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正In the 1980s,when China was experiencing the unprecedented tide of reform and opening-up which attracted worldwide attention,I had the honor of working along with Chen Zhanxiang,also known as Charles Chen,for many years after my studying in the UK.I was  相似文献   

<正>I had a quick thirty-minute layover~1 in Detroit before heading home to Toronto.I rushed up the jetway~2,knowing that my gate was on the opposite end of the airport,I got there with five to spare and stood waiting for Group 3"to be called.在回多伦多的家之前,我在底特律短暂停留了30分钟。因为知道我的登机口在机场的另一端,我快步冲上登机道。我提前五分钟赶到了那里,站在那里等待(广播)呼叫到"第三组"。  相似文献   

<正>One hot summer day I was sitting on my porch~1 with a yellow shirt and flip-flops~2 to match.My hair was in two pigtails. I was dripping popsicle all over the ground.一个炎热的夏日,我坐在门廊上,穿着一件黄色衬衫和人字拖鞋。我扎着两条辫子,融化的冰棒滴了一地。My daddy pulled up in my uncle's big black truck. He came out with a pretty purple outfit short set and the matching flip-flops.  相似文献   

<正>The rain fell so hard that I wondered if it was pebbles~1 instead of rain that fell on my head.I walked faster through the empty streets of New York. I lost in my thoughts and I even didn't notice someone was in front of me.雨下得很大,我都怀疑落在头上的会不会是鹅卵石而不是雨。我加快速度穿过纽约空荡荡的街道。我走了一下神,甚至没有注意到前面有个人。  相似文献   

<正>For years I fought with the bird’s nest that sat on top of my head—my curly hair.多年来我一直与头上的"鸟巢"——那一头卷发作斗争。Growing up in a Russian-Jewish home with parents who thought North American styling products were similar to illegal things,I was never allowed to put them in my hair.我在一个俄罗斯的犹太家庭中长大,父母都认为北美洲的造型产品与非法物品极为类  相似文献   

<正>Recently I had a talk in Beijing with an adult Chinese friend who was complaining(抱怨)how difficult it is to study English.No surprises there.It is a difficult language to learn,just like Chinese。最近我在北京听一位中国朋友吐槽英语难学。这并不奇怪,英语跟中文一样,都不好学。I made a few suggestions based on my own experience.One involved a very valuable fact which I learned from my high school Latin and Greek teacher.He had an amazing ability to memorize(记忆)things,like poetry(诗歌),speeches,etc.根据亲身经历,我有几点建议,其中也包括我高中拉丁语和希腊语老师的真传。那位老师对诗歌、演讲等记忆力超群。  相似文献   

<正>【案例背景】那天早晨,我与往常一样早早来到教室,等待孩子们一个个来到讲台旁上交家庭作业,一切都是那么平常。过了一会儿,侯馨雨(化名)迅速把作业本交了上来,上交的却是一篇英语日记。【案例过程】正当我想拿起红笔进行批改时,映入我眼帘的却是满纸的英文。这篇日记的题目是:My mother is awful.正文内容是这样写的:My mother is awful,because she lost my rabbit,the rabbit was very lovely.I love it.The rabbit had two long end two eyes,It’s so beavitful Rabbit ate apples...But I can’t belive it!My rabbit lost,I asked my mother,Can’t you lost my rabbit?She ashed,yes,I can,what?I fell awful I wanted to cry,who can tall me,where’s my rabbit.Oh,my god.  相似文献   

<正>Once there lived a dog.He was very greedy.There were many times that he had to pay for his greed.Each time the dog promised himself,"I have learnt my lesson.Now I will never be greedy again."But he soon forgot his promises and was as greedy as ever.从前有一条狗,它非常贪婪。有很多次它都不得不为自己的贪婪付出代价。每次它都和自己保证道:"我已经吸取教训了。现在我永远不会再贪心了。"但它很快就忘记了自己的承诺,一如既往地贪婪。  相似文献   

<正>Mrs. Lane knew I needed help, and she found a way to help me.莱恩太太知道我需要帮助,她找到了一种方法来帮我。I’ve done almost every sport I can think of for almost as long as I can recall. So I’ve had a lot of coaches. And my best coach was my eighth grade math teacher, Mrs. Lane.从我记事起,我几乎做过每一项我能想到的运动,所以我有很多教练。我最好的教  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】two photos of my family我的两张全家福the photo of your family你的全家福very much非常my cousin我的堂(表)兄弟姐妹my parents’names我父母的名字in the first photo在第一幅照片里in the second photo在第二幅照片里【重难点句子】1. This/That is my friend.这(那)是我的朋友。2. These/Those are my brothers.这些(那些)是我的兄弟们。3. Those are my two brothers.那些是我的俩兄弟。  相似文献   

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