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彭天奇  禹晶  肖创柏 《自动化学报》2022,48(10):2508-2525
在模糊核未知的情况下对模糊图像进行复原称为盲解卷积问题,这是一个欠定逆问题,现有的大部分盲解卷积算法利用图像的各种先验知识约束问题的解空间.由于清晰图像的跨尺度自相似性强于模糊图像的跨尺度自相似性,且降采样模糊图像与清晰图像具有更强的相似性,本文提出了一种基于跨尺度低秩约束的单幅图像盲解卷积算法,利用图像跨尺度自相似性,在降采样图像中搜索相似图像块构成相似图像块组,从整体上对相似图像块组进行低秩约束,作为正则项加入到图像盲解卷积的目标函数中,迫使重建图像的边缘接近清晰图像的边缘.本文算法没有对噪声进行特殊处理,由于低秩约束更好地表示了数据的全局结构特性,因此避免了盲解卷积过程受噪声的干扰.在模糊图像和模糊有噪图像上的实验验证了本文的算法能够解决大尺寸模糊核的盲复原并对噪声具有良好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

拉普拉斯与双边滤波的图像去运动模糊算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动模糊图像盲复原是图像复原中的关键问题之一,由于模糊信息的复杂性以及图像噪声的影响,导致复原的结果有振铃效应.为解决这些问题,提出基于拉普拉斯先验的改进算法.在原有的模糊核估计过程中,引入拉普拉斯锐化增强,增强图像的边缘信息,达到改善模糊核估计结果的目的.在复原时,针对图像振铃噪声,引入了双边滤波,抑制该噪声对复原结果的影响,进一步改善复原图像的质量.与三种现有图像去模糊算法相比,该方法能更准确地估计模糊信息,对图像复原具有更好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

基于Anscombe变换域BM3D滤波的低剂量CT重建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
针对低剂量CT图像质量退化问题,提出了一种基于投影域数据恢复的低剂量CT优质重建方法。新方法首先通过非线性Anscombe变换将满足Poisson分布的投影域数据转化Gaussian型分布,然后利用针对Anscombe变换的Gaussian型数据进行自适应Block-Matching and 3D filtering(BM3D)滤波,最后通过对Anscombe逆变换数据执行传统的滤波反投影(Filtered Back Projection,FBP)CT重建。由于Anscombe变换数据的方差已知,且所用BM3D滤波无需人工设置滤波参数,使得方法可实现自适应低剂量CT图像重建。仿真和临床低剂量CT数据的实验表明,方法具有良好的重建鲁棒性,其重建图像的噪声和伪影可同时得到有效抑制。  相似文献   

目的 医学影像获取和视频监控过程中会出现一些恶劣环境,导致图像有许多强噪声斑点,质量较差。在处理强噪声图像时,传统的基于变分模型的算法,因需要计算高阶偏微分方程,计算复杂且收敛较慢;而隐式使用图像曲率信息的曲率滤波模型,在处理强噪声图像时,又存在去噪不完全的缺陷。为了克服这些缺陷,在保持图像边缘和细节特征的同时去除图像的强噪声,实现快速去噪,提出了一种改进的曲率滤波算法。方法 本文算法在隐式计算曲率时,通过半窗三角切平面和最小三角切平面的组合,用投影算子代替传统曲率滤波的最小三角切平面投影算子,并根据强噪声图像存在强噪声斑点的特征,修正正则能量函数,增添局部方差的正则能量,使得正则项的约束更加合理,提高了算法的去噪性能,从而达到增强去噪能力和保护图像边缘与细节的目的。结果 针对多种不同强度的混合噪声图像对本文算法性能进行测试,并与传统的基于变分法的去噪算法(ROF)和曲率滤波去噪等算法进行去噪效果对比,同时使用峰值信噪比(PSNR)和结构相似性(SSIM)作为滤波算法性能的客观评价指标。本文算法在对强噪声图像去噪处理时,能够有效地保持图像的边缘和细节特征,具备较好的PSNR和SSIM,在PSNR上比ROF模型和曲率滤波算法分别平均提高1.67 dB和2.93 dB,SSIM分别平均提高0.29和0.26。由于采用了隐式计算图像曲率,算法的处理速度与曲率滤波算法相近。结论 根据强噪声图像噪声特征对曲率滤波算法进行优化,改进投影算子和能量函数正则项,使得曲率滤波算法能够更好地适用于强噪声图像,实验结果表明,该方法与传统的变分法相比,对强噪声图像去噪效果显著。  相似文献   

