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An efficient alternative to the S control chart for detecting shifts of small magnitude in the process variability using a moving average based on the sample standard deviation s statistic is proposed. Control limit factors are derived for the chart for different values of sample size and span w. The performance of the moving average S chart is compared to the S chart in terms of average run length. The result shows that the performance of moving average S chart for varying values of w outweigh those of the S chart for small and moderate shifts in process variability.  相似文献   

Moving average control charts have been presented in the Quality Control literature in the past 75 years; however, their conditional average run lengths have not been obtained. The objective of this article is to derive the autocorrelation function between two moving averages, and then make application of the bivariate normal distribution to compute the conditional type II error probability at the future time, t +1, given that a manufacturing process is in statistical control at the present time t. Our Tables 3 through 8 show that the values of Shewhart's average run length and the corresponding conditional first-order moving average run lengths are almost the same after one standard deviation shift from the target of a normal process mean. Our conclusion section 6 describes that the comparisons of the two average run lengths are not on a valid statistical basis.  相似文献   

The in-control performance of Shewhart and S2 control charts with estimated in-control parameters has been evaluated by a number of authors. Results indicate that an unrealistically large amount of Phase I data is needed to have the desired in-control average run length (ARL) value in Phase II. To overcome this problem, it has been recommended that the control limits be adjusted based on a bootstrap method to guarantee that the in-control ARL is at least a specified value with a certain specified probability. In this article we present simple formulas using the assumption of normality to compute the control limits and therefore, users do not have to use the bootstrap method. The advantage of our proposed method is in its simplicity for users; additionally, the control chart constants do not depend on the Phase I sample data.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the use of the average unit run length (AURL) as an important measure of the effectiveness of various quality control charting schemes. In particular we focus on its appropriateness for normally distributed processes that tend to produce units (or measurements) at slow rates. In our investigations with the standard Shewhart X? and R charts, as well as the CUSUM chart, AURL shows that a sample size of n=1 can yield the fastest means of detecting shifts.  相似文献   

The average run length (ARL) is usually used as a sole measure of performance of a multivariate control chart. The Hotelling's T2, multivariate exponentially weighted moving average (MEWMA) and multivariate cumulative sum (MCUSUM) charts are commonly optimally designed based on the ARL. Similar to the case of univariate quality control, in multivariate quality control, the shape of the run length distribution changes in accordance to the magnitude of the shift in the mean vector, from highly skewed when the process is in‐control to nearly symmetric for large shifts. Because the shape of the run length distribution changes with the magnitude of the shift in the mean vector, the median run length (MRL) provides additional and more meaningful information about the in‐control and out‐of‐control performances of multivariate charts, not given by the ARL. This paper provides a procedure for optimal designs of the multivariate synthetic T2 chart for the process mean, based on MRL, for both the zero and steady‐state modes. Two Mathematica programs, each for the zero state and steady‐state modes are given for a quick computation of the optimal parameters of the synthetic T2 chart, designed based on MRL. These optimal parameters are provided in the paper, for the bivariate case with sample sizes, nin{4, 7, 10}. The MRL performances of the synthetic T2, MEWMA and Hotelling's T2 charts are also compared. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) distribution is an extension of the ordinary Poisson distribution and is used to model count data with an excessive number of zeros. In ZIP models, it is assumed that random shocks occur with probability p, and upon the occurrence of random shock, the number of nonconformities in a product follows the Poisson distribution with parameter λ. In this article, we study in more detail the exponentially weighted moving average control chart based on the ZIP distribution (regarded as ZIP-EWMA) and we also propose a double EWMA chart with an upper time-varying control limit to monitor ZIP processes (regarded as ZIP-DEWMA chart). The two charts are studied to detect upward shifts not only in each parameter individually but also in both parameters simultaneously. The steady-state performance and the performance with estimated parameters are also investigated. The performance of the two charts has been evaluated in terms of the average and standard deviation of the run length, and compared with Shewhart-type and CUSUM schemes for ZIP distribution, it is shown that the proposed chart is very effective especially in detecting shifts in p when λ remains in control (IC) and in both parameters simultaneously. Finally, one real example is given to display the application of the ZIP charts on practitioners.  相似文献   

