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Proof systems for weak bisimulation equivalences in the π-calculus are presented, and their soundness and completeness are shown. Two versions of π-calculus are investigated, one without and the other with the mismatch operator. For each version of the calculus proof systems for both late and early weak bisimulation equivalences are studied. Thus there are four proof systems in all. These inference systems are related in a natural way: the inference system for early equivalence is obtained from the one for late equivalence by replacing the inference rule for input prefix, while the inference system for the version of π-calculus with mismatch is obtained by adding a single inference rule for mismatch to the one for the version without it. The proofs of the completeness results rely on the notion of symbolic bisimulation.  相似文献   

A region calculus is a programming language calculus with explicit instrumentation for memory management. Every value is annotated with a region in which it is stored and regions are allocated and deallocated in a stack-like fashion. The annotations can be statically inferred by a type and effect system, making a region calculus suitable as an intermediate language for a compiler of statically typed programming languages.Although a lot of attention has been paid to type soundness properties of different flavors of region calculi, it seems that little effort has been made to develop a semantic framework. In this paper, we present a theory based on bisimulation, which serves as a coinductive proof principle for showing equivalences of polymorphically region-annotated terms. Our notion of bisimilarity is reminiscent of open bisimilarity for the -calculus and we prove it sound and complete with respect to Morris-style contextual equivalence.As an application, we formulate a syntactic equational theory, which is used elsewhere to prove the soundness of a specializer based on region inference. We use our bisimulation framework to show that the equational theory is sound with respect to contextual equivalence.  相似文献   

We apply powerful proof-techniques of concurrency theory to study the observational theory of Thielecke’s CPS-calculus, a distillation of the target language of Continuation-Passing Style transforms. We define a labelled transition system from which we derive a (weak) labelled bisimilarity that completely characterises Morris’ context-equivalence. We prove a context lemma showing that Morris’ context-equivalence coincides with a simpler context-equivalence closed under a smaller class of contexts. Then we profit of the determinism of the CPS-calculus to give a simpler labelled characterisation of Morris’ equivalence, in the style of Abramsky’s applicative bisimilarity. We enhance our bisimulation proof-methods with up to bisimilarity and up to context proof techniques. We use our bisimulation proof techniques to investigate a few algebraic properties on diverging terms that cannot be proved using the original axiomatic semantics of the CPS-calculus.  相似文献   

A large number of different model checking approaches has been proposed during the last decade. The different approaches are applicable to different model types including untimed, timed, probabilistic and stochastic models. This paper presents a new framework for model checking techniques which includes some of the known approaches and enlarges the class of models to which model checking can be applied to the general class of weighted automata. The approach allows an easy adaption of model checking to models which have not been considered yet for this purpose. Examples for those new model types for which model checking can be applied are max/plus or min/plus automata which are well established models to describe different forms of dynamic systems and optimization problems. In this context, model checking can be used to verify temporal or quantitative properties of a system. The paper first presents briefly our class of weighted automata, as a very general model type. Then Valued Computational Tree Logic (CTL) is introduced as a natural extension of the well known branching time logic CTL. Afterwards, algorithms to check a weighted automaton with respect to a CTL) is introduced as a natural extension of the well known branching time logic CTL. Afterwards, algorithms to check a weighted automaton with respect to a CTL formula are presented. As a last result, bisimulation equivalence is extended to weighted automata and CTL$.  相似文献   

In the last few years a number of real-time process calculi have emerged with the purpose of capturing important quantitative aspects of real-time systems. In addition, a number of process equivalences sensitive to time-quantities have been proposed, among these the notion of timed (bisimulation) equivalence. In this paper, we introduce atime-abstracting(bisimulation) equivalence and investigate its properties with respect to the real-time process calculus of Wang (Real-time behaviour of asynchronous agents,in“Proceedings of CONCUR90,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 458, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/New York, 1990). Seemingly, such an equivalence would yield very little information (if any) about the timing properties of a process. However, time-abstracted reasoning about a composite process may yield important information about the relative timing-properties of the components of the system. In fact, we show as a main theorem that such implicit reasoning will revealalltiming aspects of a process. More precisely, we prove that two processes are interchangeable in any context up to time-abstracted equivalence precisely if the two processes are themselves timed equivalent. As our second main theorem, we prove that time-abstracted equivalence is decidable for the calculus of Wang, using classical methods based on a finite-state symbolic, structured operational semantics.  相似文献   

