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The use of lidar data to estimate critical variables needed for modeling wildfire behavior was tested on a Scots pine forest (Pinus sylvestris L.) in central Spain. Lidar data accurately estimated crown bulk density at the plot level (r2=0.80). Lidar data could be used to directly estimate crown volume (r2=0.92) and foliage biomass (r2=0.84), which together produced better results than directly fitting the lidar data to crown bulk density. Incorporating equations that relate tree diameter at breast height and other forest parameters improved estimates of foliage biomass. Individual tree level analyses were not completely successful due to difficulty in accurately assigning laser pulses to the correct tree (r2=0.14).  相似文献   

The use of airborne laser scanning systems (lidar) to describe forest structure has increased dramatically since height profiling experiments nearly 30 years ago. The analyses in most studies employ a suite of frequency-based metrics calculated from the lidar height data, which are systematically eliminated from a full model using stepwise multiple linear regression. The resulting models often include highly correlated predictors with little physical justification for model formulation. We propose a method to aggregate discrete lidar height and intensity measurements into larger footprints to create “pseudo-waves”. Specifically, the returns are first sorted into height bins, sliced into narrow discrete elements, and finally smoothed using a spline function. The resulting “pseudo-waves” have many of the same characteristics of traditional waveform lidar data. We compared our method to a traditional frequency-based method to estimate tree height, canopy structure, stem density, and stand biomass in coniferous and deciduous stands in northern Wisconsin (USA). We found that the pseudo-wave approach had strong correlations for nearly all tree measurements including height (cross validated adjusted R2 (R2cv) = 0.82, RMSEcv = 2.09 m), mean stem diameter (R2cv = 0.64, RMSEcv = 6.15 cm), total aboveground biomass (R2cv = 0.74, RMSEcv = 74.03 kg ha− 1), and canopy coverage (R2cv = 0.79, RMSEcv = 5%). Moreover, the type of wave (derived from height and intensity or from height alone) had little effect on model formulation and fit. When wave-based and frequency-based models were compared, fit and mean square error were comparable, leading us to conclude that the pseudo-wave approach is a viable alternative because it has 1) an increased breadth of available metrics; 2) the potential to establish new meaningful metrics that capture unique patterns within the waves; 3) the ability to explain metric selection based on the physical structure of forests; and 4) lower correlation among independent variables.  相似文献   

Lidars have the unique ability to make direct, physical measurements of forest height and vertical structure in much denser canopies than is possible with passive optical or short wavelength radars. However the literature reports a consistent underestimate of tree height when using physically based methods, necessitating empirical corrections. This bias is a result of overestimating the range to the canopy top due to background noise and failing to correctly identify the ground.This paper introduces a method, referred to as “noise tracking”, to avoid biases when determining the range to the canopy top. Simulated waveforms, created with Monte-Carlo ray tracing over geometrically explicit forest models, are used to test noise tracking against simple thresholding over a range of forest and system characteristics. It was found that noise tracking almost completely removed the bias in all situations except for very high noise levels and very low (< 10%) canopy covers. In all cases noise tracking gave lower errors than simple thresholding and had a lower sensitivity to the initial noise threshold.Finite laser pulses spread out the measured signal, potentially overriding the benefit of noise tracking. In the past laser pulse length has been corrected by adding half that length to the signal start range. This investigation suggests that this is not always appropriate for simple thresholding and that the results for noise tracking were more directly related to pulse length than for simple thresholding. That this effect has not been commented on before may be due to the possible confounding impacts of instrument and survey characteristics inherent in field data. This method should help improve the accuracy of waveform lidar measurements of forests, whether using airborne or spaceborne instruments.  相似文献   

