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<正>白晨曦:As the Director of the AECOM Global Cities Institute,what did you expect the goals and objectives of GCP-Beijing as a pilot program?作为AECOM世界城市研究院的院长,您认为AECOM与北京合作的项目将会实现哪些目标?  相似文献   

<正>Let ' s just put the fact right on the table:Writing worthwhile~1 content~2 is hard.让我们把事实摆在桌面上:写出有价值的内容是很难的。Capture~3 your ideas Very often,good ideas come to us in a flash of inspiration and then disappear quickly.So do yourself a favor and create a place where you'll keep all of your genius~4insights~5,and be able to find them again when you need them.When you get into the habit of catching and recording your ideas,including silly ones,you realize how many ideas your creative brain is sending you every day.And when you can easily find them again,your mind will never go blank when you try to think about what to work on next.  相似文献   

<正>The Dead Sea Teacher:Tom,what do you know about the Dead Sea?Tom:I didn’t even know when it was ill.死海教师:汤姆,你对死海都了解些什么?汤姆:死海生病时我都不知道。Bedtime Prayers Julie was saying her bedtime prayers."Please God,"she said,"Make Naples the capital of Italy.Make Naples the capital of Italy."Her mother interrupted and said,"Julie,why do you want God to make Naples the capital of Italy?"And Julie replied,"Because that’s what I put in my geography exam!"睡前祷告词朱莉叶在做睡前祈祷。"祷告上帝,"她说,"让那不勒斯成为意大利的首都吧。让那不勒  相似文献   

正Jan Gehl=JG,孙璐=SLSL:For many years you have been focusing on making cities for people.When did you start to study"inhabitants"instead of"architecture"as an architect,and what was the reason?许多年来,您一直致力于研究和设计"人性化的城市"。作为一名建筑师,是什么启发了您关注居住者,而非建筑本身?这一研究是何时开始的?  相似文献   

<正>Things you must NOT do to concentrate better while studying:想要更专心学习,以下这些事情一定不能做:1.Focusing on Things Out of Your Control把注意力放在不能控制的事上It’s one week until you have final exam or test,but you haven’t even looked at the material that’s covered yet.Oh god,stress overload.Why didn’t I start studying earlier?You need to focus on what you can do and take back control over the situation.You still got a week left to work with.  相似文献   

The development of Shanghai's Pudong District has be- come a big event of world significance attracting the atten- tion of the Shanghai people and that of China.The making of the plan for Pudong development has started already and the legal documents regarding the preferential policies and other policies have been worked out and made public. The Pudong development is under its way.However,we should notice that there are still such questions as what road the Pudong development should take,how to develop it,what are the goals for the development what is its devel- opment strategy etc,which still require to be answered.The development strategic target is the base for the development of a city or a district.All the oplicies and activities of a city's development should start from and come back to this base. It is also the base for city planning.What role can a plan without strategic goals?However,strategic goals can not be determined by the planning department or any other practical sectors of a city.This  相似文献   

<正>Right now,millions of people are digging into1their food with two sticks that have stood the test of time for humans,even when thousands of other tools and products haven’t.But what’s so special about them?现如今,成千上万的工具和产品都已被时间淘汰,只有两根棍子经受住了时间的考验,成千上万的人们用它们来夹取食物。那么它们到底有什么特别之处呢?What can we learn from mere chopsticks?从这简简单单的筷子中,我们能学到什么?  相似文献   

正NX:In 2002 you published the book The Making of Urban Japan:Cities and planning from Edo to the twenty-first century,an important work for understanding Japanese planning histor y.And you took a Postdoctoral research fellowship and taught in Japan.As a Canadian,what brought you to be interested in Japan and its planning history?(I noticed you had an interview with UTSC https://utsc.utoronto.ca/geography/andresorensen.It’s always interesting to begin an interview with talking about personal history.)2002年您出版了《城市日本的形成:从江户时代到二十一世纪》,这是一部了解日本规划史的重要著作。并且您的博士后是在日本。作为一个加拿大人,是什么让您对日本和它的规划史感兴趣?  相似文献   

<正>You’ve probably heard countless times how exercise is "good for you". But did you know that it can actually help you feel good, too? Getting the right amount of exercise can increaseyour energy levels and even help improve your mood.你可能已经无数次地听过运动如何"对你有好处"。但是你知道它实际上真的可以帮助  相似文献   

<正>Life is often like a game of cards—you can’t help the hand you’re dealt,but you can help the way you play it.It is easy for us to do something without careful thinking,but it’s hard for us to take back what we have done.人生如一场纸牌游戏,手中的牌无法更改,怎么玩却由自己决定。我们往往会不经认真思考就做出一些事情,但是做出的事将覆水难收。There was once a woman who repeated a rumor about a neighbour.Within a few days,the  相似文献   

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