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冷弯厚壁型钢轴压构件设计可靠度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在材性试验的基础上对冷弯厚壁型钢进行了轴压承载力试验及有限元分析。试验中发现:对于长细比较大、板件宽厚比较小的试件,破坏模式为整体失稳;对于长细比较小、板件宽厚比较大的方管柱,其破坏过程首先是柱中部产生很小的弯曲变形,随着荷载增大,整体弯曲变形也逐渐增大,并引起方管板件的局部屈曲。采用ANSYS软件进行有限元分析,其结果与试验结果接近,表明将残余应力引入有限元模型对冷弯厚壁型钢构件进行分析具有较高的精度。在此基础上,利用收集到的26组不同牌号、不同截面冷弯厚壁型钢的试验数据建立有限元模型,并引入已有的残余应力模型进行了大量的有限元分析,得到了多组冷弯厚壁型钢轴心受力构件的承载力。对冷弯厚壁型钢构件进行了设计可靠度分析,提出了Q235、Q345冷弯厚壁型钢的抗力分项系数和强度设计值的建议值,可为相关技术标准的修编提供依据。  相似文献   

对18根冷弯薄壁型钢开口三肢拼合立柱的轴压性能进行了试验研究,试件分为A、B两种截面类型:A类由3根冷弯薄壁C型钢拼合而成;B类由2根冷弯薄壁C型钢和1根U型钢拼合而成。得到了各试件的荷载-位移曲线和破坏特征,并将试验结果与中、美两国相关规范“有效宽度法”和“直接强度法”计算结果进行了初步对比分析。研究结果表明:两类截面长柱(LC)系列立柱的破坏特征分别为弯扭屈曲、弯曲屈曲,而中柱(MC)系列立柱A类截面为畸变屈曲、B类截面为畸变屈曲和弯曲屈曲,短柱(SC)系列立柱均为局部屈曲和畸变屈曲。AISI有效宽度法计算结果对于A、B两类截面LC系列立柱偏于安全;对于SC系列立柱则偏不安全;对于MC系列立柱吻合较好。AISI直接强度法计算结果对于A类截面LC和MC系列立柱偏于安全;对于SC系列立柱则偏不安全;对于B类截面立柱直接强度法计算结果与试验结果相差-16-5%~11-2%。《冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术规范》计算结果与试验结果相比,LC系列立柱偏于安全,而MC和SC系列立柱计算结果与试验结果吻合较好,相差分别为 -8.7%~4.7%和 -7.3%~13.7%。  相似文献   

Ben Young  Ehab Ellobody 《Thin》2007,45(3):330-338
Cold-formed steel unequal angles are non-symmetric sections. The design procedure of non-symmetric sections subjected to axial compression load could be quite difficult. The unequal angle columns may fail by different buckling modes, such as local, flexural and flexural–torsional buckling as well as interaction of these buckling modes. The purpose of this study is to investigate the behaviour and design of cold-formed steel unequal angle columns. A nonlinear finite element analysis was conducted to investigate the strength and behaviour of unequal angle columns. The measured initial local and overall geometric imperfections as well as the material properties of the angle specimens were included in the finite element model. The finite element analysis was performed on fixed-ended columns for different lengths ranged from stub to long columns. It is demonstrated that the finite element model closely predicted the experimental ultimate loads and the behaviour of cold-formed steel unequal angle columns. Hence, the model was used for an extensive parametric study of cross-section geometries. The column strengths obtained from the parametric study were compared with the design strengths calculated using the North American Specification for cold-formed steel structural members. It is shown that the current design rules are generally unconservative for short and intermediate column lengths for the unequal angles. Therefore, design rules of cold-formed steel unequal angle columns are proposed.  相似文献   

Ben Young  Wing-Man Lui 《Thin》2006,44(2):224-234
The paper describes a test program on cold-formed high strength stainless steel compression members. The duplex stainless steel having the yield stress and tensile strength up to 750 and 850 MPa, respectively, was investigated. The material properties of the test specimens were obtained from tensile coupon and stub column tests. The test specimens were cold-rolled into square and rectangular hollow sections. The specimens were compressed between fixed ends at different column lengths. The initial overall geometric imperfections of the column specimens were measured. The strength and behaviour of cold-formed high strength stainless steel columns were investigated. The test strengths were compared with the design strengths predicted using the American, Australian/New Zealand and European specifications for cold-formed stainless steel structures. Generally, it is shown that the design strengths predicted by the three specifications are conservative for the cold-formed high strength stainless steel columns. In addition, reliability analysis was performed to evaluate the current design rules.  相似文献   

将圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土用于风电塔筒或输电塔架时,为满足在塔筒内设置设备等需求而将该类构件空心部分加大。为研究该类构件的偏压受力性能,进行了12个大空心率下的圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土偏心受压构件的试验研究,主要试验参数为荷载偏心率和长细比。利用ABAQUS软件建立有限元分析模型,对圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土偏心受压构件的典型破坏模态和荷载-变形关系曲线进行模拟,所得计算结果与试验结果基本吻合。通过典型算例分析了受力过程中钢管和混凝土各自所承担的荷载和纵向应力分布情况,同时分析了内、外钢管与混凝土之间相互作用力的变化情况。结果表明:偏心率和长细比对圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土偏心受压构件承载力及刚度有显著影响;该类构件力学行为与等截面圆中空夹层钢管混凝土偏心受压构件类似,锥度的存在使破坏位置从等截面柱的中部上移到锥形柱的3/4柱高处(柱顶处),因此在设计大空心率圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土偏压(压弯)构件时应考虑柱头处加强。同时,对该类构件压弯承载力计算方法给出了建议。  相似文献   

The paper presents a complete set of direct strength equations for stainless steel members and sections in compression. The direct strength equations are based on recent research on the local, distortional and member bucking of stainless steel compression members, including the interaction of local and member buckling. The paper summarises the underlying research and presents the direct strength equations in a consistent format using a notation similar to that used in the North American Specification and the Australian Standard for (carbon) steel structures. Direct strength equations are proposed for local, distortional and combined local and member buckling, which fit within the framework of the Australian, North-American and European standards for stainless steel.  相似文献   

A series of tests on curved concrete filled steel tubular (CCFST) built-up members subjected to axial compression is described in this paper. Twenty specimens, including 18 CCFST built-up members and 2 curved hollow tubular built-up columns, were tested to investigate the influence of variations in the tube shape (circular and square), initial curvature ratio (βr, from 0 to 7.4%), nominal slenderness ratio (λn, from 9.9 to 18.9), section pattern (two main components, three main components and four main components), as well as brace pattern (battened and laced) on the performance of such composite built-up members. The experimental results showed that the ultimate strength and stiffness of CCFST built-up specimens decreased with increasing βr or λn. Different load-bearing capacities and failure modes were obtained for the battened and laced built-up members. A simplified method using an equivalent slenderness ratio was suggested to calculate the strength of CCFST built-up members under axial compression.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the buckling behaviour of stainless steel members with the main focus on developing design formulae for use in the latest version of the European Standard EN 1993-1-4: Eurocode 3-Design of steel structures-Part 1-4: General rules — Supplementary rules for stainless steel. Brussels; 2005.It is based on numerical simulations of single span members of various section type, which are subjected to axial compression and bending. Both flexural buckling and lateral-torsional buckling are dealt with so that the buckling behaviour of both I-sections and hollow sections can be covered.On the basis of these numerical results interaction factors have been derived in context with the design model for member design in Eurocode 3-1-1. For statistical evaluation the test results available from other authors have been used.The outcome of this investigation has been incorporated in the present EN 1993-1-4 as a recommendation in restricted form.  相似文献   

高强度单角钢轴压构件的稳定性能因其材料的屈服强度等力学性能改变而发生变化,因而在稳定设计及其相关研究中会遇到许多新的问题。针对这一现状,结合我国GB 50017-2003《钢结构设计规范》、美国钢结构设计规范ANSI/AISC 360-05和ASCE 10-97等三部规范,对设计规范中宽厚比限值规定的适用性、高强度角钢宽厚比限值制定的必要性、角钢构件长细比的计算,以及现有角钢轴压构件稳定计算的折减方法等问题进行了探讨和算例分析,基于稳定的基本理论和数据结果的对比分析,解释并给出了上述几个问题的确定性结论和需要注意的方面,为高强度单角钢轴压构件稳定设计方法的研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

Cold-formed stainless steel oval hollow sections (OHS) offer the combined aesthetic appeal of circular hollow sections and stainless steel, together with the structural efficiency associated with cross-sections of differing geometric properties about their two principal axes. To date, no structural design guidance exists for these cross-sections, principally due to their relatively recent introduction and a lack of fundamental structural test data. This paper examines the structural response of stainless steel OHS compression members and presents design recommendations. A series of laboratory tests was carried out to generate fundamental structural performance data. Tensile coupon tests were initially performed to establish the basic material stress–strain characteristics of the sections. These were followed by stub column tests to determine the average compressive response of the cross-sections and flexural buckling tests to obtain ultimate load carrying capacity data for use in the determination of a suitable buckling curve for stainless steel OHS. Measurements of the geometric properties of the test specimens including initial imperfections were carried out. The full load–displacement responses of the specimens were recorded and have been presented herein. A finite element (FE) modelling programme was performed in parallel with the experimental study. Once the FE models had been validated against the test results, parametric studies were carried out to further investigate the influence of individual key parameters, including the aspect ratio and local slenderness of the cross-sections as well as the member slenderness. Based on the obtained experimental and numerical results, a class 3 limit for stainless steel OHS in compression and a suitable buckling curve for OHS columns have been proposed.  相似文献   