Wild-land fires have become intense and more frequent all over the world. Improving the accuracy of mapping fuel models is essential for fuel management decisions and explicit fire behavior prediction for real-time support of suppression tactics and logistics decisions. The overall aim of this paper is to develop the use of lidar (LIght Detection and Ranging) remote sensing to accurately and effectively assess fuel models in East Texas. More specific goals include: (1) developing lidar derived products and the methodology to use them for assessing fuel models; (2) investigating the use of several techniques for data fusion of lidar and multispectral imagery for assessing fuel models; (3) investigating the gain in fuels mapping accuracy when using lidar as opposed to QuickBird imagery alone; and (4) producing spatially explicit digital fuel maps. Estimates of fuel models were compared with in-situ data collected over 62 plots. We employ a unique approach to classify fuel models using a combination of lidar height bins and multispectral image data. Different image processing approaches for fusing lidar and multispectral data, such as the Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) and Principle Component Analysis (PCA), were used to improve the overall accuracy of image classification. Supervised image classification methods provided better accuracy (90.10%) with the fusion of airborne lidar data with QuickBird data than with QuickBird imagery alone (76.52%).According to our results, lidar derived data provide accurate estimates of surface fuel parameters efficiently and accurately over extensive areas of forests. This study demonstrates the importance of using accurate maps of fuel models derived using new lidar remote sensing techniques.  相似文献   

Forest structure data derived from lidar is being used in forest science and management for inventory analysis, biomass estimation, and wildlife habitat analysis. Regression analysis dominated previous approaches to the derivation of tree stem and crown parameters from lidar. The regression model for tree parameters is locally applied based on vertical lidar point density, the tree species involved, and stand structure in the specific research area. The results of this approach, therefore, are location-specific, limiting its applicability to other areas. For a more widely applicable approach to derive tree parameters, we developed an innovative method called ‘wrapped surface reconstruction’ that employs radial basis functions and an isosurface. Utilizing computer graphics, we capture the exact shape of an irregular tree crown of various tree species based on the lidar point cloud and visualize their exact crown formation in three-dimensional space. To validate the tree parameters given by our wrapped surface approach, survey-grade equipment (a total station) was used to measure the crown shape. Four vantage points were established for each of 55 trees to capture whole-tree crown profiles georeferenced with post-processed differential GPS points. The observed tree profiles were linearly interpolated to estimate crown volume. These fieldwork-generated profiles were compared with the wrapped surface to assess goodness of fit. For coniferous trees, the following tree crown parameters derived by the wrapped surface method were highly correlated (< 0.05) with the total station-derived measurements: tree height (R2 = 0.95), crown width (R2 = 0.80), live crown base (R2 = 0.92), height of the lowest branch (R2 = 0.72), and crown volume (R2 = 0.84). For deciduous trees, wrapped surface-derived parameters of tree height (R2 = 0.96), crown width (R2 = 0.75), live crown base (R2 = 0.53), height of the lowest branch (R2 = 0.51), and crown volume (R2 = 0.89) were correlated with the total station-derived measurements. The wrapped surface technique is less susceptible to errors in estimation of tree parameters because of exact interpolation using the radial basis functions. The effect of diminished energy return causes the low correlation for lowest branches in deciduous trees (R2 = 0.51), even though leaf-off lidar data was used. The wrapped surface provides fast and automated detection of micro-scale tree parameters for specific applications in areas such as tree physiology, fire modeling, and forest inventory.  相似文献   

Identifying species of individual trees using airborne laser scanner   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Individual trees can be detected using high-density airborne laser scanner data. Also, variables characterizing the detected trees such as tree height, crown area, and crown base height can be measured. The Scandinavian boreal forest mainly consists of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and deciduous trees. It is possible to separate coniferous from deciduous trees using near-infrared images, but pine and spruce give similar spectral signals. Airborne laser scanning, measuring structure and shape of tree crowns could be used for discriminating between spruce and pine. The aim of this study was to test classification of Scots pine versus Norway spruce on an individual tree level using features extracted from airborne laser scanning data. Field measurements were used for training and validation of the classification. The position of all trees on 12 rectangular plots (50×20 m2) were measured in field and tree species was recorded. The dominating species (>80%) was Norway spruce for six of the plots and Scots pine for six plots. The field-measured trees were automatically linked to the laser-measured trees. The laser-detected trees on each plot were classified into species classes using all laser-detected trees on the other plots as training data. The portion correctly classified trees on all plots was 95%. Crown base height estimations of individual trees were also evaluated (r=0.84). The classification results in this study demonstrate the ability to discriminate between pine and spruce using laser data. This method could be applied in an operational context. In the first step, a segmentation of individual tree crowns is performed using laser data. In the second step, tree species classification is performed based on the segments. Methods could be developed in the future that combine laser data with digital near-infrared photographs for classification with the three classes: Norway spruce, Scots pine, and deciduous trees.  相似文献   

