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Arun Ghosh T. Rakesh Krishnan Pailla Tejaswy Abhisek Mandal Jatin K. Pradhan Subhakant Ranasingh 《ISA transactions》2014
This paper employs a 2-DOF (degree of freedom) PID controller for compensating a physical magnetic levitation system. It is shown that because of having a feedforward gain in the proposed 2-DOF PID control, the transient performance of the compensated system can be changed in a desired manner unlike the conventional 1-DOF PID control. It is also shown that for a choice of PID parameters, although the theoretical loop robustness is the same for both the compensated systems, in real-time, 2-DOF PID control may provide superior robustness if a suitable choice of the feedforward parameter is made. The results are verified through simulations and experiments. 相似文献
High-precision magnetic levitation stage for photolithography 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
In this paper, we present a high-precision magnetic levitation (maglev) stage for photolithography in semiconductor manufacturing. This stage is the world’s first maglev stage that provides fine six-degree-of-freedom motion controls and realizes large (50 mm × 50 mm) planar motions with only a single magnetically levitated moving part. The key element of this stage is a linear motor capable of providing forces in both suspension and translation without contact. The advantage of such a stage is that the mechanical design is far simpler than competing conventional approaches and, thus, promises faster dynamic response and higher mechanical reliability. The stage operates with a positioning noise as low as 5 nm rms in x and y, and acceleration capabilities in excess of 1 g (10 m/s2). We demonstrate the utility of this stage for next-generation photolithography or in other high-precision motion control applications. 相似文献
Masakazu Nakanishi 《仪器仪表学报》2008,29(3):449-452
Superconducting magnetic levitation measurement is one of the most promising approaches to define mass standard based on the fundamental physical constants. However, the present system has unknown factors causing error larger than 50 ppm. We examined the effects of magnetic fluxes trapped in the superconducting coil and the superconducting floating body. When fluxes were trapped in either coil or floating body, their effects were able to be cancelled by reversing polarities of current and magnetic field, as had been believed. However, fluxes trapped in both coil and body induced an attractive force between them and caused error. In order to reduce the fluxes, the coil and the floating body should be cooled in low magnetic field in magnetic and electromagnetic shields. 相似文献
基于磁悬浮效应的三维振动测量 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
