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教学教务管理业务关系及信息管理系统设计   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
程仁洪 《计算机工程》2003,29(13):178-179
根据高校人才培养过程的一般特点,总结了教学过程中主要环节和实体间的关系,分析了与教学过程相对应的教学教务管理业务及相关实体间的关系模型,并按照系统工程原则,用现代软件技术设计了高校教学教务信息管理系统,最后探讨了建设高校信息管理系统的基本原则。  相似文献   

Creating effective presentation graphics doesn't have to be a difficult task, but you do need to plan ahead?before your system starts cranking out slides  相似文献   

Part-of relationships are needed to model structures of composite objects. Especially, composite objects, known as physical assemblies, are very popular in several applications. The existing object-oriented representations of physical assemblies and query languages based on them have several disadvantages. For example, they suppose that the user knows the structure of a physical assembly completely. This is not a realistic requirement in those cases where a physical assembly consists of a huge number of parts. Likewise the user has in them to control traversals of physical assemblies, i.e. they have a low degree of declarativity. Further, they do not support intensional and combined extensional-intensional queries which would be necessary in an advanced manipulation of physical assemblies. We develop the PSE (Part-of Structure Element) representation for removing the above disadvantages. The PSE representation is a set theoretical and constructor-oriented representation for physical assemblies and it can be used in the implementation based on both the object-oriented and deductive object-oriented database (DOOD) paradigms.  相似文献   

Modeling and Managing Interactions among Business Processes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Most workflow management systems (WfMSs) only support the separate andindependent execution of business processes. However, processes often needto interact with each other, in order to synchronize the execution of theiractivities, to exchange process data, to request execution of services, orto notify progresses in process execution. Recent market trends also raisethe need for cooperation and interaction between processes executed in differentorganizations, posing additional challenges. In fact, in order to reduce costsand provide better services, companies are pushed to increase cooperation and toform virtual enterprises, where business processes span across organizationalboundaries and are composed of cooperating workflows executed in differentorganizations. Workflow interaction in a cross-organizational environment iscomplicated by the heterogeneity of workflow management platforms on top ofwhich workflows are defined and executed and by the different and possiblycompeting business policies and business goals that drive process executionin each organization.In this paper we propose a model and system that enable interactionbetween workflows executed in the same or in different organizations. Weextend traditional workflow models by allowing workflows to publish andsubscribe to events, and by enabling the definition of points in the processexecution where events should be sent or received. Event notifications aremanaged by a suitable event service that is capable of filtering andcorrelating events, and of dispatching them to the appropriate targetworkflow instances. The extended model can be easily mapped onto anyworkflow model, since event specific constructs can be specified by means ofordinary workflow activities, for which we provide the implementation. Inaddition, the event service is easily portable to different platforms, anddoes not require integration with the WfMS that supports the cooperatingworkflows. Therefore, the proposed approach is applicable in virtually anyenvironment and is independent on the specific platform adopted  相似文献   

面向信息检索需要的网络数据清理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Web数据中的质量参差不齐、可信度不高以及冗余现象造成了网络信息检索工具存储和运算资源的极大浪费,并直接影响着检索性能的提高。现有的网络数据清理方式并非专门针对网络信息检索的需要,因而存在着较大不足。本文根据对检索用户的查询行为分析,提出了一种利用查询无关特征分析和先验知识学习的方法计算页面成为检索结果页面的概率,从而进行网络数据清理的算法。基于文本信息检索会议标准测试平台的实验结果证明,此算法可以在保留近95%检索结果页面的基础上清理占语料库页面总数45%以上的低质量页面,这意味着使用更少的存储和运算资源获取更高的检索性能将成为可能。  相似文献   

本文针对当前热门的IT商业价值问题进行了简要介绍,重点介绍了一套简便易用的面向企业信息系统商业价值评估的方法。这套方法由一个评估模型和配套的管理制度构成,对企业IT管理人员有很强的指导作用。本文对于业内现状的分析全面、透彻,提出的建设方案可操作性强,将有利于企业的信息化建设工作。  相似文献   

Situational awareness (SA) applications monitor the real world and the entities therein to support tasks such as rapid decision-making, reasoning, and analysis. Raw input about unfolding events may arrive from variety of sources in the form of sensor data, video streams, human observations, and so on, from which events of interest are extracted. Location is one of the most important attributes of events, useful for a variety of SA tasks. In this article, we consider the problem of reaching situation awareness from textual input. We propose an approach to probabilistically model and represent (potentially uncertain) event locations described by human reporters in the form of free text. We analyze several types of spatial queries of interest in SA applications. We design techniques to store and index the models, to support the efficient processing of queries. Our extensive experimental evaluation over real and synthetic datasets demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of our approaches.  相似文献   