A spaceborne lidar mission could serve multiple scientific purposes including remote sensing of ecosystem structure, carbon storage, terrestrial topography and ice sheet monitoring. The measurement requirements of these different goals will require compromises in sensor design. Footprint diameters that would be larger than optimal for vegetation studies have been proposed. Some spaceborne lidar mission designs include the possibility that a lidar sensor would share a platform with another sensor, which might require off-nadir pointing at angles of up to 16°. To resolve multiple mission goals and sensor requirements, detailed knowledge of the sensitivity of sensor performance to these aspects of mission design is required.This research used a radiative transfer model to investigate the sensitivity of forest height estimates to footprint diameter, off-nadir pointing and their interaction over a range of forest canopy properties. An individual-based forest model was used to simulate stands of mixed conifer forest in the Tahoe National Forest (Northern California, USA) and stands of deciduous forests in the Bartlett Experimental Forest (New Hampshire, USA). Waveforms were simulated for stands generated by a forest succession model using footprint diameters of 20 m to 70 m. Off-nadir angles of 0 to 16° were considered for a 25 m diameter footprint diameter.Footprint diameters in the range of 25 m to 30 m were optimal for estimates of maximum forest height (R2 of 0.95 and RMSE of 3 m). As expected, the contribution of vegetation height to the vertical extent of the waveform decreased with larger footprints, while the contribution of terrain slope increased. Precision of estimates decreased with an increasing off-nadir pointing angle, but off-nadir pointing had less impact on height estimates in deciduous forests than in coniferous forests. When pointing off-nadir, the decrease in precision was dependent on local incidence angle (the angle between the off-nadir beam and a line normal to the terrain surface) which is dependent on the off-nadir pointing angle, terrain slope, and the difference between the laser pointing azimuth and terrain aspect; the effect was larger when the sensor was aligned with the terrain azimuth but when aspect and azimuth are opposed, there was virtually no effect on R2 or RMSE. A second effect of off-nadir pointing is that the laser beam will intersect individual crowns and the canopy as a whole from a different angle which had a distinct effect on the precision of lidar estimates of height, decreasing R2 and increasing RMSE, although the effect was most pronounced for coniferous crowns.  相似文献   

Meso-scale digital terrain models (DTMs) and canopy-height estimates, or digital canopy models (DCMs), are two lidar products that have immense potential for research in tropical rain forest (TRF) ecology and management. In this study, we used a small-footprint lidar sensor (airborne laser scanner, ALS) to estimate sub-canopy elevation and canopy height in an evergreen tropical rain forest. A fully automated, local-minima algorithm was developed to separate lidar ground returns from overlying vegetation returns. We then assessed inverse distance weighted (IDW) and ordinary kriging (OK) geostatistical techniques for the interpolation of a sub-canopy DTM. OK was determined to be a superior interpolation scheme because it smoothed fine-scale variance created by spurious understory heights in the ground-point dataset. The final DTM had a linear correlation of 1.00 and a root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 2.29 m when compared against 3859 well-distributed ground-survey points. In old-growth forests, RMS error on steep slopes was 0.67 m greater than on flat slopes. On flatter slopes, variation in vegetation complexity associated with land use caused highly significant differences in DTM error distribution across the landscape. The highest DTM accuracy observed in this study was 0.58-m RMSE, under flat, open-canopy areas with relatively smooth surfaces. Lidar ground retrieval was complicated by dense, multi-layered evergreen canopy in old-growth forests, causing DTM overestimation that increased RMS error to 1.95 m.A DCM was calculated from the original lidar surface and the interpolated DTM. Individual and plot-scale heights were estimated from DCM metrics and compared to field data measured using similar spatial supports and metrics. For old-growth forest emergent trees and isolated pasture trees greater than 20 m tall, individual tree heights were underestimated and had 3.67- and 2.33-m mean absolute error (MAE), respectively. Linear-regression models explained 51% (4.15-m RMSE) and 95% (2.41-m RMSE) of the variance, respectively. It was determined that improved elevation and field-height estimation in pastures explained why individual pasture trees could be estimated more accurately than old-growth trees. Mean height of tree stems in 32 young agroforestry plantation plots (0.38 to 18.53 m tall) was estimated with a mean absolute error of 0.90 m (r2=0.97; 1.08-m model RMSE) using the mean of lidar returns in the plot. As in other small-footprint lidar studies, plot mean height was underestimated; however, our plot-scale results have stronger linear models for tropical, leaf-on hardwood trees than has been previously reported for temperate-zone conifer and deciduous hardwoods.  相似文献   

