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The analysis and formation of acrylamide in French fries and chicken legs during frying were studied. Results showed that the most appropriate extraction solvent was ethyl acetate, with C‐18 cartridge for purification and 5‐mL deionized water as elution solvent. Dibromination of acrylamide followed by dehydrobromination to 2‐bromopropionamide in the presence of triethylamine was necessary for subsequent analysis by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The most appropriate temperature programming condition was as follows: 70C in the beginning, raised to 150C at a rate of 10C/min, maintained for 1 min and to 240C at a rate of 30C/min, maintained for 5 min. Detection was carried out using selected‐ion monitoring mode, and N,N‐dimethylacrylamide was used as internal standard for quantification. French fries and the outer flour portion of chicken legs fried at 180C generated a higher level of acrylamide than at 160C. Compared to soybean oil and palm oil, a lower amount of acrylamide was produced in French fries and the outer flour portion of chicken legs fried in lard. However, no acrylamide was detected in the inner meat portion of fried chicken legs.  相似文献   

SUMMARY– A recently introduced variety of safflower, UC-1, produces an oil in which oleic:linoleic acid ratios of ordinary safflower oil are reversed, giving an oil with iodine value 90. This oil was compared with cottonseed oil and hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVD) for frying potato chips. After accelerated storage at ambient temperature under fluorescent light, the quality of chips fried in oleic safflower oil was ranked equal to that of chips fried in hydrogenated oil, Chips fried in either oil were more stable than those fried in cottonseed oil. Effect of propyl gallate antioxidant was negligible.  相似文献   

Dehydrated potato chips were fried in pure coconut and groundnut oils and their blends in order to study the pattern of uptake of oil constituents during frying. Investigations on the analysis of the oil and fatty acid composition in the fried product and the oil remaining in the frying pan suggested a preferential uptake of saturated lipid constituents by the potato chips, while the oil remaining in the frying pan was rich in unsaturated constituents. This effect was accentuated in blended oils, although it was also observed in pure oils.  相似文献   

The effect of ohmic pretreatment on the oil uptake of potato slices during frying and subsequent cooling was investigated. The treated potato slices were heated by either directly sandwiching the slices between two electrodes or by heating them in a 0.11% salt solution. The treatment was carried out using an alternating current field of 35.5 V/cm. Results of this study indicate that oil uptake during frying and subsequent cooling of potato slices was decreased by the ohmic pretreatment without involving a liquid medium (direct sandwiching). However, when the ohmic pretreatment was carried out in a liquid medium, the effect was not evident. This might be due to water absorption during the treatment, which increased initial moisture content as well as porosity of the treated samples.  相似文献   

The rate of color and texture development in partially fried before freezing potato cylinders processed by deep fat frying, microwaving and baking was determined. The effect of 0, 1, 3 or 5% wt/wt solution containing 30% liquid smoke was measured at intervals during thermal processing and the reaction order and rate determined. Also, five different wood and dextrose‐derived browning agents were compared at 1% wt/wt addition. The processing method had a significant effect on the reaction rates of color and texture development during processing. Microwaving was faster than frying, which was faster than baking. The addition of liquid smoke led to a significant increase in the rate of color production but had no statistically significant effect on texture. The addition of 1% liquid smoke increased the reaction rate by adding carbonyls, which limit the reaction rate in potatoes. Higher levels of liquid smoke did not change the reaction rate because the carbonyls were no longer limiting the reaction. The processing method and the addition of the browning agent had no effect on the reaction order which remained a pseudo zero‐order reaction. Thus, liquid smoke could be used to reduce processing times, potentially saving money and decreasing acrylamide formation.  相似文献   

