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An investigation into the fire performance of self-consolidating concrete (SCC) filled double skin tubular columns (CFDST) during the standard fire test is reported. Six full size SCC filled CFDST columns were designed for the fire tests. Detail failure modes of overall specimens and each component in the columns as well as temperatures, deformation and fire endurance were presented. Fire performance of the CFDST columns were studied through analysis of the limiting temperature of the outer tube, composite action between steel and concrete and effect of a number of parameters on the fire endurance. It showed that the limiting temperature in the CFDST columns is significantly higher than that in concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) columns or critical temperature in steel structural components. Strong evidence was found to prove the existence of composite action between steel and concrete in the CFDST columns during fire exposure. Effect of a number of parameters on the fire endurance of the composite columns was identified. Investigation into the fire performance of the columns also reveals possible solutions to improve the fire resistance of CFDST members. 相似文献
Peter Schaumann Venkatesh Kodur Oliver Bahr 《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》2009,65(8-9):1794-1802
The use of hollow structural section (HSS) steel columns filled with high strength concrete (HSC) is becoming popular due to many advantages they offer. However, whereas the design rules for HSS columns filled with normal strength concrete are well established, there are many uncertainties for HSS columns filled with HSC. Results from numerical studies on the behaviour of HSS columns filled with HSC are presented. The studies were carried out based on both North American and European material properties for HSC and steel. Results show that required fire resistance in HSS columns can be obtained through the use of bar- or steel fibre-reinforcement in HSC. 相似文献
Fire behaviour of concrete filled elliptical steel columns 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this work, a non-linear three-dimensional finite element model is presented in order to study the behaviour of axially loaded concrete filled elliptical hollow section (CFEHS) columns exposed to fire. This study builds on previous work carried out by the authors on concrete filled circular hollow section (CFCHS) columns both at room temperature and in fire. The numerical model is first validated at room temperature against a series of experiments on CFEHS stub columns available in the literature and subsequently extended to study the performance of slender columns at elevated temperatures. The aim of this work is to understand and represent the behaviour of axially loaded CFEHS columns in fire situations and to compare their effectiveness with that of the circular concrete filled tubular (CFT) columns. Parametric studies to explore the influence of variation in global member slenderness, load level, cross-section slenderness and section size are presented. Finally, guidance on the fire design of CFEHS columns is proposed: it is recommended to follow the guidelines of Clause in EN 1994-1-2, but employing the flexural stiffness reduction coefficients established in the French National Annex with an equivalent EHS diameter equal to P/π, where P is the perimeter of the ellipse. 相似文献
分别对圆钢管、钢管混凝土、中空夹层钢管混凝土柱进行了抗火设计,并对结果进行比较分析。结果表明,在较高荷载比下柱的耐火极限不能满足实际要求,必须进行防火保护。在相同条件下,耐火极限从大到小排序为:圆钢管混凝土、中空夹层钢管混凝土、钢管柱。在一级耐火等级下,钢管混凝土柱和中空夹层钢管混凝土柱需要厚涂型钢结构防火涂料的厚度可比钢管柱分别少55%和18%以上。随着荷载比的减小或截面尺寸的增加,柱的耐火极限提高,需要的保护层厚度减小。对于钢管混凝土柱,若采用水泥砂浆保护层,其厚度是防火涂料的3倍及以上。 相似文献
Concrete filled steel tubular columns have been extensively used in modern construction owing to that they utilise the most favourable properties of both constituent materials. It has been recognized that concrete filled tubular columns provide excellent structural properties such as high load bearing capacity, ductility, large energy-absorption capacity and good structural fire behaviour. This paper presents the structural fire behaviour of a series of concrete filled steel tubular stub columns with four typical column sectional shapes in standard fire. The selected concrete filled steel tube stub columns are divided into three groups by equal section strength