High-resolution digital canopy models derived from airborne lidar data have the ability to provide detailed information on the vertical structure of forests. However, compared to satellite data of similar spatial resolution and extent, the small footprint airborne lidar data required to produce such models remain expensive. In an effort to reduce these costs, the primary objective of this paper is to develop an airborne lidar sampling strategy to model full-scene forest canopy height from optical imagery, lidar transects and Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA). To achieve this goal, this research focuses on (i) determining appropriate lidar transect features (i.e., location, direction and extent) from an optical scene, (ii) developing a mechanism to model forest canopy height for the full-scene based on a minimum number of lidar transects, and (iii) defining an optimal mean object size (MOS) to accurately model the canopy composition and height distribution. Results show that (i) the transect locations derived from our optimal lidar transect selection algorithm accurately capture the canopy height variability of the entire study area; (ii) our canopy height estimation models have similar performance in two lidar transect directions (i.e., north-south and west-east); (iii) a small lidar extent (17.6% of total size) can achieve similar canopy height estimation accuracies as those modeled from the full lidar scene; and (iv) different MOS can lead to distinctly different canopy height results. By comparing the best canopy height estimate with the full lidar canopy height data, we obtained average estimation errors of 6.0 m and 6.8 m for conifer and deciduous forests at the individual tree crown/small tree cluster level, and an area weighted combined error of 6.2 m, which is lower than the provincial forest inventory height class interval (i.e., ≈ 9.0 m).  相似文献   

Field data describing the height growth of trees or stands over several decades are very scarce. Consequently, our capacity of analyzing forest dynamics over large areas and long periods of time is somewhat limited. This study proposes a new method for retrospectively reconstructing plot-wise average dominant tree height based on a time series of high-resolution canopy height maps, termed canopy height models (CHMs). The absolute elevation of the canopy surface, or digital surface model (DSM), was first reconstructed by applying image-matching techniques to stereo-pairs of aerial photographs acquired in 1945, 1965, 1983, and 2003. The historical CHMs were then created by subtracting the bare earth elevation provided from a recent lidar survey from the DSMs. A method for estimating average dominant tree height from these historical CHMs was developed and calibrated for each photographic year. The accuracy of the resulting remote sensing height estimates was compared to age-height data reconstructed based on dendrometric measurements. The height bias of the remote sensing estimates relative to the verification data ranged from 0.52 m to 1.55 m (1.16 m on average). The corresponding root-mean-square errors varied between 1.49 m and 2.88 m (2.03 m average). Despite being slightly less accurate than historical field data, the quality of the remote sensing estimates is sufficient for many types of forest dynamics studies. The procedures for implementing this method, with the exception of the calibration phase, are entirely automated such that forest height growth curves can be reconstructed and mapped over large areas for which recent lidar data and historical photographs exist.  相似文献   

