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Many landscape and ecological features, such as riparian corridors, may span a number of different landholdings, and management practices are often inconsistent across those boundaries. Obtaining the co-operation of landowners thus emerges as one of the major obstacles to the attainment of Agri-Environmental Policy objectives, which are, to a greater or lesser degree, conditional on appropriate management practices being carried out at an appropriately extensive spatial scale. The utilization of the theoretical principles of landscape ecology is proposed as a framework for the planning and management of large areas, and a potential avenue whereby large-scale landscape plans could be matched with appropriate land-management frameworks. In spite of the difficulties associated with fragmented land ownership and land managers' differing perspectives and practices relating to conservation, the assumption that present patterns of farming and landholding are incompatible with the attainment of landscape-scale conservation management is challenged. The results of a study which has evaluated the scope for multiple-farm collaboration over conservation management planning, within the context of the uplands of the Lake District Environmentally Sensitive Area, are presented and discussed. Particular attention is drawn to the social dynamics of land ownership, neighbour relations and the 'problem' of common land as key issues in the sustainable management of upland landscapes.  相似文献   

文章通过对远香湖景观规划与设计的剖析,阐述从大地景观尺度到游人体验尺度的一体化考量设计,并逐个解析以生态先导为设计原则的景观设计手法在远香湖景观设计中的运用。以生态场景软化城市硬景,使城市与自然共融的景观形态构成远香湖的空间特质。  相似文献   

视觉美学意义一直都是景观的重要核心价值。从20世纪60年代以来对于景观作为视觉资源的科学性研究,拓展了现代意义上的视觉景观资源管理工作,并逐步发展到世纪之交开始的景观生态价值观主导和以规划与管理为指向的趋势。简要回顾了现代视觉资源管理学科领域的发展过程,指出地理设计自身的过程逻辑原本就与视觉景观资源管理有相当大的共性,并借助独立的视觉景观资源管理的实践案例分析这种共性,这种新的趋势为地理设计介入视觉资源管理过程提供了进一步的融合可能。  相似文献   

陈诚 《室内设计》2011,(4):58-61
当前我国现代农业园区建设呈方兴未艾之势,其兴起与发展是我国农业发展和农业科技革命的现实需要。本文介绍了农业园区的功能特征、开发模式、规划思路,并通过介绍渝北国家农业园(拓展区)总体规划实践,提出现代农业园区建设与发展遇到的问题及对策建议。  相似文献   

Agri-environmental schemes are often targeted at heterogenic landscapes to support several ecosystem services besides food production. The question is whether heterogenic landscapes also support recreation values. Previous studies suggest this but statistical analysis of the relation between heterogeneity and recreation is lacking. To assess this, we used a quantitative Landscape Heterogeneity Index (LHI), developed for biodiversity conservation. We asked five different user groups to score 12 photographs of landscapes depicting different LHI. All user groups, especially conservationists and hunters, preferred the heterogeneous landscapes and this difference was statistically significant for all groups except farmers. Accessibility, in terms of roads, had no obvious impact on the recreational value conveyed by the photos. The paper provides evidence that the recreational value amplifies biodiversity-based values of heterogeneous landscapes and argues that such landscapes also provide resilience and insurance value buffering against unexpected risks. Implications for policy are discussed.

Highlights ? Recreational value was positively correlated to landscape heterogeneity.

? This correlation was statistically significant for all user groups except farmers.

? Accessibility, in terms of roads, had no obvious impact on the recreational value.

? The multi-functionality of heterogeneous agricultural landscapes including resilience and the insurance value should be better acknowledged in policy.


Daodi Flood Land, located in Mentougou District of Beijing, is a relatively separate flood land in the lower reaches and on the east of Yonding River. This largest landscape character area in the west of Beijing along the river illustrates the history of human–water interaction and discloses the trends and problems of rural urbanization. Focusing on Daodi Flood Land, this paper expands the research on adaptation by introducing basic concepts and research framework, and reviews the research trends from spatial, temporal, and participant aspects. Considering the typical characters of the study area, this research employed participatory approaches, such as mapping and problem and solution trees, due to the lack of continuous and accurate data. Basing on literature review and field investigation on issues of floods, agricultural irrigation, and water resource utilization, water adaptive development visions for the study area were proposed from perspectives of landscape and culture. Finally, the paper further analyzes the structural relations between adaptation problems, natural and social systems, passive and active adaptations, and planned and unplanned adaptations, with the aim to provide reference for relevant studies and applications of adaptation approaches in other cases.  相似文献   

The Sierra de Guadarrama is a valuable natural area, with ecological problems of degradation due to the high number of visitors from nearby Madrid. Visitors' landscape perception of the Sierra de Guadarrama is influenced by the activities they practise and, in the same way, their attitudes and expectations are not independent of the fact of practising one or another activity. Differences and conflicts between users are highlighted, and some recommendations for a better recreational use of the landscape are suggested.  相似文献   