at ambient temperature, equal steel cross sectional areas and equal concrete core cross sectional areas. The temperature distribution, critical temperature and fire exposing time etc. of selected composite columns are extracted by numerical simulations using commercial FE package ABAQUS. Based on the analysis and comparison of typical parameters, the effect of column sectional shapes on member temperature distribution and structural fire behaviour are discussed. It shows concrete steel tubular column with circular section possesses the best structural fire behaviour, followed by columns with elliptical, square and rectangular sections. Based on this research study, a simplified equation for the design of concrete filled columns at elevated temperature is proposed. 相似文献
You-Fu Yang 《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》2006,62(12):1310-1324
This paper describes a series of tests on steel tubular columns of circular and square section filled with normal concrete and recycled aggregate concrete. Thirty specimens, including 24 recycled aggregate concrete filled steel tubular (RACFST) columns and 6 normal concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) columns, were tested to investigate the influence of variations in the tube shape, circular or square, concrete type, normal concrete and recycled aggregate concrete, and load eccentricity ratio, from 0 to 0.53 on the performance of such composite columns. The test results show that both types of filled columns failed due to overall buckling. Comparisons are made with predicted ultimate strengths of RACFST columns using the existing codes, such as ACI 318-1999, AIJ-1997, AISC-LRFD-1999, BS5400-1979, DBJ13-51-2003 and EC4-1994. A theoretical model for normal CFST columns is adopted in this paper for RACFST columns. The predicted load versus deformation relationships are in good agreement with test results. 相似文献
A major deficiency of the concrete-filled double skin steel tube (CFDST) columns in fire exposure is the inadequate steel-concrete interface bonding leading to separating concrete and steel surfaces at elevated temperatures and triggering buckling failure of the columns. To improve interface interaction as well as postpone overall buckling, it is proposed in this study to use longitudinal steel stiffeners in CFDST columns. Different patterns of stiffeners including six, four and two number of stiffeners embedded in the interior or exterior surfaces of the inner or outer tubes are considered in the analysis. A sequentially-coupled thermal-stress analysis procedure is conducted to evaluate the effects of different patterns of stiffeners on the fire performance of these columns. One of the novelties of the current study is the incorporation of the confinement effects of both inner and outer tubes on the compressive strength of concrete at elevated temperatures which gives a realistic prediction of the fire resistance behavior of the CFDST columns. From the results, it is found that among the different patterns studied, stiffeners embedded in the exterior surface of the inner tubes or interior surface of the outer tubes enhancing steel-concrete interface interaction have a determinant role in much-improving fire endurance of the columns. With increase in the load ratio fire resistance of the specimens decreases drastically. The stiffeners strength and concrete strength have minimal effect on the fire performance of the stiffened CFDST columns. The conclusions, drawn from this study, can in turn, lead to the suggestion of some guidelines for the design of CFDST columns. 相似文献
为研究外方内圆复合钢管高强混凝土柱的抗震性能,完成了6个试件的拟静力试验。试验主要变化参数为轴压比、方钢管壁板厚度及其宽厚比、圆钢管混凝土套箍指标。试验结果表明:6个试件的破坏形态基本相同,均为距柱底约300 mm高度范围内方钢管外鼓屈曲,方、圆钢管之间混凝土局部破坏;试件的水平荷载 位移滞回曲线饱满,无明显捏拢;峰值水平荷载时,轴压比设计值约为1.0的试件位移角略小于1/100,其它5个试件位移角均大于1/100;减小方钢管壁板的宽厚比,或增大圆钢管混凝土的套箍指标,可增大试件的初始割线刚度以及极限位移角;增大方钢管壁板的厚度,可提高试件在轴压力作用下的正截面受弯承载力。采用叠加方法与平截面假定方法计算试件在轴压力作用下的正截面受弯承载力,计算值与实测值吻合较好。 相似文献
High strength concrete filled steel tube (HSCFT) members have found wide applications. However, there are few reports on the test and model of their creep. This paper investigates the creep of axially loaded HSCFT columns by testing eight specimens for 380 day. A creep model, considering the state of triaxial stress and autogenous shrinkage of the high strength concrete core, has been proposed and validated against the test data. Parametric analysis demonstrates that there exists an obvious difference in the creep between HSCFT columns and normal strength concrete filled steel tube columns, additionally, concrete composition influences the creep of HSCFT columns considerably. 相似文献