The direct retrieval of canopy height and the estimation of aboveground biomass are two important measures of forest structure that can be quantified by airborne laser scanning at landscape scales. These and other metrics are central to studies attempting to quantify global carbon cycles and to improve understanding of the spatial variation in forest structure evident within differing biomes. Data acquired using NASA's Laser Vegetation Imaging Sensor (LVIS) over the Bartlett Experimental Forest (BEF) in central New Hampshire (USA) was used to assess the performance of waveform lidar in a northern temperate mixed conifer and deciduous forest.Using coincident plots established for this study, we found strong agreement between field and lidar measurements of height (r2 = 0.80, p < 0.000) at the footprint level. Allometric calculations of aboveground biomass (AGBM) and LVIS metrics (AGBM: r2 = 0.61, PRESS RMSE = 58.0 Mg ha− 1, p < 0.000) and quadratic mean stem diameter (QMSD) and LVIS metrics (r2 = 0.54, p = 0.002) also showed good agreement at the footprint level. Application of a generalized equation for determining AGBM proposed by Lefsky et al. (2002a) to footprint-level field data from Bartlett resulted in a coefficient of determination of 0.55; RMSE = 64.4 Mg ha− 1; p = 0.002. This is slightly weaker than the strongest relationship found with the best-fit single term regression model.Relationships between a permanent grid of USDA Forest Service inventory plots and the mean values of aggregated LVIS metrics, however, were not as strong. This discrepancy suggests that validation efforts must be cautious in using pre-existing field data networks as a sole means of calibrating and verifying such remote sensing data. Stratification based on land-use or species composition, however, did provide the means to improve regression relationships at this scale. Regression models established at the footprint level for AGBM and QMSD were applied to LVIS data to generate predicted values for the whole of Bartlett. The accuracy of these models was assessed using varying subsets of the USFS NERS plot data. Coefficient of determinations ranged from fair to strong with aspects of land-use history and species composition influencing both the fit and the level of error seen in the predicted relationships.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that attempts to use remote sensing to map the spatial and structural patterns of individual tree species abundances in heterogeneous forests, such as those found in northeastern North America, may benefit from the integration of hyperspectral or multi-spectral information with other active sensor data such as lidar. Towards this end, we describe the integrated and individual capabilities of waveform lidar and hyperspectral data to estimate three common forest measurements - basal area (BA), above-ground biomass (AGBM) and quadratic mean stem diameter (QMSD) - in a northern temperate mixed conifer and deciduous forest. The use of this data to discriminate distribution and abundance patterns of five common and often, dominant tree species was also explored. Waveform lidar imagery was acquired in July 2003 over the 1000 ha. Bartlett Experimental Forest (BEF) in central New Hampshire (USA) using NASA's airborne Laser Vegetation Imaging Sensor (LVIS). High spectral resolution imagery was likewise acquired in August 2003 using NASA's Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS). Field data (2001-2003) from over 400 US Forest Service Northern Research Station (USFS NRS) plots were used to determine actual site conditions.Results suggest that the integrated data sets of hyperspectral and waveform lidar provide improved outcomes over use of either data set alone in evaluating common forest metrics. Across all forest conditions, 8-9% more of the variation in AGBM, BA, and QMSD was explained by use of the integrated sensor data in comparison to either AVIRIS or LVIS metrics applied singly, with estimated error 5-8% lower for these variables. Notably, in an analysis using integrated data limited to unmanaged forest tracts, AGBM coefficients of determination improved by 25% or more, while corresponding error levels decreased by over 25%. When data were restricted based on the presence of individual tree species within plots, AVIRIS data alone best predicted species-specific patterns of abundance as determined by species fraction of biomass. Nonetheless, use of LVIS and AVIRIS data - in tandem - produced complementary maps of estimated abundance and structure for individual tree species, providing a promising adjunct to traditional forest inventory and conservation biology planning efforts.  相似文献   

Methods for using airborne laser scanning (also called airborne LIDAR) to retrieve forest parameters that are critical for fire behavior modeling are presented. A model for the automatic extraction of forest information is demonstrated to provide spatial coverage of the study area, making it possible to produce 3-D inputs to improve fire behavior models.The Toposys I airborne laser system recorded the last return of each footprint (0.30-0.38 m) over a 2000 m by 190 m flight line. Raw data were transformed into height above the surface, eliminating the effect of terrain on vegetation height and allowing separation of ground surface and crown heights. Data were defined as ground elevation if heights were less than 0.6 m. A cluster analysis was used to discriminate crown base height, allowing identification of both tree and understory canopy heights. Tree height was defined as the 99 percentile of the tree crown height group, while crown base height was the 1 percentile of the tree crown height group. Tree cover (TC) was estimated from the fraction of total tree laser hits relative to the total number of laser hits. Surface canopy (SC) height was computed as the 99 percentile of the surface canopy group. Surface canopy cover is equal to the fraction of total surface canopy hits relative to the total number of hits, once the canopy height profile (CHP) was corrected. Crown bulk density (CBD) was obtained from foliage biomass (FB) estimate and crown volume (CV), using an empirical equation for foliage biomass. Crown volume was estimated as the crown area times the crown height after a correction for mean canopy cover.  相似文献   

