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A multi-sensor/multi-platform approach to water and energy cycle prediction is demonstrated in an effort to understand the variability and feedback of land surface and atmospheric processes over large space and time scales. Remote sensing-based variables including soil moisture (from AMSR-E), surface heat fluxes (from MODIS) and precipitation rates (from TRMM) are combined with North American Regional Reanalysis derived atmospheric components to examine the degree of hydrological consistency throughout these diverse and independent hydrologic data sets. The study focuses on the influence of the North American Monsoon System (NAMS) over the southwestern United States, and is timed to coincide with the SMEX04 North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME). The study is focused over the Arizona portion of the NAME domain to assist in better characterizing the hydrometeorological processes occurring across Arizona during the summer monsoon period. Results demonstrate that this multi-sensor approach, in combination with available atmospheric observations, can be used to obtain a comprehensive and hydrometeorologically consistent characterization of the land surface water cycle, leading to an improved understanding of water and energy cycles within the NAME region and providing a novel framework for future remote observation and analysis of the coupled land surface-atmosphere system.  相似文献   

While existing remote sensing-based drought indices have characterized drought conditions in arid regions successfully, their use in humid regions is limited. We propose a new remote sensing-based drought index, the Scaled Drought Condition Index (SDCI), for agricultural drought monitoring in both arid and humid regions using multi-sensor data. This index combines the land surface temperature (LST) data and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor, and precipitation data from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite. Each variable was scaled from 0 to 1 to discriminate the effect of drought from normal conditions, and then combined with the selected weights. When tested against in-situ Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), Palmer's Z-Index (Z-Index), 3-month Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), and 6-month SPI data during a ten-year (2000-2009) period, SDCI performed better than existing indices such as NDVI and Vegetation Health Index (VHI) in the arid region of Arizona and New Mexico as well as in the humid region of North Carolina and South Carolina. The year-to-year changes and spatial distributions of SDCI over both arid and humid regions generally agreed to the changes documented by the United States Drought Monitor (USDM) maps.  相似文献   

Nonlinear data assimilation can be a very challenging task. Four local search methods are proposed for nonlinear data assimilation in this paper. The methods work as follows: At each iteration, the observation operator is linearized around the current solution, and a gradient approximation of the three dimensional variational (3D-Var) cost function is obtained. Then, samples along potential steepest descent directions of the 3D-Var cost function are generated, and the acceptance/rejection criteria for such samples are similar to those proposed by the Tabu Search and the Simulated Annealing framework. In addition, such samples can be drawn within certain sub-spaces so as to reduce the computational effort of computing search directions. Once a posterior mode is estimated, matrix-free ensemble Kalman filter approaches can be implemented to estimate posterior members. Furthermore, the convergence of the proposed methods is theoretically proven based on the necessary assumptions and conditions. Numerical experiments have been performed by using the Lorenz-96 model. The numerical results show that the cost function values on average can be reduced by several orders of magnitudes by using the proposed methods. Even more, the proposed methods can converge faster to posterior modes when sub-space approximations are employed to reduce the computational efforts among iterations.  相似文献   

Recent retrievals of multiple satellite products for each component of the terrestrial water cycle provide an opportunity to estimate the water budget globally. In this study, we estimate the water budget from satellite remote sensing over ten global river basins for 2003-2006. We use several satellite and non-satellite precipitation (P) and evapo-transpiration (ET) products in this study. The satellite precipitation products are the GPCP, TRMM, CMORPH and PERSIANN. For ET, we use four products generated from three retrieval models (Penman-Monteith (PM), Priestley-Taylor (PT) and the Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS)) with data inputs from the Earth Observing System (EOS) or the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) products. GPCP precipitation and PM (ISCCP) ET have less bias and errors over most of the river basins. To estimate the total water budget from satellite data for each basin, we generate merged products for P and ET by combining the four P and four ET products using weighted values based on their errors with respect to non-satellite merged product. The water storage change component is taken from GRACE satellite data, which are used directly with a single pre-specified error value. In the absence of satellite retrievals of river discharge, we use in-situ gauge measurements. Closure of the water budget over the river basins from the combined satellite and in-situ discharge products is not achievable with errors of the order of 5-25% of mean annual precipitation. A constrained ensemble Kalman filter is used to close the water budget and provide a constrained best-estimate of the water budget. The non-closure error from each water budget component is estimated and it is found that the merged satellite precipitation product carries most of the non-closure error.  相似文献   