A concrete filled elliptical/oval steel tubular (CFEST) member consists of elliptical/oval steel tube and in-filled concrete. The CFEST member is a new type of steel–concrete composite member and is part of a family of concrete filled steel tubular members known as CFT. The present study aims to investigate, experimentally, the characteristics of CFEST stub columns under centric loading. The main test parameters selected are diameter-to-thickness and diameters ratios of elliptical/oval steel tube. From the results, local buckling of the elliptical/oval steel tube associated with shear failure of in-filled concrete could be observed. Axial loading capacity decreased as diameter-to-thickness ratio increased. Whereas, those capacities normalized by the summation of the individual strengths, namely the elliptical/oval steel tube and in-filled concrete strengths, are regulated in case the diameter-to-thickness ratio becomes larger. Finally, a method to predict the axial loading capacity induced by confinement effects of the in-filled concrete is proposed. 相似文献
This paper investigates the behaviour of concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) stub columns subjected to eccentric partial compression. Twenty-eight specimens were tested and presented. The main parameters in test program include: (1) section type: circular, square and rectangular; (2) load eccentricity ratio (including uniaxial and biaxial loading): from 0 to 0.4; and (3) shape of the loading bearing plate (BP): circular, square, strip and rectangular. The test results indicated that, similar to the corresponding fully loaded CFST stub columns under eccentric loading, CFST stub columns under eccentric partial compression have generally reasonable bearing capacity and favorable ductility. A finite element analysis (FEA) model for CFST stub columns under eccentric partial compression is developed and the predicted performances are validated through measured results. The FEA model is then used to investigate the mechanisms of such composite columns further. 相似文献
The use of thin walled steel sections coupled with concrete infill has been used on various building projects with great advantage. The currently available international standards for composite structures are limited to the design of concrete filled steel columns with compact sections. However, there is limited research work in the literature available which is concerned with slender concrete filled thin-walled steel columns. This paper presents a comprehensive experimental study of thin walled steel sections utilising high strength steel of a thin walled nature and filled with normal strength concrete. A numerical model is developed herein in order to study the behaviour of slender concrete filled high strength steel columns incorporating material and geometric non-linearities. For this analysis, the equilibrium of the member is investigated in the deformed state, using the idealised stress–strain relationships for both the steel and concrete materials, considering the elastic and plastic ranges. This paper presents both an experimental and theoretical treatment of coupled local and global buckling of concrete filled high strength steel columns sometimes termed interaction buckling. The experimental results of columns with high strength steel casings conducted herein by the authors are used for comparison. The effect of the confined concrete core is also addressed and the method shows good agreement with the experimental results of concrete filled steel columns with compact sections. The behaviour of concrete filled steel slender columns affected by elastic or inelastic local buckling is also investigated and compared with relevant experimental results. The paper then concludes with a design recommendation for the strength evaluation of slender composite columns using high strength steel plates with thin-walled steel sections, paying particular attention to existing codes of practice so as not to deviate from current design methodologies. 相似文献
