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Reliable evaluation of progressive collapse resistance of structures requires substantiated methods and techniques for analyzing the response of critical elements subjected to large deformations. Steel bar fracture is a significant event that can lead to progressive collapse of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. Given the sudden discontinuity associated with bar fracture, modeling of such an event in a continuum domain analysis is challenging. In this paper a method is proposed for finite element modeling and analysis of RC elements that accounts for bar fracture. It is demonstrated that such a modeling technique is capable of developing catenary action. Analytical results based on the proposed method show good agreement with experimental data. The underlying cause for a drop in beam vertical resisting force following the peak force is identified and explained.  相似文献   

明伟 《山西建筑》2008,34(3):19-20
以一栋六层框架结构为例,对其抗倒塌设计与抗震设计的结果进行了分析,研究结果表明,抗倒塌设计不同于抗震设计,并提出抗倒塌设计的一些措施,为将来工程抗倒塌设计和相关方面的设计提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional discrete crack model based on the Applied Element Method is used to perform economic design for reinforced concrete structures against progressive collapse. The model adopts fully nonlinear path-dependent constitutive models for concrete and reinforcing bars. The model applies a dynamic solver in which post-failure behavior, element separation, falling and collision are predicted. First, the model is used to study the behavior of multi-story reinforced concrete buildings designed in a traditional manner according to the ACI 318-08 and subjected to accidental removal of one or two central columns at the ground level. In an iterative way, the model is then used to investigate a safe design against progressive collapse for such extreme loading case. Based on the analytical results of the AEM, it can be concluded that the collapse of only one column would not lead to any progressive collapse of the studied reinforced concrete structure. However, the collapse of more than one column may lead to a progressive collapse of a considerable part of it. It is concluded also that the AEM could be successfully used as an analytical tool to suggest economical designs that are safe against progressive collapse of reinforced concrete structures.  相似文献   

葛晓梅 《浙江建筑》2012,29(4):10-12
在国内外关于结构抗连续性倒塌的研究现状及主要成果基础上,总结了结构抗连续性倒塌设计方法,运用PKPM软件作为计算手段,采用拆除构件法对钢筋混凝土框架结构进行抗连续性倒塌能力研究.  相似文献   

喻君  甘艺平  李爽 《建筑结构学报》2019,40(11):112-121
为探究钢筋混凝土(RC)全填充墙框架在边中柱失效情况下的抗连续倒塌性能及其承载力计算方法,基于已有试验和有限元程序OpenSees建立宏观有限元数值模型展开研究。数值模型中的梁柱采用基于力的纤维梁单元模拟,填充墙则转化为等效斜撑并用桁架单元进行表征。填充墙宏观模型涉及等效斜撑的宽度、数量和相应材料属性的确定,为此对比了不同等效斜撑模型的适用性,确定了一种连续倒塌工况下全填充墙的宏观模拟方案。进而利用验证的数值模型,揭示全填充墙框架防倒塌的荷载传递机制,并研究了层数和填充墙砌体抗压强度对抗倒塌性能的影响。结果表明:全填充墙框架荷载主要通过墙体对角传递且全填充墙会与周围框架形成一种桁架机制;随填充墙砌体抗压强度降低,结构抗力峰值呈下降趋势。最后,以填充墙和周边框架竖向承载刚度比为基本参数,建立了通过求得填充墙和框架刚度以及纯框架理论弯曲承载力,便可快速评估规则RC填充墙框架防倒塌能力的回归模型。  相似文献   

梁和板组成的楼盖系统是框架结构的主要抗连续倒塌构件。为了分析各类结构参数对钢筋混凝土楼盖系统抗连续倒塌性能的影响,该文首先根据《混凝土结构设计规范》GB 50010—2010设计制作了8个钢筋混凝土单向梁板子结构缩尺试件,这些试件具有不同的截面尺寸和配筋率。然后通过竖向加载试验研究这些试件在中柱破坏后的材料变形/损伤和抗连续倒塌承载力。试验结果表明:带楼板的子结构试件的承载能力明显高于相同截面的梁试件的承载能力;试件在梁机制阶段的承载能力主要由截面尺寸和钢筋面积所决定,而悬链线机制阶段的承载能力主要由截面中连续钢筋面积所决定;楼板的宽度、厚度和板内配筋以及梁高对梁机制下的承载力有较大的提高,其中板宽在大于一定值后影响变得不显著;只有楼板宽度和楼板配筋率对悬链线机制下的承载力有显著影响;梁内抗震配筋对缩尺试件在两个阶段的抗连续倒塌承载力影响都不大。  相似文献   

