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Preclinical animal models are extensively used in nephrology. In this review, the utility of performing proteome analysis of kidney tissue or urine in such models and transfer of the results to human application has been assessed. Analysis of the literature identified 68 relevant publications. Pathway analysis of the reported proteins clearly indicated links with known biological processes in kidney disease providing validation of the observed changes in the preclinical models. However, although most studies focused on the identification of early markers of kidney disease or prediction of its progression, none of the identified makers has made it to substantial validation in the clinic or at least in human samples. Especially in renal disease where urine is an abundant source of biomarkers of diseases of the kidney and the urinary tract, it therefore appears that the focus should be on human material based discovery studies. In contrast, the most valid information of proteome analysis of preclinical models in nephrology for translation in human disease resides in studies focusing on drug evaluation, both efficacy for translation to the clinic and for mechanistic insight. 相似文献
Ce Wang;Gang Feng;Jie Zhao;Yang Xu;Yang Li;Lin Wang;Meng Wang;Miao Liu;Yilin Wang;Hong Mu;Chunlei Zhou; 《Proteomics. Clinical applications》2024,18(3):2300047
Kidney transplantation is the preferred treatment for patients with end-stage renal disease. However, acute rejection poses a threat to the graft long-term survival. The aim of this study was to identify novel biomarkers to detect acute kidney transplant rejection. 相似文献
Michal Alexovič;Csilla Uličná;Ján Sabo;Katarina Davalieva; 《Proteomics. Clinical applications》2024,18(2):2300072
The discovery of specific and sensitive disease-associated biomarkers for early diagnostic purposes of many diseases is still highly challenging due to various complex molecular mechanisms triggered, high variability of disease-related interactions, and an overlap of manifestations among diseases. Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) contain protein signatures corresponding to essential immunological interplay. Certain diseases stimulate PBMCs and contribute towards modulation of their proteome which can be effectively identified and evaluated via the comparative proteomics approach. 相似文献
Yilin Pan;Christine Yim-Ping Wong;Haiying Ma;Ryan Tsz-Hei Tse;Carol Ka-Lo Cheng;Miaomiao Tan;Peter Ka-Fung Chiu;Jeremy Yuen-Chun Teoh;Xin Wang;Chi-Fai Ng;Liang Zhang; 《Proteomics. Clinical applications》2024,18(2):2300004
Urine proteome is a valuable reservoir of biomarkers for disease diagnosis and monitoring. Following formation as the plasma filtrate in the kidney, urine is progressively modified by the active reabsorption and secretion of the urinary tract. However, little is known about how the urine proteome changes as it passes along the urinary tract. 相似文献
Samar Shetaban Mir Mehdi Seyyed Esfahani Abbas Saghaei Abbas Ahmadi 《Computational Intelligence》2021,37(1):435-460
Today, air pollution, smoking, use of fatty acids and ready‐made foods, and so on, have exacerbated heart disease. Therefore, controlling the risk of such diseases can prevent or reduce their incidence. The present study aimed at developing an integrated methodology including Markov decision processes (MDP) and genetic algorithm (GA) to control the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with hypertension and type 1 diabetes. First, the efficiency of GA is evaluated against Grey Wolf optimization (GWO) algorithm, and then, the superiority of GA is revealed. Next, the MDP is employed to estimate the risk of cardiovascular disease. For this purpose, model inputs are first determined using a validated micro‐simulation model for screening cardiovascular disease developed at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran by GA. The model input factors are then defined accordingly and using these inputs, three risk estimation models are identified. The results of these models support WHO guidelines that provide medicine with a high discount to patients with high expected LYs. To develop the MDP methodology, policies should be adopted that work well despite the difference between the risk model and the actual risk. Finally, a sensitivity analysis is conducted to study the behavior of the total medication cost against the changes of parameters. 相似文献
Simon Sjödin Oskar Hansson Annika Öhrfelt Gunnar Brinkmalm Henrik Zetterberg Ann Brinkmalm Kaj Blennow 《Proteomics. Clinical applications》2017,11(11-12)
1 Purpose
Dysfunctional proteostasis, with decreased protein degradation and an accumulation of ubiquitin into aggregated protein inclusions, is a feature of neurodegenerative diseases. Identifying new potential biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) reflecting this process could contribute important information on pathophysiology.2 Experimental design
A developed method combining SPE and PRM‐MS is employed to monitor the concentration of ubiquitin in CSF from subjects with Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). Four independent cross‐sectional studies are conducted, studies 1–4, including controls (n = 86) and participants with AD (n = 60), PD (n = 15), and PSP (n = 11).3 Results
The method shows a repeatability and intermediate precision not exceeding 6.1 and 7.9%, respectively. The determined LOD is 0.1 nm and the LOQ range between 0.625 and 80 nm . The CSF ubiquitin concentration is 1.2–1.5‐fold higher in AD patients compared with controls in the three independent AD‐control studies (Study 1, p < 0.001; Study 2, p < 0.001; and Study 3, p = 0.003). In the fourth study, there is no difference in PD or PSP, compared to controls.4 Conclusion and clinical relevance
CSF ubiquitin may reflect dysfunctional proteostasis in AD. The described method can be used for further exploration of ubiquitin as a potential biomarker in neurodegenerative diseases. 相似文献12.
Driving may be detrimental to health, with one hypothesis suggesting that driving may elicit an acute stress response and, with repeated exposures, may become a chronic stressor. The present study examined the stress response to driving and the effectiveness of a prior exercise bout in dampening this response. Twenty healthy adults performed three tasks: control, driving and exercise plus driving. Heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV), blood pressure (BP) and cortisol were measured to quantify the acute stress response to each condition. Data indicated a stress response to driving: HR was elevated and HRV was reduced during the driving task compared with control. HR was elevated and HRV was reduced comparing the exercise plus driving with the driving condition. BP and cortisol were not different among conditions. The potential of interventions, such as exercise, to counter daily stressors should be evaluated to safeguard long-term health.
