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The current decomposition methods are not suitable for electromechanical product; the smallest decomposition units obtained by these methods are static parts or components, which cannot reflect the characteristics of electromechanical product that ‘action determines motion, and motion determines function'. Meta-action is the smallest action to realize the function of electromechanical product, and it is reasonable to regard meta-action as the smallest decomposition unit of electromechanical product. Meta-action unit is the smallest structural unit to ensure the normal operation of meta-action, and it is also the smallest carrier of electromechanical product quality characteristics. Meta-action unit modeling technology is the basis of other subsequent research, so it is necessary to study it. In this paper, detailed criteria for meta-action decomposition and meta-action unit separation are formulated, and the standardized structural model, symbolized conceptual model, and assembly model of meta-action unit are also studied, which provide a basis for mechanical, kinematic, and failure mechanism research of electromechanical product. A CNC (computer numerical control) machine tool made in China is taken as an example for meta-motion decomposition and meta-action unit modeling, and the results verify the applicability and correctness of the method proposed in this paper. The proposed method is also applicable to other types of electromechanical product.  相似文献   

Traditional machine tool reliability modeling methods take static parts as the research object, ignoring the characteristic that the function and performance of computer numerical control (CNC) machine tool are ultimately driven by its most basic actions, and the traditional reliability modeling methods do not fully consider the randomness of machine tool failure. In view of this, this paper gave an improved four-parameter nonhomogeneous Poisson process reliability modeling method based on meta-action (MA), and a comprehensive method of system reliability was presented. A CNC machine tool made in China was taken as an example, and the reliability model of MA and the whole machine were built by the proposed method. The proposed method was compared with other methods by Akaike information criterion and Bayesian information criterion, and the method proposed in this paper was proved to be better. The reliability indexes of the system were simulated, and then the general trend of system reliability indexes was obtained by least squares support vector machines. The results verify the applicability and validity of this method, and lay a foundation for further research on the machine tool reliability based on metamotion.  相似文献   

为快速、准确地判断数控机床故障等级,避免出现花大代价处理次要故障,而关键故障却被忽略的情况,提出了一种以元动作单元为分析主体的数控机床故障分级决策方法。首先,为细化数控机床故障分析的粒度,使得分析过程更加简便,从系统功能分解的角度将数控机床按照“功能(function)-运动(motion)-动作(action)”逐层分解直至元动作层。其次,通过对分解过程进行分析,给出了元动作单元概念模型,明确了一个标准元动作单元需要包含的3类要素。然后,从动作的层面全面分析并总结元动作单元的故障模式类型。接着,定义了元动作单元故障模式的3个等级,按照评价指标对数控机床故障模式进行评价,再通过灰色聚类理论分析故障模式量化评价值,利用所得出的聚类结果建立了故障模式分级的原始决策表,随后通过粗糙集理论对原始决策表进行知识约简以使决策规则进一步简化,最终形成了一种能够快速、准确确定故障模式等级的决策方法。最后,通过对某数控机床齿条移动元动作单元的分析,验证了所提方法的合理性与有效性。实例分析结果表明使用该方法能够快速、准确地确定数控机床的故障模式等级,提高了决策效率,所得结论更加明确且具有针对性,可为后续的维修过程控制提供依据。研究结果能给相关企业确定数控机床故障等级提供有效指导,一定程度上优化企业维修资源的配置。  相似文献   

关键零件作为复杂机械产品的核心,对实现产品功能具有重要作用。然而,产品中零件数目庞大且具有耦合关系,导致识别关键零件十分困难。为实现产品关键单元的识别,从元动作出发,提出了一种面向复杂机械产品的多准则模糊关联综合评价的关键元动作识别方法。首先,利用“功能—运动—动作(fuction?montion?action, FMA)”的分解方法将复杂机械产品分解至最小运动单元——元动作;其次,基于不同元动作之间的运动和结构关系建立三角模糊评价矩阵,将证据理论与模糊关系结合,提出了模糊证据理论算法,实现了元动作之间不同关联信息的融合,解决了元动作之间信息模糊或缺失的问题,并在此基础上利用三角模糊数可能度关系的指标权重确定方法实现对元动作重要度的排序;最后,以国产某型号数控加工中心的转台为例,验证了该方法的合理性与有效性。研究表明:FMA分解方法从运动角度出发,可以简化整机的分解过程,有效表征产品零件的运动关系;从元动作的结构和运动关系分析元动作之间的相关性可以更好地研究元动作之间的耦合性;将证据理论带入模糊关系中进行不同元动作之间的关联信息融合,可以解决信息模糊问题。通过对元动作重要度的排序识别关键元动作,为后续对元动作单元的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

