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A 38-year-old woman was transmitted to hospital with profuse vaginal bleeding. The origin of the vaginal injuries (resulting from "normal" sexual intercourse vs. use of instruments for manipulation in the vagina) was obscure. The wound pattern is presented and the literature on the subject is reviewed with special reference to predisposing factors and genesis of coital injuries. Concerning the wound pattern, reflecting a blunt trauma, a manipulation with a (so far unknown) instrument, but also with finger or hand could not be proved with the required certainty. In the presented case the origin of the vaginal injuries from "normal" sexual intercourse as described by the accused man could not be excluded.  相似文献   

This paper first goes into cases of medical malpractice proceeding from the definition of the subject (forensic medicine). Among the material examined by the author lapses were to be assumed in 6.9% of the cases. A forensic autopsy can, however, also be of significance in countering false accusations. Forensic autopsies are regulated by Sect. 87 of the German Code of Criminal Procedure. Clinical autopsies are performed in Berlin in conformity with the Autopsy Act of 1996. Therapeutic removal of tissue is, moreover, also regulated by the Autopsy Act. Last year's Grafting Act, on the other hand, is Federal Law. Another act promulgated in 1997 has likewise provoked considerable controversial debate: viz. the Criminal Proceedings Amendment Act--keyword: DNA analysis/genetic fingerprint. And, finally, the paper also goes somewhat deeper into the introduction of breath-alcohol tests as evidence admitted in court. Further points discussed: reports prepared in connection with trials involving shootings along the Berlin wall, reports drawn up in connection with matters involving the abuse of anabolic substances by competitive athletes in the German Democratic Republic, reports on former GDR functionaries pertaining to their fitness to plead in court or to undergo detention. To conclude with, the question, whether evidence obtained by coerced vomiting can be used in court, is also discussed (drug couriers).  相似文献   

32 Ss from a group of 485 White University of Southern California (USC) undergraduates who were tested on the Army Alpha Examination (AAE) in 1944 were retested in 1972. Comparisons were made between these Ss' early (A1) and later (A2) scores and those of a group (B) of 32 matched 1972 USC undergraduates. Results showed a 1 standard deviation (SD) decrement on the relations factor when A2 scores were compared to A1 and B but little difference between A1 vs B scores. On the verbal factor no differences were found between A2 and B, but when A1 vs A2 and A1 vs B were compared there was a one-half SD gain in favor of the later tests. On the number factor, females showed a 1 SD difference in favor of B when its scores were compared to those of A2 or A1. There were no differences for males on this factor. (5 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors present a brief account of possibilities to use computers, type PC, in departments of forensic medicine and discuss basic technical and programme equipment. In the author's opinion the basic reason for using computers is to create an extensive database of post-mortem findings which would make it possible to process them on a large scale and use them for research and prevention. Introduction of computers depends on the management of the department and it is necessary to persuade workers-future users of computers-of the advantages associated with their use.  相似文献   

The contents of total nitrogen, nonprotein nitrogen, lactose, and individual milk proteins have been determined in human milk from well-nourished Swedish mothers. Breast milk samples from 50 mothers at different stages of lactation (up to 170 days) were collected. Furthermore, three mothers gave samples repeatedly throughout the whole lactation period. The protein content in mature milk was found to be 0.8 to 0.9% by amino acid analysis. The nitrogen content and the contents of the major human milk whey proteins, alpha-lactalbumin and lactoferrin, are very high for the first few days, then decrease rapidly and reach, thereafter, the more slowly declining level of mature milk. Nonprotein nitrogen and the nonspecific milk protein serum albumin are present in constant concentrations throughout lactation. The daily milk volumes were determined and found to be 500 to 600 ml in the very early part and 700 to 800 ml in the later part of the lactation period.  相似文献   

The sequence of pathophysiological changes in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) at the single motor unit (MU) level is not well understood. Using a recently described technique, a comprehensive range of physiological properties in two thenar MUs in ALS were intensively studied. In the first MU, despite a marked decline in the ability of the subject to voluntarily recruit the MU, the physiological properties of this MU remained remarkably stable over a 2-year period. In contrast, the physiological properties of the other MU declined rapidly over 5 months despite the fact that this MU could be recruited with ease throughout the study period. These differences between the progressively dysfunctional changes in these two MUs illustrates the value of such longitudinal studies of specific MUs in improving our understanding of the evolution of changes in single motoneurons in ALS. The broader application of longitudinally tracking the pathophysiological changes of the surviving MUs may prove to be a sensitive measure of disease progression and in evaluating the effectiveness of treatments.  相似文献   