Soil moisture status in the root zone is an important component of the water cycle at all spatial scales (e.g., point, field, catchment, watershed, and region). In this study, the spatio-temporal evolution of root zone soil moisture of the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed (WGEW) in Arizona was investigated during the Soil Moisture Experiment 2004 (SMEX04). Root zone soil moisture was estimated via assimilation of aircraft-based remotely sensed surface soil moisture into a distributed Soil-Water-Atmosphere-Plant (SWAP) model. An ensemble square root filter (EnSRF) based on a Kalman filtering scheme was used for assimilating the aircraft-based soil moisture observations at a spatial resolution of 800 m × 800 m. The SWAP model inputs were derived from the SSURGO soil database, LAI (Leaf Area Index) data from SMEX04 database, and data from meteorological stations/rain gauges at the WGEW. Model predictions are presented in terms of temporal evolution of soil moisture probability density function at various depths across the WGEW. The assimilation of the remotely sensed surface soil moisture observations had limited influence on the profile soil moisture. More specifically, root zone soil moisture depended mostly on the soil type. Modeled soil moisture profile estimates were compared to field measurements made periodically during the experiment at the ground based soil moisture stations in the watershed. Comparisons showed that the ground-based soil moisture observations at various depths were within ± 1 standard deviation of the modeled profile soil moisture. Density plots of root zone soil moisture at various depths in the WGEW exhibited multi-modal variations due to the uneven distribution of precipitation and the heterogeneity of soil types and soil layers across the watershed.  相似文献   

This article describes an operational flood forecasting system set up for the city of Dijon, France. This system assimilates real-time flow data at an hourly time step with the stationary Kalman filter to update hydraulic states. It uses a semi-distributed hydrologic model to integrate rainfall measurements and forecasts and provide discharge forecasts at several points on the watershed. It also offers powerful data management tools and an elaborated graphical interface available from any computer connected to the Internet. The hydrologic model was calibrated using a semi-distributed approach. Its simulation and forecasting performances are analyzed. The performances of the system on a recent flood event are also investigated.  相似文献   

Climatologically homogeneous regions in the Carolinas were delineated using a multi-step approach integrating in-situ and remotely-sensed data. We adopted a consensus clustering technique that obtains climate regions for precipitation and temperature separately. Both average linkage hierarchical and k-means non-hierarchical clustering methods were used to create weather station clusters. Using the resulting precipitation and temperature clusters as training data, we performed a machine-learning decision tree classification of remotely-sensed data (i.e., MODIS and TRMM) to map five precipitation classes and seven temperature classes for the Carolinas. These data were intersected to produce 17 consensus clusters for the Carolinas, and 16 climate regions when summarized by counties.The resultant climate regions showed rational climate regionalization reflecting controls on Carolina climate including topography, latitude, storm tracks, and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. The use of remotely-sensed data effectively helped the delineation between weather station clusters and even detected consensus clusters that were not identified by intersecting weather station clusters grouped using only in-situ data. We compared the regions with the 15 existing National Climatic Data Center climate divisions using within- and between-cluster standard deviations for both in-situ and remotely-sensed data. Climate regions could improve the existing climate divisions in delineating climatologically homogeneous regions and in separating heterogeneous regions.  相似文献   

Complex crop growth models (CGM) require a large number of input parameters, which can cause large errors if they are uncertain. Furthermore, they often lack spatial information. The coupling of a CGM with a radiative transfer model offers the possibility to assimilate remote sensing data while taking into account uncertainties in input parameters. A particle filter was used to assimilate satellite data into a CGM coupled with a leaf-canopy radiative transfer model to update biomass simulations of maize. The synthetic experiment set up to test the reliability of the procedure, highlighted the importance of the acquisition time. The real case study with RapidEye observations confirmed these findings. Data assimilation increased the accuracy of biomass predictions in the majority of the six maize fields where biomass validation data was available, with improvements of up to 15%. The smallest and largest errors in biomass prediction after assimilation were 82 kg/ha and 2116 kg/ha, respectively. Furthermore, data assimilation enabled the production of biomass maps showing detailed spatial variability.  相似文献   