Effective leaf area index (LAI) retrievals from a scanning, ground-based, near-infrared (1064 nm) lidar that digitizes the full return waveform, the Echidna Validation Instrument (EVI), are in good agreement with those obtained from both hemispherical photography and the Li-Cor LAI-2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer. We conducted trials at 28 plots within six stands of hardwoods and conifers of varying height and stocking densities at Harvard Forest, Massachusetts, Bartlett Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, and Howland Experimental Forest, Maine, in July 2007. Effective LAI values retrieved by four methods, which ranged from 3.42 to 5.25 depending on the site and method, were not significantly different (β < 0.1 among four methods). The LAI values also matched published values well. Foliage profiles (leaf area with height) retrieved from the lidar scans, although not independently validated, were consistent with stand structure as observed and as measured by conventional methods. Canopy mean top height, as determined from the foliage profiles, deviated from mean RH100 values obtained from the Lidar Vegetation Imaging Sensor (LVIS) airborne large-footprint lidar system at 27 plots by − 0.91 m with RMSE = 2.04 m, documenting the ability of the EVI to retrieve stand height. The Echidna Validation Instrument is the first realization of the Echidna® lidar concept, devised by Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), for measuring forest structure using full-waveform, ground-based, scanning lidar.  相似文献   

We present a model of a ‘gas of circles’: regions in the image domain composed of a unknown number of circles of approximately the same radius. The model has applications to medical, biological, nanotechnological, and remote sensing imaging. The model is constructed using higher-order active contours (HOACs) in order to include non-trivial prior knowledge about region shape without constraining topology. The main theoretical contribution is an analysis of the local minima of the HOAC energy that allows us to guarantee stable circles, fix one of the model parameters, and constrain the rest. We apply the model to tree crown extraction from aerial images of plantations. Numerical experiments both confirm the theoretical analysis and show the empirical importance of the prior shape information.  相似文献   

Due to increased fuel loading as a result of fire suppression, land managers in the American west are in need of precise information about the fuels they manage, including canopy fuels. Canopy fuel metrics such as canopy height (CH), canopy base height (CBH), canopy bulk density (CBD) and available canopy fuel (ACF) are specific inputs for wildfire behavior models such as FARSITE and emission models such as FOFEM. With finer spatial resolution data, accurate quantification of these metrics with detailed spatial heterogeneity can be accomplished. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and color near-infrared imagery are active and passive systems, respectively, that have been utilized for measuring a range of forest structure characteristics at high resolution. The objective of this research was to determine which remote sensing dataset can estimate canopy fuels more accurately and whether a fusion of these datasets produces more accurate estimates. Regression models were developed for ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) stand representative of eastern Washington State using field data collected in the Ahtanum State Forest and metrics derived from LiDAR and imagery. Strong relationships were found with LiDAR alone and LiDAR was found to increase canopy fuel accuracy compared to imagery. Fusing LiDAR with imagery and/or LiDAR intensity led to small increases in estimation accuracy over LiDAR alone. By improving the ability to estimate canopy fuels at higher spatial resolutions, spatially explicit fuel layers can be created and used in wildfire behavior and smoke emission models leading to more accurate estimations of crown fire risk and smoke related emissions.  相似文献   

A popular way to describe and build the DAWG or Directed Acyclic Word Graph of a string is by transformation of the corresponding subword tree. This transformation, which is not difficult to reverse, is easy to grasp and almost trivial to implement except for the assumed implication of a standard tree isomorphism algorithm. Here we point out a simple property of subword trees that makes checking tree isomorphism in this context a straightforward process, thereby simplifying the transformation significantly. Subword trees and DAWGs arise rather ubiquitously in applications of string processing, where they often play complementary roles. Efficient conversions are thus especially desirable.  相似文献   