Extensive damage to the vegetation cover in arctic and alpine landscapes has raised the question of restoration as a possible management strategy. Restoration is a goal-oriented activity, a technological undertaking wider than its parent science of ecology. Social science and planning concepts and methods are necessary to handle the value judgements implicit in restoration. It is argued that the notion of 'desired state' is a better reference point in defining restoration goals than the notion of 'original state'. Using qualitative methods, two areas with vulnerable arctic/alpine vegetation are investigated. Based on participants' statements, four possible scenarios or desired states for future management are constructed. The main focus in the scenarios is on participants' attitudes to restoration activity, and it is shown how these are influenced by participants' attachment to the area and their view of nature.  相似文献   

姜涛 《规划师》2009,25(5):82-87
荷兰的国家空间规划编制始于1960年,最新出台的国家空间战略(2004)是在第五个国家空间政策文件草案(1996-2001)的基础上制定的,该战略从新的管治哲学出发,利用"层"分析法,确定了新的政策目标,提出了具有发展优先级的6个"国家城市网络"和13个"经济核心区".荷兰的国家空间战略具有以意愿为导向而非问题导向,在提升经济竞争性的同时强调空间品质的建设,关注和反思城乡关系的融合,强调行动导向,重视规划政策的实施或衔接等特点,对中国战略性规划的编制具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

对反距离加权平均(IDW)插值法和克立格(Kriging)插值法两种空间插值方法在数字地价模型(DLPM)建立过程中的插值效果进行比较研究,采用上海内环线地区内的实际样本点数据进行有关实证分析。利用空间插值软件Surfer8.0对上海内环线地区内地价样本点使用上述两种不同的插值方法插值生成不同的插值结果文件,再利用GIS软件MapInfo7.5把插值结果文件生成数字地价栅格专题图,最后用随机选取的验证点对不同的插值结果进行比较分析。研究结果表明:反距离加权平均(IDW)插值法比克立格(Kriging)插值法插值效果更佳,其插值结果更加接近实际地价分布,而且,反距离加权平均(IDW)插值法属于确定性插值法,也简单、易操作,样本点处的插值结果也可以更好的接近样本点的实际地价值,使得数字地价模型(DLPM)的建立更加可靠、可行。  相似文献   

Phoslock® is a lanthanum (La) modified bentonite clay that is being increasingly used as a geo-engineering tool for the control of legacy phosphorus (P) release from lake bed sediments to overlying waters. This study investigates the potential for negative ecological impacts from elevated La concentrations associated with the use of Phoslock® across 16 case study lakes. Impact-recovery trajectories associated with total lanthanum (TLa) and filterable La (FLa) concentrations in surface and bottom waters were quantified over a period of up to 60 months following Phoslock® application. Both surface and bottom water TLa and FLa concentrations were <0.001 mg L−1 in all lakes prior to the application of Phoslock®. The effects of Phoslock® application were evident in the post-application maximum TLa and FLa concentrations reported for surface waters between 0.026 mg L−1–2.30 mg L−1 and 0.002 mg L−1 to 0.14 mg L−1, respectively. Results of generalised additive modelling indicated that recovery trajectories for TLa and FLa in surface and bottom waters in lakes were represented by 2nd order decay relationships, with time, and that recovery reached an end-point between 3 and 12 months post-application. Recovery in bottom water was slower (11–12 months) than surface waters (3–8 months), most probably as a result of variation in physicochemical conditions of the receiving waters and associated effects on product settling rates and processes relating to the disturbance of bed sediments. CHEAQS PRO modelling was also undertaken on 11 of the treated lakes in order to predict concentrations of La3+ ions and the potential for negative ecological impacts. This modelling indicated that the concentrations of La3+ ions will be very low (<0.0004 mg L−1) in lakes of moderately low to high alkalinity (>0.8 mEq L−1), but higher (up to 0.12 mg L−1) in lakes characterised by very low alkalinity. The effects of elevated La3+ concentrations following Phoslock® applications in lakes of very low alkalinity requires further evaluation. The implications for the use of Phoslock® in eutrophication management are discussed.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this research was to explore the potential of farmer's knowledge as a source of information on the past and present cultural landscapes, focusing on the land-use system, the cultural heritage, and the farmer's perception of landscape changes, from the 1950s to the present day. For this purpose, 42 semi-structured interviews were conducted from a random sample of 10% of the villages in an area of the Northern Mountains of Galicia (NW Spain). As shown in farmers’ reports, the main crops in the 1950s were wheat or rye, potatoes or maize (only near the coast) and turnips. Scrubland areas were an essential resource for pasture, litter, temporary crops and charcoal, whereas deciduous forest was mainly used as a source of wood for carpentry, firewood and litter. Agriculture was the main economic activity, whereas crafts and other activities in the fisheries or forestry industry were secondary. Granaries, watermills and stone laundry basins were the most frequent elements of built heritage that was mentioned in the interviews. Farmers were also comprehensively aware of the broad changes that occurred in the landscape. The results indicate that farmer's knowledge is a valuable source of information for documenting past and present land-use practices, local cultural heritage and changes in the landscape, all of which are helpful for the design of landscape-orientated policies. Moreover, observed ancestral cultural practices, such as extensive grazing in scrubland areas, may be promoted as strategies for helping the sustainability of cultural landscapes in the study area and in other areas with similar characteristics.  相似文献   

