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计算机与通信技术的不断融合促进了移动云计算的产生与发展。阐述了移动云计算的概念和实质,探讨了移动云计算的服务模型,指出了我国发展移动云计算的重要意义,提出了移动云计算在军事领域应用的几点设想,并对移动云计算用于军事领域进行了展望。  相似文献   

People are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their ability to navigate information spaces using search, hyperlinks, and visualization. But, mobile phones preclude the use of multiple coordinated views that have proven effective in the desktop environment (e.g., for business intelligence or visual analytics). In this work, we propose to model information as multivariate heterogeneous networks to enable greater analytic expression for a range of sensemaking tasks while suggesting a new, list-based paradigm with gestural navigation of structured information spaces on mobile phones. We also present a mobile application, called Orchard, which combines ideas from both faceted search and interactive network exploration in a visual query language to allow users to collect facets of interest during exploratory navigation. Our study showed that users could collect and combine these facets with Orchard, specifying network queries and projections that would only have been possible previously using complex data tools or custom data science.  相似文献   

During the last decades, anatomy has become an interesting topic in education—even for laymen or schoolchildren. As medical imaging techniques become increasingly sophisticated, virtual anatomical education applications have emerged. Still, anatomical models are often preferred, as they facilitate 3D localization of anatomical structures. Recently, data physicalizations (i.e., physical visualizations) have proven to be effective and engaging—sometimes, even more than their virtual counterparts. So far, medical data physicalizations involve mainly 3D printing, which is still expensive and cumbersome. We investigate alternative forms of physicalizations, which use readily available technologies (home printers) and inexpensive materials (paper or semi-transparent films) to generate crafts for anatomical edutainment. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first computer-generated crafting approach within an anatomical edutainment context. Our approach follows a cost-effective, simple, and easy-to-employ workflow, resulting in assemblable data sculptures (i.e., semi-transparent sliceforms). It primarily supports volumetric data (such as CT or MRI), but mesh data can also be imported. An octree slices the imported volume and an optimization step simplifies the slice configuration, proposing the optimal order for easy assembly. A packing algorithm places the resulting slices with their labels, annotations, and assembly instructions on a paper or transparent film of user-selected size, to be printed, assembled into a sliceform, and explored. We conducted two user studies to assess our approach, demonstrating that it is an initial positive step towards the successful creation of interactive and engaging anatomical physicalizations.  相似文献   

Dental healthcare increasingly employs computer-aided design software, to provide patients with high-quality dental prosthetic devices. In modern dental reconstruction, dental technicians address the unique anatomy of each patient individually, by capturing the dental impression and measuring the mandibular movements. Subsequently, dental technicians design a custom denture that fits the patient from a functional point of view. The current Workflow does not include a systematic analysis of aesthetics, and dental technicians rely only on an aesthetically pleasing mock-up that they discuss with the patient, and on their experience. Therefore, the final denture aesthetics remain unknown until the dental technicians incorporate the denture into the patient. In this Work, we present a solution that integrates aesthetics analysis into the functional Workflow of dental technicians. Our solution uses a video recording of the patient, to preview the denture design at any stage of the denture design process. We present a teeth pose estimation technique that enables denture preview and a set of linked visualizations that support dental technicians in the aesthetic design of dentures. These visualizations assist dental technicians in choosing the most aesthetically fitting preset from a library of dentures, in identifying the suitable denture size, and in adjusting the denture position. We demonstrate the utility of our system with four use cases, explored by a dental technician. Also, we performed a quantitative evaluation for teeth pose estimation, and an informal usability evaluation, with positive outcomes concerning the integration of aesthetics analysis into the functional Workflow.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2016,53(6):817-831
Although mobile technologies are increasingly used for business purposes, many companies have found it difficult to successfully implement them. Not only do the rapid technological changes increase the risks of companies’ investments into mobile technologies, but many such applications have also failed to gain user acceptance. In contrast to the consumer domain, there are very few empirical studies of mobile applications’ effectiveness from the perspectives of professional end users. Furthermore, designing mobile business applications has become an increasingly iterative and incremental activity, and ex post evaluations by actual users can provide crucial feedback to an iterative design process. In this study, we seek to contribute to establishing a design cycle that closely links the building and the evaluation of mobile business applications. Our objectives are to (1) gain a better understanding of mobile business applications’ success by means of ex post evaluations from end users, and to (2) leverage these empirical insights to inform the design of mobile business applications. We conducted the study in collaboration with DEKRA Automotive, which offers expert services in the automotive sector with experience in mobile business applications. Our primary contribution is a systematic approach to using ex post evaluation as input for the iterative design of mobile business applications. We suggest an adapted version of the D&M information system (IS) Success Model, which has process quality as an additional construct, as a basis for ex post evaluations of a mobile business application by its end users. Furthermore, we illustrate how a performance-based analysis of the empirical results enables one to derive priorities and recommendations for future design iterations. Our results reveal that system quality and process quality are the main determinants of individual benefits of using mobile business applications. Our findings thus contradict other studies that identify information quality as a significant motivator of (consumer-oriented) mobile data services. We conclude that a mobile business application's design should focus on process quality, emphasizing functional support for operational tasks in a specific work context while ensuring system quality, which is largely affected by technology platform choices.  相似文献   