The retrieval of tree and forest structural attributes from Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data has focused largely on utilising canopy height models, but these have proved only partially useful for mapping and attributing stems in complex, multi-layered forests. As a complementary approach, this paper presents a new index, termed the Height-Scaled Crown Openness Index (HSCOI), which provides a quantitative measure of the relative penetration of LiDAR pulses into the canopy. The HSCOI was developed from small footprint discrete return LiDAR data acquired over mixed species woodlands and open forests near Injune, Queensland, Australia, and allowed individual trees to be located (including those in the sub-canopy) and attributed with height using relationships (r2 = 0.81, RMSE = 1.85 m, n = 115; 4 outliers removed) established with field data. A threshold contour of the HSCOI surface that encompassed ∼ 90% of LiDAR vegetation returns also facilitated mapping of forest areas, delineation of tree crowns and clusters, and estimation of canopy cover. At a stand level, tree density compared well with field measurements (r2 = 0.82, RMSE = 133 stems ha− 1, n = 30), with the most consistent results observed for stem densities ≤ 700 stems ha− 1. By combining information extracted from both the HSCOI and the canopy height model, predominant stem height (r2 = 0.91, RMSE = 0.77 m, n = 30), crown cover (r2 = 0.78, RMSE = 9.25%, n = 30), and Foliage & Branch Projective Cover (FBPC; r2 = 0.89, RMSE = 5.49%, n = 30) were estimated to levels sufficient for inventory of woodland and open forest structural types. When the approach was applied to forests in north east Victoria, stem density and crown cover were reliably estimated for forests with a structure similar to those observed in Queensland, but less so for forests of greater height and canopy closure.  相似文献   

Mangrove forests are found within the intertropical zone and are one of the most biodiverse and productive wetlands on Earth. We focus on the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM) in Colombia, the largest coastal lagoon–delta ecosystem in the Caribbean area with an extension of 1280 km2, where one of the largest mangrove rehabilitation projects in Latin America is currently underway. Extensive man-made hydrological modifications in the region caused hypersaline soil (> 90 g kg− 1) conditions since the 1960s triggering a large dieback of mangrove wetlands (~ 247 km2). In this paper, we describe a new systematic methodology to measure mangrove height and aboveground biomass by remote sensing. The method is based on SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) elevation data, ICEsat/GLAS waveforms (Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite/Geoscience Laser Altimeter System) and field data. Since the locations of the ICEsat and field datasets do not coincide, they are used independently to calibrate SRTM elevation and produce a map of mangrove canopy height. We compared height estimation methods based on waveform centroids and the canopy height profile (CHP). Linear relationships between ICEsat height estimates and SRTM elevation were derived. We found the centroid of the canopy waveform contribution (CWC) to be the best height estimator. The field data was used to estimate a SRTM canopy height bias (− 1.3 m) and estimation error (rms = 1.9 m). The relationship was applied to the SRTM elevation data to produce a mangrove canopy height map. Finally, we used field data and published allometric equations to derive an empirical relationship between canopy height and biomass. This relationship was used to scale the mangrove height map and estimate aboveground biomass distribution for the entire CGSM. The mean mangrove canopy height in CGSM is 7.7 m and most of the biomass is concentrated in forests around 9 m in height. Our biomass maps will enable estimation of regeneration rates of mangrove forests under hydrological rehabilitation at large spatial scales over the next decades. They will also be used to assess how highly disturbed mangrove forests respond to increasing sea level rise under current global climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

A hybrid method for real-time animation of trees swaying in wind fields   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Trees are one of the most important elements of natural landscapes. Therefore, in computer graphics, there is a great demand for methods to realize the natural representation of trees in virtual landscapes in various fields such as the entertainment industry or environmental assessment in construction. Many studies have been made on techniques in which the shapes of trees are modeled but only a few studies have been reported on methods to incorporate the shapes with motions in a wind field. Most of these studies use physical simulation techniques based on the equations of motion to generate the branch motions and cannot realize the motions of individual leaves. In this paper, we propose a method to create the natural motions of individual leaves and branches swaying in a wind field. The proposed method uses a hybrid approach combining a stochastic method and a simulation method. The stochastic method is based on 1/f noise, which is observed in various natural phenomena, and provides natural motion to leaves and branches. In addition, a simple simulation method based on the spring model is applied to branches to enhance the reality of their motions. This method enables the real-time creation of the leaf and branch motions. Diverse motions according to tree species and shapes and wind conditions can be easily realized by controlling the parameters.  相似文献   

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