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This paper discusses two of the mechanisms that limit the attainable force density in slotted low-speed permanent-magnet (PM) electric machines. Most of the interest is focused on the force density limits imposed by heating of the windings and by stator reactance. The study is based on analytical models for the force and reactance calculations and a lumped parameter thermal model. It is found that in a machine with an indirectly cooled stator, it is difficult to achieve a force density greater than 100 kN/m/sup 2/ due to temperature limits. A high force density is achieved by using deep slots, which lead to high reactance. The high reactance severely increases the converter kilovolt-ampere requirement and total system cost. It is also shown that the cost caused by the high reactance will also limit the force density reached. In machines with one slot per pole per phase, the reactance limited the useful slot depth to approximately 200 mm. However, in machines having a greater number of slots per pole per phase the reactance becomes no longer an important limiting factor for the slot depth and force density.  相似文献   

Direct control of air-gap flux in permanent-magnet machines   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new field weakening and adjustment technology for PM machines by direct control of air-gap fluxes is introduced. This new technology requires no current decomposition by the inverter eliminating the need for a position sensor. Demagnetization, which normally occurs during field weakening, does not occur with this new method. The field-weakening ratio can reach 10:1 or higher. This technology is robust and particularly useful for, but not limited to, electric vehicle drives and PM generators  相似文献   

The paper describes an analytical technique for predicting the eddy-current loss in the moving armature of a tubular permanent magnet machine. This loss component is usually neglected in conventional tubular permanent magnet machines since high-order time harmonics in the stator current waveform and space harmonics in the winding magnetomotive force (MMF) distribution are generally considered to be insignificant. However, a relatively new topology of tubular permanent magnet machine, sometimes referred to as "modular", has emerged in which the fundamental component of the stator MMF has fewer poles than that of the permanent-magnet armature, the thrust force being developed by the interaction between a higher order MMF harmonic and the permanent magnet field. Thus, the presence of lower and higher order space harmonics in the winding MMF distribution of a modular machine may gives rise to a significant eddy-current loss in the moving-magnet armature. An analytical model is developed to predict the eddy currents which are induced in the magnets, as well as in any electrically conducting supporting tube which may be employed, and to quantify the effectiveness of axially segmenting the magnets in reducing the eddy-current loss. The validity of the developed model, which is also applicable to conventional designs of tubular permanent-magnet machine, is verified by time-stepped transient finite-element analysis (FEA).  相似文献   

The author presents constraints which must be satisfied by saturation models of lossless fields. Nonlinear terms are added to linear models to represent the saturation phenomenon. The major point is to emphasize that these nonlinear terms cannot be arbitrarily specified when lossless fields are assumed. This is done by returning to the fundamental laws which make up a typical dynamic model and showing that the traditional assumptions impose well defined constraints on the nonlinear terms. The constraints are derived from energy balance principles and must be satisfied by the flux linkage/current relationships in order to ensure consistency with the assumptions of a lossless field. The constraints are used to design a consistent saturation model for a synchronous machine  相似文献   

The available models of saturated double-cage and deep-bar induction machines are the current state-space model and the flux state-space model, where state-space variables are selected either as stator current and currents of both rotor cages, or stator flux linkage and flux linkages of both rotor cages. This paper presents a number of models of saturated double-cage (deep-bar) induction machines where alternative sets of state-spate variables are selected. The method of main flux saturation modelling relies on recently introduced concept of `generalised flux space vector', which has originally been developed for modelling of saturated single-cage induction machines. The procedure and the novel models are verified by experimental study and simulation of self-excitation process in a double-cage induction generator  相似文献   

Main flux saturation is most frequently modelled by selecting either stator and rotor d-q axis currents or stator and rotor d-q axis flux linkages as state-space variables. This paper attempts to unify main flux saturation modelling in d-q axis models of induction machines by presenting a general method of saturation modelling. Selection of state-space variables in the saturated machine model is arbitrary and appropriate models in terms of different state-space variables result by application of the method. A couple of models, obtainable with different selection of state-space variables, are presented. The cross-saturation effect is explicitly present in all the models, except for the one with stator and rotor flux linkage d-q axis components as state-space variables. The models are verified by simulation and experimental investigation of induction generator self-excitation  相似文献   