Developing applicable clinical machine learning models is a difficult task when the data includes spatial information, for example, radiation dose distributions across adjacent organs at risk. We describe the co-design of a modeling system, DASS, to support the hybrid human-machine development and validation of predictive models for estimating long-term toxicities related to radiotherapy doses in head and neck cancer patients. Developed in collaboration with domain experts in oncology and data mining, DASS incorporates human-in-the-loop visual steering, spatial data, and explainable AI to augment domain knowledge with automatic data mining. We demonstrate DASS with the development of two practical clinical stratification models and report feedback from domain experts. Finally, we describe the design lessons learned from this collaborative experience.  相似文献   

Sociology and modernist theories have long emphasized the central role of lifestyle in processes of self-identity and attitude formation. Furthermore, lifestyle has been used to great effect in marketing and health research to predict attitudes, cognitions, and behaviors, but has largely been ignored in the IS field. In this study, we demonstrate the potential usefulness of incorporating lifestyle into IS research by using lifestyle cluster segmentation in the context of technology adoption. Based on a U.S. national random sample of 402 non-cloud service users, we propose, analyze, and validate a multi-faceted model of cloud technology adoption that integrates technology attributes—the dominant predictors in IS adoption and acceptance models—with a range of demographic, domestic, leisurely and professional variables for providing a holistic theoretical understanding of and practical insights into the technology adoption process.  相似文献   

We present the Bladder Runner, a novel tool to enable detailed visual exploration and analysis of the impact of bladder shape variation on the accuracy of dose delivery, during the course of prostate cancer radiotherapy (RT). Our tool enables the investigation of individual patients and cohorts through the entire treatment process, and it can give indications of RT‐induced complications for the patient. In prostate cancer RT treatment, despite the design of an initial plan prior to dose administration, bladder toxicity remains very common. The main reason is that the dose is delivered in multiple fractions over a period of weeks, during which, the anatomical variation of the bladder – due to differences in urinary filling – causes deviations between planned and delivered doses. Clinical researchers want to correlate bladder shape variations to dose deviations and toxicity risk through cohort studies, to understand which specific bladder shape characteristics are more prone to side effects. This is currently done with Dose‐Volume Histograms (DVHs), which provide limited, qualitative insight. The effect of bladder variation on dose delivery and the resulting toxicity cannot be currently examined with the DVHs. To address this need, we designed and implemented the Bladder Runner, which incorporates visualization strategies in a highly interactive environment with multiple linked views. Individual patients can be explored and analyzed through the entire treatment period, while inter‐patient and temporal exploration, analysis and comparison are also supported. We demonstrate the applicability of our presented tool with a usage scenario, employing a dataset of 29 patients followed through the course of the treatment, across 13 time points. We conducted an evaluation with three clinical researchers working on the investigation of RT‐induced bladder toxicity. All participants agreed that Bladder Runner provides better understanding and new opportunities for the exploration and analysis of the involved cohort data.  相似文献   

Older people with dementia are a particularly challenging user group to involve in the process of designing interactive systems that could assist them. It may also be difficult to involve family caregivers of people with dementia, as they are most likely to be older themselves and uncertain about technology. Paid care staff, whilst younger, may be unclear about the benefits of technology and lack confidence in their ability to incorporate it into their work. Over the past 7 years, the authors of this paper have worked closely with people with dementia, their families and professional care staff to develop and evaluate a multimedia computer system to support communication between people with dementia and caregivers. To achieve this, a number of user involvement issues were addressed, ranging from legal and ethical considerations of working with people with dementia to the reluctance of hard-pressed staff to add to their workload for a research project. In addition, developing and conducting evaluations and eliciting the views of people with dementia who have working memory impairment plus additional cognitive and social difficulties emerged as a central issue. A variety of approaches were explored within this project, which are described in this paper, including familiarizing the whole team with the unique difficulties posed by dementia, continuous confirmation of participants’ consent, and ways to measure enjoyment, engagement, and joint interaction using observation.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2014,51(6):810-818
The discourse concerning computer ethics qualifies as a reference discourse for ethics-related IS research. Theories, topics and approaches of computer ethics are reflected in IS. The paper argues that there is currently a broader development in the area of research governance, which is referred to as ‘responsible research and innovation’ (RRI). RRI applied to information and communication technology (ICT) addresses some of the limitations of computer ethics and points toward a broader approach to the governance of science, technology and innovation. Taking this development into account will help IS increase its relevance and make optimal use of its established strengths.  相似文献   

Designing mobile information services, including mobile Internet services, mobile banking, interactive mobile television, location-based services etc. that capture a mass market has not been easy, and there have been many disappointments over the past years. There are still uncertainties with regard to the kinds of mobile services users want and need. We argue that users wants and needs depend on their context, which means that users should play an important role in the design process of mobile information services, through a structured approach in which developers and users work together. In this paper, we present a group-based approach to include the user early on in the design process in an efficient way. We have applied the group-based approach in three cases, i.e. mobile services for campus visitors, wireless applications for the process industry and services for crisis management. In all cases, involving users early on in the design process enabled the developers to gather useful information for designing mobile information services.  相似文献   