This study developed a coupled land-atmosphere satellite data assimilation system as a new physical downscaling approach, by coupling a mesoscale atmospheric model with a land data assimilation system (LDAS). The LDAS consists of a land surface scheme as the model operator, a radiative transfer model as the observation operator, and the simulated annealing method for minimizing the difference between the observed and simulated microwave brightness temperature. The atmospheric model produces forcing data for the LDAS, and the LDAS produces better initial surface conditions for the modelling system. This coupled system can take into account land surface heterogeneities through assimilating satellite data for a better precipitation prediction. To assess the effectiveness of the new system, 3-dimensional numerical experiments were carried out in a mesoscale area of the Tibetan Plateau during the wet monsoon season. The results show significant improvement compared with a no assimilation regional atmospheric model simply nested from the global model. The surface soil moisture content and its distribution from the assimilation system were more consistent to in situ observations. These better surface conditions affect the land-atmosphere interactions through convection systems and lead to better atmospheric predictability as confirmed by satellite-based cloud observations and in situ sounding observations. Through the use of satellite brightness temperature, the developed coupled land-atmosphere assimilation system has shown potential ability to provide better initial surface conditions and its inputs to the atmosphere and to improve physical downscaling through regional models.  相似文献   

The monitoring of snow water equivalent (SWE) and snow depth (SD) in boreal forests is investigated by applying space-borne microwave radiometer data and synoptic snow depth observations. A novel assimilation technique based on (forward) modelling of observed brightness temperatures as a function of snow pack characteristics is introduced. The assimilation technique is a Bayesian approach that weighs the space-borne data and the reference field on SD interpolated from discrete synoptic observations with their estimated statistical accuracy. The results obtained using SSM/I and AMSR-E data for northern Eurasia and Finland indicate that the employment of space-borne data using the assimilation technique improves the SD and SWE retrieval accuracy when compared with the use of values interpolated from synoptic observations. Moreover, the assimilation technique is shown to reduce systematic SWE/SD estimation errors evident in the inversion of space-borne radiometer data.  相似文献   

Three process based models are used to estimate terrestrial heat fluxes and evapotranspiration (ET) at the global scale: a single source energy budget model, a Penman-Monteith based approach, and a Priestley-Taylor based approach. All models adjust the surface resistances or provide ecophysiological constraints to account for changing environmental factors. Evaporation (or sublimation) over snow-covered regions is calculated consistently for all models using a modified Penman equation. Instantaneous fluxes of latent heat computed at the time of satellite overpass are linearly scaled to the equivalent daily evapotranspiration using the computed evaporative fraction and the day-time net radiation. A constant fraction (10% of daytime evaporation) is used to account for the night time evaporation. Interception losses are computed using a simple water budget model. We produce daily evapotranspiration and sensible heat flux for the global land surface at 5 km spatial resolution for the period 2003-2006. With the exception of wind and surface pressure, all model inputs and forcings are obtained from satellite remote sensing.Satellite-based inputs and model outputs were first carefully evaluated at the site scale on a monthly-mean basis, then as a four-year mean against a climatological estimate of ET over 26 major basins, and finally in terms of a latitudinal profile on an annual basis. Intercomparison of the monthly model estimates of latent and sensible heat fluxes with 12 eddy-covariance towers across the U.S. yielded mean correlation of 0.57 and 0.54, respectively. Satellite-based meteorological datasets of 2 m temperature (0.83), humidity (0.70), incident shortwave radiation (0.64), incident longwave radiation (0.67) were found to agree well at the tower scale, while estimates of wind speed correlated poorly (0.17). Comparisons of the four year mean annual ET for 26 global river basins and global latitudinal profiles with a climatologically estimated ET resulted in a Kendall's τ > 0.70. The seasonal cycle over the continents is well represented in the Hovmöeller plots and the suppression of ET during major droughts in Europe, Australia and the Amazon are well picked up. This study provides the first ever moderate resolution estimates of ET on a global scale using only remote sensing based inputs and forcings, and furthermore the first ever multi-model comparison of process-based remote sensing estimates using the same inputs.  相似文献   

