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Springs have long been recognized as being significant places in the landscape, and there is ample evidence of later-prehistoric and Roman activity at spring sites. The Christian appropriation of springs as 'places', either indirectly by assigning their origin to saints, or directly by building chapels and churches on spring-head sites, is also well evidenced. The possibility that the material of petrifying springs - tufa - was both transplanted and appropriated, and that the symbolic properties of the material may go back well into British prehistory, is explored.  相似文献   

王颢  张健  蔡军 《华中建筑》2006,24(1):92-94
阶梯在礼仪性场所空间中具有重要的精神表征意义,该文通过对礼仪性场所空间特征与阶梯空间形态特点的分析,阐述了二者间的紧密联系,探讨了礼仪性场所中阶梯的多重表征意义与基本结构模式。  相似文献   

本文对文化广场周围地理现状进行分析,进而提出园林环境设计的定位,构建一个人与自然和谐共处的环境。  相似文献   

城市交通换乘中心的城市功能与管理方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文集中分析了城市客运交通中换乘中心对机动性发展的重要性,随后分析了换乘中心的城市功能以及它的三种管理模式。  相似文献   

贺勇  姜云娇 《规划师》2010,26(2):84-89
从解读"糟糕的场地"、"废墟"等角度入手,深入解析了当代景观设计大师P.拉茨教授的工业遗产、工业废墟等景观更新设计理念和设计方法,挖掘了拉茨教授所持有的"景观句法"设计观点,通过理解其设计作品的形成过程,指出其对于当下我国产业转型阶段遗留下来的大量产业类建筑与场地的再生与改造具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

风景名胜区认识及开发误区辨析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
朱观海 《中国园林》2003,19(2):61-64
为了提升人们对风景名胜区的保护意识,坚决制止和纠正各种严重的破坏性开发和经营行为,对于把风景名胜资源等同于特种市场商品,把风景名胜区等同于旅游区、宗教地、娱乐场或另类城市建设用地等误区,进行了辨析。认为应当正确认识风景名胜区的真正意义,充分发挥它应有的科学价值,实现在保护前提下的合理开发和永续利用,克服和排除当前在风景名胜区认识上的种误区。  相似文献   

张险峰  庄欣  林晨 《华中建筑》2009,27(2):64-69
该文论述了大连中远船务新建综合楼及其区域景观设计方案。设计者借助项目用地周围浪漫的海洋景观,因势利导来重塑其内部的自然环境和场地特征。并以业主的企业文化和历史文脉作为设计的切入点,使场地、自然、建筑、文化、单体得以和谐共生。  相似文献   

This research investigated the place attachment of a heritage place, namely, the Roman amphitheater, by using a valid model, the Kyle, Graefe, and Manning (2005) model. This model presents three factors to reach place attachment: place identification, place dependence, and social bonding. Although the validity of the used model was proved, statistical tests were used to verify the validity of the collected data because the model was used on a heritage site. In accordance with the mentioned model, the sample was interviewed using the model questionnaire to evaluate people's attachment to the heritage place during rush hours. Along with other statistical tests, the exploratory factor analysis of the sample elaborated that the Kyle, Graefe, and Manning model is not completely valid for this study, because the results added a new effective factor, namely, spiritual value. The place attachment estimation was then examined using the new model. The nature of the place was found to affect the model used to evaluate its place attachment.  相似文献   

Nitrate pollution is one of the main concerns of groundwater management in most of the world's agricultural areas. In the Osona region of NE Spain, high concentrations of nitrates have been reported in wells. This study uses the occurrence of this pollutant in natural springs as an indicator of the sub-surface dynamics of the water cycle and shows how groundwater quality is affected by crop fertilization, as an approach to determine the aquifer vulnerability.Nitrate concentration and other hydrochemical parameters based on a biannual database are reported for approximately 80 springs for the period 2004-2009. The background concentration of nitrate is first determined to distinguish polluted areas from natural nitrate occurrence. A statistical treatment using logistic regression and ANOVA is then performed to identify the significance of the effect of vulnerability factors such as the geological setting of the springs, land use in recharge areas, sampling periods, and chemical parameters like pH and EC, on groundwater nitrate pollution.The results of the analysis identify a threshold value of 7-8 mg NO3/L for nitrate pollution in this area. Logistic regression and ANOVA results show that an increase in EC or a decrease in pH values is linked to the possibility of higher nitrate concentrations in springs. These analyses also show that nitrate pollution is more dependent on land use than the geological setting of springs or sampling periods. Indeed, the specific geological and soil features of the uppermost layers in their recharge areas do not contribute to the buffering of nitrate impacts on aquifers as measured in natural springs. Land use, and particularly fertilization practices, are major factors in groundwater vulnerability.  相似文献   

The inter-urban competition seems to be of paramount importance for city-development today. The extensive reliance of competitiveness-oriented urban governance agendas on the knowledge-based, "new" economy, introduced the notion of "creativity" into discussion on the future of urban development. Though still on the margins of serious urban theory, the discourse on "creative cities" that emerged in the early 2000s, has already had massive influence on the ways in which cities are managed and transformed in Europe. After examination of how the competitiveness-oriented strategies based on creativity and related to the qualities of place increase cultural and social sustainability of urban transformation and development, this paper briefly rethinks the current urban development policy of the city of Sarajevo in relation to the notion of "place", by leaning on the contemporary European urban development paradigm. The conclusion points out that the sustainable increase of urban competitiveness in Sarajevo should be pursued by the development projects of urban transformation promoting creative knowledge sector, based on the inclusive cultural urban narratives related to places, thus assuring simultaneous growth of creative knowledge industries and preservation of diverse social geography.  相似文献   