The antioxidative properties of ascorbyl palmitate (AP) alone and in combination with other known antioxidants were investigated during deep fat frying of potato chips in peanut oil. Their effect on the quality of the frying oil and shelf-life of the fried product were studied. The other antioxidants tested were butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and propyl gallate (PG). The characteristics evaluated for the frying oil were color development, viscosity, peroxide value (PV) and polymerization of the oil during deep fat frying; AP was found to reduce these values. It also helped to prevent the degradation of the oil by retaining the unaltered triacylglycerols during the frying period. Addition of AP to the frying oil reduced the PV of the extracted fat, doubled the shelf-life of the fried product and improved the quality of frying oil with increase in frying time. However, AP did not show any synergistic effect with other antioxidants examined.  相似文献   

The effect of superheated steam temperature (115, 130, and 145C) and convective heat transfer coefficient (100 and 160 W/m2C) on the drying rate and product quality attributes (shrinkage, density, porosity, color, texture, and nutrition loss) of potato chips was investigated. Furthermore, potato chips dried by impinging superheated steam (130 and 145C, h = 100 W/m2C) were compared to air dried (same conditions), commercial, and fried potato chips. Temperature and convective heat transfer coefficient had a significant effect on the drying rate during superheated steam impingement drying. Potato chips dried at higher drying temperature and convective heat transfer coefficient showed less shrinkage, lower bulk density, higher porosity, and darker color when compared to chips dried at lower temperatures and convective heat transfer coefficients. They were also less hard and had a lower vitamin C content. A higher rate of evaporation during the falling rate period was obtained when superheated steam drying was compared to air impingement drying. Potato chips produced using superheated steam impingement drying showed more shrinkage, higher bulk density, lower porosity, and lighter color than chips dried with air under the same temperature and with the same convective heat transfer coefficient (130, and 145C, h = 100 W/m2C). Moreover, superheated steam‐dried potato chips retained more vitamin C during the drying process.  相似文献   

Resistant starch (RS) was determined in patties (5.1 cm diameter, 1.27 cm high) prepared by mixing starch (corn, rice, wheat, or potato) in distilled water and immersion fried in canola oil (at 170 ± 3C). The RS content (expressed as % of total starch) in corn starch increased from 4.25 to 5.43% (±0.11) in the core region of a patty, whereas in the outer crust region the RS level was constant throughout the frying process. Similar trend was observed in potato, rice, and wheat starch patties. Upon varying the amylose content in the corn starch from 21 to 70%, the initial RS content (prior to frying) increased from 3.47 to 22.74 (±0.11%), following a linear relationship. Maximum force (MF) to puncture the crust of each starch patty was determined for frying duration of 3 to 15 min. Patties exhibiting higher RS content prior to frying, developed crusts with higher MF to puncture the crust, exhibiting a linear relationship between those two variables.  相似文献   

The effect of microwave finish drying of potato chips on their texture, color and oil content was studied. The intermediate moisture content (IMC) of the chips before microwave application and the reducing sugar content of the raw potatoes were the primary variables. The slices were individually submerged in oil at 320° F to various IMC and finish dried with 2500 watts microwave power for 1–3 min. Chip color was rated against PC11 Color Standards. Texture was evaluated subjectively by a panel and objectively by the L.E.E. Kramer Shear Press. Oil determination was made by Soxhlet extraction. The results showed that potato chips removed from the oil at IMC above 13% were unacceptably tough after microwave drying. Potatoes containing more than 0.9% reducing sugar had to be removed from the oil at IMC above 13% in order to obtain acceptable color of the microwave-finished product. Therefore, microwave finishing raises the limiting reducing sugar content from about 0.4 to about 0.9%. Oil content of microwave-finished chips was 90% that of conventional controls  相似文献   