一种支持对象联系的有效方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文提出了一种在面向对象模型中有效支持联系的实现方法-反向属性方法。与传统的面向对象模型相比,该方法能更方便地描述对象间的联系,显著改善联系操作的性能而保持复杂对象的DAG结构不变。在支持特殊的联系方面,本文引入了一些成员对象的插入/删除限制,从而增强了模型的活性。将这些插入/删除限制和反向属性方法联合应用可简洁地描述引用完整性约束和分属联系。  相似文献   

银行信贷数据仓库的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数据仓库是计算机应用领域的新概念,是近年迅速发展起来的一种管理技术。本文就数据仓库环境及技术特点,探讨了银行信贷数据仓库的设计。  相似文献   

Fulton  D.L. Thomas  R.T. 《Computer》1976,9(9):24-28
Small businesses have generally relied on service bureaus for management information. In general, the services provided have been on an out-of-house basis, with transactions being periodically forwarded to a service's centralized computer installation. An edit of the data is performed, and any errors in the data are reported back to the client. Corrections may then be transmitted with the next batch of transactions. Summary operating information may be provided, possibly on a daily basis, but usually detailed reports are mailed back on a weekly and/or monthly basis depending on the particular function.  相似文献   

企业国际化经营是进一步拓展发展空间与提升可持续发展能力的有效途径,国际业务及其信息化建设的发展同时也给企业信息安全提出了新的挑战。文中针对电网企业国际业务及其信息安全的特点,提出了一种国际业务信息安全防护模型。在分析电网企业国际业务安全风险的基础上,从安全防护模型的主站层、网络层和终端层三个层次研究了安全防护技术措施,并提出了安全管理思路及措施。  相似文献   

Ontology is the progression of interpreting the conceptions of the information domain for an assembly of handlers. Familiarizing ontology as information retrieval (IR) aids in augmenting the searching effects of user-required relevant information. The crux of conventional keyword matching-related IR utilizes advanced algorithms for recovering facts from the Internet, mapping the connection between keywords and information, and categorizing the retrieval outcomes. The prevailing procedures for IR consume considerable time, and they could not recover information proficiently. In this study, through applying a modified neuro-fuzzy algorithm (MNFA), the IR time is mitigated, and the retrieval accuracy is enhanced for trouncing the above-stated downsides. The proposed method encompasses three phases: i) development of a crop ontology, ii) implementation of the IR system, and iii) processing of user query. In the initial phase, a crop ontology is developed and evaluated by gathering crop information. In the next phase, a hash tree is constructed using closed frequent patterns (CFPs), and MNFA is used to train the database. In the last phase, for a specified user query, CFP is calculated, and similarity assessment results are retrieved using the database. The performance of the proposed system is measured and compared with that of existing techniques. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed MNFA has an accuracy of 92.77% for simple queries and 91.45% for complex queries.  相似文献   


For an MIS department to create successful information systems, MIS management must acknowledge and satisfy the needs of the users. This can be accomplished through implementation and marketing of a strategic plan.  相似文献   

How can managers effectively design and build information support systems that will enable them to survive and prosper well into the future? The key to such systems development is to consider information a corporate asset and manage it accordingly.  相似文献   

针对现在普遍采用的将移动对象位置信息发送到服务器的方法所存在的问题,本文提出了基于触发式的位置信息发送方法。该方法减少了移动对象向服务器发送位置信息的次数,节约了服务器大量的资源。在服务器端,采用分段三次Hermite插值函数模拟移动对象历史轨迹,采用线性函数模拟移动对象当前的运动轨迹。本文还详细分析了各因素对当前运动轨迹误差的影响,最后通过实验验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Combined visualizations of filamentous structures and surrounding volumetric objects are common in biological and medical applications. Often, the structures' spatial relationships remain unclear to the viewer. In this paper, we discuss and evaluate techniques to emphasize spatial relationships. We concentrate on the visualization of transparent objects and intersecting lines. Among various techniques, participants of an exploratory user study preferred coloring of lines, marking of line‐surface intersections by glyphs, and the combination of both. These techniques were additionally evaluated in a confirmatory study in which participants were asked to judge whether a filament runs through a transparent structure. We found that the evaluated techniques significantly improve the participants' performance in terms of the number of correct responses and response time. The best performance was found for the combination of line coloring and intersection glyph display.  相似文献   

在提倡“有效教学”的大背景下,就“如何提高信息技术课堂教学的有效性?”这个问题,笔者对“课堂导入”这个环节的有效导入方式进行了探讨和尝试。  相似文献   

企业信息系统中的业务信息审批模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为解决企业信息系统中业务审批信息流转和数据结构的缺陷,提出基于J2EE的业务信息审批模型,给出其总体结构、审批流程和审批信息的数据结构。阐述该模型的技术特点并介绍审批人、审批流程、审批表示等组件。该模型可实现结构化业务信息的复杂流转和审批过程,在业务信息中不必考虑审批的数据结构。  相似文献   

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