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针对单片机在处理多任务事件时的延时问题,提出了基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的驱动系统设计方案。根据FPGA的多任务可并行处理特点,分别进行设计和验证并通过在一片FPGA上统一实例化模块,简化了驱动系统的硬件结构。实验表明,基于FPGA的驱动系统可有效提高面部表情控制准确度和表情再现速率。  相似文献   

We describe the research and the integration methods we developed to make the HRP-2 humanoid robot climb vertical industrial-norm ladders. We use our multi-contact planner and multi-objective closed-loop control formulated as a QP (quadratic program). First, a set of contacts to climb the ladder is planned off-line (automatically or by the user). These contacts are provided as an input for a finite state machine. The latter builds supplementary tasks that account for geometric uncertainties and specific grasps procedures to be added to the QP controller. The latter provides instant desired states in terms of joint accelerations and contact forces to be tracked by the embedded low-level motor controllers. Our trials revealed that hardware changes are necessary, and parts of software must be made more robust. Yet, we confirmed that HRP-2 has the kinematic and power capabilities to climb real industrial ladders, such as those found in nuclear power plants and large scale manufacturing factories (e.g. aircraft, shipyard) and construction sites.  相似文献   

研究了人脸识别系统。基于拟人机器人人脸识别系统的工作流程,对人脸识别系统中人脸检测阶段所采用的Adaboost算法、人脸跟踪阶段采用的Camshift算法,以及人脸识别阶段所使用的PCA算法进行了探讨。采用了这些经典的算法后,该系统具有较高的识别率和系统性能。  相似文献   

介绍了拟人机器人上肢运动检测与控制系统。以高准确度电位器为传感器,设计了检测传感电路。为克服长线传输中的干扰,设计了电流信号传输电路,并对所设计电路的非线性进行了标定。设计了拟人机器人关节轴极限位置保护开关及控制电路。实践证明,该系统能够得到上肢运动的比较理想的静态和动态结果。  相似文献   

A neural network expert system called adaptive connectionist expert system (ACES) which will learn adaptively from past experience is described. ACES is based on the neural logic network, which is capable of doing both pattern processing and logical inferencing. The authors discuss two strategies, pattern matching ACES and rule inferencing ACES. The pattern matching ACES makes use of past examples to construct its neural logic network and fine-tunes itself adaptively during its use by further examples supplied. The rule inferencing ACES conceptualizes new rules based on the frequencies of use on the rule-based neural logic network. A new rule could be considered as a pattern matching example and be incorporated into pattern matching ACES  相似文献   

为了提高煤灰测验工作中的煤灰采样效率问题,介绍了单自由度主从式力觉临场感和视觉临场感遥操作电厂智能采灰器的设计和低成本实现方法.由操作者操纵的力反馈操纵杆装有直流力矩电机,与环境作用的采样器选用输出力大、可靠性高的液压伺服驱动.采用一种二通道位置-力控制结构,并且力控制采用了积分分离PID控制.最后通过实验进一步分析说明所设计的体系结构的合理性和可行性.  相似文献   

为实现仿人机器人无缆工作的时间更长,设计了采用分布式电源的控制系统.仿人机器人关节电机驱动器采用动力电和数字电分开供电的方式,动力电主要为电机供电,而数字电主要为控制芯片供电,因而采用分布式电源方案,即由一个电池组对多个关节驱动器的数字电部分供电,而对单个关节驱动器的动力电部分由一个电池组供电.该方案在搭建的多电机控制...  相似文献   

文章研发了一款适用于机器人教育教学的多功能、多用途、普适性的19自由度的小型仿人机器人,主要完成了该机器人的机械结构设计与控制系统构建工作[1]。所设计的机器人机械结构可靠性高、工艺性好、结构紧凑、样式新颖;所构建的机器人控制系统鲁棒性高、稳定性好、控制准确、反应迅速,圆满地实现了预期的设计任务。通过对优缺点的综合对比,得出组合式构型方案在功能性、实用性和稳定性等方面具有明显优势,有望通过后续软件系统的开发提高其运动效能,真正在青少年机器人教育中发挥重要作用[2]。  相似文献   

Security is an important but challenging issue in current network environments. With the growth of Internet, application systems in enterprises may suffer from new security threats caused by external intruders. This situation results in the introduction of security auditors (SAs) who perform some test methods with hacking tools the same as or similar to those used by hackers. However, current intrusion detection systems (IDSs) do not consider the role of security auditors despite its importance. This causes IDSs to generate many annoying alarms. In this paper, we are motivated to extend a current IDS functionality with Identification Capability, called IDSIC, based on the auditing viewpoint to separate auditing traffic from malicious attacks. The IDSIC architecture includes two components: fingerprint adder and fingerprint checker, which can provide a separability of security auditors and hackers. With this architecture, we show that IDSICs can lower the consequential costs in the current IDSs. Therefore, such IDSICs can ensure a more stable system performance during the security examination process.  相似文献   