基于文化背景的景观偏好研究——以杭州西湖风景区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶晓敏  倪琪 《华中建筑》2011,29(9):145-149
关注不同文化背景群体的景观偏好特征,对指导未来的景观建设、继续扩大国际旅游市场具有重要意义.基于29个国家379名在杭的中外游客对西湖风景区40处代表性景观的偏好调查数据,采用SPSS软件进行平均偏好水平对比分析,研究发现中、外游客均对特殊天象类景观有着高度偏好,对自然景观的偏好高于人工景观.文化背景差异对文化景观的偏...  相似文献   

Business projects with an information technology component are referred to here as ‘business IT’ projects. Their success rate is found to be unsatisfactory, resulting in wasteful expenditure running to billions of dollars annually. Literature indicates that sound business cases, used effectively throughout the project lifetime, underpin governance and have a major positive impact on the project success rate. However, it also suggests that business case processes are seldom used properly.The goal of this study is to determine the extent to which business case processes are used in practice, and to understand the implications of the pattern that emerges.The data analysis from a survey reveals that business case usage diminishes significantly after approval is given to proceed, with potentially serious negative consequences. The findings offer initial building blocks for project business case theory; they also give valuable insights to management as to the required processes and how to avoid the prevailing pitfalls and achieve the intended strategic project benefits.  相似文献   

Recognition and understanding of landscape dynamics as a historical legacy of disturbances are necessary for sustainable management of forest ecosystems. This study analyzed forest dynamics and spatial–temporal changes in land use/land cover pattern in a sub-temperate like alluvial forest land with 1778 km2 area along the Eagan Sea coast of Turkey (İnegöl). This area is studied by comparing Landsat images from 1987 to 2001 and evaluated with spatial analyses of forest cover type maps from 1972, 1983, 1993 to 2004 using GIS. The study investigated temporal changes of spatial structure of forest conditions over the period using Fragstats™.The results showed that the forested areas increased both in between 1972 and 1993 years (3.3%) and between 1987 and 2001 years (6.7%). In terms of spatial configuration, İnegöl forests are generally fragmented in the latter periods due to intensive forest utilization, illegal use, expansion of settlements and infrastructural development in the lowlands. Land use pattern significantly changed over time depending on a few factors such as unregulated management actions, social pressure and demographic movements. In conclusion, land use changes have developed in favor of forestry over time between 1972–1993 and 1987–2001. The study revealed that demographic movements have a minor effect on landscape dynamics. Both spatial and temporal changes and the factors affecting these changes should be determined for developing sustainable management of forest resources.  相似文献   

The tension between the rural environment as the lived experience of those who dwell within it, and the objectification of that environment as scenery, is examined in the context of a change in planning legislation and philosophy. A discursive analysis of relevant documents demonstrates the application of a strong picturesque aesthetic. While the process of expert landscape assessment, as undertaken in this case study, immediately establishes a tension between outsider and insider, expert and inhabitant, the application of the picturesque aesthetic exacerbates it. In addition, the conflation of scenic quality with ecological health, which is an implicit feature of the picturesque aesthetic, results in a failure to adequately protect significant ecosystems as required under New Zealand's new planning law.  相似文献   

The tension between the rural environment as the lived experience of those who dwell within it, and the objectification of that environment as scenery, is examined in the context of a change in planning legislation and philosophy. A discursive analysis of relevant documents demonstrates the application of a strong picturesque aesthetic. While the process of expert landscape assessment, as undertaken in this case study, immediately establishes a tension between outsider and insider, expert and inhabitant, the application of the picturesque aesthetic exacerbates it. In addition, the conflation of scenic quality with ecological health, which is an implicit feature of the picturesque aesthetic, results in a failure to adequately protect significant ecosystems as required under New Zealand's new planning law.  相似文献   

Extensive damage to the vegetation cover in arctic and alpine landscapes has raised the question of restoration as a possible management strategy. Restoration is a goal-oriented activity, a technological undertaking wider than its parent science of ecology. Social science and planning concepts and methods are necessary to handle the value judgements implicit in restoration. It is argued that the notion of 'desired state' is a better reference point in defining restoration goals than the notion of 'original state'. Using qualitative methods, two areas with vulnerable arctic/alpine vegetation are investigated. Based on participants' statements, four possible scenarios or desired states for future management are constructed. The main focus in the scenarios is on participants' attitudes to restoration activity, and it is shown how these are influenced by participants' attachment to the area and their view of nature.  相似文献   

The role of Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) partnerships in the planning and management of landscapes is assessed. It is particularly explored how the AONB partnerships can provide focus for environmental planning through their strategies and the role they play in building consensus between different actors. The study is contextualized in light of recent findings from the Countryside Agency Review of AONBs, and the general move in environmental planning towards seeking integrated and sustainable solutions. A case study of the Wye Valley AONB is used in order to explore the types of collective ventures for landscape planning under the themes of landscape planning for visual amenity, planning for sustainable tourism and integrated rural land management.  相似文献   

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