将结构连续倒塌的全概率方法应用于地震作用下的结构整体连续倒塌极限状态可靠度分析,采用构件可靠度方法对结构进行地震作用下最可能失效构件的识别,基于改进点估计法的随机Pushdown方法和随机竖向增量动力分析(竖向IDA)方法,进行完好和损伤结构的概率抗竖向连续倒塌能力分析及参数灵敏度分析。采用整体可靠度方法,分析了损伤结构的竖向连续倒塌条件失效概率。基于系统可靠度理论和全概率方法,分析了RC框架结构发生侧向增量倒塌以及构件地震损伤引起的结构竖向连续倒塌的联合失效概率。分析结果表明,按照我国现行规范设计的钢筋混凝土框架结构具有良好的抗连续倒塌能力。  相似文献   

Steel bracing is able to improve progressive collapse resistance of reinforced concrete (RC) frames, but the bracing design is typically based on seismic retrofitting or lateral stability. There is no approach for design of steel bracing against progressive collapse. To this end, a retrofitting approach with steel braces is proposed based on analysis of macro finite element (FE) models with fiber beam elements. The FE models were initially validated through the experimental results of a braced frame and then used to investigate the effects of pertinent parameters on the progressive collapse resistance of planar frames. The results suggest the braces should be placed at the top story. Thereafter, macro FE models are built to investigate the dynamic responses of the three‐dimensional prototype RC frames under different column removal scenarios (CRS) and show the necessity of retrofitting. Accordingly, the design approach of steel bracing is proposed with incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) and assuming independent contribution of braces and frames to resistance. Finally, the fragility analysis of the frames under a corner‐penultimate‐exterior CRS is conducted through IDA and Monte Carlo simulation, and the results confirm the validity of the proposed design approach for retrofitting RC frames.  相似文献   

During the seismic events occurred in the last decades, the existing reinforced concrete (RC) building stock has often exhibited a significant brittle collapse of joints and secondary elements such as infill walls. A quite common strategy, in the attempt of mitigating this vulnerability, is the generalised implementation of strengthening interventions on the structural elements, even in the absence of a complete seismic assessment procedure. This paper presents some considerations about the effects induced by strengthening interventions involving the tying of the infill panels to the RC frame. Within this context, an appraisal of the actual displacement capacity and the possible alteration induced on the global collapse mechanism is provided. The analyses and discussion of results are presented with reference to an actual case study concerning a school building, which was part of a wide vulnerability assessment investigation performed in the Province of Foggia, Italy. In particular, seismic analyses performed using nonlinear static analysis procedures on the strengthened configuration and on the original structure are critically compared and discussed.  相似文献   

李铁 《建筑节能》2005,33(4):24-25
钢筋砼楼面施工各环节采取合理有效的施工措施,才能最大限度地避免工程质量缺陷。  相似文献   

Progressive collapse of structures refers to local damage due to occasional and abnormal loads, which in turn leads to the development of a chain reaction mechanism and progressive and catastrophic failure. The tie force (TF) method is one of the major design techniques for resisting progressive collapse, whereby a statically indeterminate structure is designed through a locally simplified determinate structure by assumed failure mode. The method is also adopted by the BS8110-1:1997, Eurocode 1, and DoD 2005. Due to the overly simplified analytical model used in the current practical codes, it is necessary to further investigate the reliability of the code predictions. In this research, a numerical study on two reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures demonstrates that the current TF method is inadequate in increasing the progressive collapse resistance. In view of this, the fundamental principles inherent in the current TF method are examined in some detail. It is found that the current method fails to consider such important factors as load redistribution in three dimensions, dynamic effect, and internal force correction. As such, an improved TF method is proposed in this study. The applicability and reliability of the proposed method is verified through numerical design examples.  相似文献   

戎庚辛  赵琦 《山西建筑》2002,28(3):67-68
由于大面积钢筋混凝土地面具有结构牢固、平整光洁和便于清洁的优点,在一般公众场所,从20世纪90年代起就取代了水泥砂浆地面、水磨石地面以及地板砖地面。从原材料的选用,混凝土配合比及水灰比的确定,坍落度和温度的控制、搅拌、运输、浇筑,直到平整度控制、压实磨光、养护、表面硬化剂处理各道工序均作了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new design-oriented methodology for progressive collapse assessment of floor systems within multi-storey buildings subject to impact from an above failed floor. The conceptual basis of the proposed framework is that the ability of the lower floor for arresting the falling floor depends on the amount of kinetic energy transmitted from the upper floor during impact. Three principal independent stages are employed in the proposed framework, including: (a) determination of the nonlinear static response of the impacted floor system, (b) dynamic assessment using a simplified energy balance approach, and (c) ductility assessment at the maximum level of dynamic deformation attained upon impact. In order to calibrate the proposed method, the part of the kinetic energy of the impacting floor that is transferred to the impacted floor is first theoretically determined for the two extreme impact possibilities, namely fully rigid and fully plastic impact. Moreover, a series of numerical studies is carried out to further refine the accuracy of this new approach with respect to different impact scenarios, whilst the effects of detailed joint modelling and redundancy are also investigated. The application of the proposed methodology is demonstrated by means of a case study, which considers the impact response of a floor plate within a typical multi-storey steel-framed composite building. Several possibilities regarding the location of the impacted floor plate, the nature of the impact event and the intensity of the gravity loads carried by the falling floor are examined. The application study illustrates the extremely onerous conditions imposed on the impacted floor resulting in an increased vulnerability to progressive collapse for structures of this type. Importantly, the likelihood of shear failure modes in addition to inadequate ductility supply under combined bending/axial actions is identified, thus establishing the need for further research work on the dynamic shear capacity of various connection types subject to extreme events.  相似文献   