In environmental research the importance of interfaces between the traditional knowledge fields in natural and social sciences is increasingly recognized. In coupled component modelling, the process of developing interface designs can support the communicative, social and cognitive integration between representatives of different knowledge fields. The task of integration is thereby not merely an additive procedure but has to be considered as important part of the research process. In our application, the development of a coupled component model facilitated an integrative assessment of the impact of climate change on snow conditions and skiing tourism in a typical Austrian ski resort. We elaborate the integration on two abstraction levels, a theoretical one and an applied one related to the case study. Other than model output, results presented here relate to the inter- and transdisciplinary development of the coupled component model and its interface design. We show how scientists from various disciplines and representatives from diverse societal fields jointly design interface tools. We identify joint model development – taking into consideration the different dimensions of integration – and recursive modelling as keys for successful inter- and transdisciplinary integration. Such integrative interface science can provide new insights which go beyond the sum of what can be learned from its disciplinary components.  相似文献   

Digital acquisition and processing techniques are changing the way neuroscience investigation is carried out. Emerging applications range from statistical analysis on image stacks to complex connectomics visual analysis tools targeted to develop and test hypotheses of brain development and activity. In this work, we focus on neuroenergetics, a field where neuroscientists analyze nanoscale brain morphology and relate energy consumption to glucose storage in form of glycogen granules. In order to facilitate the understanding of neuroenergetic mechanisms, we propose a novel customized pipeline for the visual analysis of nanometric‐level reconstructions based on electron microscopy image data. Our framework supports analysis tasks by combining i) a scalable volume visualization architecture able to selectively render image stacks and corresponding labelled data, ii) a method for highlighting distance‐based energy absorption probabilities in form of glow maps, and iii) a hybrid connectivitybased and absorption‐based interactive layout representation able to support queries for selective analysis of areas of interest and potential activity within the segmented datasets. This working pipeline is currently used in a variety of studies in the neuroenergetics domain. Here, we discuss a test case in which the framework was successfully used by domain scientists for the analysis of aging effects on glycogen metabolism, extracting knowledge from a series of nanoscale brain stacks of rodents somatosensory cortex.  相似文献   

Simulations and measurements of blood and airflow inside the human circulatory and respiratory system play an increasingly important role in personalized medicine for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This survey focuses on three main application areas. (1) Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of blood flow in cerebral aneurysms assist in predicting the outcome of this pathologic process and of therapeutic interventions. (2) CFD simulations of nasal airflow allow for investigating the effects of obstructions and deformities and provide therapy decision support. (3) 4D phase‐contrast (4D PC) magnetic resonance imaging of aortic haemodynamics supports the diagnosis of various vascular and valve pathologies as well as their treatment. An investigation of the complex and often dynamic simulation and measurement data requires the coupling of sophisticated visualization, interaction and data analysis techniques. In this paper, we survey the large body of work that has been conducted within this realm. We extend previous surveys by incorporating nasal airflow, addressing the joint investigation of blood flow and vessel wall properties and providing a more fine‐granular taxonomy of the existing techniques. From the survey, we extract major research trends and identify open problems and future challenges. The survey is intended for researchers interested in medical flow but also more general, in the combined visualization of physiology and anatomy, the extraction of features from flow field data and feature‐based visualization, the visual comparison of different simulation results and the interactive visual analysis of the flow field and derived characteristics.  相似文献   

Reminiscence is an important aspect in our life. It preserves precious memories, allows us to form our own identities and encourages us to accept the past. Our work takes the advantage of modern sensor technologies to support reminiscence, enabling self‐monitoring of personal activities and individual movement in space and time on a daily basis. This paper presents MyEvents, a web‐based personal visual analytics platform designed for non‐computing experts, that allows for the collection of long‐term location and movement data and the generation of event mementos. Our research is focused on two prominent goals in event reminiscence: (1) selection subjectivity and human involvement in the process of self‐knowledge discovery and memento creation; and (2) the enhancement of event familiarity by presenting target events and their related information for optimal memory recall and reminiscence. A novel multi‐significance event ranking model is proposed to determine significant events in the personal history according to user preferences for event category, frequency and regularity. The evaluation results show that MyEvents effectively fulfils the reminiscence goals and tasks.  相似文献   

In the era of digitalization, there are many emerging technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Digital Twin (DT), Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI), which are quickly developped and used in product design and development. Among those technologies, DT is one promising technology which has been widely used in different industries, especially manufacturing, to monitor the performance, optimize the progresses, simulate the results and predict the potential errors. DT also plays various roles within the whole product lifecycle from design, manufacturing, delivery, use and end-of-life. With the growing demands of individualized products and implementation of Industry 4.0, DT can provide an effective solution for future product design, development and innovation. This paper aims to figure out the current states of DT research focusing on product design and development through summarizing typical industrial cases. Challenges and potential applications of DT in product design and development are also discussed to inspire future studies.  相似文献   

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