建筑结构用钢板是我国研发的高性能钢材,其综合性能优于同等级低合金高强度结构钢,并已在众多大型工程项目中得到应用,Q460GJ钢轴压构件计算模式不确定性统计参数和设计指标亟待研究。基于8个焊接箱形截面和14个焊接H形截面轴压构件的整体稳定承载力试验结果,获得了Q460GJ钢轴压构件计算模式不确定性统计参数。结合已有的Q460GJ钢材料性能不确定性和几何特征不确定性研究成果,通过进一步统计分析,获得了两种截面Q460GJ钢轴压构件的抗力不确定性统计参数。采用可靠度方法提出Q460GJ钢轴压构件抗力分项系数,并分析了其变化规律。考虑现行规范关于抗力分项系数取值的延续性,建议沿用Q345GJ钢的抗力分项系数1.059作为Q460GJ钢轴压构件抗力分项系数,对应的设计强度指标取435 MPa。最后对建议抗力分项系数进行了可靠性校核,结果表明该抗力分项系数满足可靠性要求。  相似文献   

To improve the design methods of Chinese aluminum alloy members, experiment of 63 profiled aluminum alloy members, made of Chinese aluminum alloy 6061-T6, under axial compression is conducted in this paper. Valuable experimental data are obtained. At the same time, in order to obtain the relevant data, a large number of other experimental data from published papers and technical reports are collected and sorted out. 167 valid experimental data points are obtained finally. Furthermore, for the purpose of creating column curves, the aluminum alloy members under the axial compression, used in experiments, are analyzed by means of FEM. Based on the numerical results, 2 column curves are created by means of the numerical fitting method. The column curves are compared with the calculated data according to the experimental results for verification, and also are verified with the curves in design codes of several relevant countries. The numerical results show that the column curves obtained in this paper are valid and reliable.  相似文献   

The stability of steel plates stiffened with tee-shape sections under uniaxial compression and combined uniaxial compression and bending was investigated using a finite element model. The emphasis of the work presented in this paper was to find the parameters that uniquely describe the strength and behaviour of stiffened steel plates. A finite element model, validated using the results of tests on full-size stiffened plate panels, was used to investigate the scale effect for five dimensionless parameters. The parameters investigated were: the transverse slenderness of the plate, the slenderness of the web and flange of the stiffener, the ratio of torsional slenderness of the stiffener to the transverse slenderness of the plate, and the stiffener-to-plate area ratio. Average magnitude residual stresses and initial imperfections were assumed for this study.A parametric study covering a wide range of dimensionless parameters indicated that stiffened steel plates do not fail by stiffener tripping unless a bending moment is applied to create flexural compressive stresses in the stiffener. Although plate buckling and overall buckling were found to lead to a very stable post-buckling behaviour, the interaction between these two buckling modes was found to give rise to a sudden loss of capacity following initial plate buckling. The plate transverse slenderness, the stiffener slenderness-to-plate slenderness ratio, and the stiffener-to-plate area ratio were found to have a significant effect on this behaviour.A comparison of the numerical analysis results with API and DnV design guidelines indicates that the guidelines predict stiffened steel plate capacity with various degrees of success, depending on the governing mode of failure. Neither guidelines address the potential interaction-buckling phenomenon.  相似文献   

In recent times, light gauge cold-formed steel sections have been used extensively since they have a very high strength to weight ratio compared with thicker hot-rolled steel sections. However, they are susceptible to various buckling modes including a distortional mode and hence show complex behaviour under fire conditions. Therefore, a research project based on detailed experimental studies was undertaken to investigate the distortional buckling behaviour of light gauge cold-formed steel compression members under simulated fire conditions. More than 150 axial compression tests were undertaken at uniform ambient and elevated temperatures. Two types of cross sections were selected with nominal thicknesses of 0.60, 0.80, and 0.95 mm. Both low (G250) and high (G550) strength steels were used. Distortional buckling tests were conducted at six different temperatures in the range of 20-800 °C. The ultimate loads of compression members subject to distortional buckling were then used to review the adequacy of the current design rules at ambient and elevated temperatures. This paper presents the details of this experimental study and the results.  相似文献   