Coinduction is a proof rule. It is the dual of induction. It allows reasoning about non-well-founded structures such as lazy lists or streams and is of particular use for reasoning about equivalences. A central difficulty in the automation of coinductive proof is the choice of a relation (called a bisimulation). We present an automation of coinductive theorem proving. This automation is based on the idea of proof planning [7]. Proof planning constructs the higher level steps in a proof, using knowledge of the general structure of a family of proofs and exploiting this knowledge to control the proof search. Part of proof planning involves the use of failure information to modify the plan by the use of a proof critic [23] which exploits the information gained from the failed proof attempt. Our approach to the problem was to develop a strategy that makes an initial simple guess at a bisimulation and then uses generalisation techniques, motivated by a critic, to refine this guess, so that a larger class of coinductive problems can be automatically verified. The implementation of this strategy has focused on the use of coinduction to prove the equivalence of programs in a small lazy functional language which is similar to Haskell [22]. We have developed a proof plan for coinduction and a critic associated with this proof plan. These have been implemented in CoCLAM, an extended version of CLAM [9], with encouraging results. The planner has been successfully tested on a number of theorems. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Given a timed automaton M, a linear temporal logic formula φ, and a bound k, bounded model checking for timed automata determines if there is a falsifying path of length k to the hypothesis that M satisfies the specification φ. This problem can be reduced to the satisfiability problem for Boolean constraint formulas over linear arithmetic constraints. We show that bounded model checking for timed automata is complete, and we give lower and upper bounds for the length k of counterexamples. Moreover, we define bounded model checking for networks of timed automata in a compositional way.  相似文献   

We present a call-by-need λ-calculus λND with an erratic non-deterministic operator pick and a non-recursive let. A definition of a bisimulation is given, which has to be based on a further calculus named λ, since the naïve bisimulation definition is useless. The main result is that bisimulation in λ is a congruence and coincides with the contextual equivalence. The proof is a non-trivial extension of Howe's method. This might be a step towards defining useful bisimulation relations and proving them to be congruences in calculi that extend the λND-calculus.  相似文献   

朱凯  毋国庆  吴理华  袁梦霆 《软件学报》2019,30(7):2033-2051
自动机的重置序列也称为同步序列,具有以下特性:有限自动机通过运行重置序列w,可从任意一个未知的或无法观测到的状态q0到达某个特定状态qw.这仅依赖于w,而与开始运行w时的状态q0无关.这一特性可用于部分可观察的复杂系统的自动恢复,而无需重启,甚至有时不能重启.基于此,重置问题自出现以来便得到关注和持续研究.最近几年,它被扩展到可以描述诸如分布式、嵌入式实时系统等复杂系统的无限状态模型上,比如时间自动机和寄存器自动机等.以时间自动机的重置问题的计算复杂性为研究对象,发现重置问题与可达性问题有着紧密的联系.主要贡献是:(1)利用时间自动机可达性问题的最新成果,完善完全的确定的时间自动机重置问题的计算复杂性结论;(2)对部分规约的确定的时间自动机,研究得出,即使在输入字母表大小减至2的情况下,其复杂性仍是PSPACE-完全的;特别地,在单时钟情况下是NLOGSPACE-完全的;(3)对完全的非确定的时间自动机,研究得出其Di-可重置问题(i=1,2,3)是不可判定的,其重置问题与非确定的寄存器自动机重置问题在指数时间可以相互归约,通过证明指数时间归约相对高复杂性类具有封闭性,利用非确定的寄存器自动机的结论得出单时钟的时间自动机的重置问题是Ackermann-完全的、限界的重置问题是NEXPTIME-完全的.这些复杂性结论,说明关于时间自动机的重置问题大都是难解的,一方面,为时间系统的可重置性的检测和求解奠定坚实的理论基础,另一方面,为以后寻找具有高效算法的特殊结构的时间系统(即具有高效算法的问题子类)给予理论指导.  相似文献   

We develop a theory of bisimulation equivalence for the broadcast calculus CBS. Both the strong and weak versions of bisimulation congruence we study are justified in terms of a characterisation as the largest CBS congruences contained in an appropriate version of barbed bisimulation. We then present sound and complete proof systems for both the strong and weak congruences over finite terms. The first system we give contains an infinitary proof rule to accommodate input prefixes. We improve on this by presenting a unitary proof system where judgements are relative to properties of the data domain.  相似文献   

