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贵阳小关桥双肢薄壁墩抖振响应试验与影响因素分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在原有抖振时域分析方法的基础上,提出一种考虑复气动导纳函数的修正和抖振力的空间相关性的抖振时域分析方法。为对现有抖振时域分析方法的验证,以贵阳小关桥为例,对其最大悬臂状态进行全桥气弹模型风洞试验,试验中不仅对抖振位移进行测量,还通过在墩底布设动态应变片完成墩底内力的实测。气动导纳函数分别取1、Sears函数和实测的桥梁断面复气动导纳函数,采用抖振力谱法得到考虑气动导纳修正的抖振力。另外对风洞中模型抖振力的空间相关性进行测量,分析气动导纳函数和抖振力空间相关性对结构抖振响应的影响,并与风洞气弹模型试验结果进行了对比分析。分析结果表明:计算分析结果与试验结果基本一致;采用结构实际气动导纳函数的抖振响应与试验更接近;采用抖振力空间相关性计算得到的抖振响应要比采用脉动风速空间相关性的计算结果偏高。 相似文献
大跨度斜拉桥抖振时域分析理论实例验证及影响因素分析 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
为了进行对现有抖振时域分析理论的实例验证,在杭州湾跨海大桥全桥模型风洞试验中,不仅对抖振位移进行了测量,还通过在塔根布设动态应变片完成了桥塔内力的实测。采用考虑桥塔风效应的抖振时域分析方法计算出大跨度斜拉桥的抖振响应,气动导纳分别取1和Sears函数,采用等效风谱法计算考虑气动导纳修正的抖振力,对风洞的空间相关性进行了测量研究并分别探讨了Sears气动导纳函数及空间相关性对抖振响应的影响,与风洞试验结果进行了对比分析。分析比较表明:当衰减因子l取实测值12.9时,风洞试验结果都介于导纳为1和导纳为Sears函数所计算的抖振响应之间,导纳取Sears函数将得到偏不安全的结果;空间相关系数对抖振响应影响较大,采用风洞实测的相关系数得到的抖振响应比采用《公路桥梁抗风设计指南》建议相关系数所得抖振响应小13% ̄22%。通过杭州湾跨海大桥的实例验证发现现有抖振时域分析理论并不能完全精确预测桥梁的抖振响应,抖振响应计算值与试验值存在一定的差距。 相似文献
《Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics》2007,95(9-11):1579-1606
Third Nanjing Bridge over Yangtze River in China is a long-span steel cable-stayed bridge with a main span of 648 m and a closed streamline cross-section of single box. The flutter and buffeting performances of the bridge under yaw winds were investigated via a wind tunnel test of full bridge aeroelastic model at a geometric scale of 1:120. The service state and three key construction states including the longest single-cantilever state, the longest double-cantilever state with a temporary pier, and the longest double-cantilever state without any temporary pier, were considered in the test. The test was conducted in both smooth and simulated boundary layer wind fields with various combinations of wind yaw angle and inclination angle. The model was elaborately designed and manufactured, and the modal properties of the service-state model were checked before the test. The natural frequencies and mode shapes were identified automatically using a self-developed special software from the acceleration signals recorded in an ambient vibration test, where an “artificial” turbulent wind with lower mean speed of 1 m/s was used as a major ambient excitation addition to the “natural” one from the slight ground trembling. The modal damping ratios were checked using free-decay vibration approach. The testing results show that the bridge has enough aerodynamic stability for all structural states and wind directions concerned, and the most unfavorable buffeting responses often occur in yaw wind case with a yaw angle between 5° and 30°. 相似文献
Luca Caracoglia 《Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics》2008,96(3):327-344
