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设计面向21世纪的绿住宅   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类需要良好的可持续发展的居住环境,从节能,绿化等方面论述了绿色住宅设计的基本要素和方法,指出绿色住宅是21世纪人们追求的理想的居住模式。  相似文献   

居住模式的转变对住宅设计的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们在一定时期内的居住行为方式,即居住模式,随着社会生活的发展,随着人们需求欲望的变化,正由单一性的生理型居住模式向多元化的,即“社会→生理→心理”居住模式发展。住宅建设必须及时地满足这种变化的要求。文章从住宅的室内划分、家具、室内设计、厨卫间功能等方面,作了论述。  相似文献   

浅谈连排式住宅   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探讨了TOWN HOUSE的起源和历史沿革,以及在中国的传播状况,从人们居住水平、土地资源、生活模式、居住观念等方面介绍了推进TOWN HOUSE在中国发展的因素,阐明了连排式住宅具有的优越性。  相似文献   

住宅的主要用途是供人们生活、居住。社会在变,人的观念在变,住宅空间也应具有高度的灵活性和可变性。本文对住宅灵活空间的必要性、起源、理论及设计原则作了探索。  相似文献   

娄静 《中外建筑》2014,(4):51-52
近几年来,城市化进程加大,第三产业飞速发展,人们的生活方式日趋多样化,现有住宅区规划模式即“居住区一居住小区一居住组团”模式所产生的弊端逐渐呈现。随着住宅区设施、绿化、建设水平的提高,人们越来越关注对宜居环境的探讨。这时,“街坊式”住宅这一传统的居住模式逐渐引起人们的重视。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展、人们的居住行为模式也随之发生变化、对居住环境和住宅使用功能会不断提出新的要求。一在“锁国、封闭”的经济状况下,人们的生活水平发展缓慢,对住宅的要求不高、仅满足于有个“住的下,分得开”的栖身之地。这使  相似文献   

十多年来,我国在改革开放的指引下,农村出现了巨大的变化。随着农村经济不断发展,以及产业结构调整,不同层次、不同产业的人们对居住的功能要求和住宅建筑标准都有着不同的要求,反映了我国广大农村经济发展和社会文化进步。人们对居住条件的改善要求越来越高,农村住宅向现代化发展已成必然趋势。特别是先富裕起来的农民、养植专业户、建筑承包户、经商办厂的企业家,以及回乡投资定居的侨胞,把提高自己的居住水平,改善居住环境当成头等大事。传统的农村居住形式已满足不了他们的要求。在原来分散的村落兴建住宅,原地的交通、水电等…  相似文献   

杨丽 《住宅科技》2011,31(5):1-5
随着我国城市化进程的加速和居民可支配收入的稳步增长,“宜居住宅”也越来越深入人心,这就需要规划设计人员必须做到因地制宜,因势利导,不再循规蹈矩,盲目崇尚“以不变应万变”的模式化理论,真正做到贯彻“以人为本”和“可持续发展”理念,在改善居住空间与城市之间的关系,改进居住空间内部功能元素的组合,以及居住单元内部空间要素等方面狠下功夫。,通过以下几个方面:改变单一的居住功能模式,倡导多元化的社区模式;打破封闭住区的藩篱,构建开放和谐社区;运用生态节能策略,倡导低碳生活,以及人性化的居住建筑设计,阐述如何构建宜人的居住环境。  相似文献   

我国城市住房制度的改革使人们对住宅的要求及期望越来越高,建筑师应该认真研究人的居住行为和家庭生活模式,在进行住宅设计时,除了应关注住宅建设的物质形态要素以及建造方式外,更应该使住宅体现,表达和满足住户的心理需要。  相似文献   

随着国家经济的发展,人们生活水平的提高,人们对居住环境也相应的提出了更高的要求。本文从居住区规划理论入手提出规划设计中须重视的几个问题,结合本人的工作经验阐述个人的观点与看法。  相似文献   

The need for supportive housing is growing as people with disabilities seek less restrictive housing options and those who care for them search for long-term solutions. Supportive housing includes housing in a variety of styles that is affordable to people with disabilities but is also connected to services that allow personal independence. Persons with disabilities are seeking community-based residential living arrangements within their abilities and means due to changing attitudes, funding, and legal requirements. As aging parents realize that their disabled adult children will outlive them, they are searching for new models but there is a lack of understanding of supportive housing options. A comprehensive framework is needed to evaluate models by looking at housing and services as separate but interrelated issues. This article explores the need for supportive housing for people with disabilities, offers a framework for evaluating supportive housing options, and provides two case studies of innovative person-centered models for people with developmental disabilities.  相似文献   