Several modifications and enhancements to control charts in increasing the performance of small and moderate process shifts have been introduced in the quality control charting techniques. In this paper, a new hybrid control chart for monitoring process location is proposed by combining two homogeneously weighted moving average (HWMA) control charts. The hybrid homogeneously weighted moving average (HHWMA) statistic is derived using two smoothing constants λ1 and λ2 . The average run length (ARL) and the standard deviation of the run length (SDRL) values of the HHWMA control chart are obtained and compared with some existing control charts for monitoring small and moderate shifts in the process location. The results of study show that the HHWMA control chart outperforms the existing control charts in many situations. The application of the HHWMA chart is demonstrated using a simulated data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose control charts for monitoring changes in the Weibull shape parameter β. These charts are based on the range of a random sample from the smallest extreme value distribution. The control chart limits depend only on the sample size, the desired stable average run length (ARL), and the stable value of β. We derive control limits for both one‐ and two‐sided control charts. They are unbiased with respect to the ARL. We discuss sample size requirements if the stable value of βis estimated from past data. The proposed method is applied to data on the breaking strengths of carbon fibers. We recommend one‐sided charts for detecting specific changes in βbecause they are expected to signal out‐of‐control sooner than the two‐sided charts. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A conventional cumulative sum control chart has a V‐mask where each arm makes an angle θ with the horizontal and has a lead distance d. These parameters are usually related to h (=dA tan(?), A is a scaling factor) and k(=A tan(?)). Two systems of formulas are examined for deriving h and k for selected values of the in control and out of control average run lengths. This is the first time an exhaustive comparison has been made. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Control charts are widely known quality tools used to detect and control industrial process deviations in statistical process control. In the current paper, we propose a new single memory-type control chart, called the sum of squares triple exponentially weighted moving average control chart (referred as SS-TEWMA chart), that simultaneously detects shifts in the process mean and/or process dispersion. The run length performance of the proposed SS-TEWMA control chart is compared with that of the sum of squares EWMA, sum of squares double EWMA, sum of squares generally weighted moving average, and sum of squares double generally weighted moving average, control charts, through Monte Carlo simulations. The comparisons indicate that the proposed chart is more efficient, than the competing ones, in detecting small shifts in the process mean and/or variability for most of the considered scenarios, while it has comparable performance for some others in identifying large shifts in the process mean and small to large shifts in the process variability. Finally, two illustrative examples are provided to explain the application of the SS-TEWMA control chart.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of monitoring a proportion with time-varying sample sizes. Control charts are generally designed by assuming a fixed sample size or a priori knowledge of a sample size probability distribution. Sometimes, it is not possible to know, or accurately estimate, a sample size distribution or the distribution may change over time. An improper assumption for the sample size distribution could lead to undesirable performance of the control chart. To handle this problem, we propose the use of dynamic probability control limits (DPCLs) which are determined successively as the sample sizes become known. The method is based on keeping the conditional probability of a false alarm at a predetermined level given that there has not been any earlier false alarm. The control limits dynamically change, and the in-control performance of the chart can be controlled at the desired level for any sequence of sample sizes. The simulation results support this result showing that there is no need for any assumption of a sample size distribution with the use of this proposed approach.  相似文献   

Shewhart control charts are among the most popular control charts used to monitor process dispersion. To base these control charts on the assumption of known in-control process parameters is often unrealistic. In practice, estimates are used to construct the control charts and this has substantial consequences for the in-control and out-of-control chart performance. The effects are especially severe when the number of Phase I subgroups used to estimate the unknown process dispersion is small. Typically, recommendations are to use around 30 subgroups of size 5 each.

?We derive and tabulate new corrected charting constants that should be used to construct the estimated probability limits of the Phase II Shewhart dispersion (e.g., range and standard deviation) control charts for a given number of Phase I subgroups, subgroup size and nominal in-control average run-length (ICARL). These control limits account for the effects of parameter estimation. Two approaches are used to find the new charting constants, a numerical and an analytic approach, which give similar results. It is seen that the corrected probability limits based charts achieve the desired nominal ICARL performance, but the out-of-control average run-length performance deteriorate when both the size of the shift and the number of Phase I subgroups are small. This is the price one must pay while accounting for the effects of parameter estimation so that the in-control performance is as advertised. An illustration using real-life data is provided along with a summary and recommendations.  相似文献   