Multimode-analysis methods for the study and derivation of flutter instability and buffeting response are readily available from the literature and have been successfully applied to the assessment of the susceptibility of long-span bridges to wind loading. In both cases flutter critical velocity and buffeting oscillation are usually estimated from deterministic analyses. However, the probabilistic nature of the problem is latent since uncertainties, especially those associated with the definition of wind and aerodynamic characteristics, are intrinsically present. These quantities include, for example, wind-turbulence power spectral density, static coefficients and aerodynamic derivatives, usually derived from either site observations or experimental analysis. Their effects are often neglected or usually addressed through sensitivity analyses only.While in the past uncertainty in flutter estimates has been analyzed by researchers (for example through reliability analysis), little attention has been devoted to buffeting. In this paper the effects associated with the random nature of wind and structural characteristics are analyzed through the derivation of a closed-form solution associated with the single-mode buffeting problem with selected random parameters. A specific example is provided to clarify the role of wind power spectral density, damping and selected aeroelastic derivatives. 相似文献
应用国际通用的CAARC模型进行了多自由度气动弹性模型在模拟风场中响应的试验,分析了结构在不同风速与不同风向角下的顺风向响应与横风向响应变化规律,所得到的结果为高层建筑结构的风振响应理论提供参考. 相似文献
复核结构设计是桥梁结构健康监测系统的主要功能之一。以世界第一大跨斜拉桥——苏通大桥为工程背景,采用实测风谱对大桥设计阶段基于规范谱所进行的抖振分析进行验证。首先采用非线性最小二乘法对桥址区实测强风紊流功率谱密度函数进行拟合,获得实测谱曲线,并分别以该实测拟合谱和规范谱为目标谱分别模拟桥址区三维脉动风场。然后采用上述两种风场,基于ANSYS对苏通大桥进行非线性时域抖振响应分析。两种分析结果的对比表明:与实测谱相比,基于规范谱所得的主梁抖振响应情况不一,但主塔抖振响应均偏于保守;两种抖振响应的PSD曲线整体趋势基本一致。分析结果可为该桥的风致抖振性能评价提供研究信息,同时对其他类型结构的抗风设计具有重要的参考价值。 相似文献
应用国际通用的CAARC模型进行了多自由度气动弹性模型在模拟风场中响应的试验,分析了结构在不同风速与不同风向角下的横风向响应变化规律,其结果可供高层建筑结构风振响应理论研究参考. 相似文献
大跨柔性桥梁气弹模型在风荷载作用下会产生明显的竖向、侧向位移和附加攻角。推导气弹模型实测位移修正表达式,对苏通大桥气弹模型高风速时实测位移进行修正,对比分析修正前后差异。绘制了苏通大桥主跨跨中断面、1/4断面和边跨跨中3个典型断面扭转中心的运动轨迹,分析其特点,对苏通大桥气弹模型气动失稳现象进行解释。基于随机搜索方法和随机子空间方法识别得到的模态参数,对苏通大桥气弹模型进行复模态颤振分析。分析结果表明:苏通大桥气弹模型可视为一种非常规索网复合系统,其气动失稳振动表现为保持平衡状态的竖向、侧向和扭转耦合滚动,扭转频率成分在竖弯和侧弯振动中参与很多,而竖弯和侧弯频率成分在其他两种振动中参与很少。 相似文献
Vincenzo Sepe Piero D’Asdia 《Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics》2003,91(10):1285-1297
Starting from the standard multimode approach to the aeroelastic instability of a long span suspension bridge, that gives the critical flutter speed in the ideal case of a wind constant both in time and in space (turbulence neglected), this paper describes a procedure to evaluate in a closed form the worst effects that can ever be expected as a consequence of a turbulence with a given spectrum. To this respect, only low-frequency wind speed fluctuations strongly correlated along the span are taken into account, neglecting the beneficial effects due to a loss of coherence or to higher frequency components. This allows to obtain a flutter speed certainly safe in comparison with any realistic turbulence field. The proposed formulation is then applied to the current design of the bridge on the Messina Strait (Italy). 相似文献
双曲薄壳冷却塔是典型的风敏感结构,气动弹性模型风洞试验是研究其风振响应的有效方法。根据某大型双曲冷却塔结构动力特性和风振响应的特点,按相似准则合理简化,成功设计和制作了这一复杂结构的气动弹性模型,并在大型边界层风洞中模拟的B类风场、7个工况共112个风向角下进行了试验。根据试验结果可得:结构的位移响应特征参数均和风速呈现线性关系,干扰作用减小了位移响应的均值,增大了其脉动量,并使其沿环向的变化趋势发生改变;8m/s风速下测压试验计算的结构响应值相比气弹试验结果均值偏小、均方差偏大;单塔工况下背景分量占据主导地位,而多塔干扰影响使背景分量不再居于主导地位,共振响应趋于显著;多塔干扰下以原型结构10cm位移为阈值计入风振系数贡献的测点数减少,但是响应根方差增大,其风振系数均值相比单塔下结果明显变大。 相似文献