MODIS primary production products (MOD17) are the first regular, near-real-time data sets for repeated monitoring of vegetation primary production on vegetated land at 1-km resolution at an 8-day interval. But both the inconsistent spatial resolution between the gridded meteorological data and MODIS pixels, and the cloud-contaminated MODIS FPAR/LAI (MOD15A2) retrievals can introduce considerable errors to Collection4 primary production (denoted as C4 MOD17) results. Here, we aim to rectify these problems through reprocessing key inputs to MODIS primary vegetation productivity algorithm, resulting in improved Collection5 MOD17 (here denoted as C5 MOD17) estimates. This was accomplished by spatial interpolation of the coarse resolution meteorological data input and with temporal filling of cloud-contaminated MOD15A2 data. Furthermore, we modified the Biome Parameter Look-Up Table (BPLUT) based on recent synthesized NPP data and some observed GPP derived from some flux tower measurements to keep up with the improvements in upstream inputs. Because MOD17 is one of the down-stream MODIS land products, the performance of the algorithm can be largely influenced by the uncertainties from upstream inputs, such as land cover, FPAR/LAI, the meteorological data, and algorithm itself. MODIS GPP fits well with GPP derived from 12 flux towers over North America. Globally, the 3-year MOD17 NPP is comparable to the Ecosystem Model-Data Intercomparison (EMDI) NPP data set, and global total MODIS GPP and NPP are inversely related to the observed atmospheric CO2 growth rates, and MEI index, indicating MOD17 are reliable products. From 2001 to 2003, mean global total GPP and NPP estimated by MODIS are 109.29 Pg C/year and 56.02 Pg C/year, respectively. Based on this research, the improved global MODIS primary production data set is now ready for monitoring ecological conditions, natural resources and environmental changes.  相似文献   

Satellite and surface-based remote sensing of Saharan dust aerosols   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The spatial and temporal characteristics of dust aerosols and their properties are assessed from satellite and ground-based sensors. The spatial distribution of total column aerosol optical depth at 550 nm (AOD) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MODIS) coupled with top of atmosphere Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) shortwave fluxes are examined from the Terra satellite over the Atlantic Ocean. These data are then compared with AOD from two Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) ground-based sun photometer measurement sites for nearly six years (2000-2005). These two sites include Capo Verde (CV) (16°N, 24°W) near the Saharan dust source region and La Paguera (LP) (18°N, 67°W) that is downwind of the dust source regions. The AOD is two to three times higher during spring and summer months over CV when compared to LP and the surrounding regions. For a unit AOD value, the instantaneous TOA shortwave direct radiative effect (DRE) defined as the change in shortwave flux between clear and aerosol skies for CV and LP are − 53 and − 68 Wm− 2 respectively. DRE for LP is likely more negative due to fall out of larger particles during transport from CV to LP. However, separating the CERES-derived DRE by MODIS aerosol effective radii was difficult. Satellite and ground-based dust aerosol data sets continue to be useful to understand dust processes related to the surface and the atmosphere.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate several new nonlinear/non-Gaussian filters in the context of the sequential data assimilation. The unscented Kalman filter (UKF), the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), the sampling importance resampling particle filter (SIR-PF) and the unscented particle filter (UPF) are described in the state-space model framework in the Bayesian filtering background. We first evaluated those methods with a simple highly nonlinear Lorenz model and a scalar nonlinear non-Gaussian model to investigate the filter stability and the error sensitivity, and then their abilities in the one-dimensional estimation of the soil moisture content with the synthetic microwave brightness temperature assimilation experiment in the land surface model VIC-3L. All the results are compared with the EnKF. The advantages and disadvantages of each filter are discussed.The results in the Lorenz model showed that the particle filters are suitable for the large measurement interval assimilation and that the Kalman filters were suitable for the frequent measurement assimilation as well as small measurement uncertainties. The EnKF also showed its feasibility for the non-Gaussian noise. The performance of the SIR-PF was actually not as good as that of the UKF or the EnKF regarding a very small observation noise level compared with the uncertainties in the system. In the one-dimensional brightness temperature assimilation experiment, the UKF, the EnKF and the SIR-PF all proved to be flexible and reliable nonlinear filter algorithms for the low dimensional sequential land data assimilation application. For the high dimensional land surface system that takes the horizontal error correlations into account, the UKF is restricted by its computational demand in the covariance propagation; we must use the EnKF, the SIR-PF and other covariance reduction algorithms. The large computational cost prevents the UPF from being applied in practice.  相似文献   