The cross-magnetizing effect in both the d- and q-axis in a small salient-pole machine was measured. Two simple equations describing the cross-magnetizing effect in both axis directions are derived. An accurate saturation representation that includes the effect of both the machine-saturated reactances and the cross-magnetizing phenomena is also given. In addition to this, the modified phasor diagram and power/load angle relationship are obtained. The results of the machine output power obtained by this technique show a good agreement with those obtained from test. The saturation effect in changing the power/load angle curves is seen to be noticeably large and depends mainly upon the cross-magnetizing effect  相似文献   

For the accurate prediction of the performances of saturated synchronous machines, the saturation characteristics in both the direct and quadrature axes are needed. The d-axis saturation characteristic of a synchronous machine can be measured easily by the open-circuit test with the machine excited from its field winding. On the other hand, the q-axis saturation characteristic of a synchronous machine cannot be measured applying a similar easy, simple method and, as a result, these characteristics are usually not experimentally measured and are not available. In this paper, three possible experimental methods for determining the q-axis saturation characteristics of both cylindrical-rotor and salient-pole synchronous machines are presented. The merits and demerits of these experimental methods are discussed from the point of view of their complexity and their accuracy. Comparisons between the measured q-axis saturation characteristics obtained by these experimental methods are made for a cylindrical-rotor machine and two salient-pole machines. Moreover, the various sources of errors, which may affect the accuracy of determining the q-axis saturation characteristics by these methods, are investigated.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical model for the flux density due to a focused heliostat over the receiver plane of a tower solar plant. The main assumptions are: spherical and continuous surface of the mirror, linear conformal transformation in the complex plane equivalent to the reflection mapping between an on-axis aligned heliostat and the objective located on the receiver at the slant range necessary to produce the minimum circle of confusion, circular Gaussian distribution of the effective sunshape and the concentration function constant on the receiver or the image plane. Under the hypotheses presented earlier an exact convolution is obtained. The result, an analytic flux density function, relatively simple and very flexible, is confronted with experimental measurements taken from four heliostat prototypes of second-generation placed at the Central Receiver Test Facility (CRTF), Albuquerque, New Mexico, and compared indirectly with the predictions of the Helios model for the same heliostats. The model is an essential tool in the problem of the determination of collector field parameters by optimization methods.  相似文献   

An experimental facility is designed and manufactured to measure the solar flux density distribution on a central flat receiver due to a single flat heliostat. The tracking mechanism of the heliostat is controlled by two stepping motors, one for tilt angle control and the other for azimuth angle control. A x-y traversing mechanism is also designed and mounted on a vertical central receiver plane, where the solar flux density is to be measured. A miniature solar sensor is mounted on the platform of the traversing mechanism, where it is used to measure the solar flux density distribution on the receiver surface. The sensor is connected to a data acquisition card in a host computer. The two stepping motors of the heliostat tracking mechanism and the two stepping motors of the traversing mechanism are all connected to a controller card in the same host computer. A software “TOWER” is prepared to let the heliostat track the sun, move the platform of the traversing mechanism to the points of a preselected grid, and to measure the solar flux density distribution on the receiver plane. Measurements are carried out using rectangular flat mirrors of different dimensions at several distances from the central receiver. Two types of images were identified on the receiver plane—namely, apparent (or visible) and mirror-reflected radiation images. Comparison between measurements and a mathematical model validates the mathematical model.  相似文献   

