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低温条件下用不同剂量的MeV Au离子束,轰击由二氧化硅微球自组装形成的光子晶体.辐照前后,光子晶体的光学性质发生了明显的变化.主要体现为其光学反射谱的变化:反射带变宽并且中心位置向短波方向发生了迁移;另外,随着辐照剂量的上升,这些变化愈加明显.通过光谱曲线拟合分析,并结合SEM照片,文中给出了相应的理论解释.本文为用...  相似文献   

The ion beam-enhanced adhesion of thin Au films on vitreous silica sus studied for a wide range of Cl ion beam doses for beam energies between 6.5 MeV and 21.0 MeV. Since the residual adhesion of Au on SiO2 is low, the improved adhesion can be easily seen using the Scotch Tape Test. The threshold in the enhanced adhesion corresponding to passing the tape test occurs at two different dose ranges for a given energy; one at very low dose centered around 1 × 1013 /cm2, the other at higher doses with a threshold of around 1.5 × 1014 /cm2 (depending upon the beam energy). At low doses (2 × 1012 to 5 × 1013 /cm2) surface cracks occur on the SiO2 substrates, these cracks close up at doses higher than 5 × 1013 /cm2. A possible explanation of enhanced adhesion in the low dose range is associated with the surface crazing of the SiO2 substrate. To make the adhesion test more quantitative, a scratch test was also used on the samples.  相似文献   

Er离子注入Si和SiO2/Si溅射和外扩散对浓度分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用金属蒸发真空弧(MEVVA)离子源引出的Er离子对单晶硅和单晶硅衬底上的SiO2膜进行了离子注入,用背散射方法分析了不同注入条件下Er原子浓度分布.实验结果表明,离子注入突破了平衡生长方法掺Er硅溶解度的限制,实现了离子的高浓度掺杂.在硅和氧化硅中,最大Er体浓度分别达到4.71×1021 cm-3和7.67×102 cm-3,远超过了常规方法所能得到的Er掺杂浓度.但是由于Er离子重,射程短而溅射效应强,因此限制了Er原子浓度的进一步提高.在注量相同时,随束流密度的增加,Er外扩散效应增加.用快速退火热处理可消除部分辐射损伤,但是退火也引起了Er原子的外扩散.本文中给出了溅射和外扩散引起的Er原子丢失量与注入条件和退火条件的关系,给出了获得高浓度Er的途径.Er注入单晶硅和热氧化硅,随注量的增加Er保留量逐渐达到饱和,饱和量接近2×1017cm-2,而丢失量增加.  相似文献   

Changes in silicon surface preparation prior to thermal oxidation are shown to leave a signature by altering the final SiO2/Si interface structure. Surface analytical techniques, including XPS, static SIMS, ion milling, and newly developed wet-chemical profiling procedures are used to obtain detailed information on the chemical structure of the interface. The oxides are shown to be essentially SiO2 down to a narrow transitional interface layer (3-7 ?). A number of discrete chemical species are observed in this interface layer, including different silicon bonds (e.g., C-, OH-, H-) and a range of oxidation states of silicon (0 ? +4). The effect of surface preparation and the observed chemical species are correlated with oxide growth rate, surface-state density, and flatband shifts after irradiation.  相似文献   

刘昶时 《核技术》2006,29(7):485-488
用X光激发电子能谱(XPS)分析技术对Si3N4/SiO2/Si双界面系统经60Co电离辐照前后处于纯Si态的一级等离激元(定位于B.E. 116.95 eV)、处于SiO2态的一级等离激元(定位于B.E. 122.0 eV)和处于Si3N4态的一级等离激元(定位于B.E. 127.0 eV)进行了研究.实验结果显示:存在一个由Si3N4态等离激元和SiO2态等离激元构成的界面及由SiO2态等离激元和Si态等离激元构成的界面,在电离辐射的作用下,SiO2态-Si3N4态等离激元界面区中心向Si3N4态表面方向推移,同时SiO2态/Si3N4态等离激元界面区亦被展宽;电离辐照相当程度地减少位于SiO2态-Si态界面至Si衬底之间SiO2态的一级等离激元的浓度:同时偏置电场对SiO2/Si界面等离激元有显著作用.文中就实验现象以光电子能损进行了机制分析.  相似文献   