The progressive collapse resistance design approach is generally applied in the context of a “column‐removal” scenario to assess the structural vulnerability to progressive collapse. To obtain a better understanding of the complex progressive collapse resistance of 3D asymmetrical column‐beam‐slab systems, five one‐third scale 2 × 2 bay asymmetrical reinforced concrete (RC) spatial frame substructure specimens were tested to analyze their collapse mechanisms under five different column removal scenarios, namely, an interior column removal scenario (INT), an exterior column removal scenario in the asymmetrical direction (EXT‐X), an exterior column removal scenario in the symmetrical direction (EXT‐Y), a corner column removal scenario at the long bay (COR‐L), and a corner column removal scenario at the short bay (COR‐S), which are among the most critical scenarios for analyzing structural resistance against progressive collapse. The test results showed that INT had the highest progressive collapse resistance capacity among the scenario substructures and exhibited two progressive collapse‐resisting mechanism stages: a primary mechanism stage (beam and compressive membrane mechanism) under small deformations and a secondary mechanism stage (catenary and tensile membrane mechanism) under large deformations in both the X‐direction and the Y‐direction. In EXT‐X and EXT‐Y, the collapse resistance was mainly provided by the double‐span beam at both the primary mechanism stage and the secondary mechanism stage. In COR‐L and COR‐S, the tensile membrane mechanism could not be mobilized, as the single‐span beams in both the X‐direction and the Y‐direction behaved like cantilevers. Additionally, the asymmetrical span design reduced the resistance of the structure against progressive collapse.  相似文献   

周平槐 《建筑结构》2012,(8):151-156
日本是个地震频发国家,其抗震设计概念发展迅速。每当建筑规范修订后要执行更严格的标准时,按照旧规范设计的既有建筑,需要通过三级抗震鉴定方法,用以发现哪部分建筑物最有可能遭受破坏。在这种筛选方法中,低等级鉴定方法简单,但结果过于保守;而高等级鉴定方法则需通过更复杂的计算分析,才能得到较为可靠的结果。介绍了三级抗震鉴定方法的具体计算过程。并以一学校建筑为工程实例,进行了第一级和第二级的抗震鉴定分析,最终算得结构基本抗震性能指数E0,然后得到结构抗震性能指标Is,与结构抗震安全指标Is0作比较,从而确定结构是否抗震安全。还简单介绍了日本常见抗震加固方法,供国内抗震加固借鉴。  相似文献   

耿光华 《山西建筑》2012,38(24):44-45
通过在苏州市体育中心健身馆工程结构设计中采用了型钢混凝土组合结构处理大跨度结构,提供了对该类结构的计算思路,并采取了相应的构造措施,取得了较好效果,有助于促进型钢混凝土在大跨度建筑中的推广应用。  相似文献   

司小飞 《山西建筑》2011,37(2):102-103
针对现浇钢筋混凝土楼板极易出现裂缝的问题,结合GB50011-2001建筑抗震设计规范对产生裂缝的各种因素进行了分析,提出了在设计、施工、材料等方面进行裂缝控制的建议和方法,以指导实践。  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土楼盖设计是混凝土结构设计课程中的一个重要教学内容,从教学的角度出发,查阅了大量的资料和教材,阐述了相关概念及知识点,旨在提高课堂教学质量,为学生学习和掌握结构设计方法打下了坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

吴赵强  李艳  熊进刚 《山西建筑》2010,36(11):72-73
从钢筋混凝土结构受力机制和倒塌破坏准则两方面,对抗震与抗连续倒塌的区别进行了分析与比较,结果表明:抗倒塌不同于抗震,结构抗震设计的有益作用并不能取代抗倒塌设计。  相似文献   

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