The instrumental and sensory analysis of the texture and color of commercial potato chips were compared. The instrumental measurement was a puncture test with an Intron Universal Testing Machine, and the parameters used were fracture force, deformation and stiffness. The instrumental color quantification was a computerized video image analysis technique, and the color was expressed as L*a*b* values. Sensory evaluation of texture and color was performed by a sensory panel especially trained in evaluating potato chips. The sensory attributes were "hardness", "chewiness", "crunchiness", and "tenderness" for texture analysis, and "yellow color", "burnt aspect", "sugar colored aspect" and "transparency" for color analysis. The factor analysis of the sensory attributes indicated that texture can be divided into two principal components, one represented by "hardness", "crunchiness" and "chewiness", and the other by "tenderness" alone. The factor analysis of the color can be divided into two principal components, one including "yellow color" and "burnt aspect", and the other "sugar colored aspect" and "transparency". Discriminant analysis showed that "tenderness" and "crunchiness" could predict correctly over 90% of the data. Fracture force correlated well with all of the sensory attributes (R2 > 0.76), and L* with the sensory color attributes (R2 > 0.79). The "Tenderness" was the individual sensory attribute which had the highest correlation (R2= 0.95) with fracture force.  相似文献   

The heating and water loss of a single tortilla chip during deep fat frying was investigated experimentally and the data were analyzed by writing two heat and mass transfer balances. the equations were solved using explicit finite difference technique. Oil uptake as a function of frying time was described by a first order exponential equation. the empirical and theoretical heat and mass transfer agreed well.
The effect of oil temperature on the moisture loss and oil uptake as a function of frying time was analyzed. Moisture loss rate increased as temperature increased. the effects of temperature on oil uptake were not significant during the first 15 s of frying, however, the final oil content was higher for the tortilla chip fried at 190C than at 150C for 60 s.  相似文献   

Douchiba (DCB), a Chinese traditional soy‐fermented appetizer, is abundantly produced and widely consumed in Guizhou province of southwest China. In this study, an analysis of free amino acid (FAA) profiles, low‐molecular weight peptide fractions (LMWPFs), hydrophobic bitter peptide fractions (HBPFs) and volatile compounds was conducted to understand the changes in taste and odor compounds of DCB during five consecutive manufacturing stages: steamed soybean (SS), 5‐day incubated Koji (Koji), 6‐month fermented Douchi, semifinished Douchiba (sm‐DCB) and 6‐month ripened finished Douchiba (DCB). The total free amino acids (TFAAs) increased significantly from SS to DCB by about 11 times and amounted to 20.1% of the crude protein. Arg, Glu, Phe, Leu and Lys were the most abundant FAA at the end of ripening, and were 64.6% of TFAA. The most abundant taste active FAA classes were the bitter FAA, representing eight‐ and threefold increases over sweet and MSG‐like FAA, respectively. The final values of all bitter and monosodium glutamate‐like (MSG‐like) FAA at DCB stage were significantly higher than their respective thresholds. The ratio of oligopeptides (500~1000 Da) accounted for 13.8 and 2.5% of LMWPF and HBPF, respectively. However, the taste of DCB was predominated by saltiness, followed by moderate “umami” taste and slight bitterness, likely as a result of the balance and interaction among different taste components. A total of 122 volatile compounds were identified, including alcohols, acids, esters, aldehydes, ketones, phenols, sulfur‐containing compounds, heterocyclic compounds, alkines, benzenes and spice aromatics. The subtle aroma of the finished DCB seemed to depend not only on particular key compounds but also on a “critical balance” or a “weighted concentration ratio” of 60 compounds. These volatile compounds, mainly derived from lipid oxidation, amino acid degradation, carbohydrate fermentation, Maillard reaction and Strecker degradation during the microbial metabolism, enzymatic catalysis and spontaneous reactions.  相似文献   

Rapeseed oil and a mixture of rapeseed oil with palmolein containing silicone oil were used for preparation of french fries. The intermittent frying was continued for 5 days in a household fryer with replenishment of used oil. The decomposition of polyunsaturated triacylglycerols, formation of polar substances, polymers, colored products and conjugated dienes, but also of several sensory attributes, correlated with frying time. Polymers, dienes and coloration were closely intercorrelated and correlated with sensory characteristics of oil and fries, particularly when multiple regression was applied for prediction. Rosemary extracts inhibited the formation of polar substances, polymers and decomposition of polyunsaturated triacylglycerols, especially in the case of rapeseed oil and improved the sensory attributes of french fries.  相似文献   

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