We grew 50 periodic SiO2/SiO2 + Ag multi-layers by electron beam deposition technique. The co-deposited SiO2 + Ag layers are 7.26 nm, SiO2 buffer layers are 4 nm, and total thickness of film was determined as 563 nm. We measured the thickness of the layers using in situ thickness monitoring during deposition, and optical interferometry afterwards. The concentration and distribution of Ag in SiO2 were determined using Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS). In order to calculate the dimensionless figure of merit, ZT, the electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and the Seebeck coefficient of the layered structure were measured at room temperature before and after bombardment with 5 MeV Si ions. The energy of the Si ions was chosen such that the ions are stopped deep inside the silicon substrate and only electronic energy due to ionization is deposited in the layered structure. Optical absorption (OA) spectra were taken in the range 200–900 nm to monitor the Ag nanocluster formation in the thin layers.  相似文献   

Absolute stopping values for 7Li ions in selected target elements were measured over the energy range 0.2–1.8 MeV. Surface barrier particle detectors were used to measure the energy loss of 7Li ions in passing through thin, self-supported films. The results show that in the slowing down process, the effective charge ratio of lithium to hydrogen ions, at constant velocity, is not independent of the stopping medium.  相似文献   

Electron impact collision strengths, energy levels, oscillator strengths and spontaneous radiative decay rates are calculated for Si XI. The configurations used are 2s2, 2s2p, 2p2, 2l3l′, 2l4l′ and 2s5l′, with l = s,p and l′ = s,p,d giving rise to 92 fine-structure levels in intermediate coupling. Collision strengths are calculated at five incident energies (35, 70, 105, 140, and 175 Ry) in the distorted wave approximation. Excitation rate coefficients are calculated as a function of electron temperature by assuming a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution. Using the excitation rate coefficients and the radiative transition rates of the present work, and R-Matrix results for the 2s2, 2s2p, 2p2 configurations available in the literature, statistical equilibrium equations for level populations are solved at electron densities covering the range of 108-1014 cm−3 at an electron temperature of log Te(K) = 6.2, corresponding to the maximum abundance of Si XI. Spectral line intensities are calculated, and their diagnostic relevance is discussed. This dataset will be made available in the next version of the CHIANTI database.  相似文献   

The field and temperature dependence of the interface-state density as a function of time following pulsed e-beam irradiation, and the dose dependence of the interface-state density following steady state Co60 irradiation were examined in MOS capacitors with both hardened dry and wet (pyrogenic) gate oxides. From the results of the pulsed e-beam experiment, we show that in the wet oxide the electric field affects the time scale for the buildup of interface states as well as the final or saturation value of interface states at late times (~105 s), but that in the dry oxide there is no marked field dependence. For the wet oxide, we observed that temperature affects only the time scale for the buildup of interface states. From total-dose Co60 measurements, we report a power law dependence on dose, D0.65, for both wet and dry oxide capacitors. The buildup of interface states in the wet-oxide capacitors is considerably larger than in the dry.  相似文献   

Si quantum wires (QWRs) embedded in SiO2 are successfully fabricated by low-energy oxygen implantation on a V-groove patterned substrate. Si QWRs aligned to [1 1 0] appeared at the bottom-center of the V-groove. The [1 1 0] cross-section of the Si QWR is a hexagon encompassed by four Si {1 1 1} and two Si {0 0 1} lateral facets.  相似文献   

The fully relativistic configuration interaction method of the FAC code is used to calculate atomic data for multipole transitions in Mg-like Au (Au67+) and Al-like Au (Au66+) ions. Generated atomic data are important in the modeling of M-shell spectra for heavy Au ions and Au plasma diagnostics. Energy levels, oscillator strengths and transition rates are calculated for electric-dipole (E1), electric quadrupole (E2), magnetic dipole (M1), and magnetic quadrupole (M2) for transitions between excited and ground states 3l−nl3lnl, such that n=4,5,6,7n=4,5,6,7. The local central potential is derived using the Dirac–Fock–Slater method. Correlation effects to all orders are considered by the configuration interaction expansion. All relativistic effects are included in the calculations. Calculated energy levels are compared against published values that were calculated using the multi-reference many body perturbation theory, which includes higher order QED effects. Favorable agreement was observed, with less than 0.15% difference.  相似文献   

Absolute stopping values for 7Li ions in selected target elements were measured over the energy range 0.2–1.8 MeV. Surface barrier particle detectors were used to measure the energy loss of 7Li ions in passing through thin, self-supported films. The results show that in the slowing down process, the effective charge ratio of lithium to hydrogen ions, at constant velocity, is not independent of the stopping medium.  相似文献   