Existing research demonstrates that mean health care costs incurred by those experiencing homelessness are high. However, high mean health care costs mask the fact that a sizeable number of people experiencing homelessness incur low costs and that very high costs are driven by a minority of the homeless population. This paper examines health care costs estimated from two Australian surveys of those experiencing homelessness undertaken by the authors. It demonstrates three important findings. First, higher health care costs are most strongly associated with diagnosed mental health disorders, followed by long-term physical health conditions. Second, having a current drug or alcohol dependency, but no diagnosed mental health disorder or long-term physical health issue, is not associated with higher level health care costs. Finally, higher health care costs are incurred by those with long periods of rough sleeping. The findings of this research provide a significant economic argument for government intervention to break the cycle of homelessness as they reveal significant potential savings to effective interventions for homeless people with diagnosed mental health disorders and long-term rough sleeping.  相似文献   

随着改革开放、经济发展,我国住宅建设持续保持快速增长态势,城镇居民住房短缺问题基本得到解决,居民居住需求正逐步从生存型向舒适型及追求高质量生活的表现型转变,住宅建设也由关注“数量”增长向关注住宅综合品质的提升转变。据此,分析了提升住宅综合品质的设计理念。  相似文献   

何靓  陈拥军 《城市建筑》2013,(14):65-65
房屋建造施工经常出现裂缝,不仅影响到了人们的正常生活,而且时间久了还会导致其建筑在设计功能上出现变化,危及到人们的居住环境。本文针对注浆这一技术在房屋建筑施工过程中的应用做出了如下探讨。  相似文献   

中国处于经济高速发展的阶段,城市化与城镇化快速推进,经济快速发展不断加大贫富差距,更使房价不断攀升,这使得城市人群中低收入人群的住房问题变得棘手。因此,住房问题成为国内最热话题之一。由于租金高、房价高从而导致租房难、买房难,这是目前城市低收入人群共同的难处。目前公租房已经在大多数城市展开建设,但是陕西省公租房在制度、建设、管理及将来的运营过程中存在的问题值得思考。对于公租房的发展现状进行分析对研究公租房保障体系很有帮助,通过分析问题可以对公租房目前存在的问题加以改善,以完善中国住房保障体系。  相似文献   

根据石河子的地理位置,自然环境以及历史、政治、经济、文化的发展情况,提出建筑住宅设计应顺应人的需要。并对大漠生态住宅、城市住宅色彩、住宅设地下室等问题从人与社会、人与环境的角度进行了探讨。  相似文献   

文章在香港旧型公共房屋重建的背景下,从房委会和居民的角度探讨重建过程中存在的问题,诸如接收屋村问题、租金问题、政府与居民信息互递问题、老人问题等,并分析其成因,最后提出了一些针对性建议。  相似文献   

杜林君 《城市建筑》2013,(22):25-25
随着经济的发展,人们生活水平的提高,使得人们对房屋建筑美学标准的要求也在上升。本文对美学在房屋建筑设计中的应用相关内容做了深入分析,为房屋建筑设计提供了理论依据,以供同仁参考。  相似文献   

The Winners in China's Urban Housing Reform   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Housing reform in China has proceeded on two tracks: privatization of public housing and development of a new private housing sector. During this period of transition, rents have remained relatively low in the remaining public housing, and purchase prices offered to occupants of public housing have been well below market prices. Although these rents and prices are partly based on known formulas, there is considerable variability in how much people pay for similar apartments. This study uses 2000 Census data to estimate the housing subsidy received by the remaining renters in the public sector and purchasers of public housing, based on private sector prices for housing of comparable quality and size. The paper also analyzes variation in the estimated discount from market prices that these people receive. The findings show that the biggest winners in China's transition from socialist housing allocation are those who were favored in the previous system, based on such factors as residence status, education and occupation.  相似文献   

In many cities, people with jobs essential to daily urban life—bus drivers, teachers, police, nurses and the like—cannot afford housing in proximity to their work. Municipal efforts to counter such job–housing imbalances include targeting such workers specifically or moderate-income households, more broadly, for housing support. This article investigates and assesses housing policy for modest-income workers in two cities, Chicago and London. Based on review of documents and key informant interviews, each city’s policy context, aims, means and outcomes are analyzed. Effective strategies include working with public, private and third-sector partners to find upstream cost-effective solutions, increasing shared equity/ownership products and developing mechanisms to ensure long-term affordability of workforce housing. While each city’s policies reflect local conditions, they also are indicative of broad trends in intermediate housing policy: an increase in stakeholders involved in programme administration and delivery, a continued focus on homeownership, rising income thresholds for eligibility and a shift away from targeting employment sectors.  相似文献   

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