基于故障数据,对设备运行可靠性进行了分析与评估。对某汽车制造企业的一台卧式加工中心的故障数据进行了统计与分析,形成观测样本,并拟合出了设备故障间隔时间的概率密度分布函数和累计分布函数曲线,从而推断得出其分布规律可能服从威布尔分布。然后通过对威布尔分布函数相关性进行检验,验证了该设备的故障间隔时间分布服从威布尔分布。最后根据统计结果计算得出了该设备的各项可靠性评估指标。  相似文献   

The optimisation of product infant failure rate is the most important and difficult task for continuous improvement in manufacturing; how to model the infant failure rate promptly and accurately of the complex electromechanical product in manufacturing is always a dilemma for manufacturers. Traditional methods of reliability analysis for the produced product usually rely on limited test data or field failures, the valuable information of quality variations from the manufacturing process has not been fully utilised. In this paper, a multilayered model structured by ‘part-level, component-level, system-level’ is presented to model the reliability in the form of infant failure rate by quantifying holistic quality variations from manufacturing process for electromechanical products. The mechanism through which the multilayered quality variations affect the infant failure rate is modelled analytically with a positive correlation structure. Furthermore, an integrated failure rate index is derived to model the reliability of electromechanical product in manufacturing by synthetically incorporating overall quality variations with Weibull distribution. A case study on a control board suffering from infant failures in batch production is performed. Results show that the proposed approach could be effective in assessing the infant failure rate and in diagnosing the effectiveness of quality control in manufacturing.  相似文献   

工程应用中有大量构成复杂、功能繁多的机械系统,要对其进行适宜的可靠性分析有一定的难度,而电路系统的可靠性研究技术较为成熟,电子元件的可靠性参数也比较明确.为此,提出一种基于机电相似原理的模糊可靠性方法,给出了机械系统与电路系统进行相似分析的基本原理,并对力/电压机电相似和力/电流机电相似两种分析模型给出了运动方程,提出了可靠性分析的方法,利用该方法可以解决某些工程系统的可靠性计算问题.  相似文献   

突发型失效与退化型失效共存的竞争失效问题在实践中大量存在,一般情况下突发失效是受退化量大小影响的。文中利用比例危险模型分析了突发失效与退化量的关系,给出了竞争失效的一般模型及模型的参数估计方法,最后利用所给模型对强激光装置所用的金属化膜脉冲电容器进行了可靠性分析。  相似文献   

Early failures are the dominant concern as integrated circuit technology matures into consistently producing systems of high reliability. These failures are attributed to the presence of randomly occurring defects in elementary objects (contacts, vias, metal runs, gate oxides, bonds etc.) that result in extrinsic rather than intrinsic (wearout-related) mortality. A model relating system failure to failure at the elementary object level has been developed. Reliability is modelled as a function of circuit architecture, mask layout, material properties, life-test data, worst-case use-conditions and the processing environment. The effects of competing failure mechanisms, and the presence of redundant sub-systems are accounted for. Hierarchy is exploited in the analysis, allowing large scale designs to be simulated. Experimental validation of the modelling of oxide leakage related failure, based on a correlation between actual failures reported for a production integrated circuit and Monte Carlo simulations that incorporate wafer-level test results and process defect monitor data, is presented. The state of the art in IC reliability simulation is advanced in that a methodology that provides the capability to design-in reliability while accounting for early failures has been developed; applications include process qualification, design assessment and fabrication monitoring.  相似文献   