Practitioner Summary: this study confirms that driving induces a stress response, with the exercise intervention providing mixed results (an increase in cardiovascular measures and a decrease in cortisol measure trending significance). Given the known consequences of stress and evidence that exercise can mitigate acute stress, further evaluation of exercise interventions is recommended. 相似文献
Majed Alsanea;Ashit Kumar Dutta; 《Expert Systems》2024,41(7):e13542
Cardiovascular disease (CD) is one of the leading causes of death and disability across the globe. Chest x-rays (CXR) are crucial in detecting chest and CD. The CXR images present helpful information to the radiologist to identify a disease at an earlier stage. Several convolutional neural network (CNN) models for classifying the CXR images have been established. However, there is a demand for significant improvement in CNN models to generalize them in diverse datasets. In addition, healthcare centers require an effective model for identifying CD with limited resources. Therefore, the authors developed a CNN-based CD detector using CXR images. The proposed research employs the You Only Look Once, version 7 technique to extract features and DenseNet-161 for classifying the CXR images into normal and abnormal classes. The authors utilized datasets, including CheXpert and VinDr-CXR, for the performance evaluation. The findings reveal that the proposed study achieves an accuracy and F1-measure of 97.9, 97.47, 96.85, and 97.77 for the CheXpert and VinDr-CXR datasets, respectively. The recommended model required fewer parameters of 5.2 M and less computation time for predicting CD. The study's outcome can assist clinicians in detecting CD at the earliest stage. 相似文献
定量分析和预测有助于降低心血管疾病发病风险。传统预测模型在多分类非线性复杂因素的条件下,预测准确率会降低。采用浅层神经网络的方法,能够解决该问题。然而因浅层神经网络初始参数的随机性,带来了预测结果方差增大的新问题。提出一种基于改进深度信念网络的心血管疾病预测模型,利用重构误差,自主确定网络深度,结合无监督训练和有监督调优,在提高模型预测准确率的同时保证稳定性。对UCI数据库中的Statlog (Heart)和Heart Disease Dataset数据集独立进行30次实验,结果显示预测准确率的均值分别为91.26%、89.78%,预测准确率的方差分别为5.78、4.46。 相似文献
心血管疾病是威胁人类健康的常见疾病,为了能够更加准确地对其预测,本文在传统DNN模型基础上进行优化改进,提出定向正则的深度神经网络(TR-DNN)模型,通过改进原有深度神经网络模型所存在的缺陷,使其能够更好地对心血管疾病数据集进行训练并测试,进一步实现心血管疾病预测任务。实验表明该模型在数据集训练上的表现良好,并且在测试集上取得优秀的结果。最后,将TR-DNN与SVM、RF、XGBoost模型在同一数据集进行结果比较,TR-DNN模型的各项评价指标均优于其它模型,在准确率方面相较传统DNN模型提高1.507个百分点,召回率提高1.57个百分点,特异度提高2.54个百分点,精确率提高1.51个百分点。因此,TR-DNN模型可以应用于心血管疾病的预测。 相似文献
近年来,慢性肾脏病(Chronic Kidney Disease ,CKD)的发病率呈逐年增长趋势,且患者对慢性肾脏病的知晓率非常低,以致病情恶化,错过了治疗最佳时机。论文设计并实现了基于 Asp .net 的慢性肾脏病分期管理系统,从系统设计、系统架构、关键技术及改进、系统运行等方面介绍了实现过程。通过该系统的应用,在临床上能方便医生有效管理患者,并能掌握每个患者疾病的发展情况;同时,能够提高患者对病情的了解,增加患者的知晓率和防治慢性肾脏病的知识。系统对该种疾病的防治有重要的意义。 相似文献
This study aims to evaluate the effect of heart rate variability (HRV) indices on the New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification of patients with congestive heart failure and to test the effectiveness of different machine learning algorithms. Twenty‐nine long‐term RR interval recordings from subjects (aged 34 to 79) with congestive heart failure (NYHA classes I, II, and III) in MIT‐BIH Database were studied. We firstly removed the unreasonable RR intervals and segment the RR recordings with a 300‐RR interval length window. Then the multiple HRV indexes were calculated for each RR segment. Support vector machine (SVM) and classification and regression tree (CART) methods were then separately used to distinguish patients with different NYHA classes based on the selected HRV indices. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was finally employed as the evaluation indicator to compare the performance of the two classifiers. The SVM classifier achieved accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of 84.0%, 71.2%, and 83.4%, respectively, whereas the CART classifier achieved 81.4%, 66.5%, and 81.6%, respectively. The area under the curve of receiver operating characteristic for the two classifiers was 86.4% and 84.7%, respectively. It is possible for accurately classifying the NYHA functional classes I, II, and III when using the combination of HRV indices and machine learning algorithms. The SVM classifier performed better in classification than the CART classifier using the same HRV indices. 相似文献
Stefanie K. Schwab;Peter S. Harris;Cole Michel;Courtney D. McGinnis;Rooban B. Nahomi;Mohammed A. Assiri;Richard Reisdorph;Kammi Henriksen;David J. Orlicky;Moshe Levi;Avi Rosenberg;Ram H. Nagaraj;Kristofer S. Fritz; 《Proteomics. Clinical applications》2024,18(6):e202400018
Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is a serious complication of diabetes mellitus and a leading cause of chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease. One potential mechanism underlying cellular dysfunction contributing to kidney disease is aberrant protein post-translational modifications. Lysine acetylation is associated with cellular metabolic flux and is thought to be altered in patients with diabetes and dysfunctional renal metabolism. 相似文献