Urban development has expanded rapidly in the Tampa Bay area of west-central Florida over the past century. A major effect associated with this population trend is transformation of the landscape from natural cover types to increasingly impervious urban land. This research utilizes an innovative approach for mapping urban extent and its changes through determining impervious surfaces from Landsat satellite remote sensing data. By 2002, areas with subpixel impervious surface greater than 10% accounted for approximately 1800 km2, or 27 percent of the total watershed area. The impervious surface area increases approximately three-fold from 1991 to 2002. The resulting imperviousness data are used with a defined suite of geospatial data sets to simulate historical urban development and predict future urban and suburban extent, density, and growth patterns using SLEUTH model. Also examined is the increasingly important influence that urbanization and its associated imperviousness extent have on the individual drainage basins of the Tampa Bay watershed.  相似文献   

水利部旱情遥感监测系统建设与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遥感技术以其快速、经济和大空间范围获取的特点,已成为旱情监测的重要手段。介绍国家防汛指挥系统二期工程水利部旱情遥感监测系统的建设情况,包括旱情遥感监测模型、业务流程及系统的设计与开发等。系统实现全国旱情监测逐周生产、区域旱情1~3 d应急快速监测及逐月区域水体监测产品的生产。试运行表明全国旱情监测与国外同类产品结果一致或优于同类产品;区域旱情监测平均精度达到80%以上。最后,对旱情遥感监测系统未来发展进行展望。  相似文献   

Two types of Soil Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer (SVAT) modeling approaches can be applied to monitor root-zone soil moisture in agricultural landscapes. Water and Energy Balance (WEB) SVAT modeling is based on forcing a prognostic root-zone water balance model with observed rainfall and predicted evapotranspiration. In contrast, thermal Remote Sensing (RS) observations of surface radiometric temperature (TR) are integrated into purely diagnostic RS-SVAT models to predict the onset of vegetation water stress. While RS-SVAT models do not explicitly monitor soil moisture, they can be used in the calculation of thermal-based proxy variables for the availability of soil water in the root zone. Using four growing seasons (2001 to 2004) of profile soil moisture, micro-meteorology, and surface radiometric temperature measurements at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Optimizing Production Inputs for Economic and Environmental Enhancements (OPE3) study site in Beltsville, MD, prospects for improving WEB-SVAT root-zone soil water predictions via the assimilation of diagnostic RS-SVAT soil moisture proxy information are examined. Results illustrate the potential advantages of such an assimilation approach relative to the competing approach of directly assimilating TR measurements. Since TR measurements used in the analysis are tower-based (and not obtained from a remote platform), a sensitivity analysis demonstrates the potential impact of remote sensing limitations on the value of the RS-SVAT proxy. Overall, results support a potential role for RS-SVAT modeling strategies in improving WEB-SVAT model characterization of root-zone soil moisture.  相似文献   

Empirical relationships between sea surface carbon dioxide fugacity (fCO2sw) and sea surface temperature (SST) were applied to datasets of remotely sensed SST to create fCO2sw fields in the Caribbean Sea. SST datasets from different sensors were used, as well as the SST fields created by optimum interpolation of bias corrected AVHRR data. Empirical relationships were derived using shipboard fCO2sw data, in situ SST data, and SST data from the remote sensing platforms. The results show that the application of a relationship based on shipboard SST data, on fields of remotely sensed SST yields biased fCO2sw values. This bias is reduced if the fCO2sw-SST relationships are derived using the same SST data that are used to create the SST fields. The fCO2sw fields found to best reproduce observed fCO2sw are used in combination with wind speed data from QuikSCAT to create weekly maps of the sea-air CO2 flux in the Caribbean Sea in 2002. The region to the SW of Cuba was a source of CO2 to the atmosphere throughout 2002, and the region to the NE was a sink during winter and spring and a source during summer and fall. The net uptake of CO2 in the region was doubled when potential skin layer effects on fCO2sw were taken into account.  相似文献   

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