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Students tend to learn English in different ways. Some need to gather more examples and imitate them, while others require less. In a classroom, we, English teachers, cannot tailor the approach to each individual student, so we should make them involved personally in order to discover what works best. Teachers can introduce some strategies of learning English to the students. What are strategies? A strategy is the art of planning. After planning carefully, we can succeed in guiding our studies. In the following passage, we will discuss the strategies of reading comprehension for English majors in college.  相似文献   

<正>We all have moments of desperation1.But if we can face them head on,that’s when we find out just how strong we really are.我们都有绝望的时候。只有在勇敢面对的时候,我们才知道自己有多坚强。We’ve all done something in our lives that we are ashamed of—some of us have fallen for the wrong man,some have let go of the right women...There are those who have humiliated their  相似文献   

<正>Many advanced English learners have a large"passive~2 vocabulary",but they worry about the size of their"active vocabulary".They can understand many difficult English words when reading or listening,but they don't use most of them when speaking or writing in English.They feel this is a problem.They would like to use all the difficult words that they know.许多高水平英语学习者都有大量的"不活跃词汇",但他们担心自己的"活跃词汇"量。他  相似文献   

English for a long time, they still find their vocabulary insufficient. Because of the lack of vocabulary, they cannot understand the meaning of a sentence or cannot understand what others say. And their desire to learn is very strong. Therefore, possessing the efficient strategies of vocabulary learning is especially important. From this point, according to the investigation, this paper is intended to discuss the efficiency of the association methods in middle school vocabulary learning. Only when teachers adopt the appropriate strategies can they make a productive classroom teaching and arouse students’ learning interest.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a linked multicontinuum and crack tensor approach for modeling of coupled geomechanics, fluid flow, and solute transport in fractured rock. We used the crack tensor approach to calculate effective block-scale properties, including anisotropic permeability and elastic tensors, as well as multicontinuum properties relevant to fracture-matrix interactions and matrix diffusion. In the modeling, we considered stress dependent properties, through stress-induced changes in fracture apertures, to update permeability and elastic tensors. We evaluated the effectiveness and accuracy of our multicon-tinuum approach by comparing our modeling results with that of three independent discrete fracture network (DFN) models. In two of the three alternative DFN models, solute transport was simulated by particle tracking, an approach very different from the standard solute transport used in our multicon-tinuum modeling. We compared the results for flow and solute transport through a 20 m × 20 m model domain of fractured rock, including detailed comparison of total flow rate, its distribution, and solute breakthrough curves. In our modeling, we divided the 20 m × 20 m model domain into regular blocks, or continuum elements. We selected a model discretization of 40 × 40 elements (having a side length of 0.5 m) that resulted in a fluid-flow rate equivalent to that of the DFN models. Our simulation results were in reasonably good agreement with the alternative DFN models, for both advective dominated transport (under high hydraulic gradient) and matrix-diffusion retarded transport (under low hydraulic gradient). However, we found pronounced numerical dispersion when using larger grid blocks, a problem that could be remediated by the use of a finer numerical grid resolution, while maintaining a larger grid for evaluation of equivalent properties, i.e. a property grid overlapping the numerical grid. Finally, we encountered some difficulties in using our approach when element sizes were so small that only one or a few fractures intersect an element-this is an area of possible improvement that will be pursued in future research.  相似文献   

初中英语教师在进行英语阅读教学时应该要充分利用报刊资源,拓展学生的英语知识面,培养他们学习英语的兴趣,从而提高其英语学习积极性个主动性,掌握更多英语阅读技巧,最终达到英语教学目标。  相似文献   

<正>Learning English is not an easy job for many people. They have to overcome lots of challenges on the way to be a good English learner. Here are three biggest challenges you should pay more attention to.学习英语对许多人来说不是一件容易的事。在成为一名优秀英语学习者的过程中,他们必须克服许多困难。下面是你应该多加注意的三大难题:  相似文献   

<正>If reading and writing don’t come naturally to you,English classes can seem difficult and scary.Putting forth your best effort both inside and outside of class will show your teacher that you really care about your education and your grades.Helpful studying and learning strategies will help you do better in your English class.如果阅读和写作方面你的天赋不够,英语课程看起来会很难且令人畏惧。在课堂内外尽力而为会让你的老师知道,你真的关心你的学习和成绩。结合有用的学习和学习策略将帮助你学好英语课。  相似文献   

<正>Right now,millions of people are digging into1their food with two sticks that have stood the test of time for humans,even when thousands of other tools and products haven’t.But what’s so special about them?现如今,成千上万的工具和产品都已被时间淘汰,只有两根棍子经受住了时间的考验,成千上万的人们用它们来夹取食物。那么它们到底有什么特别之处呢?What can we learn from mere chopsticks?从这简简单单的筷子中,我们能学到什么?  相似文献   

英语作为第二语言,对于没有英语语言环境的我们,学好英语的难度是相当大的。因此,在教学过程中如何激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的积极性,是英语教师应该考虑也必须解决的问题。而研究表明,最能提高学生学习兴趣的是教师在英语课堂上鼓励的语言。不过鼓励也要讲究技巧和策略,否则达不到预期的目标。  相似文献   

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