目的 图像在获取和传输的过程中很容易受到噪声的干扰,图像降噪作为众多图像处理系统的预处理模块在过去数十年中得到了广泛的研究。在已提出的降噪算法中,往往采用加性高斯白噪声模型AWGN(additive white Gaussian noise)为噪声建模,噪声水平(严重程度)由方差参数控制。经典的BM3D 3维滤波算法属于非盲降噪(non-blind denoising algorithm)算法,在实际使用中需要由人工评估图像噪声水平并设置参数,存在着噪声评估值随机性大而导致无法获得最佳降噪效果的问题。为此,提出了一种新的局部均值噪声估计(LME)算法并作为BM3D算法的前置预处理模块。方法 本文专注于利用基于自然统计规律(NSS)的图像质量感知特征和局部均值估计技术构建图像噪声水平预测器,并通过它高效地获得噪声图像中准确的噪声水平值。关于自然场景统计方面的研究表明,无失真的自然场景图像在空域或者频率域上具有显著的统计规律,一旦受到噪声干扰会产生规律性的偏移,可以提取这些特征值作为反映图像质量好坏的图像质量感知特征。另外,局部均值估计因其简单而高效率的预测特性被采用。具体实现上,在具有广泛代表性且未受噪声干扰图像集合上添加不同噪声水平的高斯噪声构建失真图像集合,然后利用小波变换对这些失真图像进行不同尺度和不同方向的分解,再用广义高斯分布模型(GGD)提取子带滤波系数的统计信息构成描述图像失真程度的特征矢量,最后用每幅失真图像上所提取的特征矢量及对其所施加的高斯噪声水平值构成了失真特征矢量库。在降噪阶段,用相同的特征提取方法提取待降噪的图像的特征矢量并在失真特征矢量库中检索出与之类似的若干特征矢量及它们所对应的噪声水平值,然后用局部均值法估计出待降噪图像中高斯噪声大小作为经典BM3D算法的输入参数。结果 改进后的BM3D算法转换为盲降噪算法,称为BM3D-LME(block-matching and 3D filtering based on local means estimation)算法。准确的噪声估计对于诸如图像降噪,图像超分辨率和图像分割等图像处理任务非常重要。已经验证了所提出噪声水平估计算法的准确性、鲁棒性和有效性。结论 相对人工进行噪声估计,LME算法能够准确、快速地估算出任意待降噪图像中的噪声大小。配合BM3D算法使用后,有效提高了它的实际降噪效果并扩大它的应用范围。  相似文献   

一种基于模糊神经系统的图像去噪方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种对含有高斯噪声的数字图像的去噪方法,这种方法能够增强高斯噪声滤波器的性能,减少去噪对图像造成的模糊和失真。设计了一个模糊推理系统(FIS),并利用ANFIS训练这个FIS。通过训练可以调整、优化FIS的内部参数值。训练图像数据由计算机程序自动生成。优化后的FIS即可处理输入的图像数据,产生增强的图像。从结果图像的视觉效果和量化标准两方面的实验和分析,可以看出这种方法可基本消除高斯噪声滤波器产生的模糊和失真,提高滤波器性能。实验表明模糊神经系统可以应用于图像去噪问题。在合理地选择隶属度函数、规则和训练数据的前提下,会产生明显的图像增强效果。  相似文献   

Difference images are used in various image processing applications such as change detection, radar imaging, remote sensing, and biomedical image analysis. The difference image, or difference picture, is found by subtracting one image from another. One practical problem with difference images is that, if the images are not in perfect spatial registration before subtraction, their difference image will contain artifacts caused by incomplete cancellation of the unchanged background objects. These artifacts (registration noise) show up as extraneous light and dark regions on either side of the background objects. Usually, this noise is reduced by either smoothing (blurring), or thresholding the difference image. This paper describes a new method to reduce registration noise using adaptive gray scale mapping. This simple digital filter reduces registration noise as well as, or better than, previous methods, with less degradation of the actual differences between the images.  相似文献   

Thresholding is a popular image segmentation method that converts a gray-level image into a binary image. The selection of optimum thresholds has remained a challenge over decades. Besides being a segmentation tool on its own, often it is also a step in many advanced image segmentation techniques in spaces other than the image space. We introduce a thresholding method that accounts for both intensity-based class uncertainty-a histogram-based property-and region homogeneity-an image morphology-based property. A scale-based formulation is used for region homogeneity computation. At any threshold, intensity-based class uncertainty is computed by fitting a Gaussian to the intensity distribution of each of the two regions segmented at that threshold. The theory of the optimum thresholding method is based on the postulate that objects manifest themselves with fuzzy boundaries in any digital image acquired by an imaging device. The main idea here is to select that threshold at which pixels with high class uncertainty accumulate mostly around object boundaries. To achieve this, a threshold energy criterion is formulated using class-uncertainty and region homogeneity such that, at any image location, a high energy is created when both class uncertainty and region homogeneity are high or both are low. Finally, the method selects that threshold which corresponds to the minimum overall energy. The method has been compared to a maximum segmented image information method. Superiority of the proposed method was observed both qualitatively on clinical medical images as well as quantitatively on 250 realistic phantom images generated by adding different degrees of blurring, noise, and background variation to real objects segmented from clinical images  相似文献   

