等物相组成;热处理后的复合涂层,单质Nb固溶到γ-TiAl和α_2-Ti_3Al中,同时形成了新相Ti_3AlNb_(0.3),涂层近似为γ-TiAl+α_2-Ti_3Al双相层片状等轴晶组织。此外,涂层中并未观察到减弱抗氧化性的单质Nb颗粒和Ti_3Al_2相,Ti、Al、Nb的宏观偏析得以消除,涂层与基材界面位置的气孔和裂纹均以消失,出现了明显的白亮带冶金结合过渡层,涂层组织也更加均匀致密。热处理对提高钛合金表面Nb的合金化程度和改善Ti-Al金属间化合物的高温抗氧化性能起到了显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

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