设计了磁悬浮球系统模型,测量一定电流下磁悬浮球位移与受力得到磁悬浮球的电磁力表达式,推导了磁悬浮球运动的动力学方程.实测中磁悬浮球模型壳体与被测振动体刚性连接,通过光电传感器测出磁悬浮球与壳体的相对位移得到三维被测振动信号.通过标准振动台实测验证,小于120 Hz的最大绝对误差为±0.3 Hz,相对误差为±1.5%~±0.25%,120 Hz~5 kHz的最大绝对误差为±1Hz,相对误差为±0.83%-±0.02%.由于磁悬浮球悬浮于空中,灵敏度高,具有良好的频率响应特性,磁悬浮球运动各向同性,不存在因粘贴传感元件带来的极间耦合问题,与传统多维振动测量方法相比较该方法具有独特的优势. 相似文献
以上海TR高速磁悬浮列车为分析对象,用ANSYS软件建立单磁铁模型,对其额定工况进行了静态磁场分析,着重分析了励磁电流和气隙高度的变化对悬浮力的影响,为悬浮电磁铁优化设计和磁浮列车的静止悬浮稳定性控制提供了依据。最后,通过电磁铁组合模型的静态磁场分析,证明了单磁铁分析结果的准确性。 相似文献
磁悬浮式纳米级微动工作台的理论分析与建模研究 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
磁悬浮式微动工作台由于运动平台和驱动机构采用非接触式的磁悬浮驱动技术而易于实现大范围纳米级精度的微运动。本文构建了一种新型的磁悬浮微动工作台,从理论上对磁悬浮式微动工作台的运动机理进行了详尽分析,建立了磁悬浮式微运动的电磁驱动模型,用Matlab对磁悬浮式微动工作台的运动控制进行了仿真研究,结果表明,设计的磁悬浮式微动工作台能达到纳米级的微运动。本文的研究成果为磁悬浮式微动工作台的设计及其控制提供了理论基础。 相似文献
磁悬浮精密定位工作台设计与有限元综合分析 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
利用磁悬浮技术将工作台悬浮在导轨上,消除了摩擦和磨损,采用直线电机无接触驱动实现了工作台的精密定位.针对微电子行业IC芯片制造设备如光刻机的磁悬浮精密定位工作台进行了CAD结构设计,有限元电磁场分析,在采用有限元软件Ansys进行磁悬浮系统电磁场分析的基础上,将磁力计算结果调入CAE软件MSC PATRAN/NASTRAN中,磁力计算与结构力学综合分析计算,合理地评价了磁悬浮移动平台的性能.进行了磁悬浮工作台的模态测试,模态测试结果与有限元分析结果相符合,证明了文中的建模方法及分析计算结果是正确的.通过有限元分析与模态测试,找出了薄弱环节,对结构进行了改进. 相似文献
介绍了单自由度磁悬浮微动机器人的结构和工作原理,研究了磁悬浮微动机器人位移数据采集系统,系统包括位移量的A/D转换电路、单片机系统、D/A转换电路、PWWI电路、驱动放大电路、串口通信电路。同时介绍了机器人位移控制系统,经过实验证明该系统能够较好地控制机器人的运动。 相似文献
基于神经网络的磁悬浮球自适应控制器 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
建立了磁悬浮球系统的数学模型,讨论了系统的刚度阻尼和控制系统之间的关系。利用神经网络的学习功能在传统比例积分微分(PID)控制器的基础上构建了一种自适应PID控制器。用于磁悬浮球控制系统。实验结果表明,控制器结构简单,易于工程实现,可以实现磁悬浮球的稳定悬浮,并且系统具有快速响应性和良好的抗干扰性。 相似文献
针对微电子行业IC芯片制造设备如光刻机的快速步进、精密定位需求,研制出一种新型磁悬浮微进给机构,实现了运动部件与运行导轨之间的无接触支撑,消除了摩擦与磨损,克服了摩擦产生的金属粉尘污染问题.通过PID特性分析并利用PMAC运动控制器设计了一套完整的控制系统,详细阐明了整个控制系统的结构与工作原理,通过试验曲线比较说明了该控制系统的准确性,更进一步的说明了磁悬浮微进给机构的合理性. 相似文献
磁悬浮振子绝对式振动测量方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提出了用磁悬浮球作为振子实现非接触绝对式振动测量方法,推导了磁悬浮球的动力学方程,方程表明磁悬浮球的运动方程与质量-弹簧系统一致,均为常系数二阶微分方程,从理论上证实将磁悬浮球作为振子是可行的.给出了灵敏度和最大加速度指标,研究了磁悬浮振子振动传感器的频率特性并进行了误差分析.实验结果表明,磁悬浮振子振动传感器的输出波形与外加激振器的波形一致.磁悬浮振子振动传感器属于非接触绝对式振动测量方法,克服了机械摩擦和机械间隙误差,可直接输出振动位移信号,阻尼由电子电路实现便于阻尼参数调整,灵敏度高,频响范围宽,易于实现多维振动测量等,为绝对式振动测量提供了新的测量方法. 相似文献
磁悬浮球系统控制器的分析设计 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
从磁悬浮球的物理模型出发,建立了磁悬浮球系统的线性化数学模型,在模型分析的基础上,对控制策略进行了分析与研究.重点介绍了通过积分分离和微分先行两种方法对PID控制器进行优化设计的方案.仿真研究表明,所设计的控制器较好地满足了系统的要求. 相似文献
基于线性矩阵不等式(LMI)理论,提出设计非脆弱鲁棒控制器来抑制不确定因素的影响以及控制器参数摄动.首先,采用矢量控制方法中的id=0控制策略,把非线性系统解耦成独立的线性电流子系统和速度子系统.其次,根据H∞性能指标与线性矩阵不等式的等价性,将控制器设计转化为对LMI的求解.最后,为了验证其有效性,在MATLAB环境下对控制系统进行仿真研究.通过研究可知,非脆弱鲁棒控制器能在容许的增益摄动下以及存在不确定性干扰时,系统不仅具有鲁棒性而且还是非脆弱的,从而保证闭环系统具有良好的鲁棒性. 相似文献
The robust control design problem for the levitation control of a nonlinear uncertain maglev system is considered. The uncertainty is (possibly) fast time-varying. The system has magnitude limitation on the airgap between the suspended chassis and the guideway in order to prevent undesirable contact. Furthermore, the (global) matching condition is not satisfied. After a three-step state transformation, a robust control scheme for the maglev vehicle is proposed, which is able to guarantee the uniform boundedness and uniform ultimate boundedness of the system, regardless of the uncertainty. The magnitude limitation of the airgap is guaranteed, regardless of the uncertainty. 相似文献
