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A theoretical comparison of various low and high order multipliers for 200 GHz and 1 THz has been carried out. Novel diodes including single barrier varactors, barrier-intrinsic-n+ diodes and high electron mobility varactors are shown to have excellent theoretical performance, comparable or better than the conventional Schottky varactors for single and double diode frequency multipliers at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths, whereas quantum well diodes, since they suffer from high resistive losses, are shown to be less attractive. In comparison to the conventional Schottky varactor, these new diodes have some potential advantages in their characteristics such as nonlinearity or a special symmetry. For future optimization some general comments on these advantages as well as other factors affecting multiplication is given.  相似文献   

The scant two-decade existence of radar astronomy has seen important contributions by this new technique to positional astronomy, to the metrics of the solar system, and to the study of lunar and planetary surfaces. The role of millimeter wavelengths in this new astronomy is discussed and the problems unique to these short wavelengths defined. Brief mention is made of the importance of correlation of active and passive measurements and important new millimeter wave component requirements are listed. The implementation of an eight-millimeter radar capable of detecting the moon is described. At the eight-millimeter wavelength, the moon is found to be generally rough and has a radar cross section of about seven percent of its projected geometrical area. Methods of improving these measurements and their feasibility are outlined. Future equipment configurations capable of extending millimeter wave measurements can be implemented, given critical component development success.  相似文献   

A broadband, low noise heterodyne receiver, suitable for astronomical use, has been built using a Pb alloy superconducting tunnel junction (SIS). The RF coupling is quasioptical via a bowtie antenna on a quartz lens and is accomplished without any tuning elements. In this preliminary version the double sideband receiver noise temperature rises from 205 K at 116 GHz to 375 K at 349 Ghz, and to 815 K at 466 GHz. This is the most versatile and sensitive receiver yet reported for sub-mm wavelengths.  相似文献   

Computer generated Fourier transform phase holograms, known as kinoforms, have been synthesized, manufactured and their performance evaluated at a wavelength of 3 mm (100 GHz). The kinoforms were synthesized to give a prescribed far-field intensity distribution and manufactured by milling the computed kinoform surface relief into a Teflon plate, using a numerically controlled milling machine. The measured diffraction efficiencies exceed 50 percent. Millimeter-wave kinoforms can be used in various quasi-optical applications,e.g. distributing a local oscillator signal to an array of detector elements in heterodyne receivers.  相似文献   

Variable polarization compensation has been demonstrated at 100 GHz. The device consists of two interlocking V-groove artificial dielectric gratings that produce a birefringence that varies with the separation distance. A maximum retardance of 74/spl deg/ has been obtained experimentally in a silicon device, in good agreement with rigorous coupled-wave computer simulations. Further simulations predict that adding quarter wave dielectric antireflection (AR) coatings to the outer surfaces of the device can reduce the insertion loss to below 4 dB. The use of rectangular grooved gratings provides increased retardance and reduced loss. It is predicted that a coupled device with rectangular grooved gratings will be capable of maximum retardance in excess of 180/spl deg/, with low insertion loss (<0.6 dB). The sensitivity of the wave retardation as a function of mechanical separation has a peak value of 485/spl deg//mm. The design and micromachining fabrication techniques scale for operation at submillimeter wavelengths.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a metal mesh evanescent wave coupler that makes use of evanescent wave coupling between a metal mesh and a dielectric plate, as a quasi-optical component for millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. The transmission properties of this type of couplers have been investigated experimentally and theoretically for both capacitive and inductive metal meshes in the frequency range from 40 GHz to 60 GHz. The transmittance of a capacitive metal mesh evanescent wave coupler can be adjusted more than 70% by changing the spacing between the capacitive mesh and the silicon plate less than 0.15 mm at around 57 GHz.  相似文献   

Several new types of coupling structures, designed to extract energy from a megavolt electron beam at a harmonic of the frequency used to modulate the beam current, are considered. In particular, the advantages of a slow-wave device over a right cylindrical cavity are indicated. The slow-wave coupling device may be resonant or nonresonant; the latter corresponds to a Cerenkov radiator. Power measurements at the twelfth harmonic of the fundamental modulating frequency provide good correlation with the theoretical power output expected. The design of a submillimeter coupling device is described, and the theoretical pulsed power obtainable is shown to be at the milliwatt level for a harmonic current density of 74 ma/cm2.  相似文献   

An improvement on the dual-mode horn for Gaussian mode generation has been developed. Previous designs have used a sudden transition or linear taper to generate the required TE/sub 11/ and TM/sub 11/ mode mixture. In the improved design presented here, an optimized nonlinear taper is used to generate multimodes, which have a fundamental Gaussian mode power fraction of 99% that exceeds that of the corrugated horn (98%). The bandwidth and return loss are both improved over other dual-mode horn designs.  相似文献   

A machining procedure based on an elementary concept has been applied successfully to produce metal mirrors suitable for submillimeter wavelengths. Ninety-degree off-axis paraboloidal or ellipsoidal mirror sections may be cut from brass or aluminum by means of a series of predetermined increments on a conventional laboratory lathe. Paraboloidal mirrors with low f-numbers (f/2) made by this technique have been used with good results as part of the collecting optics of a submillimeter-wave heterodyne radiometer.  相似文献   

A review is given of different types of quarter wave plates as presently used in the optical and microwave spectral range, with a view to their application in the sub-mm wave-length range. Two types of quarter wave plates have been constructed and results of measurements at 640μm are given.  相似文献   

We describe a cryogenic blackbody reference, or cold load for millimeter wavelength radiation. This blackbody has an emissivity ε γ 0.99 over a two octave wavelength range. We use it as a standard when calibrating sensitive infrared photometers. The particular geometry of the blackbody described is influenced by our application. The basic design data and philosophy are described so that other designs can be evaluated.  相似文献   

Radiometer measurements show that the human body emits thermal signals at millimeter wavelengths which can produce a thermographic image potentially useful for detection of "hot spots." The spatial resolution which can be obtained at a frequency of 45 GHz is in the order of 1.3 cm, and the temperature resolution is 0.1 K.  相似文献   

Superconducting detectors will play an increasingly significant role in astrophysics, especially at millimeter through far-IR wavelengths, where the scientific opportunities include key problems in astronomy and cosmology. Superconducting detectors offer many benefits: outstanding sensitivity, lithographic fabrication, and large array sizes, especially through the recent development of multiplexing techniques. This paper describes the scientific opportunities, the basic physics of these devices, the techniques for radiation coupling, and reviews the recent progress in direct detectors, such as transition-edge bolometers, and the work on tunnel junction (superconductor-insulator-superconductor) and hot-electron mixers.  相似文献   

Main features of the development of quasi-optical ferrite devices, using Faraday effect, are considered. Properties of a polarizing divider and a ferrite rotator of a polarization plane are analysed with standpoint of minimum losses. A matching method, based on an utilization of the rotator element in a form of the multilayers ferrite structure, which can be adjusted independently for right-handed and left-handed cyrcularly polarized waves, is suggested. It is shown, that this method allows to obtain a total matching in a quasi-optical transmission line. Results of an investigation of quasi-optical ferrite devices for the oversized round waveguide withH 11 mode are presented.  相似文献   

Circular groove guide for short millimeter and submillimeter waves   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
A new type of groove guide, circular groove guide, has been designed for use as a low losses, high power handling, low dispersion and single mode transmission medium in the short millimetric and submillimetric waves ranges. The characteristic equations of TE modes and TM modes have been developed and the propagation characteristics of the fundamental mode have been discussed. Experimental measurements are in good agreement with theoretical results  相似文献   

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