针对类人足球机器人在复杂赛场环境中对目标色块识别能力的不足,设计一种基于ARM的类人足球机器人视觉识别系统。软硬件设计上,以搭载Linux系统的三星S3C6410作为主控图像处理芯片,用飞思卡尔MC9S12XS128单片机作为舵机控制器,以罗技C270摄像头作为视觉传感器。分割识别算法上,采用YUV颜色空间下的阈值法与区域生长的混合分割算法对色块信息进行快速分割和识别。实验表明,该设计可准确识别出较复杂环境中的目标色块并定位出中心坐标。  相似文献   

Legged exoskeletons supplement human intelligence with the strength and endurance of a pair of wearable mechanical legs that support heavy loads. The exoskeleton-type system is a nonlinear system with uncertainty of parameters, which is not easy to be identified with traditional mathematical model. This paper presents co-simulations of a novel exoskeleton-human robot system on humanoid gaits with fuzzy-PID/PID algorithms, which do not need the precise model. The lower extremity exoskeleton model with series–parallel topology was briefly described and the gait characteristics were analyzed. The co-simulation method integrates ADAMS and MATLAB/SIMULINK with fuzzy-PID/PID algorithms, which were used to develop the control schematic of the exoskeleton-human robot system. Finally, co-simulations of humanoid gaits and movements, which include level walking, stair ascent, stair descent, side kick, squatting down and standing up, were provided to confirm the performances and effectiveness of the proposed control approach.  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(7):699-710
morph3 is a compact-size humanoid robot that is able to generate acrobatic motions such as somersaults and gymnastic motion. A new mechanism and control system, i. e. a real-time joint compliance control system and tactile sensing shells on its body, make acrobatic motion possible. In this paper, the design concepts and construction of morph3 are described.  相似文献   

介绍采用Visual Basic语言,基于计算机和嵌入式微控制器(MCU),开发微型工业自动化组态测控系统,优选硬件模块,满足工程控制和实时监测的现场需求,弥补基于PC机的通用工业自动化组态软件中存在的一些不足。  相似文献   

介绍了一种具有无线自主组网能力的战场感知系统,该系统主要由图像传感器、控制系统、音响及震动传感器、ZGBEE无线通讯模块和电源组成.感知系统投放后能自动组网,并实时传送声学和光学传感器采集的战场信息,是现代战场信息采集系统的有效组成部分.  相似文献   

ADXL203型双轴加速计在机器人足部感知系统中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
仿人机器人要实现在复杂环境下稳定行走,仅仅依靠地面反力信息远不能满足应用要求,此时足部的倾角信息显得更为重要。脚面倾角可以反映地面倾斜状态,是仿人机器人稳定控制的一个重要依据。利用ADXL203双轴加速度传感器与DSP(TMS3202811)实现对倾角信息的实时高速采集与处理,并通过实验证明了倾角传感器在机器人足部感知系统中是可行的。  相似文献   

为了解决人工抄表数据可靠性不高、抄表不便捷、用户缴费困难等一系列问题,现提出一种基于LoRa调制技术的无线智能水表系统的设计方案:该方案以LoRa调制技术为核心,采用星型、链型网络进行自组织网络设计,构建了通信距离远、功耗低、可抵抗多种干扰源等复杂网络环境下的智能水表系统。在论述系统的过程中重点阐述了智能系统的软硬件设计方案和应用层自定义网络协议,以及智能水表数据采集和远程管理的软件设计方法,在方案设计的最后进行了系统测试分析,测试结果表明了基于LoRa的智能水表系统在通信距离和功耗上具有明显优势。这些优势给LoRa无线通信技术未来构建大规模自组织网络提供了可能,在远程抄表领域该智能水表系统有着广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

This paper describes the mechatronic design of the Twente humanoid head, which has been realized in the purpose of having a research platform for human-machine interaction. The design features a fast, four degree of freedom neck, with long range of motion, and a vision system with three degrees of freedom, mimicking the eyes. To achieve fast target tracking, two degrees of freedom in the neck are combined in a differential drive, resulting in a low moving mass and the possibility to use powerful actuators. The performance of the neck has been optimized by minimizing backlash in the mechanisms, and using gravity compensation. The vision system is based on a saliency algorithm that uses the camera images to determine where the humanoid head should look at, i.e. the focus of attention computed according to biological studies. The motion control algorithm receives, as input, the output of the vision algorithm and controls the humanoid head to focus on and follow the target point. The control architecture exploits the redundancy of the system to show human-like motions while looking at a target. The head has a translucent plastic cover, onto which an internal LED system projects the mouth and the eyebrows, realizing human-like facial expressions.  相似文献   

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