在核实验中,半导体硅探测器常用来对带电粒子和中子进行探测。其能量响应和时间响应特性均十分良好,但是耐辐射性能却较差,尤其在伴有γ和中子本底的环境中,由于辐照引起探测器晶格损伤,导致半导体探测器性能退化,如探测器漏电流增大、能量分辨本领变差、能量亏损增加、时间响应增长等,严重影响探测器的使用和寿命。  相似文献   

Electron impact collision strengths among 560 levels of Si IX, 320 levels of Si X, and 350 levels of Si XI have been calculated using the Flexible Atomic Code of Gu [M.F. Gu, Astrophys. J. 582 (2003) 1241]. Collision strengths Ω at 10 scattered electron energies, namely 10, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1500, and 2000 eV, are reported. Assuming a Maxwellian energy distribution, effective collision strengths ? are obtained on a finer electron temperature grid of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0 MK, which covers the typical temperature range of astrophysical hot plasmas. Additionally, radiative rates A and weighted oscillator strengths gf are given for the more probable transitions among these levels. Comparisons of our results with available predictions reported in earlier literature are made and the accuracy of the data is assessed. Most transitions exhibit a good agreement, but large differences in gf appear for a few cases, which are due to the different configuration interactions included in different theoretical calculations. For excitations among levels of the ground and lower excited configurations, large discrepancies of ? may have resulted from the consideration of resonance effects in earlier works.  相似文献   

Microstructure change and atomic disordering in MgO · nAl2O3 (n = 1.1) irradiated with 350 MeV Au ions (Se = 35 keV/nm) were investigated through transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high angular resolution electron channeling X-ray spectroscopy (HARECXS) techniques. High resolution TEM revealed that each ion track maintains crystalline structure. The core region of ion track is found to reveal a lattice fringe with a half period of spinel matrix, suggesting the phase transformation from spinel to rock-salt structure. HARECXS analysis clearly showed progress of cation disorder at a significantly large region of 10 nm in diameter. These results are compared with the previous results of 200 MeV Xe ion irradiated spinel (Se = 25 keV/nm). The structure of ion tracks is found to consist of three concentric circle structures: the defective core region (2 nm in diameter), strained region (5 nm) and cation disordered region (10–12 nm).  相似文献   

对比了目前常用的三种用54HC电路制作工艺制作的MOS电容的总剂量辐射实验结果,并从微观氧化物电荷、界面态的感生变化及其界面态的能量分布变化等角度,研究了在不同制作工艺条件下,54HC电路Si/SiO2系统总剂量辐射损伤特性.  相似文献   

Stripper gas and terminal potential play a key role for the charge state distribution in a tandem pelletron accelerator. The knowledge of this distribution is important for experiments performed on tandem accelerators. The charge state distribution of B, C, Si, Ni, Cu and Au beams is measured by using Ar as stripper gas, and terminal potential is varied from 0.3 to 3.0 MV on 5UDH-2 tandem pelletron accelerator installed at the National Centre for Physics, Islamabad. The individual charge state is measured after the switching magnet at 15° in high-energy portion. It is observed that the higher charge states are stable in the range of lower and middle atomic masses of periodic table, whereas higher atomic mass(Au) shows beam current instability in higher charge states. For carbon,the charge distribution at 1.7 MV terminal potential by varying stripper gas pressure is also studied, which resulted in decreased overall transmission with good current value for higher charge states.  相似文献   

3C-SiC nanocrystallites were epitaxially formed on a single crystalline Si surface covered by a 150 nm thick SiO2 capping layer after low dose carbon implantation and subsequent high temperature annealing in CO atmosphere. Carbon implantation is used to introduce nucleation sites by forming silicon–carbon clusters at the SiO2/Si interface facilitating the growth of 3C-SiC nanocrystallites.  相似文献   

One hour 500 °C air annealing induced movement of implanted Au in Si have been studied for 32 keV Au implantation in Si, in the fluence range of . Samples were characterized using Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. The results indicate that, depending on the initial state of Au in the matrix, there is a clear difference in the diffusion behaviour of Au in Si. When Au is precipitated as gold-silicide nanoclusters inside the Si matrix, annealing is found to cause diffusion of Au into the bulk Si. Compared to this, for a random atomic distribution of Au in an amorphous Si matrix, annealing is found to result in out-diffusion of Au towards the surface.  相似文献   

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