Shewhart S2 control chart is one of the most commonly used tools to monitor the dispersion of a process. In this article, we evaluate the performance of S2 control chart when the unknown parameter is estimated from Phase-I samples. Average ARL and standard deviation of ARL metrics are used to evaluate the performance. In the first stage of the study, new control limit coefficients are derived so that the average ARL is equal to the pre-fixed ARL, ie, 370. Secondly, different proportion of outliers is contaminated into Phase-I samples, and the resulting elevated average ARL and standard deviation of ARL are measured. Finally, the application of Tukey's outlier detector is proposed with Phase-I samples so that the elevation caused by the outliers can be controlled and the average ARL can be pulled back close to the pre-fixed ARL. For illustration, the proposed procedures are applied to a data on compressive strength of parts manufactured by an injection molding process.  相似文献   

In many applications, the Poisson count data with varying sample sizes are monitored using statistical process control charts. Among these applications, the weighted CUSUM charts are developed to deal with the effect of the varying sample sizes. However, some of them use limited information of the sample size or the count data while assigning the weights. To gain more information of the process, the self-information weight functions are developed based on both the sample size and the observed count data. Then, the weighted CUSUM charts are proposed with the self-information-based weight. Simulation studies show the self-information-based weighted CUSUM charts perform better than the benchmark methods in detecting small shifts. Moreover, the performance of proposed method with estimated parameters is investigated via simulation. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the application of the proposed weighted CUSUM charts.  相似文献   

High-quality industrial processes, characterized by a low fraction of non-conforming items, require paying special attention to the statistical control methods employed since traditional Shewhart's control charts are no longer suitable. In this article, CCC-r charts are considered based on the cumulative count of conforming items inspected until r non-conforming items are observed. However, even though these charts have shown to be useful for high-quality processes, they are characterized by a biased average run length (ARL). In order to help engineers interested in this control methodology to select the best option, a computational study of statistical validation was performed to compare the two most outstanding procedures for the cases r = 2, 3, and 4. The performance was evaluated based on the ARL under control. The application of the CCC-r chart to a real process is shown with data from an automobile parts plant. Finally, analysis and discussion of the results are presented.  相似文献   

We present a method to design control charts such that in‐control and out‐of‐control run lengths are guaranteed with prespecified probabilities. We call this method the percentile‐based approach to control chart design. This method is an improvement over the classical and popular statistical design approach employing constraints on in‐control and out‐of‐control average run lengths since we can ensure with prespecified probability that the actual in‐control run length exceeds a desired magnitude. Similarly, we can ensure that the out‐of‐control run length is less than a desired magnitude with prespecified probability. Some numerical examples illustrate the efficacy of this design method.  相似文献   

Short production runs are common in enterprises that require a high degree of flexibility and variety in manufacturing processes. To date, past research on short production runs has little focus on the multivariate control charts. In view of this, fixed sample size (FSS) and variable sample size (VSS) Hotelling's T2 charts are designed to monitor the process mean when the production horizon is finite. Optimal parameters to minimize the out‐of‐control (1) truncated average run length (TARL) and (2) expected TARL (ETARL) are provided such that the in‐control TARL is equal to the number of inspections (say I). The numerical study considers the run length performances of the FSS and VSS T2 short‐run charts for both known and unknown shift sizes. The VSS T2 short‐run chart performs well in swiftly detecting various mean shifts in comparison with the FSS T2 short‐run chart. Additionally, the VSS T2 short‐run chart is superior to the FSS T2 short‐run chart, in terms of the truncated standard deviation of the run length, expected truncated standard deviation of the run length, probability that the chart signals an alarm within the I inspections, ie, P(I) and expected P(I). A case study on the impurity profile of a crystalline drug substance illustrates the implementation of the VSS T2 short‐run chart.  相似文献   

To maintain and improve the quality of the processes, control charts play an important role for reduction of variation. To detect large shifts in the process parameters, Shewhart control charts are commonly applied but for small shifts, exponentially weighted moving averages (EWMA), cumulative sum (CUSUM), double exponentially weighted moving average (DEWMA), double CUSUM, moving average (MA), double moving average (DMA), and progressive mean (PM) control charts, are used. This study proposes double progressive mean (DPM) and optimal DPM control charts to enhance the performance of the PM chart. As the proposed DPM control charts use information sequentially, hence their performance is compared with natural competitors EWMA, CUSUM, DEWMA, double CUSUM, MA, DMA, and PM control charts. Run length and its different properties are evaluated to compare the performance of the proposed charts and counterparts. Results reveal that proposed optimal DPM outperforms the other charts. An example related to voltage on fixed capacitance level is also provided to illustrate the proposed charts.  相似文献   

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