Tests and calculations for hollow structural steel (HSS) stub columns filled with self-consolidating concrete (SCC) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The behaviour of self-consolidating concrete (SCC) filled hollow structural steel (HSS) stub columns subjected to an axial load was investigated experimentally. A total of 50 specimens were tested. The main parameters varied in the tests are: (1) sectional types: circular and square; (2) steel yielding strength: from 282 to 404 MPa; and (3) tube diameter or width to wall thickness ratio (D/t or B/t): from 30 to 134.A mechanics model is developed in this paper for concrete-filled HSS stub columns. A unified theory is described whereby a confinement factor (ξ) is introduced to describe the composite action of the steel tube and the filled concrete. The predicted load versus deformation relationship was in good agreement with test results. The theoretical model was used to investigate the influence of important parameters that determine the ultimate strength of the composite columns. The parametric and experimental studies provide information for the development of formulae for the calculation of the ultimate strength and the axial load versus axial strain curves of the composite columns. Comparisons are made with predicted stub column strengths using the existing codes, such as ACI-1999, AISC-LRFD-1999, AIJ-1997, BS5400-1979 and EC4-1994. 相似文献
通过16个薄壁方钢管再生混合短柱的轴压试验,研究废弃混凝土取代率、新旧混凝土强度差、钢管壁厚等因素对试件轴压性能的影响;基于新、旧混凝土的组合强度,对比分析国内外相关公式预测试件轴压承载力的有效性。研究结果表明:与全现浇薄壁方钢管混凝土短柱相比,薄壁方钢管再生混合短柱的钢管屈服较早,废弃混凝土取代率越大钢管屈服越早;薄壁方钢管再生混合短柱的轴压承载力总体呈现出随废弃混凝土取代率增加逐渐降低的趋势,降低幅度大于薄壁圆钢管再生混合短柱;当新、旧混凝土抗压强度相近时,取代率在20%~33%范围内变化对薄壁方钢管再生混合短柱的轴压承载力影响有限;为使再生混合短柱具有与全现浇短柱相近的安全性,建议对根据现行设计标准计算得到的薄壁方钢管再生混合短柱的轴压承载力乘以调整系数0.9。 相似文献
薄壁方钢管再生混合短柱轴压性能试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过16个薄壁方钢管再生混合短柱的轴压试验,研究废弃混凝土取代率、新旧混凝土强度差、钢管壁厚等因素对试件轴压性能的影响;基于新、旧混凝土的组合强度,对比分析国内外相关公式预测试件轴压承载力的有效性。研究结果表明:与全现浇薄壁方钢管混凝土短柱相比,薄壁方钢管再生混合短柱的钢管屈服较早,废弃混凝土取代率越大钢管屈服越早;薄壁方钢管再生混合短柱的轴压承载力总体呈现出随废弃混凝土取代率增加逐渐降低的趋势,降低幅度大于薄壁圆钢管再生混合短柱;当新、旧混凝土抗压强度相近时,取代率在20%~33%范围内变化对薄壁方钢管再生混合短柱的轴压承载力影响有限;为使再生混合短柱具有与全现浇短柱相近的安全性,建议对根据现行设计标准计算得到的薄壁方钢管再生混合短柱的轴压承载力乘以调整系数0.9。 相似文献
复合钢管高强混凝土短柱轴心受压性能试验与分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为研究外方内圆复合钢管高强混凝土短柱轴心受压性能,完成了三组共23个试件的轴压试验和典型试件的非线性有限元分析。试验结果表明:各试件的破坏形态基本相同,为方钢管向外鼓曲,方钢管与圆钢管之间的混凝土酥松、局部压碎;试验结束时,试件纵向应变达到0.09~0.11,尚能承担约70%的峰值竖向力;按文献[8]有关公式计算得到的试件压缩刚度平均值为实测值的83.6%;采用圆钢管对其管内混凝土提供约束,方钢管对混凝土不提供约束、但提供轴压承载力的计算假定,试件轴心受压承载力计算值与试验值吻合良好;非线性有限元计算得到的竖向力 纵向应变曲线及破坏过程与试验结果符合较好。 相似文献
Special-shaped column structures improve residential architectural space, compared with traditional frame structures. However,
in respect to applicable building height and seismic fortification intensity, traditional special-shaped reinforced concrete
(RC) columns have strict limitations in seismic behavior, which hampers further generalization and application of special-shaped
columns. Due to increase in constraint effect for concrete, special-shaped concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) columns are expected
to behave advantages on the strength, ductility and seismic behavior over special-shaped RC columns. However, special attention
should be paid to prevent the steel plates’ premature local buckling and the separation between steel tube and concrete at
inner corners. The battlement-shaped bar stiffeners and tensile bar stiffeners, welded on tube surfaces, were first put forward
in this paper. Experimental study of 9 stubs in three groups subjected to axial loads was conducted, and the specimens consist
of 3 square stubs (including 1 non-stiffened and 2 stiffened CFST specimens) and 6 T-shaped stubs (including 1 RC specimen,
2 non-stiffened and 3 stiffened CFST specimens). Failure modes and static properties of the specimens were investigated. Experimental
results reveal that: Due to the constraint effect provided by T-shaped tubes, the CFST specimens behave advantages on the
RC specimen in the ascending stiffness, peak resistance and ductility (except for the battlement-shaped bar stiffened CFSTs).
For square and T-shaped stiffened CFST specimens, the stiffeners improve their ductility, especially the tensile bar which
gives the best performance in ductility and improves the peak resistance substantially. The stiffeners postpone the buckling
of tubes, and even upgrade the classification of composite sections, without thickening the tubes. 相似文献