气弹模型试验能够全面考虑结构和气流间相互作用,真实地反映结构在大气边界层中的受力特性和响应形式,是结构风振研究的一种重要手段。探讨适用于复杂外形建筑结构模型设计相似准则,通过一体育场大跨度挑蓬缩尺比1:200气弹模型,在模拟大气边界层风场及场址地形地物的条件下,测量体育场罩棚表面的位移响应,进而得到罩棚结构设计需要的风振系数。 相似文献
东关街是扬州城中最具代表性的城市片区,它不仅是扬州水陆交通要道,更是商业、手工业和宗教文化中心,有着浓厚的历史、社会文化内涵和学术研究价值。在城市片区形成、演化、发展的历史进程中,自组织作为其“主要推手”贯穿始终。本文基于自组织理论,通过对东关街的空间性解读以及场所感的解析,从城市的使用者“人”的角度,探究城市片区的自组织演化规律及其影响因素。 相似文献
This paper presents a method for nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of Human Powered Aircraft (HPA) wings. In this type of aircraft there is a long, highly flexible wing. Wing flexibility, coupled with long wing span can lead to large deflections during normal flight operation; therefore, a wing in vertical and torsional motion using the second-order form of nonlinear general flexible Euler–Bernoulli beam equations is used for structural modeling. Unsteady linear aerodynamic theory based on Wagner function is used for determination of aerodynamic loading on the wing. Combining these two types of formulations yields the nonlinear integro-differentials aeroelastic equations. Using the Galerkin's method and modes summation technique, the governing equations will be solved by introducing an iterative numerical method to predict the aeroelastic response of the problem. The obtained results for a test case are compared with those of linear study which shows good agreement for speeds less than the flutter speed, but the nonlinear model shows limit cycle oscillations for the wing beyond the flutter boundary. 相似文献
体育场主看台弧形挑篷气弹模型风洞试验和响应特性 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
体育场看台挑篷是典型的风敏感结构。气动弹性模型风洞试验是研究其风振响应的有效方法,但由于挑篷结构质量轻、刚度小,气弹模型设计和制作均很困难,所以目前在实际工程抗风研究中很少应用。本文以一实际体育场主看台挑篷为对象,研究了这类轻柔结构的气弹模型的设计和制作方法,并通过风洞试验进一步了解体育场主看台挑篷的风振响应特性,获得了这类结构的风致响应的基本特征。 相似文献
回弹法测强在工程中应用比较广泛,对混凝土的质量控制很有作用。正确操作回弹和对回弹结果的理解很重要。本文主要阐术回弹法测强的影响因素及意义。 相似文献
Marco Belloli Fabio Fossati Stefano Giappino Sara Muggiasca Marco Villani 《Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics》2011,99(6-7):729-733
This work is concerned with the aerodynamic characterization of a cable-stayed bridge tower in free-standing configuration; experimental tests were performed at Politecnico di Milano Wind Tunnel under smooth and turbulent flow conditions. The aerodynamic behavior of the tower was investigated through static and dynamic tests on a 1:30 scale sectional model; the whole structure response has been studied using a 1:100 scale full aeroelastic model in stand-alone configuration. Aim of this paper is to compare wind tunnel test results obtained on the two models for different wind exposures, discussing the problems related to scale effects in scale model testing. Some inconsistencies found during the experimental campaign confirm that scale effects in wind tunnel testing represent a serious issue especially for bluff body structures whose vortex shedding response is strongly affected by Reynolds number. 相似文献
简要叙述了大跨度桥梁结构地震反应分析研究中的多点激振效应、反应分析方法、土一结构的相互作用以及结构的非线性性能问题及发展动态,以期对大跨度桥梁进行正确的地震反应分析,从而提高其抗震能力. 相似文献
使用氧指数测定仪测定材料的氧指数,其结果的准确性受很多因素影响.分析了氧指数检测中的一些影响因素,特别是对氧分析仪器的校准、通风橱的使用、燃烧残余物的清理等较少提及的影响因素进行了探讨. 相似文献