针对磁悬浮微驱动器的实时精确控制问题,对新型绕组式磁悬浮微驱动器的结构与工作原理进行了研究,对磁悬浮微驱动器中的磁场分布进行了理论分析,提出了一种基于FPGA的磁悬浮微驱动器悬浮系统的运动模型以及PID控制系统,并通过Matlab仿真实验验证了该数学模型。完成了系统的硬件控制电路及相应的软件设计,搭建了基于FPGA的磁悬浮微驱动器悬浮控制实验系统。该系统可利用位置环对磁悬浮微驱动器进行PID控制,并在上位机Delphi界面中显示悬浮状态,通过对所设计的PID控制器的控制精度、大范围精确控制性能、动态性能和跟踪性能进行了实验验证。实验结果表明,该系统响应速度快、可靠性高,可实现2 mm范围的精度为1μm的控制。 相似文献
Magnetic levitation systems are required to have a large operating range in many applications. As one method to solve this
problem, Time Delay Control (TDC) is applied to a single-axis magnetic levitation system in this paper. A reduced-order observer
is utilized to estimate states excluding measurable states in the control law. The system consists of a square air-core solenoid
and a circular permanent magnet attached on a plastic ball. Theoretical magnetic forces of the system are obtained on the
basis of the location of the magnet around the solenoid. The magnetic levitation force is obtained by the experiment, and
then compared with the theoretical one. As the results of the control experiments, the nonlinear controller (TDC : 1–2 mm)
has a larger operating range than the linear controller (PD control: 1–1.4 mm), and is superior to linear control in the robustness
to the modeling uncertainty and the performance of the disturbance rejection. 相似文献
协同CAD系统中的对象标记算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
协同CAD系统中的操作意愿保证是一个复杂而又关键的问题,其研究具有挑战性,首先分析了图形对象的并发操作的特点和冲突,给出了一个全新的对象标记模型,解决了非和何和删除类操作的冲突问题,与对象复制算法一起构成一个通用模型,基于该模型,对一些相关算法的实现,进行了深入的讨论。 相似文献
High-energy x-ray diffraction studies of metallic liquids provide valuable information about structural evolution on the atomic length scale, leading to insights into the origin of the nucleation barrier and the processes of supercooling and glass formation. The containerless processing of the beamline electrostatic levitation (BESL) facility allows coordinated thermophysical and structural studies of equilibrium and supercooled liquids to be made in a contamination-free, high-vacuum (~10(-8) Torr) environment. To date, the incorporation of electrostatic levitation facilities into synchrotron beamlines has been difficult due to the large footprint of the apparatus and the difficulties associated with its transportation and implementation. Here, we describe a modular levitation facility that is optimized for diffraction studies of high-temperature liquids at high-energy synchrotron beamlines. The modular approach used in the apparatus design allows it to be easily transported and quickly setup. Unlike most previous electrostatic levitation facilities, BESL can be operated by a single user instead of a user team. 相似文献