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This paper presents design improvements of a Revolving Vane (RV) compressor which significantly reduce the frictional losses. The original RV compressor has a vane that swivels during the operation. Though in general, the frictional losses of the RV compressor are significantly lower than most currently available rotary compressors, this swivel vane design has a disadvantage of relatively high vane side friction loss. The latter is caused by a high vane-side and slot contact force due to a high gas pressure differential force across the vane. In this paper, a new design concept has been introduced to totally eliminate the vane side friction loss caused by the gas pressure differential force across the vane. This is achieved by rigidly fixes the vane onto the rotor or the cylinder. This new design yielded two possible variants, each reduces the frictional losses by 18% and 41% and improves the mechanical efficiency from 93% to 94% and 96% respectively. In this paper, details analysis on the new design that leads to the improvement in performance are presented and shown. The analysis also reveals that the design with the highest mechanical efficiency comes with a small price of a higher instantaneous peak torque requirement.  相似文献   

The paper presents a failure analysis of components damaged in compressor vane. In order to investigate the damage mechanism and failure causes of components, macroscopic and microscopic observations, microstructural investigations, chemical analysis and hardness measurement have been performed. The results show that the damaged components are caused by fractured blades of 1st stage rotor. In all 1st stage rotor blades, 1# blade is fractured firstly, and is troublemaker in this incident. The fracture mechanism of 1# blade fractured from blade root is due to first order bending vibration fatigue damage. The microstructure, hardness and chemical compositions of 1# blade fracture, all which coincide with technical requirements. The bad shot peening qualities in the surface near blade fracture have important influence on fatigue failure.  相似文献   

The thermal modeling of rotary vane compressor (RVC) was performed in this paper by applying Artificial Neural Network (ANN) method. In the first step, appropriate tests were designed and experimental data were collected during steady state operating condition of RVC in the experimental setup. Then parameters including refrigerant suction temperature and pressure, compressor rotating speed as well as refrigerant discharge pressure were adjusted.With these input values, the operating output parameters such as refrigerant mass flow rate and refrigerant discharge temperature were measured. In the second step, the experimental results were used to train ANN model for predicting RVC operating parameters such as refrigerant mass flow rate and compressor power consumption. These predicted operating parameters by ANN model agreed well with the experimental values with correlation coefficient in the range of 0.962-0.998, mean relative errors in the range of 2.79-7.36% as well as root mean square error (RMSE) 10.59 kg h−1 and 12 K for refrigerant mass flow rate and refrigerant discharge temperature, respectively. Results showed closer predictions with experimental results for ANN model in comparison with nolinear regression model.  相似文献   

The principles of operation and design of the prototype of a novel design of vane compressor with significant advantages over the conventional sliding vane type are described. Its performance is given and compared to that of equivalent commercially available sliding vane and reciprocating compressors used in refrigeration systems. Its volumetric efficiency on average was 3% greater than that of the sliding vane compressor and 23% more than that of the reciprocating machine. The adiabatic efficiency was on average 15% greater than that of the sliding vane and about equal to that of the reciprocating compressor. Owing to its high rotational speed it is more compact than the reciprocating compressor. Since the vanes are rigidly retained about their axis of rotation they cannot chatter as in a sliding vane compressor. It is therefore smooth and quiet in operation and no mechanical faults were encountered in 432 h of operation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new rotary type compressor, named ‘Revolving Vane (RV) compressor’, in which frictional losses are effectively reduced through the radical use of a rotating cylinder. The friction at various contact regions are formulated and analyzed, after which a parametric study is conducted to reveal configurations of the compressor that achieves high mechanical efficiencies. Inadvertently, the rotating cylinder is also found to enhance the smoothness of the compressor's operation by reducing its torque fluctuations. Besides good mechanical performance, the RV compressor is also found to possess a high volumetric efficiency, as shown in Part III of this paper series (Teh and Ooi, in press). In further consideration of the small number of parts and simple geometries of its components, it is believed that the RV compressor is well suited and can be readily adopted for refrigeration and air-conditioning applications.  相似文献   

This paper presents the theoretical details of the journal bearing design for Revolving Vane (RV) rotary type compressor. The mathematical models, force analysis, and the theoretical design analysis for the dynamically loaded journal bearing of the compressor are presented. The variations of the minimum oil film thickness and the maximum film pressure developed are shown and the influences of design parameters, compressor configurations, and operating conditions on the journal bearing performance are described. For an air-conditioning compressor of 1.5 kW cooling capacity, the lowest minimum oil film thickness for lower and upper journal bearings is 6.6 μm and 4.3 μm respectively, when the cylinder is simply supported and the rotor is cantilever-supported. The lowest minimum oil film thickness for the journal bearing, which supports the cylinder, reduces to 4.0 μm if the cantilever-type support is used. Besides that, a short-fat configuration of RV compressor is favorable in the interest of lowering bearing forces.  相似文献   

本文以丹佛斯VLZ044变频涡旋压缩机为测试分析样本,研究了涡旋压缩机排气管泄漏问题,从设计余量,焊接质量,管路振动3个方面对涡旋压缩排气管泄漏进行了理论分析和试验测试,并通过改善焊接工艺参数和增加管路减震装置解决了该压缩机排气管泄漏问题,为涡旋压缩机管路泄漏的改善提供了参考方案。  相似文献   