The paper was aimed at investigating PEMFC ageing upon current cycling: periods of operation under nominal conditions (540 mA cm−2) were followed by periods at low current density (120 or 20 mA cm−2), the two phases of the cycles being hour-long periods. The progressive ageing of the MEA in the single 25 cm2 FC was followed by monitoring the cell voltage, impedance spectroscopy at the end of the various test periods, and by analysis of the water fractions collected. Ageing at 120 mA cm−2 was shown to be of reduced intensity as confirmed by the weak increase in the various resistances of the equivalent cell circuit, whereas repeated operation at 20 mA cm−2 resulted in far more severe degradation. This was confirmed by the significance of Pt dissolution from the cathode and recrystallisation in the bulk of the perfluorinated sulfonate polymer, as revealed by TEM photographs of the MEA after the long-term tests. Besides, the loss of sulfur from the membrane was shown to depend little on the ageing procedure, whereas the loss of fluorine was four times larger at 20 mA cm−2 than at 120 mA cm−2: the high cathode potential allowed by the lower current density might change the decomposition mechanism of the polymer chain, as discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Support vector machines (SVM), a soft programming technique, has been used to estimate the temperature distribution and flow fields in a square porous enclosure heated discretely by three isothermal heaters from the left vertical wall. Right vertical wall of the cavity was isothermal but it has colder temperature than the heaters while remaining walls were adiabatic. A database was prepared by solving the governing equations which were written using Darcy flow model. Using finite difference method to discretize the equation, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code was written. A correlation was developed between Nusselt and Rayleigh numbers. Using obtained database, further values of temperature and velocities were estimated by SVM technique at different Rayleigh numbers and locations of heater. It was observed that SVM was a useful technique on estimation of streamlines and isotherms. Thus, SVM reduces the computational time and helps to solve some cases when CFD fails to solve due to numerical instability.  相似文献   

Computer algorithms for the flux density of reflected sunlight from a heliostat become an essential part of the optical simulation problem for the central receiver system. An exact analytic result is available for heliostats having polygonal boundaries. An analytical method for round heliostats is given in Appendix A, which is extremely complex and requires quartic roots. A useful numerical method is given in Appendix B for heliostats of arbitrary shape. A comparison is made between the analytic method and the Hermite function method, which is much faster but less accurate. The analytic method provides a basis for evaluating all other flux density calculations.  相似文献   

For diffusion flames, the combination of oxygen enrichment and fuel dilution results in an increase in the stoichiometric mixture fraction, Zst, and alters the flame structure, i.e., the relationship between the local temperature and the local gas composition. Increasing Zst has been shown to result in the reduction or even elimination of soot. In the present work, the effects of variable Zst on soot inception are investigated in normal and inverse coflow flames, using ethylene as the fuel. Use of the inverse coflow flame underscores the validity of these concepts, since the convective field in the inverse flame directs particles into the fuel-rich region. Sooting limits based on particle luminosity are measured as a function of Zst. The sooting limit is obtained by varying the amount of inert gas until soot appears above a predefined height. For each limit flame, the adiabatic flame temperature is calculated and the flame temperature at the half-height is measured. The flame temperature at the sooting limit is found to increase with Zst for both normal and inverse flames. The effects of residence time are also investigated, and the sooting limit inception temperature is found to be dependent on fuel stream velocity for both the normal and inverse configurations. A simple model applicable to oxy-fuel combustion is presented which describes how increasing Zst results in the reduction and ultimately elimination of soot. This model assumes that soot inception can only occur in a region where critical values for species, temperature, and residence time are met. The soot inception region is shown to be bounded by two isotherms: a low-temperature boundary that is a function of residence time, and a high-temperature boundary that corresponds to the location of a critical local carbon-to-oxygen ratio. The effect of increasing Zst is to move the boundaries of the soot inception zone towards each other, until the zone is infinitely thin and thus the sooting limit is reached. By comparing the model to experimental data, a critical local C/O ratio of 0.53 and a sooting limit inception temperature of 1640 K (for a characteristic residence time of 22 ms) were determined for ethylene.  相似文献   