Conducted a field study of selected cases from police files in which hypnosis had been used as a memory aid. In a detailed analysis of 7 of the 41 cases, scoring revealed that hypnosis almost tripled the amount of information that witnesses provided compared with a standard interview (conducted prior to the hypnosis interview) with no loss in accuracy. Interviews with police hypnotists and investigators revealed that in addition to hypnosis the procedure included known memory aids. It is concluded that the cognitive instructions incorporated in the hypnotic interview may provide the basis for improved recall. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a composite sample of human service professionals (N?=?245), longitudinal relations across 1 year were tested between equity in the professional–recipient relationship and burnout (i.e., emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment). The 1st research question was whether inequity influenced burnout across time. The 2nd research question was whether longitudinal relations between equity and burnout were curvilinear, as predicted by equity theory. The results confirmed that inequity affects the central component of burnout (i.e., emotional exhaustion) and that this relation is curvilinear. Feeling more deprived and feeling more advantaged resulted in higher future emotional exhaustion levels. No indication was found for a longitudinal relation between inequity and depersonalization. A synchronous relation was found suggesting that personal accomplishment influences equity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A longitudinal twin study was conducted to determine whether personality traits with significant heritability in adolescence remain so in adulthood. A subsample of a group of twins who had been administered in Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the California Psychological Inventory in adolescence was readministered the same two inventories 12 years later. The subsample was found to be representative of the sample from which it was drawn. Different patterns of significantly heritability were found for the two ages studied: Several personality traits demonstrated evidence of significant heritability in either adolescence or adulthood, while others demonstrated evidence of significant heritability at both ages. In addition, genetic influences on the change from adolescence to adulthood were found for several personality traits. The results raise important questions for the interpretation of twin research and the understanding of genetic influences on personality development.  相似文献   

Using the Washington University Sentence Completion Test of Ego Development, 32 lower-class and lower-middle-class 12th graders (Group A) who had been given the test by A. Blasi (1971) as 6th graders were retested. The relationship between ego development and vocational attitudes and plans was also examined using a vocational choice questionnaire and the Career Maturity Inventory (CMI). To increase sample size, an additional 23 12th graders (Group B) were also administered the 3 measures. Results of statistical analyses show an increase at the .0005 level between 6th and 12th grades. Among Group A, sex differences at both grade levels were not significant; however, among Group B, girls had significantly higher ego levels than boys. In addition, ego development was significantly related to vocational maturity but not to reasons for vocational choices. Ego levels for 6th and 12th graders were significantly lower than those of middle- and upper-class Ss of comparable ages tested in other studies, suggesting a significant relation between ego development and socioeconomic status. Results are seen as evidence for the developmental nature of the ego, and support the sequentiality hypothesis, which suggests that stages follow in an invariant order. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

At 3-wk intervals during their 1st term at the university, 53 female and 31 male freshmen completed questionnaires regarding their relationships with 2 same-sex individuals whom they had just met. Results showed that dyads that successfully developed into close friendships by the end of the fall school term differed behaviorally and attitudinally from dyads that did not progress. As the friendships developed, the intimacy level of dyadic interaction accounted for an increasing percentage of the variance in ratings of friendship intensity beyond that accounted for by the sheer quantity of interaction. Ratings of relationship benefits were consistently positively correlated with friendship intensity and increased as the relationship progressed. There were no differences in ratings of relationship costs between close and nonclose friends. Dyadic behavior patterns and attitude ratings at the end of the fall school term were good predictors of friendship status 3 mo later. Motivational and situational factors were also correlated with friendship outcomes. Sex differences were noted: Females engaged in more casual affection behaviors with their close than with their nonclose friends. Males engaged in little casual affection with their friends, regardless of their degree of closeness. Results replicate the major findings of R. B. Hays (1984). (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The hypothesis that rebelliousness contributes to the etiology of cigarette smoking was tested with data from 2 longitudinal studies. Comparisons were made between smokers and nonsmokers (as determined at age 30) in the presmoking years from kindergarten through high school on several measures of rebelliousness. In every comparison for both sexes the smokers showed greater rebelliousness; the difference was statistically significant in most instances. This difference persisted into adulthood; smokers of both sexes scored significantly lower on the Socialization scale of the CPI. In discussing factors associated with the initiation and continuance of smoking, the evidence indicating rebelliousness as related also to alcoholism and drug usage suggests that it would be heuristic to regard smoking as 1 of the addictions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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