基于故障危害度对飞机电源系统进行可靠性评估,首先建立可靠性评估模型,该模型考虑各故障样本对飞机电源系统供电可靠性危害度影响,将出现的故障按照对电源系统安全、性能、任务及维修等指标的影响程度进行等级分类,从故障的失效机理出发建立相应的分布模型;然后采用分布计算和二次分布等算法进行系统整体可靠性指标评估。应用该模型对飞机电源系统进行了故障统计分析,计算了飞机电源系统的可靠性指标。  相似文献   

To support the development of probabilistic risk assessments of US commercial nuclear power plants, significant effort has been expended to develop generic failure rates for components. Generic failure rates indicate industry-average performance of components, rather than component performance at a specific plant. Most publicly available, generic failure rate databases are typically based on data collected in the 1970s and 1980s for US nuclear power plants. Recent data analysis programs sponsored by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and data collection programs sponsored by the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations provide an opportunity to compare more recent failure rate estimates with those obtained in the 1970s and 1980s. These recent results indicate that many component generic failure rates are now lower than observed in the 1970s and 1980s. Suggestions for up-to-date failure rates are presented. Also, failure to run rates for standby components are presented for both short- and longer-term run times.  相似文献   

In this study, an improved prediction model is introduced to assess the residual strength of gear transmission systems. The residual strength and stress‐strength interference theories are then combined to facilitate the study of the reliability of the gears and bearings in these systems. Based on the copula function, the correlation between the gear contact and bending failure is determined. The relationship between the copula function and reliability is used to determine the dynamic reliability of the gears while considering multiple correlated failure modes. In this manner, more accurate and dynamic reliability attenuation characteristics are obtained for the gear transmission system.  相似文献   

The Bayesian network (BN) is an efficient tool for probabilistic modeling and causal inference, and it has gained considerable attentions in the field of reliability assessment. The common cause failure (CCF) is simultaneous failure of multiple elements in a system under a common cause, and it is a common phenomenon in engineering systems with dependent elements. Several models and methods have been proposed for modeling and assessment of complex systems with CCF. In this paper, a new reliability assessment method is proposed for the systems suffering from CCF in a dynamic environment. The CCF among components is characterized by a BN, which allows for bidirectional reasoning. A proportional hazards model is applied to capture the dynamic working environment of components and then the reliability function of the system is obtained. The proposed method is validated through an illustrative example, and some comparative studies are also presented.  相似文献   

This paper provides a reliability prediction method to identify vehicle components that have the potential to become actionable items (such as a recall decision) based on their early field failure (4 or 5 months in service) warranty data. The vehicle customer mileage distribution from the warranty database is also discussed utilizing a mathematical model known as the lognormal distribution. The applicability of the above prediction method is demonstrated. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

复合材料单向层合板损伤失效试验研究   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
对T300/BMP-316单向层合板静载及疲劳加载各主方向损伤失效进行了试验研究, 为建立该材料各主方向疲劳加载剩余刚度退化表达式及剩余强度退化表达式提供了依据。同时, 获得了该材料剪切非线性因子, 给出了面内剪切疲劳加载试验循环过程中剪切刚度计算公式, 使用渗透剂增强的X射线图像技术对试样静载及疲劳破坏损伤状态进行了无损检测, 并对损伤失效机理形式进行了分析探讨。试验表明, 层合板结构应力分析中考虑材料剪切应力-应变的非线性效应是非常必要的。   相似文献   

This paper develops a three-phase procedure to measure the performance of a highly value-added footwear manufacturing system taking reworking actions into account, in which the system consists of multiple production lines. We mainly address the system reliability as a performance indicator to evaluate the possibility of demand satisfaction. First, we construct the manufacturing system as a manufacturing network by graphical transformation and decomposition. Second, capability analysis is implemented to determine the input flow of each station based on the manufacturing network. Third, a simple algorithm is proposed to generate all minimal capacity vectors that stations should provide to satisfy the given demand. We evaluate the system reliability in terms of the minimal capacity vectors. A further decision making issue is discussed to decide a reliable production strategy. Whenever the system state changes, the proposed performance evaluation procedure can be implemented easily and flexibly.  相似文献   

