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<正>"I feel that I got lucky because any sense of security1was polled out from me,so I was forced to look forward,I had to,and was not going back.And I reach the point,where I just thought,‘All right,I’d got to work as hard as I possibly can,and see what happens’.""我觉得我自己很幸运,因为对我来说从来就没有任何安全  相似文献   

Arata Isozaki and I are contemporaries, and both of us studied in Tange's studio. That is why the "Arata Isozaki: Architecture, 1960-1990" exhibition gives me the feeling that I am looking back on my own times through a different pair of eyes. Inasmuch as architecture is something that expresses, whether consciously or unconsciously, the spirit of the age, one expects in the thirty-year record of an architect a broad range of themes and diverse ways of addressing those themes,  相似文献   

<正>The Teacher’s Notation During a Christmas exam,one of the questions was,"What causes a depression?"One of the students wrote,"God knows,I don’t know.Merry Christmas."The exam paper came back with teacher’s notation:"God gets 100,you get zero.Happy New Year."老师的批语在圣诞节考试期间,有一个问题是:"什么引起萧  相似文献   

This research paper describes the tsunami damage to tide walls observed using aerial photographs and field investigations at 13 locations along the coast of Iwate Prefecture, where significant tsunami damage occurred as a result of the Great East Japan Earthquake. This paper also summarizes the characteristics of the damage. The tide walls in Iwate Prefecture were constructed on a ria (hilly type) coast, this geographical feature of lwate being different from that of the other disaster areas, primarily Miyagi and Fukushima Prefectures. The results of our investigations show that all the devastated tide walls suffered from overflow before being damaged. In particular, the sloping and vertical type tide walls with slope protection were damaged by scouring of the infill sand or back fill soil due to the overflow of the tsunami. In the case of vertical type tide walls without slope protection, damage was caused by scouring of the back fill soil.  相似文献   

<正>The rain fell so hard that I wondered if it was pebbles~1 instead of rain that fell on my head.I walked faster through the empty streets of New York. I lost in my thoughts and I even didn't notice someone was in front of me.雨下得很大,我都怀疑落在头上的会不会是鹅卵石而不是雨。我加快速度穿过纽约空荡荡的街道。我走了一下神,甚至没有注意到前面有个人。  相似文献   

<正>Once upon a time a man had heard that in a place far away,there was a holy~1 flame~2burning.So he left his home to find the holy flame and bring some back home.He thought,"When I have this light,then I will have happiness and all the people I love will have it too."曾经有一个男人听说在一个遥远的地方那儿有一束圣火在燃烧。于是,他离开家去寻找那束圣火并带一些回家。他心想:"当我拥有这束圣火时,我将拥有幸福,并且所有我爱的人都会拥有。"  相似文献   

To improve mining production capacity, a stage subsequent filling mining(SSFM) method is employed for Sijiaying iron mine. The height of the stage stope is approximately 100 m. As there are farmlands and villages on the surface of the mine, the surface deformation should be controlled when the ore is mined out for the purpose of stope stability and minimizing surface subsidence. In this paper, according to the site-specificgeological conditions, the self-stability of the stagefi lling body was analyzed, and the failure mechanism of back filling body was defined. Thus the relationship between the exposed height of filling body and the required strength was obtained. Next, the stability of back filling body and the characteristics of surface subsidence due to mining of 450 m level were analyzed using physical modeling.Finally, a three-dimensional numerical model was established using FLAC3 D, with which the surface subsidence and the stability of stope were achieved. The results show that the stope basically remains stable during the two-step recovery process. The maximum magnitude of the incline is 10.99 mm/m, a little larger than the permissible value of 10 mm/m, and the horizontal deformation is 5.9 mm/m,approaching the critical value of 6.0 mm/m, suggesting that the mine design is feasible for safety mining.  相似文献   

此建筑是比戈大学校园的一部分,建筑为四边形,后部为弧形与地形相匹配,与教学楼相呼应。This building is a piece of the University Campus of Vigo,arranged from the master plan done by this office.The building is a rectangle that bows on the back part to adapt itself to the form of the area,following the guidelines of the classroom building.  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】1.be full of...充满了……;装满了……3.the back of the book书背5.the marks of another man’s feet另一个人的足迹7.signs left behind留在身后的迹象9.science fiction科幻小说11.can’t wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事13.a number of people许多人15.the number of people人的数量17.belong to...属于……19.the home of country music乡村音乐的  相似文献   

This is the speech given by Professor Wu Liangyong,Director of the UrbanPlanning Society of China,at the 1993's annual meeting of the Urban Planning So-ciety of China held in Xiangfan,on November 8,1993. In the light of the course of the academic development of China's urban plan-ning,while looking back on the history after World War Ⅱ and taking internationalexperiences for reference,the author analyses the problems which now exist in theplanning of our country and proposes how the functions,contents and methods ofthe work of urban planning meet the needs of the socialist market economy.He al-so makes theoretical elaboration on the principles upheld and the orientation andobjective of academic development in the work of urban planning.He lays stress onthe importance of the accomplishment of the ideological and moral quality for theurban planners under the new situation.  相似文献   

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