We present a meta-logic that contains a new quantifier (for encoding “generic judgments”) and inference rules for reasoning within fixed points of a given specification. We then specify the operational semantics and bisimulation relations for the finite π-calculus within this meta-logic. Since we restrict to the finite case, the ability of the meta-logic to reason within fixed points becomes a powerful and complete tool since simple proof search can compute this one fixed point. The quantifier helps with the delicate issues surrounding the scope of variables within π-calculus expressions and their executions (proofs). We shall illustrate several merits of the logical specifications we write: they are natural and declarative; they contain no side conditions concerning names of variables while maintaining a completely formal treatment of such variables; differences between late and open bisimulation relations are easy to see declaratively; and proof search involving the application of inference rules, unification, and backtracking can provide complete proof systems for both one-step transitions and for bisimulation.  相似文献   

We introduce a new notion of bisimulation, called event bisimulation on labelled Markov processes (LMPs) and compare it with the, now standard, notion of probabilistic bisimulation, originally due to Larsen and Skou. Event bisimulation uses a sub σ-algebra as the basic carrier of information rather than an equivalence relation. The resulting notion is thus based on measurable subsets rather than on points: hence the name. Event bisimulation applies smoothly for general measure spaces; bisimulation, on the other hand, is known only to work satisfactorily for analytic spaces. We prove the logical characterization theorem for event bisimulation without having to invoke any of the subtle aspects of analytic spaces that feature prominently in the corresponding proof for ordinary bisimulation. These complexities only arise when we show that on analytic spaces the two concepts coincide. We show that the concept of event bisimulation arises naturally from taking the co-congruence point of view for probabilistic systems. We show that the theory can be given a pleasing categorical treatment in line with general coalgebraic principles. As an easy application of these ideas we develop a notion of “almost sure” bisimulation; the theory comes almost “for free” once we modify Giry’s monad appropriately.  相似文献   

Real-time discrete event systems are discrete event systems with timing constraints, and can be modeled by timed automata. The latter are convenient for modeling real-time discrete event systems. However, due to their infinite state space, timed automata are not suitable for studying real-time discrete event systems. On the other hand, finite state automata, as the name suggests, are convenient for modeling and studying non-real time discrete event systems. To take into account the advantages of finite state automata, an approach for studying real-time discrete event systems is to transform, by abstraction, the timed automata modeling them into finite state automata which describe the same behaviors. Then, studies are performed on the finite state automata model by adapting methods designed for non real-time discrete event systems. In this paper, we present a method for transforming timed automata into special finite state automata called Set-Exp automata. The method, called SetExp, models the passing of time as real events in two types: Set events which correspond to resets with programming of clocks, and Exp events which correspond to the expiration of clocks. These events allow to express the timing constraints as events order constraints. SetExp limits the state space explosion problem in comparison to other transformation methods of timed automata, notably when the magnitude of the constants used to express the timing constraints are high. Moreover, SetExp is suitable, for example, in supervisory control and conformance testing of real-time discrete event systems.  相似文献   

The concept of bisimulation from concurrency theory is used to reason about recursively defined data types. From two strong-extensionality theorems stating that the equality (resp. inequality) relation is maximal among all bisimulations, a proof principle for the final coalgebra of an endofunctor on a category of data types (resp. domains) is obtained. As an application of the theory developed, an internal full abstraction result (in the sense of S. Abramsky and C.-H. L. Ong [Inform. and Comput.105, 159–267 (1993)] for the canonical model of the untyped call-by-valueλ-calculus is proved. Also, the operational notion of bisimulation and the denotational notion of final semantics are related by means of conditions under which both coincide.  相似文献   

Weighted timed automata (WTA), introduced in Alur et al. (Proceedings of HSCC’01, LNCS, vol. 2034, pp. 49–62, Springer, Berlin, 2001), Behrmann et al. (Proceedings of HSCC’01, LNCS, vol. 2034, pp. 147–161, Springer, Berlin, 2001) are an extension of Alur and Dill (Theor. Comput. Sci. 126(2):183–235, 1994) timed automata, a widely accepted formalism for the modelling and verification of real time systems. Weighted timed automata extend timed automata by allowing costs on the locations and edges. There has been a lot of interest Bouyer et al. (Inf. Process. Lett. 98(5):188–194, 2006), Bouyer et al. (Log. Methods Comput. Sci. 4(2):9, 2008), Brihaye et al. (Proceedings of FORMATS/FTRTFT’04, LNCS, vol. 3253, pp. 277–292, Springer, Berlin, 2004), Brihaye et al. (Inf. Comput. 204(3):408–433, 2006) in studying the model checking problem of weighted timed automata. The properties of interest are written using logic weighted CTL (WCTL), an extension of CTL with costs. It has been shown Bouyer et al. (Log. Methods Comput. Sci. 4(2):9, 2008) that the problem of model checking WTAs with a single clock using WCTL with no external cost variables is decidable, while 3 clocks render the problem undecidable Bouyer et al. (Inf. Process. Lett. 98(5):188–194, 2006). The question of 2 clocks is open. In this paper, we introduce a subclass of weighted timed automata called weighted integer reset timed automata (WIRTA) and study the model checking problem. We give a clock reduction technique for WIRTA. Given a WIRTA A\mathcal{A} with n≥1 clocks, we show that a single clock WIRTA A¢\mathcal{A}' preserving the paths and costs of A\mathcal{A} can be obtained. This gives us the decidability of model checking WIRTA with n≥1 clocks and m≥1 costs using WCTL with no external cost variables. We then show that for a restricted version of WCTL with external cost variables, the model checking problem is undecidable for WIRTA with 3 stopwatch costs and 1 clock. Finally, we show that model checking WTA with 2 clocks and 1 stopwatch cost against WCTL with no external cost variables is undecidable, thereby answering a question that has remained long open.  相似文献   