以曳引式电梯为研究对象,考虑电梯曳引绳刚度具有时变特性,对电梯系统建立了8自由度耦合振动的动力学模型。在对系统进行模态分析的基础之上,以影响系统模态频率的动力参数作为随机变量,结合DOE试验方法与神经网络技术,得出系统随机变量与系统模态响应之间的显性函数关系式。依据动态结构系统的固有频率与激振频率差的的关系准则,定义了系统共振的失效模式,并对系统的随机变量进行了可靠性灵敏度分析。研究表明,绳头侧刚度和曳引机支撑刚度对频率共振影响最为明显,因此,在电梯系统设计中可以通过修改该动力参数达到有效降低共振的风险。同时,在实际工作中应该严格关注和监视该动力参数的变化,避免发生共振。  相似文献   

Components in many engineering and industrial systems can experience propagated failures, which not only cause the failure of the component itself but also affect other components, causing extensive damage to the entire system. However, in systems with functional dependence behavior where failure of a trigger component may cause other components (referred to as dependent components) to become unusable or inaccessible, failure propagation originating from a dependent component could be isolated if the corresponding trigger component fails first. Thus, a time-domain competition exists between the failure propagation effect and the failure isolation effect, which poses a great challenge to the system reliability modeling and analysis. In this work, a new combinatorial model called competing binary decision diagram (CBDD) is proposed for the reliability analysis of systems subject to the competing failure behavior. In particular, special Boolean algebra rules and logic manipulation rules are developed for system CBDD model generation. The corresponding evaluation algorithm for the constructed CBDD model is also proposed. The proposed CBDD modeling method has no limitation on the type of component time-to-failure distributions. A memory system example and a network example are provided to demonstrate the application of the proposed model and algorithms. Correctness of the proposed method is verified using the Markov method.  相似文献   

High reliability and security have become the hallmarks of complex electromechanical systems. Owing to the difficulties in fault data collection, ambiguity and uncertainty have been inevitably associated with complex electromechanical systems. Thus, the ability to perform reliability evaluation using scarce fault data is of immense significance to these machines and is the focus of this study. A similarity based cloud model is proposed to evaluate the running state of complex electromechanical systems. By combining objective and subjective factors, the reliability of complex electromechanical systems is evaluated by calculating the similarity between the cloud models of actual and standardised states. Next, the inverter of an offshore wind turbine is used to verify the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed approach. The cloud model based framework for reliability evaluation inherits the preponderance of the uncertainty problem, overcomes the drawbacks of the current reliability approaches, and provides a theoretical basis, as well as a practical approach for the maintenance and repair of complex electromechanical systems with missing fault data. Additionally, it also provides a new methodology for solving the uncertainty problems caused by paucity of data.  相似文献   

Qualification frequently is a time‐critical activity at the end of a development project. As time‐to‐market is a competitive issue, the most efficient qualification efforts are of interest. A concept is outlined, which proactively integrates qualification into the development process and provides a systematic procedure as a support tool to development and gives early focus on required activities. It converts requirements for a product into measures of development and qualification in combination with a risk and opportunity assessment step and accompanies the development process as a guiding and recording tool for advanced quality planning and confirmation. The collected data enlarge the knowledge database for DFR/BIR (designing for reliability/building‐in reliability) to be used for future projects. The procedure challenges and promotes teamwork of all the disciplines involved. Based on the physics‐of‐failure concept the reliability qualification methodology is re‐arranged with regard to the relationships between design, technology, manufacturing and the different product life phases at use conditions. It makes use of the physics‐of‐failure concept by considering the potential individual failure mechanisms and relates most of the reliability aspects to the technology rather than to the individual product design. Evaluation of complex products using common reliability models and the definition of sample sizes with respect to systematic inherent product properties and fractions of defects are discussed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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