在数字图像处理中,噪声方差估计是一个重要的研究课题。提出一种针对加性高斯噪声的噪声方差估计方法。利用一种基于统计假设测试的方法来度量图像结构特征度,基于图像结构特征度找出平滑子块和非平滑子块(含有边缘或纹理子块);以平滑子块中的最小方差为参考方差,选择出方差与参考方差相差在一定范围内且不含边缘的所有子块;从选出的子块中求以图像结构特征度为权重的方差平均值作为噪声方差估计值。相比于现有的噪声估计方法,该方法具有非常高的估计精度,适合感染高斯噪声的各种图像。  相似文献   

侧扫声呐图像的3维块匹配降斑方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
斑点噪声是影响侧扫声呐图像质量的主要因素,降斑处理对侧扫声呐图像的判别与分析非常重要。针对侧扫声呐图像自身特性和斑点噪声分布特点,提出一种基于3维块匹配(BM3D)的降斑方法。根据海底散射模型,得到侧扫声呐图像斑点噪声的瑞利分布模型,然后通过高斯光滑函数幂变换将瑞利分布的噪声转化为高斯分布,通过对数变换将乘性噪声转变为加性噪声,再进行自适应的BM3D滤波,最后采用逆变换得到降斑图像。实验结果表明,该方法在降噪、边缘和纹理保持等方面均优于空间域、小波域、Curvelet域的一些降斑方法。  相似文献   

方向小波域的选择性阈值SAR图像去噪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
SAR图像去噪一直是SAR图像处理中一个具有特殊意义的研究课题。噪声抑制的关键是解决图像平滑与保持纹理之间的矛盾。提出了一种基于方向小波的选择性阈值SAR图像去噪算法。该算法利用方向小波的多方向框架对图像作12个方向的分解和变换。针对方向小波分解图像所产生的系数序列长度不同的特点,利用白噪声的置信区间,将不同长度的系数分成3组,对中间长度的系数序列采用统一阈值,对其他长度序列采用白噪声置信区间阈值处理。为了更好地保持图像细节信息,将每一尺度高频系数的方差中值作为噪声方差估计值。利用真实的SAR图像进行去噪试验,与几种经典的空域滤波和小波软阈值算法进行比较结果表明,该算法在平滑图像的同时更好地保持了图像本身的纹理信息,图像的视觉效果优于其他算法,等效视数和边缘保持指数分别提高了97和0.15。  相似文献   

图像超分辨率重建是利用数字信号处理技术由一系列低分辨率观测图像得到高分辨率图像。大多数重建算法假设成像系统的模糊特性也即点扩散函数(PSF)已知,然而实际的应用环境下PSF事先不知道或部分知道。为此,将未知PSF模型化,提出基于双正则化的图像超分辨率盲重建算法,并且正则化作用的强度随重建图像局部光滑程度的变化而自适应地改变,以便能保护图像细节同时抑制平滑区域的噪声。求解过程中采用交替最小化方法估计PSF参数和高分辨率图像,并随着迭代次数的增加逐步提高每次寻优的精度以节省计算开销。实验结果表明,该算法能够比较准确地估计出PSF参数并取得较好的图像重建效果。  相似文献   

Cheng-Lin  Katsumi   《Pattern recognition》2005,38(12):2242-2255
The nonlinear normalization (NLN) method based on line density equalization is popularly used in handwritten Chinese character recognition. To overcome the insufficient shape restoration capability of one-dimensional NLN, a pseudo two-dimensional NLN (P2DNLN) method has been proposed and has yielded higher recognition accuracy. The P2DNLN method, however, is very computationally expensive because of the line density blurring of each row/column. In this paper, we propose a new pseudo 2D normalization method using line density projection interpolation (LDPI), which partitions the line density map into soft strips and generate 2D coordinate mapping function by interpolating the 1D coordinate functions that are obtained by equalizing the line density projections of these strips. The LDPI method adds little computational overhead to one-dimensional NLN yet performs comparably well with P2DNLN. We also apply this strategy to extending other normalization methods, including line density projection fitting, centroid-boundary alignment, moment, and bi-moment methods. The latter three methods are directly based on character image instead of line density map. Their 2D extensions provide real-time computation and high recognition accuracy, and are potentially applicable to gray-scale images and online trajectories.  相似文献   