This paper describes a model developed to predict gas leakage in cases of incomplete sealing of the reed-type valves of small reciprocating compressors adopted for household refrigeration. The model assumes a one-dimensional formulation for the flow, considering the effects of viscous friction, slip-flow regime and compressibility. Reed bending into the port due to the pressure load is also taken into account to characterize the valve clearance. Computations are carried out during the compression cycle and the effect of leakage on both the isentropic and volumetric efficiencies is quantified for two operating conditions. It was found that leakage significantly reduces the compressor efficiency even for very small valve clearances and that leakage in the discharge valve is of greater importance than that in the suction valve.  相似文献   

基于旋叶式汽车空调压缩机的结构特征和工作原理,总结其噪声种类及产生机制。利用B&K 3560C声学采集系统获得某旋叶式压缩机窄带频谱、升速云图、总值、阶次以及响度、尖锐度等声品质参数,并进行NVH特征分析。结果表明:该压缩机以10阶及其倍频噪声为主,其振动、噪声能量分散,脉动能量集中;特征响度峰值频带分布随转速升高而增加,主要分布于中高频带。  相似文献   

汽车空调旋叶式压缩机排气阀片的振动特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
排气阀片是汽车空调旋叶式压缩机中的关键零件,是压缩机主要振动噪声源之一。通过对排气阀片结构运动分析,建立了阀片振动的数学模型,并求解了压缩机排气阀片的固有频率及强迫振动。利用UG NX Nastran模态计算,确定了排气阀片的固有频率和振型。测试结果证明,压缩机的外壳振动总加速度、噪声和排气脉动都低于美国通用汽车公司“GMW标准”的规定上限,证明排气阀片工作的工作状态是可靠的。但研究结果表明,阀片振动的极限位移同限位板高度比较接近,因此,提高限位板的高度或者限制阀片的振幅以进一步控制系统的排气脉动和噪声仍然具有一定的空间。分析结果对排气阀片乃至压缩机整体的振动分析与控制以及故障诊断具有参考价值。  相似文献   

For a horizontal rotary compressor which utilizes reciprocating motion of the vane for oil supply into lubrication elements, an analytical study has been carried out on the oil pumping mechanism. Energy equation has been applied to the oil flow inside the oil-conveying pipe with oil feeding hole in the middle. Oil distributions into individual lubrication elements such as various bearing elements have also been analyzed by applying electric circuit network theory to the oil flow network. Fairly good agreement between calculations and experiments for the oil pumping rate has been obtained in a wide range of compressor speed.  相似文献   

分析VK-125型离心空压机各级压缩比随环境空气温度变化而变化的规律,指出在夏季调试得到的防喘振控制曲线不一定能适用于压缩机冬季运行工况。为增大空压机冬季的稳定工作区域,对第二级导叶控制增加了一个温差补偿。这种控制优化,也降低了气温偏低时空压机在最低负荷下的运行功耗。  相似文献   

制冷剂泄漏不仅会导致家用空调器制冷、制热效率下降,而且会严重影响甚至损坏压缩机。本文通过试验分析空调器制冷剂泄漏对压缩机的损害机制,并在家用空调器和压缩机的设计方面采取一系列应对措施,增强空调器和压缩机在发生制冷剂泄漏时的自我保护能力,大幅降低家用空调器压缩机的售后故障率。  相似文献   

介绍如何利用分组选配法解决旋叶式汽车空调压缩机转子和气缸加工尺寸超差、装配合格率低的实际问题。  相似文献   

A new refrigeration compressor, named ‘Revolving Vane (RV) compressor’, has been introduced in Part I of this paper series. The efficiency of the RV compressor, alike other refrigeration compressors, is primarily affected by mechanical and leakage losses, amongst which the former has been investigated in Part I. In the present paper, the leakage loss in the RV compressor which mainly occurs at the radial clearance between the rotor and the cylinder is analyzed theoretically. In comparison with the rolling piston type, the leakage loss at the radial clearance in the RV compressor is typically found to be 40% lesser than that of the former. Furthermore, the leakage loss can be significantly reduced by selecting a shorter configuration of the compressor, which is anticipated to yield good volumetric efficiencies of more than 95%. For a longer configuration, the leakage loss can be effectively minimized by employing the method of an eccentric cylinder.  相似文献   

30000 m~3/h空分设备配套的进口空压机运行过程中发生了导叶反馈信号波动故障,空压机的排气量发生变化,引起后续工况波动。从导叶机械结构、阀门定位器的软/硬件等方面排查原因,更换阀门定位器后故障消除。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel double-swing vane compressor (DSVC) for use in electric vehicle air conditioning systems. The design and work principle of the DSVC are introduced, and the dynamics and mechanical efficiency of the mechanism are theoretically formulated and analysed. Under the same operating conditions and dimensions, the theoretical volumetric flow rate of the DSVC is about 1.6 times that of the swing vane compressor (SVC) with a single swing vane and the mechanical efficiency of the DSVC is also greater than that of the SVC. The design of the double-swing vanes improves the load fluctuations on the eccentric and shaft bearings and enhances the operating smoothness of the compressor. Overall, the assessment of the structure and dynamics of the DSVC shows that the DSVC has the advantages of high efficiency, light weight and simple component geometries, which make it well suited to the requirements of electric vehicle air conditioning systems.  相似文献   

变频空调器压缩机图形法建模研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
陈华俊 《制冷学报》2001,59(2):17-22
通过把变频压缩机实际运行工况离散成无穷多个定速压缩机运行工况,采用图形法对压缩机性能曲线进行拟台,厂家提供的性能曲线表明拟合精度较高;在图形法拟合的基础上,借鉴成熟的对实际过热度进行修正的方法,建立了变步页空调器压缩机模型。  相似文献   

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