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MobileNet网络是一种广泛应用于嵌入式领域的深度神经网络,为了解决其硬件实现效率低的问题,同时达到在不同硬件资源下具有一定可伸缩性,提出了基于FPGA的一款MobileNet网络加速器结构,针对网络的堆叠结构特性设计了三级流水的加速阵列,并实现了在0~4000乘法器开销下都达到70% 以上的计算效率.最终在XIL...  相似文献   

卷积神经网络具有参数大、运算量大的特点,当将其具体应用在移动端设备时,需要在满足帧率(速度)的前提下,尽量减少功耗与芯片面积.考虑满足现有移动端网络的兼容性、性能和面积等因素,设计一个基于3D可扩展PE阵列的CNN加速器.该加速器兼容3×3卷积、3×3深度可分离卷积、1×1卷积和全连接层,其PE阵列能根据具体应用的网络...  相似文献   

A geometric reasoning based algorithm for point pattern matching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Point pattern matching (PPM) is an important topic in computer vision and pattern recog-nition . It can be widely used in many areas such as image registration, object recognition, motion de-tection, target tracking, autonomous navigation, and pose estimation. This paper discusses the in-complete matching problem of two point sets under Euclidean transformation. According to geometric reasoning, some definitions for matching clique, support point pair, support index set, and support in-dex matrix, etc. are given. Based on the properties and theorems of them, a novel reasoning algo-rithm is presented, which searches for the optimal solution from top to bottom and could find out as many consistent corresponding point pairs as possible. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the new algorithm is very effective, and could be, under some conditions, applied to the PPM problem under other kind of transformations.  相似文献   

An important research issue in video streaming is how to efficiently utilize the network resources to provide clients instant access to multiple video objects. Caching strategy and transmission scheme are the two essential points inside the video streaming framework. Recent research efforts on them are not sufficient due to their inflexible support for scalable encoded video streams and heterogeneous requests from clients. In this paper, we propose an optimized caching strategy (OCS) and a scalable transmission scheme (STS) for scalable coded video streaming. By exploring the characteristics of video streaming workload and system design objectives, OCS and STS work efficiently to minimize both network bandwidth cost and user access latency. Firstly, we analyze the caching problem for the proxy-assisted video streaming system and derive a maneuverable caching scenario. Secondly, we develop an efficient transmission scheme for scalable coded videos. Thirdly, we formulate a multi-objective optimization model with closed-form expressions to obtain the optimized caching strategy. Finally, with designed algorithms, an excellent compromise between two competing objectives (minimizing the bandwidth cost and the access latency) is achieved. We start our evaluation by studying the optimized caching strategy for a single video object. Then we apply the strategy to multiple video objects and illustrate the tradeoff between the optimization objectives. Our evaluation results show that compared with other caching strategies, the proposed optimized scalable caching strategy can achieve a significant reduction in bandwidth cost with even a small proxy cache size. Meanwhile, the best performance (in terms of bandwidth cost) is obtained together with the proposed scalable batch-patching transmission scheme.
Kenneth OngEmail:

G. Davies  S. Bowsher 《Software》1986,16(6):575-601
This paper describes four algorithms of varying complexity used for pattern matching, and investigates their behaviour. The algorithms are tested using patterns of varying length from several alphabets. It is concluded that although there is no overall ‘best’ algorithm, the more complex algorithms are worth considering as they are generally more efficient in terms of number of comparisons made and execution time.  相似文献   

基于WM算法的多模式匹配改进算法WMN   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
入侵检测系统中有部分时间用来进行模式匹配,因此提高模式匹配算法的处理速度具有重要的意义。从两个方面改进了目前公认效率较高的多模式匹配算法WM,设计出WMN算法,并对该算法进行了性能测试和分析。实验证明该文提出的WMN算法能够有效提高模式匹配的处理速度。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的基于线模式的指纹图像细节点匹配算法,这种算法先分别找出最佳匹配点对,确定相对旋转角度,较快地确定两个指纹的相关性,之后再搜索漏的匹配点对,去掉错误的匹配点对。算法受指纹增强、后处理的影响较小,细节点相似程度受其邻域细节点影响较小。介绍了算法的具体实现方法,并用实际指纹数据进行了测试。初步测试的结果表明,此算法是指纹图像细节点匹配的一种有效算法。  相似文献   

针对基于硬件的模式匹配算法处理长模式串时吞吐率不高的问题,提出了基于将哈希压缩与TCAM查表相结合的算法——HASH-TCAM算法。通过哈希算法将待匹配的关键字预处理,减少其长度,解决了40 Gbps线速下的长模式串匹配问题,并通过40 Gbps测试仪验证了该算法的可行性。分析表明,该算法在查询的固定关键字长度为72 Byte,模式集数目为5000,哈希压缩后地址的编码宽度为46 bit时,模式识别模块以牺牲冲突的代价实现了51.2 Gbps的吞吐率,可以满足40 Gbps链路中DPI算法的逐包线速的需求  相似文献   