We propose a modified particle swarm optimization (MPSO) based method for Pseudo De-convolution of the ill-posed inverse problem namely, the space-variant image degradation (SVD). In this paper, SVD is simulated by the pseudo convolution of different sub-regions of the image with different known blurring kernels and additive random noise with unknown variance. Two heuristic modifications are proposed in PSO: 1) Initialization of the swarm and 2) Mutation of the global best. Fuzzy logic is applied for the computation of regularization parameter (RP) to cater for the sensitivity of the problem. The computation of RP is crucial due to the additive noise in the SVD image. Thus mathematical morphology (MM) is applied for better extraction of spatial activity from the distorted image. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated with different test images and noise powers. Comparative analysis demonstrates the superiority of proposed restoration, in terms of quantitative measures, over well-known existing and state-of-the-art SVD approaches.  相似文献   

Copy-move forgery as one of popular methods is widely used to tamper digital images. Passive authentication is extensively used to detect the copy-move forgery images. This paper proposes a passive authentication scheme for copy-move forgery based on the discrete cosine transform (DCT) and the package clustering algorithm. The copy regions and paste regions can be automatically detected in doctored digital images. This scheme works by first applying the DCT to small fixed image blocks to obtain their features and the size of feature vectors are reduced. Moreover, the package clustering algorithm is applied to replace the general lexicographic order technologies to improve the detection precision. The similar blocks can be found by comparing the feature vectors in each package. The experimental results represent that the proposed scheme can locate irregular and meaningful tampered regions and multiply duplicated regions in a suspicious image. The duplicated regions can also be located in digital images that are distorted by adding white Gaussian noise, Gaussian blurring and their mixed operations.  相似文献   

针对传统去噪算法去除含噪声较大的图像时仍有部分噪声残留的问题,本文基于变换域提出一种改进正态逆高斯分布的图像去噪算法。该算法在非下采样剪切波变换域,利用最优线性插值阈值函数改进正态逆高斯模型作为系数分布模型,对高频子带分解系数进行统计建模,以贝叶斯最大后验概率理论实现图像去噪。实验结果表明对于添加不同标准差的高斯白噪声图像,该算法在有效保留图像细节和纹理信息的同时在峰值信噪比方面优于同类去噪算法。  相似文献   

Yu  Haiping  He  Fazhi  Pan  Yiteng 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2020,79(9-10):5743-5765

Image segmentation plays an important role in the computer vision . However, it is extremely challenging due to low resolution, high noise and blurry boundaries. Recently, region-based models have been widely used to segment such images. The existing models often utilized Gaussian filtering to filter images, which caused the loss of edge gradient information. Accordingly, in this paper, a novel local region model based on adaptive bilateral filter is presented for segmenting noisy images. Specifically, we firstly construct a range-based adaptive bilateral filter, in which an image can well be preserved edge structures as well as resisted noise. Secondly, we present a data-driven energy model, which utilizes local information of regions centered at each pixel of image to approximate intensities inside and outside of the circular contour. The estimation approach has improved the accuracy of noisy image segmentation. Thirdly, under the premise of keeping the image original shape, a regularization function is used to accelerate the convergence speed and smoothen the segmentation contour. Experimental results of both synthetic and real images demonstrate that the proposed model is more efficient and robust to noise than the state-of-art region-based models.


根据高斯噪声密度大、噪声强度的波动范围宽,其污染图像不仅每一个像素灰度级都会受影响,而且即使是同一灰度级受污染的程度也会不同的特点和传统的图像模糊滤波算法在图像细节保护方面上的不足,提出基于图像受噪程度的改进模糊加权均值滤波算法,该算法根据图像各像素点的受噪程度,得到首次滤波图像和原图像估计直方图,根据该直方图确定模糊隶属度函数,然后对首次滤波图像中灰度小于25的像素点进行模糊加权均值滤波,该算法在不需要期望图像和高斯噪声方差的情况下能有效地去除噪声,同时能够很好地保护图像细节信息。  相似文献   

Hand held long exposures often result in blurred photographs due to camera shake. Long exposures are desirable both for artistic effect and in low-light situations. We propose a novel method for digitally reducing imaging artifacts, which does not require additional hardware such as tripods or optical image stabilization lenses. A series of photographs is acquired with short shutter times, stabilized using image alignment, and then composited. Our method is capable of reducing noise and blurring due to camera shake, while simultaneously preserving the desirable effects of motion blur. The resulting images are very similar to those obtained using a tripod and a true extended exposure.  相似文献   

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