This paper presents an equational axiomatization of bisimulation equivalence over the language of Basic Process Algebra (BPA) with multi-exit iteration. Multi-exit iteration is a generalization of the standard binary Kleene star operation that allows for the specification of agents that, up to bisimulation equivalence, are solutions of systems of recursion equations of the form wherenis a positive integer and thePiand theQiare process terms. The addition of multi-exit iteration to BPA yields a more expressive language than that obtained by augmenting BPA with the standard binary Kleene star (BPA*). As a consequence, the proof of completeness of the proposed equational axiomatization for this language, although standard in its general structure, is much more involved than that for BPA*. An expressiveness hierarchy for the family ofk-exit iteration operators proposed by Bergstra, Bethke, and Ponse is also offered.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a proof-theoretic observation about two kinds of proof systems for regular cyclic objects. It is presented for the case of two formal systems that are complete with respect to the notion of “recursive type equality” on a restricted class of recursive types in μ-term notation. Here we show the existence of an immediate duality with a geometrical visualization between proofs in a variant of the coinductive axiom system due to Brandt and Henglein and “consistency-unfoldings” in a variant of a 'syntactic-matching' proof system for testing equations between recursive types due to Ariola and Klop.Finally we sketch an analogous result of a duality between a similar pair of proof systems for bisimulation equivalence on equational specifications of cyclic term graphs.  相似文献   

The notions of bisimulation and simulation are used for graph reduction and are widely employed in many areas: modal logic, concurrency theory, set theory, formal verification, and so forth. In particular, in the context of formal verification they are used to tackle the so-called state-explosion problem. The faster algorithms to compute the maximum bisimulation on a given labeled graph are based on the crucial equivalence between maximum bisimulation and relational coarsest partition problem. As far as simulation is concerned, many algorithms have been proposed that turn out to be relatively inexpensive in terms of either time or space. In this paper we first revisit the state of the art about bisimulation and simulation, pointing out the analogies and differences between the two problems. Then, we propose a generalization of the relational coarsest partition problem, which is equivalent to the simulation problem. Finally, we present an algorithm that exploits such a characterization and improves on previously proposed algorithms for simulation. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We study the problem of characterizing contextual equivalence in higher-order languages with passivation. To overcome the difficulties arising in the proof of congruence of candidate bisimilarities, we introduce a new form of labeled transition semantics together with its associated notion of bisimulation, which we call complementary semantics. Complementary semantics allows to apply the well-known Howe?s method for proving the congruence of bisimilarities in a higher-order setting, even in the presence of an early form of bisimulation. We use complementary semantics to provide a coinductive characterization of contextual equivalence in the HOπP calculus, an extension of the higher-order π-calculus with passivation, obtaining the first result of this kind. We then study the problem of defining a more effective variant of bisimilarity that still characterizes contextual equivalence, along the lines of Sangiorgi?s notion of normal bisimilarity. We provide partial results on this difficult problem: we show that a large class of test processes cannot be used to derive a normal bisimilarity in HOπP, but we show that a form of normal bisimilarity can be defined for HOπP without restriction.  相似文献   

模型检验是一种重要的形式化自动验证技术,通过状态空间搜索来保证软硬件设计的正确性。由于TCTL不是针对时间自动机,而是针对有限状态变迁系统的,从而无法使用TCTL直接对时间自动机进行模型检验。给出了一种从时间自动机到有限状态变迁系统的方法,并在不改变时间自动机的语义上,使时间自动机等价后的域状态数尽可能少,在一定程度上有效地解决了状态空间爆炸问题。  相似文献   

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