对不同长细比的8根四肢拼合冷弯薄壁型钢截面立柱的轴压性能进行试验研究,在试验研究的基础上建立考虑材料、几何和接触非线性的有限元模型,并通过对试验试件的数值模拟,验证有限元方法的正确性。采用数值方法分析长细比、连接螺钉间距、截面翼缘宽厚比对四肢拼合冷弯薄壁型钢截面立柱轴压性能的影响。结果表明:试件最终破坏均呈现局部屈曲和畸变屈曲的破坏模式;四肢拼合冷弯薄壁型钢截面立柱的轴压性能具有"1×4≥4"的拼合效应;随着长细比的增大,四肢拼合立柱的最大承载力和刚度逐渐降低;当螺钉间距在150~450mm之间变化时,四肢拼合立柱的最大承载力和刚度变化不大;减小四肢拼合立柱截面的翼缘宽厚比,可以显著提高其最大承载力。  相似文献   

This paper develops a method, based on the Direct Strength Method (DSM) global buckling curve, to calculate the global buckling ultimate strength of cold-formed thin-walled (CF-TW) steel members under uniform and non-uniform elevated temperatures. The assessment is carried out by checking the DSM curve-based results with numerical simulation results using the general finite element software ABAQUS. The numerical model has been validated against a series of ambient temperature and fire tests on panels made of two different lipped channel sections tested to their ultimate load carrying capacities at ambient temperature or to their fire resistance at different load levels. The validated numerical model has been used to generate a database of numerical results of load carry capacity of CF-TW members with different uniform and non-uniform temperature distributions in the cross-sections under different boundary and loading conditions and with different dimensions. It is concluded that the DSM global buckling column curve is directly applicable for uniform temperature but a simple modification is required for non-uniform temperature distributions.  相似文献   

为研究高强钢压弯构件的局部稳定性能,对5个Q460C和5个Q690D钢焊接箱形截面构件进行了单向偏压试验,分析了其破坏形式、局部稳定性能以及承载力;将实测承载力与欧洲规范EN 1993-1、我国标准GB 50017—2017和美国规范ANSI/AISC 360-16相关公式计算结果相比较,以验证各规范对Q460C钢和Q690D钢焊接箱形截面压弯构件屈曲后强度计算的适用性。研究结果表明:所有高强钢焊接箱形截面压弯构件均在柱中附近发生局部屈曲破坏;由轴向压力-轴向压缩变形或轴向压力-水平位移曲线可知,其为极值点失稳;构件的轴向压力-水平位移或轴向压力-应变曲线的形状和局部屈曲模式有关;在翼缘宽厚比为28.1~56.3、腹板高厚比为40.2~80.4、偏心距为20~50 mm范围之内,EN 1993-1和GB 50017—2017中的屈曲后强度计算公式仍然适用于Q460C和Q690D钢焊接箱形截面压弯构件,而ANSI/AISC 360-16中的相关公式需要进一步修正。  相似文献   

Concrete-filled steel tubular (CFT) structures are rapidly emerging as one of the inevitable structural systems for earthquake resistance, as they have been known to exploit the best attributes of both steel and concrete, resulting in higher stiffness, strength and ductility. However, the limitations imposed by certain drawbacks of cement concrete and which are not alleviated or moderated by the encasing steel tube, e.g. its high shrinkage, creep, brittleness, reactivity and low tensile strength, may be a hindrance to the rapid and diversified application of CFTs, in line with current emphasis on ductility-based seismic design. In this context, studies are presently being conducted on filled steel composite members, employing lighter, more ductile, high tensile strength and inert polymer-based fill materials for the steel tube. Findings of these studies relating to the elasto-plastic response of filled steel composite stub columns subjected to axial compression highlight the significant increase in strength and/or ductility of epoxy polymer concrete-filled steel columns.  相似文献   

Y. S. Tian  T. J. Lu   《Thin》2004,42(4):515-532
This paper presents a combined theoretical and experimental study on the minimum weight and the associated optimal geometric dimensions of an open-channel steel section with given length subjected to a prescribed axial compressive load. Sections both with and without lips are analyzed. The results obtained using a nonlinearly constrained optimization method are compared with those estimated from a simple-minded optimization procedure that assumes the simultaneous occurrence of all failure modes in a minimum weight structure. The types of failure mode considered include yielding, flexural buckling, torsional–flexural buckling, and local buckling. The failure criterion is based purely on compressive strength, with other possible design constraints (e.g. bending stiffness, minimum gauge and cost) ignored. The effects of end support conditions and restraint on torsional buckling are examined. The load capacity of a C-section calculated according to the 1998 British Standard Institution’s specifications on Structural Use of Steelwork in Building is used to check the validity of theoretical predictions. Finally, two new C-sections with lips were designed and manufactured based on the optimal results, and tested. Test results confirm the analytical predictions, with the optimal C-sections performing much better than the existing ones.  相似文献   

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