Current density distributions and local state of charge (SoC) differences that are caused by temperature gradients inside actively cooled Li-ion battery cells are discussed and quantified. As an example, a cylindrical Li-ion cell with LiFePO4 as cathode material (LiFePO4-cell) is analyzed in detail both experimentally and by means of spatial electro-thermal co-simulations. The reason for current density inhomogeneities is found to be the local electrochemical impedance varying with temperature in different regions of the jelly roll. For the investigated cell, high power cycling and the resulting temperature gradient additionally cause SoC-gradients inside the jelly roll. The local SoCs inside one cell diverge firstly because of asymmetric current density distributions during charge and discharge inside the cell and secondly because of the temperature dependence of the local open circuit potential. Even after long relaxation periods, the SoC distribution in cycled LiFePO4-cells remains inhomogeneous across the jelly roll as a result of hysteresis in the open circuit voltage. The occurring thermal electrical inhomogeneities are expected to influence local aging differences and thus, global cell aging. Additionally the occurrence of inhomogeneous current flow and SoC-development inside non-uniformly cooled battery packs of parallel connected LiFePO4-cells is measured and discussed.  相似文献   

The highest efficiency thin-film polycrystalline CuIn1−xGaxSe2 (CIGS) and CdTe solar cells are compared directly with crystalline Si and GaAs cells with similar respective bandgaps. The excess efficiency losses (6.3% for CIGS and 9.9% for CdTe) are quantitatively separated into eight categories. In each case, the impact of polycrystallinity is evaluated, and the differential losses are identified as being directly attributable to polycrystallinity or due to other causes. Approximately, two-thirds of the excess loss for polycrystalline cells is clearly due to polycrystallinity. Thus, strategies such as grain passivation to reduce the impact of polycrystallinity should be examined, but at the same time conventional approaches for incremental improvement should receive attention.  相似文献   

The utility boilers in China usually burn inferior coal with high ash content, so the fouling problems are more serious than that in developed countries. However, there is little information on the effects of utility boiler fouling on operating costs in China. This paper proposes a method for evaluating the costs due to utility boiler fouling in China. The fouling costs include excess heat transfer surface area, extra fuel, and maintenance costs. The excess heat transfer surface area of the 100 MW and 200 MW boilers units in Changshan Power Plant is calculated, and the results show that the excess heat transfer surface area is about 29%. This increases the investment 86,400 Yuan per megawatt unit. Based on the parameters measured in situ, a case study of a 350 MW unit in Huaneng Dalian Power Plant demonstrates that the costs due to utility boiler fouling are 10.008 billion Yuan RMB without considering the costs due to product loss, which is about 0.11% GDP of China in 2000. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 34(2): 53–63, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20051  相似文献   

The impacts on the air of the net internal supply is studied at national level. Energy balances were modified to directly link emissions with energy usage. A relation was selected between each Joule used and kilogram of pollution emitted, for each primary energy source and main contaminant. The evolution during the last two decades of emissions due to energy supply was obtained; as well as the relation to the energies' own evolution.  相似文献   

The use of hydrogen as a fuel is increasing exponentially, and the most economical way to store and transport hydrogen for fuel use is as a high-pressure gas. Polymers are widely used for hydrogen distribution and storage systems because they are chemically inert towards hydrogen. However, when exposed to high-pressure hydrogen, some hydrogen diffuses through polymers and occupies the preexisting cavities inside the material. Upon depressurization, the hydrogen trapped inside polymer cavities can cause blistering or cracking by expanding these cavities. A continuum mechanics–based deformation model was deployed to predict the stress distribution and damage propagation while the polymer undergoes depressurization after high-pressure hydrogen exposure. The effects of cavity size, cavity location, and pressure inside the cavity on damage initiation and evolution inside the polymer were studied. The stress and damage evolution in the presence of multiple cavities was also studied, because interaction among cavities alters the damage and stress field. It was found that all these factors significantly change the stress state in the polymer, resulting in different paths for damage propagation. The effect of adding carbon black filler particles and plasticizer on the damage was also studied. It was found that damage tolerance of the polymer increases drastically with the addition of carbon black fillers, but decreases with the addition of the plasticizer.  相似文献   

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