Research suggests that the experience of open spaces routinely encountered is important to human quality of life. However, in their design decision making, landscape architects may not give this the level of attention it deserves. A potential response is explored by drawing from elements of environmental psychology research, socially responsive approaches to urban planning and design, and spatial concepts developed by Christian Norberg-Schulz. A range of experience, related to how people attach significance to certain locations, orientate themselves, and develop awareness of their home ground, is conceptualized spatially to propose a conceptual framework which has the potential to augment landscape architectural approaches to the neighbourhood environment.  相似文献   

Joshua Long   《Cities》2009,26(4):210-219
Recently, the popular literature on creative industries and the urban creative landscape has been largely dominated by the work of one scholar, Richard Florida. The popularity of Richard Florida’s work has led to a zealous implementation of his creative class thesis by many city officials, policymakers, and urban planners. Recent studies have investigated the impact of creative city implementation in previously working class and industrial cities, but given Florida’s popularity and influence, it is also necessary to evaluate the sustainability of cities touted as creative success stories by Florida and others. This article examines the case of Austin, Texas, seeking to evaluate Florida’s model city in light of recent empirical research. This research suggests that while Austin has witnessed impressive economic prosperity, the “externalities” or unforeseen challenges associated with creative development are equally evident. Further, this research suggests that previously overlooked socio-cultural challenges (e.g. loss of urban cultural character, sense of detachment, over-commercialization) in Austin threaten to potentially undermine the sustainability of this mode of development.  相似文献   

论乡土景观及其对现代景观设计的意义   总被引:41,自引:3,他引:38  
该文探讨了乡土景观的含义,论述了解读乡土景观对现代景观设计的意义,提出乡土景观是指当地人为了生活而采取的对自然过程和土地及土地上的空间及格局的适应方式,是此时此地人的生活方式和价值观在大地上的投影。因此,乡土景观是包含土地及土地上的城镇、聚落、民居、寺庙等在内的地域综合体。这种乡土景观反映了人与自然、人与人及人与神之间的关系。乡土景观的这种理解包含几个核心的关键词:即,它是适应于当地自然和土地的,它是当地人的,它是为了生存和生活的,三者缺一不可。这可以从乡土景观的主体、客体及相互关系方面来理解解读乡土景观对现代景观设计的意义在于理解景观是乡土经验的一种历史记载,帮助设计师用种新的、非自我的视角,设计内在人生活的景观,从种不自觉的、没有设计师的景观和唯设计师的景观,走向自觉的为使用者而设计的景观。  相似文献   

Research suggests that the experience of open spaces routinely encountered is important to human quality of life. However, in their design decision making, landscape architects may not give this the level of attention it deserves. A potential response is explored by drawing from elements of environmental psychology research, socially responsive approaches to urban planning and design, and spatial concepts developed by Christian Norberg-Schulz. A range of experience, related to how people attach significance to certain locations, orientate themselves, and develop awareness of their home ground, is conceptualized spatially to propose a conceptual framework which has the potential to augment landscape architectural approaches to the neighbourhood environment.  相似文献   

A number of examples where authors have invoked the concept of an underworld in explaining various prehistoric activities are catalogued and considered. In drawing this material together it is hoped that the case for exploring the underworld as a general theme in pre-Iron Age Britain is made. In addition, the usefulness of looking at various prehistoric activities from the perspective of the underworld is considered. In particular, the phenomenon of inversion is examined.  相似文献   

汤桦  袁丹龙 《建筑师》2018,(5):61-65
建筑作为人工构筑的资源集合,其目的在于揭示并强化周边环境的意义。基于建筑现象学的思考,本文以两塘书院暨金石博物馆的设计实践为例,探讨建筑如何与环境形成互相咬合的榫卯关系,并且通过建筑进而强化既有环境,带来全新维度的风景。  相似文献   

现代园林设计中材料与形式的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
材料是任何一种设计和制造的物质基础,也是任何一种形式的表现媒介和载体。不同的材料有不同的物理及视觉性质,设计的形式在某种程度上可以说是适应和表现材料的结果。材料与形式的关系是由材料的自然属性和组合规律所显示出来的。在现代园林设计中,随着材料应用的变幻,景观设计的形式也越发多元。为此,在探讨材料与形式之间相辅相成的关系,并从理念上开拓现代园林设计的形式。  相似文献   

文章对新近建成的长沙梅溪湖六个景观建筑进行解读,从结构材料、表皮材料以及空间设计等角度讨论了相关的设计策略,提出重新认知与挖掘材料的自然属性,让材料的使用帮助建筑融入环境以及恰当的材料使用是建筑对话环境的重要手段。  相似文献   

前进农场森林公园设计以扎根北大荒文化为主题,以自由的平面、丰富的或具有特性的空间、简洁的造型为基本原则,将休闲娱乐功能与其他功能相结合,将生态性与文化性、实用性相结合,是一个尊重场地特性与场所精神的人性化和生态化的现代景观设计。  相似文献   

杨舢 《华中建筑》2003,21(2):23-27
受到西方先锋艺术的影响,以赫佐格和德. 默隆(H&deM)与卒姆索托(Peter. Zumthor)为代表的瑞士建筑师开始重新审视建筑本体,面对材料和建造的真实,探询它们所隐含的情感意义与矛盾冲突.然而在具体的探索道路上,他们之间各有差异也由此产生了不同的结果.本文试图对他们的建筑艺术进行解读.  相似文献   

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