Block matching motion estimation is a popular method in developing video coding applications. A new algorithm has been proposed for reducing the number of search points using a pattern based particle swarm optimization (PSO) for motion estimation. The conventional particle swarm optimization has been modified to provide accurate solutions in motion estimation problems. This leads to very low computational cost and good estimation accuracy. Due to the center biased nature of the videos, the proposed approach uses an initial pattern to speed up the convergence of the algorithm. Simulation results show that improvements over other fast block matching motion estimation algorithms could be achieved with 31%~63% of search point reduction, without degradation of image quality.  相似文献   

协议识别是网络安全与对抗领域中的一项关键技术。简要介绍了网络协议识别的重要性,分析了Ethernet类协议的特征,构建了协议识别的系统模型,依据Ethernet类协议的特征,提出了一种新的基于模式串匹配的协议识别算法NEWMATCH,并对该算法的性能进行了分析,并与传统模式串匹配算法(如:BF、KMP、BM等)进行了比较。该算法在Ethernet类协议识别方面具有一定的适用性。  相似文献   

字符串匹配算法的应用非常广泛,在信息检索、信息安全等领域都起着关键的作用。近年来,由于GPU通用计算的高速发展,且GPU具有很强的并行计算能力和很高的存储器访问带宽,利用GPU来加速字符串匹配算法吸引了越来越多的关注。提出的改进的AC模式匹配算法,在对前人工作的基础上,进一步消除了output表的存储,将纹理存储器中的查表操作转换为数值比较操作,与改进前算法相比,速度提高了80%以上;进一步的,引入了多个可变参数,提高AC算法的有效数据匹配率,并优化线程块的大小,优化后的算法与采用一种特殊匹配方式的高效的PFAC算法相比,速度提高了9%以上。  相似文献   

时间序列数据挖掘是时态数据挖掘的一个重要方面,针对金融时间序列非稳定、非线性的特点,使用EMD方法进行序列趋势的提取,得到了原始时间序列的长期趋势。在此基础上提出了子序列分层匹配算法,首先进行时间序列趋势的粗匹配,在结果集中进一步进行细节匹配,与传统方法相比,提高了相似性匹配的效率,减少了结果集的冗余。  相似文献   

基于模糊模式识别的车辆定位地图匹配算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对传感器给出的车辆定位信息的不确定性,提出了基于模糊模式识别技术获得匹配道路的算法。给出的算法不需要车辆行驶的速度、方向参数,利用车辆定位轨迹与电子地图道路网之间的相似性,结合车辆实际行驶情况,得出定位点到候选道路之间的距离、相邻采样时刻定位点连线与候选道路之间的夹角、候选道路与历史匹配道路连通性的隶属函数,按照最大隶属原则选择匹配道路。通过实验验证,表明该算法具有可靠性,适用面广,能有效地提高车辆定位的精度。  相似文献   

王雯  王庆 《计算机应用研究》2009,26(12):4797-4799
为解决概率图模型匹配算法对模板点集中的外点敏感的问题,对隔离子进行了采样,并推导出采样次数和模板点集中的外点比例关系,以保证隔离子中的点能最大概率地为内点,使得推理算法中每个点的信息能得到传递。另外,算法中的互匹配解决了传统图模型匹配算法中多对一问题。实验证明,算法相对于原先的JT算法具有很高的鲁棒性和正确率。  相似文献   

Micro-structural finite element (μFE) analysis based on high-resolution computed tomography represents the current gold standard to predict bone stiffness and strength. Recent progress in solver technology makes possible simulations on large supercomputers that involve billions of degrees of freedom.In this paper we present an improved solver that has a significantly smaller memory footprint compared to the currently used solvers. This new approach fully exploits the information that is contained in the underlying CT image itself. It admits to execute all steps in the underlying multigrid-preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm in matrix-free form.The reduced memory footprint allows to solve bigger bone models on a given hardware. It is an important step forward to the clinical usage of μFE simulations.The new solver is fully parallel. We show almost perfect scalability up to 8000 cores of a Cray XT-5 supercomputer.  相似文献   

设计了一种基于FPGA的模式匹配系统,通过Verilog HDL语言实现系统主体;采用开源的Snort规则,选用由“异或”运算组成的适合FPGA处理的HashMem函数进行模式匹配;通过软件预处理找出Snort中的冲突模式串进行单独匹配从而用硬件方法解决冲突.硬件电路采用DM9000A网络控制器接收网络数据.实验结果显...  相似文献   

Unicode编码的中文环境下应用Sunday算法时,如直接使用中文字符生成失效跳转表,将造成空间膨胀,而将中文字符拆分为两个字节进行处理,虽可以降低空间消耗,但匹配的执行速度又会受影响。针对Sunday算法应用于Unicode编码的字符拆分环境时所产生的时间性能降低问题,结合Unicode中文单元的内部关联性,优化了原Sunday算法的辅助跳转表与匹配规则,从而在解决Unicode下算法空间膨胀问题的同时,提升了Sunday算法在此环境下的时间性能,并利用模拟实验对改良算法的时间与空间性能进行了实验证明。  相似文献   

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